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[mod] Tangled Oak Isle



  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Love this mod! It quickly became one of my favorite of all-time! This mod is sooo greatly implemented into the original game, that you should be simply on the Beamdog payroll :smile:

    I have two questions tho:
    - I use version 0.9 and in this version the Maw-Slasher +2 doesn't do what it should = kill Mind Flyers (and other creatures) instantly.
    - I finished the main quest with the ancient Oak and I still have item the Tainted liquid - is it usable to upgrade some items at Cromwells forge with it or is it unusable?
    Thank you.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    edited August 2020
    @Caszidy - thank you! That's very kind of you!
    I use version 0.9 and in this version the Maw-Slasher +2 doesn't do what it should = kill Mind Flyers (and other creatures) instantly.
    Hmm, I may need to take a look at this item.
    I still have item the Tainted liquid
    Yes, there is something you may do with it. Visit the most reconized merchant in Athkatla! ;)

    Cheers! :)
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    I still have item the Tainted liquid
    Yes, there is something you may do with it. Visit the most reconized merchant in Athkatla! ;)

    Cheers! :)

    Well it looks like something doesn't work properly, because if "the most recognized merchant in Athkatla" should be Ribald and his Adventurous market, than nothing happened. No special dialog option from him nor any other NPCs in his market.
    (note: I am still on v0.9)
    I also visit almost every other merchant in Athkatla, but with the same result.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Yep, Ribald. I will take a look at it once I'm working on the new version.

    If you want to know what the item exactly is...
    it's an old silver dragon blood - the idea is to purify it and have the human skin armor before the Underdark - it's not THAT powerful and you need to pay quite some gold anyway.

    Anyway, will look into that matter. But I may need some time to do that.

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Version 2.0 is up! :) What's new:
    -Text improvements for all the dialogue lines and descriptions
    -Fixed tainted liquid talk
    -Moomik journal entries fix
    -French translation by deratiseur
    -Chinise translation update
    -Russian translation update
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Quick question. The map icon for the island is surrounded in black as though there was an alpha problem. It's not a major issue, as the icon works, it just looks a bit odd to have a large black border around it.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Weird. What game do you use - BG2, BG2EE, EET? I never had such a problem.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    BG2EE on Android. It is version

    Specifically (looking at it now), it is a black rectangle with your island in the middle covering the painting of the sea. Looking more closely, I see a thin line of black around the other map icons, but the shape follows the icon, rather than being a discernible rectangle.

    Other mod-added areas aren't doing that, including your other mods. Innershade's icon is showing up normally, for example.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    Ok, just got to the island itself. As usual, it is beautifully done, and fits in with the rest of the landscape perfectly. I have only talked with the first guy on the bridge so far, but I'm already impressed.

    I do have a couple of questions/notes:
    In the line Crow Trommoc says when queried about work, he says: "Well... There is a sensitive matter you could help us with. Go and talk to Finn. You'll find him next near the treat itself." Did you mean to have both next and near?

    When Oola says "No matter how bitter it makes me admit that", it seems like you need a "to" in there. ("No matter how bitter it makes me _to_ admit that")

    When Jaalv/(other char) talks about how he was followed by a woman, I think you need *was* instead of *is*, as it would be past tense - "She thought that Jaalv was is doing something... dark"

    Later, in that same series of dialog, the (other char) says "I even found a way to place I could become one with the silence, but.. the dream won't come". It seems like it could use a few more words - "I even found a way to
    a place where I could become one with the silence, but.. the dream won't come"

    Kamma and the golem- "You see, I... was were fooling around with my friends. We were making fun in and the golem workshop *and* one of them started."

    Golden-haired man - "Wait. Why *am* I telling you my name?!" (missing 'am')

    Suggestions aside, I'm loving this mod so far. Great work!
    Post edited by Maurvir on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I have no idea why such thing happens on Android :( Sorry, I don't even know how people install mods on Android so I won't be of much help. Luckily, this bug isn't critical and shouldn't cause any problems.

    Thanks for the report!
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I can try to look into it myself, but I don't know how the map icons work yet. If you could give me a pointer or two as to where to look, I can see if I note anything.

