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[Released] Black Hearts - BG1



  • IncrementisIncrementis Member Posts: 68
    Good evening,

    Today is another day for some reports of possible bugs and feedback.
    I'll put them in spoilers because they contain mod content that might spoil the fun if I talk about them openly.

    Area WI0006 and WI0007 access inconsistency:
    WI0006 can only be accessed with a full group, but WI0007 can be exited with one or more group members.
    This means that if a character leaves WI0007, the character cannot access WI0007 because WI0006 only allows a full party to access WI0007.

    So the question here is which version @AWizardDidIt envisioned.
    I prefer the following:
    • Leaving WI0006 with one or more group members is possible
    • Leaving WI0007 with one or more group members is possible

    The reason is that the enemy is very powerful and I have to prepare for victory. I play the mod without doing any side quests, and therefore my party is at level 5 on average. Money and items are also rare in the inventory. Still, the cheesy part of leaving the area and luring the enemy can be role-played without shame, and anyone else who doesn't feel like role-playing can leave the area to get more levels and items.

    The entrances to the areas WI0006 and WI0007 reverse the group formation:
    I'm not entirely sure if this can be fixed.

    Non-reproducible situation(Cherise Siltuhr is neutral):
    As in the picture, Cherise Siltuhr is neutral even though she started the fight.
    This does not happen in other safe files.
    Nevertheless, I'm reporting this here because someone else might stumble upon it too and/or knows how to approach this.

    Two Cherise Siltuhr and two conversations:
    1. When entering and beginning conversation WI0007 there are two Cherise Siltuhr visible(see image)

    2. After responding that she should surrender, she responses with:

    3. She then leaves the area and the diary updates that she has fled. Afterwards, the second Cherise Siltuhr speaks. After that the fight begins.

    I'm not entirely sure this is all intentional. It's at least a little confusing.

    Blackhearts version is 1.0.2
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2024
    Hello !
    Area WI0006 and WI0007 access inconsistency:

    Definitly something to fix ! The issue is, like you mentionned, what could be the intent of AWizardDidIt...

    Since it need to be fixed, I propose to follow your idea, unless other have different perspective and are willing to share their opinion in this case we can think further about it.

    And we can still modify it again another day if it's not the way of the author.

    The entrances to the areas WI0006 and WI0007 reverse the group formation:

    I am gonna take a look, but indeed I am not sure if it's feasible.

    Non-reproducible situation(Cherise Siltuhr is neutral):

    Will see if this occur while testing. (It may be related to the duplicate Cherise)

    Two Cherise Siltuhr and two conversations:

    This one should already be corrected in the fork. (It was due to BCS extended twice.)

    Thanks for the reports, I keep you updated !
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    Hey @JohnBob I really appreciate you helping to troubleshoot for my mod.

    You mentioned a fork in github with some fixes to it? I would love to help facilitate community fixes for the mod as I feel that I'm not able to give the time or motivation to maintaining the project myself. How can I assist with this?
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2024
    Oh Good news !

    Hello @AWizardDidIt and thanks for your mod !

    The fork is here, I plan to send you a pull request when and if players feedbacks are positive.

    If you have some time to look at the commits or the lists of current changes at the end of the (I try to make commits pretty clear and easy to review, but it's not always that easy...)

    The master work with BGEE/EET and also the BG2EE part (Included if game is EET and a second component for BG2EE only)


    If you can give us your opinion about the previous issue Area WI0006 and WI0007 access inconsistency: , it's not much, do you prefer the area being accessibles only by the full party or it is not required to gather the party ?

    - WI0006 Inner Sanctum travel trigger have flags "party required" and "cannot be passed by npc"
    - Wi0007 Exit travel trigger doesn't have any flags


    Also if you have the time to give me your opinion about the workaround in spoiler, not yet merged, related to this "issue".
    	RESPONSE #100
    	RESPONSE #100
    	RESPONSE #100

    This way if Neyris is present Illasera will move next to her and go back at the other spot if Neyris is not present.

    At this point of the mod story, I don't think Illasera placement really matter exept if the talk involve another Npc.

    Maybe you have some thoughts about it...


    Anyways, don't feel obligated to do anything... I have hope that several players will come and give feedbacks about the new version.

    It could be nice to have more visibility, but I think it's maybe too soon for you to merge my fork.

    Sorry, it's a long post with several links...

    If you have any questions or need more details about one of the fix or something else, don't hesitate.
    Post edited by JohnBob on
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2024

    After some testing.
    The entrances to the areas WI0006 and WI0007 reverse the group formation:

    I think it's because of the corridor space, the last to pass the door end up first because it cannot pop up elsewhere.

    Non-reproducible situation(Cherise Siltuhr is neutral):

    Yeah it's related to the duplicate Cherise !

