@EFE This sites notifications keep messing up, like I'm seeing you sent this only 4 days after.
Anyway to the task; your path is wrong.
Cd storage
Cd Shared
Cd Android
Cd Obb
Cd com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition or cd com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition (depending on the game)
If you have any futher questions, due to how bad it seems the messaging is working on here , you can message me on signal at TheDraiken.01
@realllys Presently I'm on the latest version, this method is what I used on my phone, as long as you install perl plugin into Termux, if not SCS won't install at all.
But be warned, you're going to be waiting quite a while if your phone isn't reasonably fast.
Like I used Note 20 Ultra for this guide, which while a phone from 2020, had snapdragon 865+ and it was like an hour + to install all SCS components while on my laptop its less than an hour, like I think 20-30 minutes.
I had already experimented on my older Note 9 (I don't throw away phones when they get old like people generally do) before making this guide , but the speeds for installing mods while okay for me (since I'm patient) where not somthing I would use to make a guide.
The Longest mod on my phone to intall ever was "animate dead now" which on my Note 9 took 6 hours if I didn't do anything else, on my Note 20 Ultra took 3 hours and on my laptop installed in like 10 minutes. ( I know the math isnt lineraly making sense compared to SCS, but it is what it is).
When I buy another phone maybe s25 Ultra next year or Fold 6 later this year or whatever ( Yes I'm willing to stupidly buy another phone just to test out the install speeds, please don't judge), I might make a youtube video or somthing to show the install speeds of Mods.
(If you have any questions, besides here , you can contact me directly on signal at TheDraiken.01 , I say this because getting notifications for this site , is really somthing else.)
I was asking because I got an error while installing the first AI component of stratagems. The log said it couldn't copy the SPWI-2001.spl file.
My guess is that I installed something incorrectly, so I wanted to know, when installing more than one mod, do you copy after every mod you install the override folder and the lang-en_US.zip to the android/data ? Or rather you install each one consecutively and only after the last mod is installed you do that?
I'm going to redo the process so I can confirm if that was my mistake.
Thanks for responding again!
Edit: I managed to install SCS without problems. I don't really know what was the issue but after a clean installation it worked, took quite a bit of time tho, about 12 hours...
@mood77 Yes the arguments thing, means weidu is working, the issue with the wildmage mod not having the tp2 is that you didn't place the file directly one to one into being where the tp2 is, which is a common mistake.
Gif so you understand:
Just so you know, my profile picture is my username on Signal, so you can message me there for faster responses, since I'm always with my phone.
Unfortunately due to android 10 and above, it's more hassle than it's worth to do the whole zipping and moving to the data folder in android.
It's possible but tedious.
When I originally wrote this guide I was in android 9 I think where google wasn't busy trying to emulate apple restricting access to people being able to acces thier own stuff.
I'm on Android 13 now so the work around is just to do what I said for EET but apply it to either BG1,BG2, IWD or whatever game you're playing.
I honestly just mod from the obb now, because of how tedious it became due to not being able to zip and transfer to data efficenctly.
How do I delete the mods? I tried to install wildmage addition but the Haughty Pansy component Is not working properly and I need to install allover again
@mood77 just "weinstall wildmage" and uninstall the component you want to.
But if you mean from the obb, due to the whole android thing , just copy the weidu.log , weidu.cof and all the other files and folders involved in the original install into the obb , especially the original wildmage mod folder that was involved as it contains the backup files from before the mod was installed.
Hello, anyone who can help me I would be very grateful because I am facing a problem when downloading SCS. I have tried various ways to solve this but I haven't succeeded. It happens with specific components.
Hello @DraikenWeAre, it was thanks to your tutorial that I learned how to install mods on Android, and everything was working until now. The SCS was working, but for some reason that I don't know, it stopped working. Now, with these specific components, this appears. Do you know why this is happening?
@DarthNihilus530 I actually saw your original comment and was going to reply like 20 min after, but IRL stuff interupted me.
(Nice Name btw, KOTOR2, been a while since I played that)
Your first error is caused due to dw3ms2g3.bcs which is going to be from another mod (probably one of DavidW's own mods as it's DW which is weird ,since SCS is his own Mod too) , remove it from the override , then install the component, after you finish installing SCS, then put it back in the override.
You can also find out which mod it came from by typing "weidu --change-log dw3ms2g3.bcs" to find out the mods affecting it, to find out where it came from.
As for the second issue, I think you didn't install the perl package into your termux ( I mentioned it in the guide as its MANDATORY if you want to install SCS , as it is coded in perl).
I have Perl installed, as shown in the images. I have the latest version of SCS, and the most curious thing is that this started recently because it was working fine before
@DraikenWeAre I didn't download any mod before the SCS, my log doesn't have anything because I uninstalled everything from the BGmodding/BG folder, I uninstalled everything and downloaded it again, and even so, this problem is happening.