    That said, please know that I thoroughly enjoyed Tangle Oak Isle. It was fantastically well done, and quite the surprise. I was expecting something more along the lines of Innershade, but was pleasantly surprised. I'm definitely going to include it in my default mods for BG2.

    I was particularly impressed with how you integrated the isle into Athkatla with the bridge. It really did feel like you were "leaving the city" and entering the village. The art style flows so well that you wouldn't notice anything out of place had you not just installed it yourself. So please take my above comments as the constructive criticism I intended.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    To be honest, I simply use the code K4thos / Swit provided regarding the map icons. There are two sets of those: for BG2 and BG2EE in the directory called "Worldmap" inside the mod. In the very same directory, there are also codes that add them. And I have no clue where such an investigation could start...

    As for the story: I wanted to make it different. I wanted to scatter parts of the story across the new areas, mix them with stories told by different people and turn PC into someone to find all the pieces and put them together. Plus, I was a bit tired with the idea of a fight at the very end so... here, the quest can be solved differently: by simply finding out what happened and help everyone find peace.

    Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you had so much fun :)
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I *love* the book club, btw. That has to be the most original quest idea I've seen yet. Even if it doesn't really reward the party with anything, that is awesome.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Who says there is no reward ;) The quest continues in Chapter 6 so you can permanently stop the evil that harmed people you like!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What about rewarding the Book Club quest with... books? (Scrolls are lesser books.)

    (I LOLed as I wrote this.)
  • MornagestMornagest Member Posts: 15
    ArthasII wrote: »
    casted true sight, remove magic, dispel magic, fireball, oracle in the cave but nothing at all worked. Also used detect illusion of Jan. What am I supposed to do?

    Hello Lava, I'm afraid I encounter the same problem. I spammed the cave with many fireballs here and there, but nothing happened. I started a brand new game after the install so I suppose it is not linked with the fact that I didn't updated my saved games during the install.