    Two Cherise Siltuhr and two conversations:

    Duplicated script are indeed already corrected in the fork and thus neutral cherise.

    So only the inconsistency between WI0006 and WI0007 travel triggers remain to be corrected.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2024
    Post edited by Sour on
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    Sour wrote: »
    I downloaded Blackhearts V1.04 and installed it on an EET installation.
    Did you downloaded it there :
    Or there ?
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2024
    Ah too bad, I was counting on you for the feeedbacks...

    Like Trouveur ask, I think you didn't use the new version, my fork will mention v1.1 in the weidu.log if you want to double check to be sure about what version is installed !

    For anyone wondering I add the github direct link for the version in progress.

    Anyway @Sour you can use the workaround here, will set the right script for your EET game, you just need to go back before talking to Nerys.
    Post edited by JohnBob on
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    I downloaded the correct version but I did my install a couple days later and I must have installed the older version I had on my computer by mistake. I'm going to edit my above post to minimize confusion. That sucks as I was hoping to help out and I don't feel like starting my game over since I'm about 50 hours in at this point.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    Sour wrote: »
    I downloaded the correct version but I did my install a couple days later and I must have installed the older version I had on my computer by mistake. I'm going to edit my above post to minimize confusion. That sucks as I was hoping to help out and I don't feel like starting my game over since I'm about 50 hours in at this point.

    No problem, enjoy your game it's the most important !
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    Thanks JohnBob, I appreciate the work you guys are doing and Black Hearts will probably become a mod that I always install from here on out so I will play the corrected version eventually. I'm testing Gorgan's Eye and some other mods for BG2 so I still have some good I can contribute. Sorry it didn't work out this time but I wish you guys the best of luck.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Ah too bad, I was counting on you for the feeedbacks...

    Like Trouveur ask, I think you didn't use the new version, my fork will mention v1.1 in the weidu.log if you want to double check to be sure about what version is installed !

    For anyone wondering I add the github direct link for the version in progress.

    Anyway @Sour you can use the workaround here, will set the right script for your EET game, you just need to go back before talking to Nerys.
    Désolé de faire un hors sujet, mais les messages privés ne fonctionnent plus...
    Quelqu'un sur Discord se demandait qui était l'actuel mainteneur du mod Extented Jan quest ?
    Je ne l'ai pas vu dans la liste du projet The Gate.
    Et merci pour tout ce travail sur Black Heart et les autres mods. :)
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    Yeah MP not working, it's a pain...
    Il n'y a pas vraiment de mainteneur actuel à ma connaissance, si tu veux poster un bug report ou autre il y a sujet ici.
    Je pourrais transmettre au forum français. et voir ce que l'on peut faire.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Yeah MP not working, it's a pain...
    Il n'y a pas vraiment de mainteneur actuel à ma connaissance, si tu veux poster un bug report ou autre il y a sujet ici.
    Je pourrais transmettre au forum français. et voir ce que l'on peut faire.
    Merci, je passe l'info :)
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    Aside from me botching my Black Hearts Install, I found out that one of the mods I was using was broken and a new release of BGGO came out as well and a new update for SCS was released. So I decided to do a reinstall of my game and start over. I made sure to install the latest version of Black Hearts this time. It will probably be a while before I get through it but I'm starting a new game tonight and will be able to report back on the latest version of Black Hearts in the near future.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Oh Good news !

    Hello @AWizardDidIt and thanks for your mod !

    The fork is here, I plan to send you a pull request when and if players feedbacks are positive.

    If you have some time to look at the commits or the lists of current changes at the end of the (I try to make commits pretty clear and easy to review, but it's not always that easy...)

    The master work with BGEE/EET and also the BG2EE part (Included if game is EET and a second component for BG2EE only)


    If you can give us your opinion about the previous issue Area WI0006 and WI0007 access inconsistency: , it's not much, do you prefer the area being accessibles only by the full party or it is not required to gather the party ?

    - WI0006 Inner Sanctum travel trigger have flags "party required" and "cannot be passed by npc"
    - Wi0007 Exit travel trigger doesn't have any flags


    Also if you have the time to give me your opinion about the workaround in spoiler, not yet merged, related to this "issue".
    	RESPONSE #100
    	RESPONSE #100
    	RESPONSE #100

    This way if Neyris is present Illasera will move next to her and go back at the other spot if Neyris is not present.

    At this point of the mod story, I don't think Illasera placement really matter exept if the talk involve another Npc.

    Maybe you have some thoughts about it...


    Anyways, don't feel obligated to do anything... I have hope that several players will come and give feedbacks about the new version.

    It could be nice to have more visibility, but I think it's maybe too soon for you to merge my fork.

    Sorry, it's a long post with several links...

