the tweak you just made, making Illasera visible is not that great. Illasera has to help. I remember that in my playthrough she came just right before the end. Maybe he killed the two assassins too fast for illasera to help ?
- At this point, Illasera is already visible if everyhting go as planned so nothing happens and she start the dialog.
- If she is still invisible after the fight (Therefore something goes wrong) then she will become visible while starting the dialog.
Thanks for clarifying!
Sounds perfectly fine to me. It at least excludes one possible source of error.
(It's always painful when a bug is difficult to reproduce.)
Normally Illasera intervenes during the fight against Slythe and Kristin, which make her visible again then you can follow her in the room to initiate the talk yourself.
Oh, that makes sense.
Still, that would require her to successfully take a hostile action in order to become visible, right?
Which if the assassins die quickly, or her movement is somehow hindered, might not be 100% reliable.
Better to leave the invisibility-dispelling workaround in there as a fallback.
Which if the assassins die quickly, or her movement is somehow hindered, might not be 100% reliable.
Better to leave the invisibility-dispelling workaround in there as a fallback.
I have tried to Ctrl-Y both right away, (but Krystin take time to buff and become visible), each time Illasera become vsible.
Is it correct that @ 1454 and @ 1459 are the same in BHBG1script.tra?
@1454=~Are there any leads for tracking them down?~ @1455=~Do you know what I can expect from them?~ @1456=~What's the pay for this one?~ @1457=~The contract was given out by an intermediary who will not divulge the true identity of his client. Of course, I've not been in this business as long as I have to not be able to connect the threads as I see them.~ @1458=~Explain it to me like a child then. Why is this such an interesting twist?~ @1459=~Are there any leads for tracking them down?~
BUG: Krotia the Black erroneously mentions <CHARNAME>.
On level 2 of the Astral Demesne (WI0008.ARE), Krotia the Black has a dialog path (WIKROTIA.DLG) where you can trick her into believing that you are "Rasaesh, an agent of the Iron Throne". There is one place in this dialog sub-tree where she nonetheless addresses the protagonist by name:
This makes no sense - that line should say "[...] your own master, Rasaesh. [...]".
(By master she means Sarevok; by enemy she means Gorion's Ward.)
BUG: Krotia the Black's peaceful resolution crashes the game.
On level 2 of the Astral Demesne (WI0008.ARE), there are multiple dialog paths to make Krotia the Black (WIKROTIA.DLG) give you her astral gem without a battle. All of these end with one of several dialog response states with the action "EscapeArea()". This reproducibly crashes the game for me.
When I edit WIKROTIA.DLG to remove the action from the relevant response state, it no longer crashes the game - Krotia remains on the map, and remains neutral. But what does happen then, is Krotia weirdly follows one of my party members around.
Also, at this point, executing the console command
When I attach a debugger (gdb) to the game and then trigger this crash, it gives me the following backtrace:
#0 0x00005555555dc3de in CPathSearch::FindPath(tagPOINT*, tagPOINT*, short, int, int, CSearchBitmap*, unsigned char*, int, CRect*) ()
#1 0x000055555561ef52 in SearchThreadMain() ()
#2 0x00005555558fd3fc in CChitin::Update() ()
#3 0x00005555558fd788 in CChitin::WinMain() ()
#4 0x00005555554988d8 in main ()
So the crash apparently happens inside the game engine's pathfinding code.
I've never seen an issue like this; "EscapeArea()" is an action that many, many NPCs do without problem.
Maybe her combat scripts that cause her "moving towards party member" behavior is interacting poorly with "EscapeArea()"?
@JohnBob, let me know if this issue is already fixed in your version. If not, I'll try to investigate further.
BUG: Sanctum Portal dialog contains broken lines.
In WIPORTAL.DLG, one line is simply "@3131 ", and several lines that start with an asterisk are missing the closing asterisk:
I currently think at your proposal, but it's not easy to implement, I don't even know if external script can trigger within a dialog... (So I don't succed to play it again after some time)(And I am not experienced with Global timer...)