    Here's my WeiDU.log just in case:
    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~CORRECFRBG2/CORRECFRBG2.TP2~ #0 #0 // Correction des fautes mineures pour Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn: 1.4 (2017-08-26)
    ~CORRECFRBG2/CORRECFRBG2.TP2~ #0 #1 // Correction des fautes mineures pour Baldur's Gate II - Throne of Bhaal: 1.4 (2017-08-26)
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #100 // TobEx - Base: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #101 // Appliquer un jet de concentration en cas de degats [Travail en cours]: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #102 // Reveiller en cas de degats: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #103 // Cecite telle que dans la description du sort: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #105 // Pas d'interruption de sort pour zero degat: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #106 // Utiliser le niveau du jeteur de sorts pour Image miroir [C]: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #107 // Permettre le jumelage a toutes les races: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #108 // Permettre de changer d'armure en cours de combat: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #109 // Desactiver le surcroit d'experience: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #110 // Desactiver la mise en pause automatique dans l'inventaire: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #111 // Desactiver le silence en cas de Charme: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #113 // Rester cache en cas de succes du vol a la tire [C]: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #114 // Une attaque lors du repos fait avancer le temps: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #115 // Sous-titres des dialogues de salutation: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #118 // Sous-titres pour les ensembles de sons d'origine: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #119 // Supprimer toutes les restrictions de classe pour les races: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #120 // Faire tomber l'inventaire au sol en cas de desintegration: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #121 // Faire tomber l'inventaire au sol en cas de mort due au froid: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #122 // Faire tomber l'inventaire au sol en cas de petrification: Beta 0025
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #2 #124 // Restreindre les animations d'attaque aux veritables attaques: Beta 0025
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #0 // BG2 Fixpack - Correctifs principaux: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #100 // Gain d'experience si on envoie Keldorn se reconcilier avec Maria: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #101 // Animations des sorts amelioree: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #103 // Correction des dagues a usage mixte: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #104 // Correction des symboles divin (par Ghreyfain): v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #106 // Penalite d'attaque des Geants contre les Petites-personnes, les Nains et les Gnomes: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #107 // Retire la restriction de jumelage des Archers et des Traqueurs: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #108 // Retire le deuxieme attribut bonus pour le chemin Mauvais a l'epreuve de la Colere en Enfer: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #111 // Correction de la chanson du barde: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #112 // Les tueurs de magiciens provoquent un fourvoiement magique sur les attaques a distance: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #113 // Correctifs additionnels pour les alignements: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #114 // "Action libre" protege aussi contre l'etourdissement: v13
    ~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #115 // Les pattes provenant d'une metamorphose ne peuvent pas etre dissipees: v13
    ~FOUNDLING/FOUNDLING.TP2~ #0 #0 // Foundling: Between the Shades -> Yes, but don't patch the existing save games: 5.1
    ~INNERSHADE/SETUP-INNERSHADE.TP2~ #1 #0 // Couleurs de l'Infini : Innershade -> Oui, mais sans corriger les sauvegardes de jeu existantes: 10.4
    ~ISNF/ISNF.TP2~ #2 #0 // Couleurs de l'Infini : I Shall Never Forget (Je N'Oublierai Jamais): 5.8
    ~WHITEQUEEN/WHITEQUEEN.TP2~ #4 #0 // Couleurs de l'Infini - La Reine Blanche -> Oui, mais sans corriger les sauvegardes de jeu existantes: 6.8
    ~YVETTE/SETUP-YVETTE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Yvette Romance - BG2 Romance Character: 4.1
    ~YVETTE/SETUP-YVETTE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Yvette Romance - alternative class (Pure Heartwarder): 4.1
    ~YVETTE/SETUP-YVETTE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Yvette Romance - alternative portrait based on MichelO's art.: 4.1
    ~TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #2 #0 // Couleurs de l'Infini : Contes des Jardins Profonds -> Oui, mais sans corriger les sauvegardes de jeu existantes: 12.5
    ~OOZE/OOZE.TP2~ #4 #0 // Le Salon des vases : une nouvelle zone sous les bas quartiers d'Athkatla: 2.7
    ~TANGLEDISLE/TANGLEDISLE.TP2~ #3 #0 // L'ile du Chene Enchevetre : une nouvelle zone d'Athkatla -> Oui , mais ne pas patcher les sauvegardes existantes: 2.01
    ~SOUTHERNEDGE/SOUTHERNEDGE.TP2~ #4 #0 // Bord Sud : le nouveau quartier d'Athkatla -> Oui, mais sans corriger les sauvegardes de jeu existantes: 3.10
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1010 // Davantage d'interjections: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1150 // Reequilibrage du metamorphe: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1180 // Portrait feminin pour Edwina: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1220 // Permettre a Cromwell d'ameliorer les objets de la Tour de Garde: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1226 // Ajuster le temps de forgeage de Cromwell -> Huit heures: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1230 // Permettre a Cespenar d'utiliser les recettes de Cromwell: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2060 // Styles de combat pour toutes les classes: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2170 // Lancement des sorts depuis les parchemins (et autres objets) au niveau du personnage: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2200 // Grande maitrise pour les multi-classes (Weimer): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2210 // Modifier les bonus de grande maitrise -> Veritable grande maitrise (Baldurdash): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2520 // Permettre aux mages d'utiliser une targe et les voleurs d'utiliser une rondache (Angel): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2540 // Accelerer les quetes de forteresse du chateau d'Arnise: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3000 // Davantage de points de vie a la montee de niveau -> Maximum: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3012 // Points de vie maximum pour les PNJs (the bigg) -> Pour les PNJs recrutables uniquement: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3050 // Retirer l'effet de fatigue des sorts de restauration: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3125 // Rendre heureux les personnages neutres lorsque la reputation est moyenne: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3170 // Pas d'avatar Elfe Noir sur le groupe en Ombre-Terre: v9
    ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ #1 #1 // Archivage generalise au format bif -> Archiver tous les fichiers (recommande par les createurs du Big World Project): v2.4

    By the way, this mod is awesome! I like the pacific way it turns, and for the moment, the isle is really interesting :smile:

    Thank you !!
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    I ran into that as well, and it seems to have resulted from my failing to talk to Mr. Dog before entering the cavern. I replayed from a save, made sure the party got the line thanking the dog for his effort, and it worked.

    The trigger for that event is likely tied to the dialog, but it should probably fire when the party enters the cavern after that sequence. Either that, or have the dog initiate a conversation - weird as that might seem.