    If you have any questions or need more details about one of the fix or something else, don't hesitate.

    I gave a look at the proposed changes and I have to admit sometimes I don't even recognize the script anymore haha. So some things maybe go over my head a little.

    Everything seems fine from what I can see though. I wouldn't mind any of the proposed changes. They seem good!
  • IncrementisIncrementis Member Posts: 68
    I can no longer help with further playtests because “Two Cherise Siltuhr and two conversations” and the “Unreproducible situation (Cherise Siltuhr is neutral)” are ruining the mod for me. Killing Cherise Siltuhr in the first meeting will spawn Illasera in the Elfsong Tavern, but the dialogue is as if the group is no longer on the Material Plane and if Cherise Siltuhr is not killed, Illasera would not be in the Elfsong Tavern.

    Next time I run this mod I will use the forked version to see if the problems persist.
    I'm happy that @Sour is playing the forked version and hope that more mod testers report on their experiences.
    Cheers, it's a great mod and worth maintaining and fixing it, but I need a break now(and I need to work on my own mods too :D ).
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    If you have cheats available, all you have to do is ctrl+y the second copy appearing before the dialogue pops up.
  • IncrementisIncrementis Member Posts: 68
    @Ulkesh thank you very much, this way it is possible to continue playing the mod.
    This means that I can now continue to contribute to the mod by testing and enjoying it.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2024
    @Ulkesh thank you very much, this way it is possible to continue playing the mod.
    This means that I can now continue to contribute to the mod by testing and enjoying it.

    You are welcome: by the way, that's what I've done when I played the first time. :P
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    I gave a look at the proposed changes and I have to admit sometimes I don't even recognize the script anymore haha. So some things maybe go over my head a little.

    Main changes are the cpmvars addition but everything else is mostly typos.

    Your mod is very well done and there is not much to do, the principal issue was the different prefix between BGEE and EET.

    Everything seems fine from what I can see though. I wouldn't mind any of the proposed changes. They seem good!

    Thanks I hope players comments will be positive. (If you want me to send you the pulll request already let me know, otherwise I'll send it to you after enough feedback.)

    Don't hesitate if something feels off or if you prefer a different approach, I'm willing to modify anything if needed.
    I'm used to do compatibility stuff and bug fixes but far from being infallible !

    @Ulkesh thank you very much, this way it is possible to continue playing the mod.
    This means that I can now continue to contribute to the mod by testing and enjoying it.

    Nice !

    Sorry I was to focused on verifying stuff and didn't understand that you couldn't continue to play.

    Don't hesitate to ask when you are stuck (on this mod or another) there is many workarounds for many situations and Ctrl-Y save many playthrough !

    But it's also often easy to move around something in NearInfinity or write a little patch to Compile a new script or else.

    The hardest part is finding the cause of the issue.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    I'm trying latest fork version and at the possessed elf part, my cleric / ranger main character could do the exorcism just fine. 🙂
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    With the latest fork, I still have some issues with
    the dark druid fight. If I attack him right away after ending the discussion, he doesn't have the time to cast the lightning on the commoners. Even if I let him some time, since he doesn't have some precast spells he falls easily.
    I suggest :
    - speed up the lightning script after the dialog
    - make him have ironskin as a precast
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    some thoughts on
    the Red Wizards hideout :
    - the Thayan Subjugators leave too generous loot IMHO : the full plate mails could be a plate mails, and the helms of charm protection could be replaced by potions of clarity drank just before the fight
    - the Thayan conjurators didn't cast any spells beside stoneskin. I play with SCS 35.18.
    - the ogre mage even with stoneskin fell easily. Maybe add precast mirror image and blur to help him a little ?
    - the Thayan agents drank their potion of invisibility but didn't try to backstab, instead they threw some ranged weapons
    - the other named spellcaster didn't cast anything
    - the fireball wand, the summon monsters wand and the staff of striking came with only one charge left.

    On the good side :
    - Cherize left normally and no one was duplicated
    - the Thayan subjugators and bodyguards used their innate abilities
    - the portals appeared normally
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited August 2024
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Everything seems fine from what I can see though. I wouldn't mind any of the proposed changes. They seem good!

    Thanks I hope players comments will be positive. (If you want me to send you the pulll request already let me know, otherwise I'll send it to you after enough feedback.)

    Don't hesitate if something feels off or if you prefer a different approach, I'm willing to modify anything if needed.
    I'm used to do compatibility stuff and bug fixes but far from being infallible !

    Lets wait for as much feedback as seems appropriate and try to do it all at once. I really appreciate your help with this!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited August 2024
    I have encountered a bug, with the version of the mod from the latest Git commit from A-Wizard-Did-It's Git repository:
    Illasera does not turn visible again after turning invisible in the Undercellar in chapter 7, and thus the party cannot initiate dialog with her, which they need to do to continue the quest.