(Anyway it doesn't make sense to Nerys to play again the same song for no reason)
After tried to add reply options for relaunch the song... it work...
But it will need at least :
- two new lines of text for new reply option
- to be added each time Charname talk.
- And duplicate every chain of dialog to properly continue the conversation with Illasera.
- so it's not very pretty.
You can see the exemple (and test if you like) in this branch.
- Then Nerys answer "Yes I can !"
(don't take into account the RealSetGlobalTimer("WINerysPlayTimer","GLOBAL",10) I just forgot to remove it)
Then Charname say "Where were we... Ah yes"...
And we switch again on Illasera talk, to avoid her to repeat her last line, only "..." will appear and player will have to choose again between original reply options....
Sorry it's a little confusing but it's hard to explain.
At the end it seem a little to much for just redo the same song...
If you or other have different ideas or want to propose something I am willing to listen.
In the meantime, I'll take a look at Trouveur's proposals.
Johnbob, the way the setup is phrased is really odd. Just make the component "install blackhearts" because for a moment I was unsure if I should install it in my install, given that I use BGEE + SOD.
The current entry, just for reference is "Install blackhearts for bgee only or EET including bgee and bg2ee"
Johnbob, the way the setup is phrased is really odd. Just make the component "install blackhearts" because for a moment I was unsure if I should install it in my install, given that I use BGEE + SOD.
The current entry, just for reference is "Install blackhearts for bgee only or EET including bgee and bg2ee"
Yes, I am unhappy about these too, they will be rethinked when it will be time to send it to AWizardDidIt.
After tried to add reply options for relaunch the song... it work...
Luckily I have an older savefile so testing comes fast.
First of all thank you for your effort!
Personally, I like the idea of giving the player the ability to decide when to ask her to play the music again. It gives the conversation more dynamism.
The result of the testing is now that there are many problems that I don't know if it's worth fixing because of such a small suggestion I made:
does. Do you possibly mean the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS"? (See image in spoiler)
After asking Nerys to play again, she does so, but the conversation with Illasera starts over (see screenshot in spoiler).
Additionally, if you tell Nerys to play the song again, two songs will play at the same time (the old one and the new one) if the song isn't over yet. The songs overlap, which is an undesirable result. It would be possibly better to stop the previous song and start it again, if that is possible.
My suggestion is to leave this feature on the backlog in case this is difficult, as my experience with scripting in IE is almost nil (and it will be quite a while before I start learning to script dialogs for IE games).
(don't take into account the RealSetGlobalTimer("WINerysPlayTimer","GLOBAL",10) I just forgot to remove it)
Do you possibly mean the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS"? (See image in spoiler)
This is the lesser problem, I don't understand why some reply work and some lead to "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" but I guess it can be resolved.
After asking Nerys to play again, she does so, but the conversation with Illasera starts over (see screenshot in spoiler).
Yes since the original variables are modified at the end of the talk, if anything like "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" end the dialog then it will start again.
But in my test only one of these reply lead to a "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" other one worked fine and the dialog was kept on track. (I have probably messed something up will trying different options)
Additionally, if you tell Nerys to play the song again, two songs will play at the same time (the old one and the new one) if the song isn't over yet. The songs overlap, which is an undesirable result. It would be possibly better to stop the previous song and start it again, if that is possible.
Ok, maybe a ClearAllAction("Nerys") could do the job to prevent this.
My suggestion is to leave this feature on the backlog in case this is difficult, as my experience with scripting in IE is almost nil (and it will be quite a while before I start learning to script dialogs for IE games).
My main concern about all this, it's not bugfixing...
Second concern it seem not easy and my knowledge is limited.
But it's always interesting to see what we can do....
So yes, we put this aside for know and we can look at it again after regular bugfix, if AWizardDidIt find it relevant.
