[mod] Tangled Oak Isle

in BGII:EE Mods
After quite some time, Tangled Oak Isle is here.
The beta version of Tangled Oak Isle is now available. Version 0.9 includes full content, further version will only include tech-oriented improvements.
Once an independent village located on an Isle, the Tangled Oak Isle became the part of Athkatla. As the city grew bigger and bigger, it swallowed the isle, which now can be accessed not only by boats, but also by a bridge. While Isle is by law part of the City of Coin, it kept its identity, mostly because of the isle's villagers and the symbol that unite them: the Tangled Oak that grows between houses on the isle. Also the Cowled Wizards don't seem to be much interested in what was once called Tangled Oak Village and consider those that live there quite insignificant to Athkatla as a while, that means the islanders are on their own when it comes to solving problems and a serious one has just threatened that quiet place. Will you, the Hero of Baldur's Gate, help in restoring the isle's peace?
The Tangled Oak Isle is part of Athkatlan Grounds mod series.
Screen Shot:

You can download the mod at Weasel Mods:
Download link
Forum Link
Thanks to everyone that helped! That includes @Brokenkatana @Gwendolyne and people who perhaps weren't included in the process of creating the mod, but supported me in all kind of other ways: CamDawg, Lauriel, jastey, AionZ... and many others. Thanks to all those I mentioned, all those that supported me for all those years and all the fans and game devs.
The beta version of Tangled Oak Isle is now available. Version 0.9 includes full content, further version will only include tech-oriented improvements.
Once an independent village located on an Isle, the Tangled Oak Isle became the part of Athkatla. As the city grew bigger and bigger, it swallowed the isle, which now can be accessed not only by boats, but also by a bridge. While Isle is by law part of the City of Coin, it kept its identity, mostly because of the isle's villagers and the symbol that unite them: the Tangled Oak that grows between houses on the isle. Also the Cowled Wizards don't seem to be much interested in what was once called Tangled Oak Village and consider those that live there quite insignificant to Athkatla as a while, that means the islanders are on their own when it comes to solving problems and a serious one has just threatened that quiet place. Will you, the Hero of Baldur's Gate, help in restoring the isle's peace?
The Tangled Oak Isle is part of Athkatlan Grounds mod series.
Screen Shot:

You can download the mod at Weasel Mods:
Download link
Forum Link
Thanks to everyone that helped! That includes @Brokenkatana @Gwendolyne and people who perhaps weren't included in the process of creating the mod, but supported me in all kind of other ways: CamDawg, Lauriel, jastey, AionZ... and many others. Thanks to all those I mentioned, all those that supported me for all those years and all the fans and game devs.
Of course there is!
Cheers and thanks again!
Looking forward to trying this!
How on Earth did you miss that one? I mean, does *anyone* have Cernd in their group?
I don't know what those numbers mean...
Umm, hitting "X" does nothing.
I had to set the keybinding. NVM.
You may want to check globals by using these codes:
If they say (in that order) 2 and 1 and it's not there, use:
and then kill the enemy and let me know if journal entry is updated.
Spawned the snake and killed it, no journal update.
fixed L#NIH01.d
fixed L#NIFIS.d
enhanced L#NIBRI.baf
areas corrections
description BAMs fpr EE
BP-BGT-Worlmap compatibility
additional LOAD_TRA for non-EE
Chinese translation by Merzbau
additional testing