    @JohnBob, is this one of the things you fixed in your fork?
    If not, here's what I could find out from the game files:
    The area script `AR0112.BCS` of the Undercellar makes Illasera spawn near the center of the map:
    	Global("BHBG1Quest16spawn1","AR0112",0)  // Undercellars (Slythe, Krystin)
    	RESPONSE #100
    		SetGlobal("BHBG1Quest16spawn1","AR0112",1)  // Undercellars (Slythe, Krystin)
    		CreateCreature("WIILLASE",[1234.832],SE)  // Illasera the Quick

    Then the script `WIILLSP.BCS`, which is the override script of her creature file `WIILLASE.CRE`, immediately makes her invisible:
    	AreaCheck("AR0112")  // Undercellars (Slythe, Krystin)
    	RESPONSE #100
    		ApplySpell(Myself,WIZARD_INVISIBILITY)  // SPWI206.SPL (Invisibility)

    That same script `WIILLSP.BCS` makes her initiate dialog as soon as Slythe & Krystin are dead:
    	Dead("Slythe")  // Slythe
    	Dead("Krystin")  // Krystin
    	AreaCheck("AR0112")  // Undercellars (Slythe, Krystin)
    	RESPONSE #100

    This is the dialog where she tells you to come see her in one of the rooms here in the Undercellar. As a dialog action (in `WIILLASE.DLG`), it increments the quest variable and makes her move to the room in question:

    And that's it. Nothing makes her visible again, and nothing makes her initiate dialog at this new quest stage (`BHBG1Quest = 17`).

    As a work-around, I managed to make her visible again using the following console command:
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    I forgot to suggest one thing :
    Illasera told us to meet Nerys near Drakon Tavern after nightfall, but the journal entry doesn't mention this detail. Could it be add please ? I read some players where puzzled not seeing her near the Drakon Tavern during the day.
  • IncrementisIncrementis Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2024
    The folowing is another suggestion which is a very small change but, I believe a one that could improve gameplay experience.
    After fighting the Thayans in the sewers and returning to the Elfsong Tavern, Nery is waiting to talk to CHARNAME.
    As CHARNAME talks to her, Illasera teleports to the tavern and joins the conversation.
    After some talking, there is a dialogue option that triggers a drinking scene with Illasera and CHARNAME.
    Illasera asks Nerys to play a tune to add some atmosphere to the conversation between her and CHARNAME.

    Now here comes my suggestion. The conversation is quite long and very interesting, but the melody playing in the background doesn't last that long. It would improve the player experience if the melody could be played longer, or it might also be helpful to keep it on a loop until the conversation ends, ideally.
    An alternative helpful but suboptimal solution could be to play it at least two times(that makes it 13min 23sec).

    The specific soundfile is WIPUBSC.wav and the location in which the conversation is made, is upstairs of the elfsong tavern(AR0706).
    I don't know if anyone has had this experience too, but I enjoy reading things a little slower and imagining how she would say it, in what tone, facial expressions, etc. So this suggestion is definitely based based on my personal experience.

    Blackhearts version is 1.0.2
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2024
    Hello !

    @AWizardDidIt, thanks !!!

    @Trouveur and @Incrementis

    I don't have much time at the moment, but I'll give your proposals some thought. And then we'll see what can and can't be implemented. (I'll get back to you next week)

    I think your suggestions are correct, but we'll have to see what's legitimate and what needs AWizarDidIt's approval !

    @ineth, nothing has been done about it on the fork, but yes the issue is investigated, until now (as far as I know...) it only arise on BGEE not EET and mosts player didn't seem to encounter this problem, so it's a little tricky to found the culprit. (I had a quick look several months ago, I'll take another look.)

    Normally Illasera intervenes during the fight against Slythe and Kristin, which make her visible again then you can follow her in the room to initiate the talk yourself.

    It seems that, for some reason, she didn't help you fight and stay invisible.

    Can you verify in near Infinity if Illasera have the scripts BDFMAG20.BCS and WISHOUT.bcs and also if she is allegiance GOODBUTBLUE ?

    Edit : I've added your workaround to the fork, so if for some reasons Illasera doesn't appear, she will dispel her invisibility before initiate dialogue.
    Post edited by JohnBob on
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Edit : I've added your workaround to the fork, so if for some reasons Illasera doesn't appear, she will dispel her invisibility before initiate dialogue.
    Hey, thanks for all the work on this.


    the tweak you just made, making Illasera visible is not that great. Illasera has to help. I remember that in my playthrough she came just right before the end. Maybe he killed the two assassins too fast for illasera to help ?

    But I don't know if I remember wrong.
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