Hey! I just went through the Chapter 3 part of the mod and I gotta say, it's one of the best ones I've played yet. Throroughly enjoyed the dialogues (Illasera is really fun to talk to, her lines are witty, thought provoking and a delight to read through), the fights, the rewards and the pace. Cannot thank you enough for the content.
What I think could have been done better:
- as I said the fights are really cool but they lack some kind a buid up. Most of the time you get into the area, the npcs turn hostile without saying anything and that's pretty much it. I get the feeling it's intentional but it kinda clashes with the rest of the game imo, a few lines (I'm thinking the temple, the mines and the cave) would go a long way to make it more immersive and enjoyable (the cave fight didn't have any music too but that could be a me problem). Just my opinion.
- somehow a few of the weapons I use don't have the same icon in the shortcut bar as they do in the inventory (bloodletting blade, humanbane). The unidentified bloodletting blade was tagged as "hey you! you've never been cheated have you?" or something like that by the way, but my installation might be at fault idk (playing it on EET).
That's it really. Thanks once again for the mod, I really mean it. I was legit excited to discover what each bounty had in store for me or how Illasera would react to each new development and I can't wait to see how it ends. Cheers.
- somehow a few of the weapons I use don't have the same icon in the shortcut bar as they do in the inventory (bloodletting blade, humanbane). The unidentified bloodletting blade was tagged as "hey you! you've never been cheated have you?" or something like that by the way, but my installation might be at fault idk (playing it on EET).
First I try to not spoil myself to much, so I will need some precisions if it's okay for you.
Second there is some choice from AWizardDidIt that I cannot undo without his approval.
Most of these creature seem to use existing script, that can be modified depend of player's installation, so not sure anything can be done. (EX Thayan agent have standard BlackPits script and I don't know if there is any intent to backstab since they use darts by default)
But I am gonna take a good look at it and see if something can be done.
the Red Wizards hideout :
- the Thayan Subjugators leave too generous loot IMHO : the full plate mails could be a plate mails, and the helms of charm protection could be replaced by potions of clarity drank just before the fight
Since there are many of them they shouldn't drop multiple time these items, I make them undroppable.
- the Thayan conjurators didn't cast any spells beside stoneskin. I play with SCS 35.18.
- the ogre mage even with stoneskin fell easily. Maybe add precast mirror image and blur to help him a little ?
- the Thayan agents drank their potion of invisibility but didn't try to backstab, instead they threw some ranged weapons
- the other named spellcaster didn't cast anything
- the fireball wand, the summon monsters wand and the staff of striking came with only one charge left.
Can you give me the exact area where this fight take place ?
the dark druid fight.
If I attack him right away after ending the discussion, he doesn't have the time to cast the lightning on the commoners. Even if I let him some time, since he doesn't have some precast spells he falls easily.
I suggest :
- speed up the lightning script after the dialog
- make him have ironskin as a precast
Same can you give me some context and location, and for this one are you sure it's not on purpose to let you save everyone ?
Illasera told us to meet Nerys near Drakon Tavern after nightfall, but the journal entry doesn't mention this detail. Could it be add please ? I read some players where puzzled not seeing her near the Drakon Tavern during the day.
I discovered something minor while playing and I'm not sure if that's intentional.
The following areas are defined as dungeons, even though they are planes both story-wise and visually (see the stars and floating little platforms in the MOS files):
For WI0010.are I think it's fine since they are inside a building and could be considered a dungeon.
Why this is relevant:
My main character's response is a voiced line that only triggers in the dungeon (although it fits the location somewhat):
But there are lines that I don't think fit, e.g.
Jaheira: Ajantis: Kagain: Kivan:
In NI the problem can be solved by disabling a flag (see screenshot):
Another issue comes up that I couldn't find a solution to here on the forum, but I figured out how to trigger it, which leads to a solution but not a fix.
Herald of Yaga-Shura short cutscene
If you free the Herald of Yaga-Shura, he will become hostile and the game will pause (this is the auto-pause option I set in the game). At this moment I prepare all party members for the attack.