Maybe I will have to uninstall Termux and download it again and go through the whole procedure, but I wanted to avoid doing that to save time.
This problem didn't happen before; I don't remember if I modified Termux or did anything else, I believe I didn't, as I tried various things and they all resulted in the same error.
@DarthNihilus530 For the fact it isn't due to your weidu have mods installed before, then it will be due to either packages in termux not being install properly or potentially you copied a file but didn't allow it to copy full and it got corrupted.
Either the ones mentioned or ones you won't beable to tell.
It wouldn't be specifc, just a bunch of corrupted files here and there in the folder from not being copied fully.
Anyway to the task; your path is wrong.
Cd storage
Cd Shared
Cd Android
Cd Obb
Cd com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition or cd com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition (depending on the game)
If you have any futher questions, due to how bad it seems the messaging is working on here , you can message me on signal at TheDraiken.01
Thank you for everything.
But be warned, you're going to be waiting quite a while if your phone isn't reasonably fast.
Like I used Note 20 Ultra for this guide, which while a phone from 2020, had snapdragon 865+ and it was like an hour + to install all SCS components while on my laptop its less than an hour, like I think 20-30 minutes.
I had already experimented on my older Note 9 (I don't throw away phones when they get old like people generally do) before making this guide , but the speeds for installing mods while okay for me (since I'm patient) where not somthing I would use to make a guide.
The Longest mod on my phone to intall ever was "animate dead now" which on my Note 9 took 6 hours if I didn't do anything else, on my Note 20 Ultra took 3 hours and on my laptop installed in like 10 minutes. ( I know the math isnt lineraly making sense compared to SCS, but it is what it is).
When I buy another phone maybe s25 Ultra next year or Fold 6 later this year or whatever ( Yes I'm willing to stupidly buy another phone just to test out the install speeds, please don't judge), I might make a youtube video or somthing to show the install speeds of Mods.
(If you have any questions, besides here , you can contact me directly on signal at TheDraiken.01 , I say this because getting notifications for this site , is really somthing else.)
I was asking because I got an error while installing the first AI component of stratagems. The log said it couldn't copy the SPWI-2001.spl file.
My guess is that I installed something incorrectly, so I wanted to know, when installing more than one mod, do you copy after every mod you install the override folder and the lang-en_US.zip to the android/data ? Or rather you install each one consecutively and only after the last mod is installed you do that?
I'm going to redo the process so I can confirm if that was my mistake.
Thanks for responding again!
Edit: I managed to install SCS without problems. I don't really know what was the issue but after a clean installation it worked, took quite a bit of time tho, about 12 hours...
And when i input weinstall wildmage (i download the mod) it says "tp2 file not found"
Gif so you understand:
Just so you know, my profile picture is my username on Signal, so you can message me there for faster responses, since I'm always with my phone.
It should be directly into the next folder:
Here's a proper Video of me installing pocket play, just to show you, incase you're missing somthing.
It's worked for me, but the problem is that i didn't input
cd storage
cd shared
cd bgmodding
cd bg
And again thanks.
Unfortunately due to android 10 and above, it's more hassle than it's worth to do the whole zipping and moving to the data folder in android.
It's possible but tedious.
When I originally wrote this guide I was in android 9 I think where google wasn't busy trying to emulate apple restricting access to people being able to acces thier own stuff.
I'm on Android 13 now so the work around is just to do what I said for EET but apply it to either BG1,BG2, IWD or whatever game you're playing.
I honestly just mod from the obb now, because of how tedious it became due to not being able to zip and transfer to data efficenctly.
Winrar was the safest editor I used, Zarchiver used to work but now will just mess up the files and cause the game to redownload the obb.
But if you mean from the obb, due to the whole android thing , just copy the weidu.log , weidu.cof and all the other files and folders involved in the original install into the obb , especially the original wildmage mod folder that was involved as it contains the backup files from before the mod was installed.
(Nice Name btw, KOTOR2, been a while since I played that)
Your first error is caused due to dw3ms2g3.bcs which is going to be from another mod (probably one of DavidW's own mods as it's DW which is weird ,since SCS is his own Mod too) , remove it from the override , then install the component, after you finish installing SCS, then put it back in the override.
You can also find out which mod it came from by typing "weidu --change-log dw3ms2g3.bcs" to find out the mods affecting it, to find out where it came from.
As for the second issue, I think you didn't install the perl package into your termux ( I mentioned it in the guide as its MANDATORY if you want to install SCS , as it is coded in perl).
I have Perl installed, as shown in the images. I have the latest version of SCS, and the most curious thing is that this started recently because it was working fine before
This problem didn't happen before; I don't remember if I modified Termux or did anything else, I believe I didn't, as I tried various things and they all resulted in the same error.
Try to update termux packages to latest maybe.
It wouldn't be specifc, just a bunch of corrupted files here and there in the folder from not being copied fully.