    Maybe a "Woof woof (Mr. Dog has his noise pointed towards the entrance to the cavern)" or something similar?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I suppose you need to make sure to talk to the dog and get the information on the passage from Finn. I don't have any clue what can cause problems in some games, I played the quest myself a couple of times and couldn't reproduce the problem. Perhaps more clues will come with time.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    The quest worked flawlessly the first time, but I ended up replaying from a save due to an unsatisfactory handling of something later. Since I "knew" how it went, I did things a bit differently.
    First, I had Imoen follow Mr. Dog by herself, while the PC was still in the temple with the rest of the party. I have noticed that this routinely breaks certain mod-added quests, and I really need to break that habit. Second, she didn't speak to the dog before trying to enter the cavern. I'm not sure which caused the breakage.

    On the third run, which worked, I had the entire party follow the Mr. Dog AND speak to him at the cavern entrance.

    If it was the fact that the PC wasn't present, you might consider making the door in and out of the temple a "party required" door.
  • MornagestMornagest Member Posts: 15
    Well, I followed Mr. Dog and thanked him when he brought me at the cavern so... but maybe I did something wrong and something didn't trigger.

    Are there variables to check for this part, maybe ?

    Sorry for the disturbance...
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    If you thanks Mr. Dog and got into the cavern, then after having a walk inside (better check all corners), the information should pop out that nothing's there. Then you should go and talk to Finn about this and he should tell you about the passage and how to deal with it.

    Check L#NIMainQuest variable and tell me its value if you did everything exactly as I described it.
  • MornagestMornagest Member Posts: 15
    The variable is at 23. I talked with Finn after visiting the empty cavern, then I tried True Sight, detect traps with Jan and so on, then I saw this thread and also tried the fireball-spamming but that doesn't do anything.

    Thank you for your help and patience, Lava ! :smile:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    And L#NIItsThere? It looks as if the creature did not activate. If it's not 0, then set it to 0 when everyone is there, in the cave. Then, try shooting fireball right into the boulder in the eastern part of the cave. If that doesn't work, then make sure the middle of your screen is near that boulder and then use the console to summon creature "L#NISCR" and then try the spells again.

    Spells that should work:

    There are also checks for:
  • MornagestMornagest Member Posts: 15
    OK so L#NIItsThere was at 1, I set it to 0 then load the game with all my party in the cave. Surprisingly, nothing changed: Jan was using True Sight and... nothing. So I summoned the creature with the console, and still the True Sight didn't work!

    I tried sending a fireball with a fire wand and that worked: the illusion took some damages and the door opened.

    This is odd. Bur that works for me, now. I still don't know why the normal way was buggy for me.

    Thank you again Lava for your quick and efficient help ! I'm gonna continue your mod :smile:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Well, I'm glad it worked! I kinda hope you will enjoy the rest of the mod :)
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2020
    I've thoroughly enjoyed this mod - but as usual I may need a hint or two (or possibly four!)
    Can you do anything with the Silver Dragon blood that isn't being evil and upgrading nasty evil flesh armor?

    Does the gold haired man dp anything, or is he just flavour?

    Does the antisocial nobleman do anything, or is just flavour?

    How the hell do I get rid of the smells?

    Where is the Maw-Slasher +2 mentioned by Caszidy?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Nope, that's just a new way of getting the blood, there is no new recipe.

    Gold Haired man is just there to talk. No quests or anything from him. I always include few characters to talk to, people that have no quests but offer info on the area or tell people some stories.

    Antisocial nobleman actually can help, yes. There is a way to get an unusual sphere and he may activate it. If you manage to find a weird cosmic sphere, visit him.

    Hmm, wasn't there a spell for that? ;)

    Uhm... I... think it's avaiable at the store? Or was it the sword you get at the end? Sorry I can't check right now, I'm writing on my phone
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Maw Slasher is indeed in a store.

    Wait, the nobleman DOES do something? Where is this
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    It's part of the Book Club quest. You need both orb and necklace to be teleported from the weird plane, but the orb isn't only a teleporting item. It can be later recognized by the noble and he can "activate" its true power.
    Yes, I included some less obvious things in the mod so people could discover them ;)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I wasn't even aware that quest had a reward. Knowing you, I thought it was for flavor!

    Doesn't help that my computer hard locked 3 times in a row trying to turn in the first book. Not the mods fault, windows update messed up something in my computer. Again.
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