This results in getting stuck in the cutscene where every party member attacks and the short cutscene moment doesn't stop (see screenshot).
So the solution is not to attack him, until he has summoned the fire elementals.
First I try to not spoil myself to much, so I will need some precisions if it's okay for you.
Second there is some choice from AWizardDidIt that I cannot undo without his approval.
Most of these creature seem to use existing script, that can be modified depend of player's installation, so not sure anything can be done. (EX Thayan agent have standard BlackPits script and I don't know if there is any intent to backstab since they use darts by default)
But I am gonna take a good look at it and see if something can be done.
the Red Wizards hideout :
- the Thayan Subjugators leave too generous loot IMHO : the full plate mails could be a plate mails, and the helms of charm protection could be replaced by potions of clarity drank just before the fight
Since there are many of them they shouldn't drop multiple time these items, I make them undroppable.
Seems a good solution to me indeed.
- the Thayan conjurators didn't cast any spells beside stoneskin. I play with SCS 35.18.
- the ogre mage even with stoneskin fell easily. Maybe add precast mirror image and blur to help him a little ?
- the Thayan agents drank their potion of invisibility but didn't try to backstab, instead they threw some ranged weapons
- the other named spellcaster didn't cast anything
- the fireball wand, the summon monsters wand and the staff of striking came with only one charge left.
Can you give me the exact area where this fight take place ?
It's two fights actually :
- one in Area WI007, with Malachi Medeid (boss Red Wizard), one thayan conjurator, one subjugator, one apostle, one bodygard and one agent.
Only the arcane casters seem to not cast spells properly.
- one in Area WI006, with again a thayan conjurator not casting properly, and the ogre mage Yondak, which would greatly benefit from a precast blur and mirror image.
the dark druid fight.
If I attack him right away after ending the discussion, he doesn't have the time to cast the lightning on the commoners. Even if I let him some time, since he doesn't have some precast spells he falls easily.
I suggest :
- speed up the lightning script after the dialog
- make him have ironskin as a precast
Same can you give me some context and location, and for this one are you sure it's not on purpose to let you save everyone ?
It's the hidden gorge, Area WI003.
You arrive here to talk to a dark druid, which is waiting for you with an ambush.
He have a specific script to kill two commoners there with a call lightning to spawn spiders. But after the dialog, your party have the time to hit it before the script is activated, killing the druid before the lighning strike.
The dialog is clear about the fact that you shouldn't be able to save the two commoners (they already have spiders spawns in their bodies).
Having a precast ironskin will help him survive enough time to let the script works.
Also, he set some traps, but you can explore this area before this encounter and disarm them. Maybe it would be best if the area wasn't accessible until the player knows about it and come here searching for the druid, so the traps couldn't be disarm in advance ?
Illasera told us to meet Nerys near Drakon Tavern after nightfall, but the journal entry doesn't mention this detail. Could it be add please ? I read some players where puzzled not seeing her near the Drakon Tavern during the day.
Cannot reproduce this. Did you experiment the same behavior each time you try ?
Yes, this happens all the time in my save file. Here is my backup file (see zip file) but I don't know if it works on your version.
Also, I use BGEE without SoD.
Also, after installing the version you linked, especially for me, I uninstalled the version and reinstalled Blackhearts version 1.0.2. Maybe that caused a problem?
You could also give me your saved file and I'll see if it works on my installation. This could help isolate the problem.
Any idea where the Invisble Stalker is and how it can be turned visible?
I am gonna need more informations.
There is a goblin on one of the floating planes who talks about an invisible stalker (see picture for location and map), but I don't know how to make him visible.
Also, after installing the version you linked, especially for me, I uninstalled the version and reinstalled Blackhearts version 1.0.2. Maybe that caused a problem?
Yes it's a bad idea to install different versions on the same game. I advise you to use a copy for testing.
But it's not the reason in this case, thanks to your save I was able to reproduce the issue.
It should be corrected in the fork, but it would be nice if you could test it... (on a copy of your game, you can use the same save to jump right on it)
There is a goblin on one of the floating planes who talks about an invisible stalker (see picture for location and map), but I don't know how to make him visible.
The invisible stalker is near the edge on the left, on the same rock but you need a fireball or something that deal areas damage to make him come to you !
In fact the cutscene had an issue and don't work properly.
Do you think you can test the correction on another game ? (It was really tedious, sometime cutscene aren't working for no reason and need to move around some lines.... Anyway I need a second verification...)
PS :
For testing just go to wi0003.are with the console and set CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("BHBG1Quest","GLOBAL",9).
About the traps, I am not sure if something should be done, at least it's not to me to decide.
Here is the main commit if you want to take a look.
Also, after installing the version you linked, especially for me, I uninstalled the version and reinstalled Blackhearts version 1.0.2. Maybe that caused a problem?
Yes it's a bad idea to install different versions on the same game. I advise you to use a copy for testing.
But it's not the reason in this case, thanks to your save I was able to reproduce the issue.
It should be corrected in the fork, but it would be nice if you could test it... (on a copy of your game, you can use the same to jump right on it)
There is a goblin on one of the floating planes who talks about an invisible stalker (see picture for location and map), but I don't know how to make him visible.
The invisible stalker is near the edge on the left, on the same rock but you need a fireball or something that deal areas damage to make him comme to you !
In fact the cutscene had an issue and don't work properly.
Do you think you can test the correction on another game ? (It was really tedious, sometime cutscene aren't working for no reason and need to move around some lines.... Anyway I need a second verification...)
PS :
For testing just go to wi0003.are with the console and set CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("BHBG1Quest","GLOBAL",9).
About the traps, I am not sure if something should be done, at least it's not to me to decide.
Sure I can. The fix is on the master version of your fork ?
Agree about the traps, it's up to Awizardidit.
Maybe it could be helpful if the script asked the question of whether Slythe and Krystin are still alive. For example pseudocode: But I don't know if that's possible and won't cause any side effects since I've never written scripts for the Infinity Engine games.
Hum, Illasera is generated and become invisible imediatly when you enter the area and in my tests she always become visible when Sylke and Krystin become enemies even if out of sight. Maybe I mistaking myself, but Illasera start the dialog after the fight and after the death of Slythe and Krystin.
- At this point, Illasera is already visible if everyhting go as planned so nothing happens and she start the dialog.
- If she is still invisible after the fight (Therefore something goes wrong) then she will become visible while starting the dialog.
Does that sound okay to you ?
Sounds perfectly fine to me. It at least excludes one possible source of error.
(It's always painful when a bug is difficult to reproduce.)
Still, that would require her to successfully take a hostile action in order to become visible, right?
Which if the assassins die quickly, or her movement is somehow hindered, might not be 100% reliable.
Better to leave the invisibility-dispelling workaround in there as a fallback.
But BDFMAG20.BCS does not exist.
I'm on plain BG:EE; I guess it's a script added by SoD?
I have tried to Ctrl-Y both right away, (but Krystin take time to buff and become visible), each time Illasera become vsible.
Here it is ! Many thanks Ineth, indeed missing BDFMAG20.BCS prevent Illasera to react and becoming visible.
And that explains why so few players have experienced the problem.
BDFMAG20.BCS, will be added if Game is BGEE without SoD.
Thanks everyone !
@1454=~Are there any leads for tracking them down?~
@1455=~Do you know what I can expect from them?~
@1456=~What's the pay for this one?~
@1457=~The contract was given out by an intermediary who will not divulge the true identity of his client. Of course, I've not been in this business as long as I have to not be able to connect the threads as I see them.~
@1458=~Explain it to me like a child then. Why is this such an interesting twist?~
@1459=~Are there any leads for tracking them down?~
Maybe this will help you since it's about the references(JohnBob's comment is meant here).
BUG: Krotia the Black erroneously mentions <CHARNAME>.
This makes no sense - that line should say "[...] your own master, Rasaesh. [...]".
(By master she means Sarevok; by enemy she means Gorion's Ward.)
BUG: Krotia the Black's peaceful resolution crashes the game.
When I edit WIKROTIA.DLG to remove the action from the relevant response state, it no longer crashes the game - Krotia remains on the map, and remains neutral. But what does happen then, is Krotia weirdly follows one of my party members around.
Also, at this point, executing the console command does indeed crash the game again.
When I attach a debugger (gdb) to the game and then trigger this crash, it gives me the following backtrace: So the crash apparently happens inside the game engine's pathfinding code.
I've never seen an issue like this; "EscapeArea()" is an action that many, many NPCs do without problem.
Maybe her combat scripts that cause her "moving towards party member" behavior is interacting poorly with "EscapeArea()"?
@JohnBob, let me know if this issue is already fixed in your version. If not, I'll try to investigate further.
BUG: Sanctum Portal dialog contains broken lines.
Black Hearts walkthrough
You are right, it should be Rasaesh or nothing at all.
@3131 is already corrected
I found two missing * hopfully it was all.
Cannot reproduce this one, neither on BGSoD or BGEE alone, with my fork or the version you use.
Did you got the same dialog or some reply options were on a different pass ?
Edit : I think I do both, no crash...
...Krotia escape through the portal normally.
Sorry, I didn't notice that fork. I have installed an old version of the mod on my current EET.
On my github account here, you need to downlload the master. (Direct link)
thanks a lot.
I currently think at your proposal, but it's not easy to implement, I don't even know if external script can trigger within a dialog... (So I don't succed to play it again after some time)(And I am not experienced with Global timer...)
(Anyway it doesn't make sense to Nerys to play again the same song for no reason)
After tried to add reply options for relaunch the song... it work...
But it will need at least :
- two new lines of text for new reply option
- to be added each time Charname talk.
- And duplicate every chain of dialog to properly continue the conversation with Illasera.
- so it's not very pretty.
You can see the exemple (and test if you like) in this branch.
This commit show you the changes.
- When Charname choose his answer he/she can say "The song is over... Nerys, do you think you can play it again ?"
- Then Nerys answer "Yes I can !"
(don't take into account the RealSetGlobalTimer("WINerysPlayTimer","GLOBAL",10) I just forgot to remove it)
Then Charname say "Where were we... Ah yes"...
And we switch again on Illasera talk, to avoid her to repeat her last line, only "..." will appear and player will have to choose again between original reply options....
Sorry it's a little confusing but it's hard to explain.
At the end it seem a little to much for just redo the same song...
If you or other have different ideas or want to propose something I am willing to listen.
In the meantime, I'll take a look at Trouveur's proposals.
The current entry, just for reference is "Install blackhearts for bgee only or EET including bgee and bg2ee"
Yes, I am unhappy about these too, they will be rethinked when it will be time to send it to AWizardDidIt.
Luckily I have an older savefile so testing comes fast.
First of all thank you for your effort!
Personally, I like the idea of giving the player the ability to decide when to ask her to play the music again. It gives the conversation more dynamism.
The result of the testing is now that there are many problems that I don't know if it's worth fixing because of such a small suggestion I made:
I don't know what does. Do you possibly mean the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS"? (See image in spoiler)
My suggestion is to leave this feature on the backlog in case this is difficult, as my experience with scripting in IE is almost nil (and it will be quite a while before I start learning to script dialogs for IE games).
This is the lesser problem, I don't understand why some reply work and some lead to "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" but I guess it can be resolved.
Yes since the original variables are modified at the end of the talk, if anything like "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" end the dialog then it will start again.
But in my test only one of these reply lead to a "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" other one worked fine and the dialog was kept on track. (I have probably messed something up will trying different options)
Ok, maybe a ClearAllAction("Nerys") could do the job to prevent this.
My main concern about all this, it's not bugfixing...
Second concern it seem not easy and my knowledge is limited.
But it's always interesting to see what we can do....
So yes, we put this aside for know and we can look at it again after regular bugfix, if AWizardDidIt find it relevant.
What I think could have been done better:
- as I said the fights are really cool but they lack some kind a buid up. Most of the time you get into the area, the npcs turn hostile without saying anything and that's pretty much it. I get the feeling it's intentional but it kinda clashes with the rest of the game imo, a few lines (I'm thinking the temple, the mines and the cave) would go a long way to make it more immersive and enjoyable (the cave fight didn't have any music too but that could be a me problem). Just my opinion.
- somehow a few of the weapons I use don't have the same icon in the shortcut bar as they do in the inventory (bloodletting blade, humanbane). The unidentified bloodletting blade was tagged as "hey you! you've never been cheated have you?" or something like that by the way, but my installation might be at fault idk (playing it on EET).
That's it really. Thanks once again for the mod, I really mean it. I was legit excited to discover what each bounty had in store for me or how Illasera would react to each new development and I can't wait to see how it ends. Cheers.
These should be corrected with this commit.
Second there is some choice from AWizardDidIt that I cannot undo without his approval.
Most of these creature seem to use existing script, that can be modified depend of player's installation, so not sure anything can be done. (EX Thayan agent have standard BlackPits script and I don't know if there is any intent to backstab since they use darts by default)
But I am gonna take a good look at it and see if something can be done.
the Red Wizards hideout :
Since there are many of them they shouldn't drop multiple time these items, I make them undroppable.
Can you give me the exact area where this fight take place ?
the dark druid fight.
Same can you give me some context and location, and for this one are you sure it's not on purpose to let you save everyone ?
Nightfall is added to the journal entry.
I discovered something minor while playing and I'm not sure if that's intentional.
The following areas are defined as dungeons, even though they are planes both story-wise and visually (see the stars and floating little platforms in the MOS files):
For WI0010.are I think it's fine since they are inside a building and could be considered a dungeon.
Why this is relevant:
My main character's response is a voiced line that only triggers in the dungeon (although it fits the location somewhat):
But there are lines that I don't think fit, e.g.
In NI the problem can be solved by disabling a flag (see screenshot):
Blackhearts version is 1.0.2
Herald of Yaga-Shura short cutscene
This results in getting stuck in the cutscene where every party member attacks and the short cutscene moment doesn't stop (see screenshot).
So the solution is not to attack him, until he has summoned the fire elementals.
Blackhearts version is 1.0.2
I tried "Invisibility Purge" but with no success.
Yeah, it could be odd.... Not sure what to do, there is no other existing AreaType fitting this map. I am gonna think about it...
Cannot reproduce this. Did you experiment the same behavior each time you try ?
I am gonna need more informations.
Yes, this happens all the time in my save file. Here is my backup file (see zip file) but I don't know if it works on your version.
Also, I use BGEE without SoD.
Also, after installing the version you linked, especially for me, I uninstalled the version and reinstalled Blackhearts version 1.0.2. Maybe that caused a problem?
You could also give me your saved file and I'll see if it works on my installation. This could help isolate the problem.
But it's not the reason in this case, thanks to your save I was able to reproduce the issue.
It should be corrected in the fork, but it would be nice if you could test it... (on a copy of your game, you can use the same save to jump right on it)
The invisible stalker is near the edge on the left, on the same rock but you need a fireball or something that deal areas damage to make him come to you !
Do you think you can test the correction on another game ? (It was really tedious, sometime cutscene aren't working for no reason and need to move around some lines.... Anyway I need a second verification...)
PS :
For testing just go to wi0003.are with the console and set CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("BHBG1Quest","GLOBAL",9).
About the traps, I am not sure if something should be done, at least it's not to me to decide.
Here is the main commit if you want to take a look.
Agree about the traps, it's up to Awizardidit.
Yes, the fork is updated, here is a direct link.