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An Idiot's guide to modding Baldur's Gate (and other IF Games) on Android Alone.



  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    @DraikenWeAre sorry to hear you're sick. But thanks for replying.

    Yeah I did set termux storage.


    And I use cd storage/shared/bgmodding/bg2ee (bgee, sod).

    But eet installed completely. But it doesn't seem to be starting once I've moved it to the obb location
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @Crubrus Okay I was replying to what you said previosly about SCS, which I coudn't reply to last week.

    Where you able to install SCS as you wanted?

    And when you say it's not starting, do you mean it's just a black screen?

    If it's that then it means there's a file not being read, most commonly in my experience this is going to be the lang file.
    If you are just pasting the files into OBB then you shouldn't be editing the lang files to .klt and just leave them as they normally are.

    If it's not the lang file then it could be another file.

    Additionally it could just be it's taking longer to load, on my phone it stays on the back screen for about 10-15 seconds before starting due to all the mods I installed.

    I hope though this isn't a copying error though, that maybe one of the files might have gotten corrupted in the transfer to the obb, it's generally why If I mod on my phone, I just run the termux directly into obb folder itself, which also saves time on the whole copying into the folder itself aspect.

    Lastly where you able to install all the mods you wanted?
  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    @DraikenWeAre aah right. No I did not. Each mod I installed ended up with a permission problem somewhere during the installation.
    I therefore tried to work on eet first as Id rather have that then anything.

    And with the eet the installation had no errors when installing in the mod folder.
    I've copied over all files without changing the lang or any other file exept reverting the obb files from rar back to obb.
    Copied them into the respective obb folders including the dlcmerger/eet folders.
    But it starts, but I don't see any difference in the game itself. I do not have the access to bg1 from bg2 as I understand I should when I looked into starting a new game from scratch.

    (I've not played eet before so had to search around to find out and found you need to start with bg2 and bg1 should be selected there. But a big possibility of it being me who just dunno what it should look like)

    How do you copy the files in termux? I mean what code is used?
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    edited February 10
    @Crubrus Ah the permission issue was your issue for SCS.

    I think there might be a work around for that but it qould involve adb but I can't test that since it would require android 15 to test out which I don't have since I use Note 20 Ultra, ao don't have the permission issue the first place.

    Your issue isn't ypur installation is wrong, it's the fact of how UI on android is different from Windows slightly and EET is on Android makes Lefruet's Mod Mandatory.

    That's why the options aren't showing up, not that there's any error or anything.

    As for the mods you couldn't install, if you want I could do it for you and just send you the whole thing installed zipped for you to extract, you would juat send me a list of whT you want installed.
  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    @DraikenWeAre Hmm. I did install the leui mod from the guide as well. And if I recall it correctly I did not receive errors in the installation. But it could be something I missed I guess.

    If you would help me by installing everything I'd be extremely grateful.
    Would that include the EET?
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @Crubrus Yeah everything, just give me a list of all the mods you want installed.
  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    @DraikenWeAre in that case I would like to include eet, SCS, tweaks anthology and bg2 fixpack
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @crubus Which Lefruet Ui do you want, sod, bgee or bg2ee ?
  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    @DraikenWeAre I'm most used to the bg2 so use that
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193

    Alright I'll try do this today for you, it's 3:05pm here where I live, so I try get it all done in the next 5 hours or so, then post it.
  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    Yeah same time here.
    thanks a bunch for helping me out. Mean alot
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @Crubus Sorry about not meeting up to time as I said, the power went out in my whole area yesterday, with the added heat , just made me feel terrible and had to go sort out my generator to not get worse, so I could have power again.

    I've done it now, though it will take time to upload, I first tried to condense the file to what was just necessary (data,lang, movies, music, override, chitin.key, engine.lua) but compressed everything was still 9gb when just keeping everything is 13gb compressed, so if you want to edit or uninstall you can as everything is there.

    Probably will be done uploading in about 30 min then I'll post the link.

    I also added some stuff, nothing massive, mostly just restorative stuff like Unfinished Business and Ascension which justrestore things that were cut before release of the games (due to time constraints) but were completed after ( since part of the people that worked on the games are in the modding community)

    Also Shadow Magic (access to the shadow weave), and TnB Revised Specialists, which just adds more benefits to Kits for the Mage class, so you can determine more applicable benefits rather than just getting an extra spell slot for losing a access to a whole entire school.

    Dimention Gate which adds a bunch of teleporting spells, if you go through the mirror to the alternate Universe in Irenicus Dungeon in the beggining of SOA, but if you don't go then, you can find the portal later in the game (since going early will just get you killed easily, it's and alternate Universe, so Irenicus is still as tough plus a bit tougher).

    Wild Mage additions, which adds certain things Specifc to Wild Mages.

    Atweaks which just normally works with SCS and makes Demons act like PNP demons (if a devil is present they will attack the devil and forget about you, plus other abilities like phasing into the astral plane) and restore Dimention Door Spell back to the game, plus small things here and there like Tweaks Anthology.

    I didn't install the Spellcasting Demiliches of SCS as that just makes Demiliches cast Spells like Liches which is boring IMO, (so what's the point), but instead install polytops Demilich more in line with PNP Demiliches, so don't take them lightly.

    As for full liches SCS removes the fact they are immune to level 5 spells, making them susceptible to all level spells, in pnp though they are immune to level 3 spells and below, so after SCS I installed revised liches which adds that back and some other pnp stats (50% resistance to slashing , piercing and missile damage).

    Installed Minions tied to summoner, which makes summons despawn if the caster who summoned them is killed.
    Works both ways, so if you feel overwhelmed and kill a mage that's bringing hordes after hordes, kill the mage and the summons go, but also if a summoner in your party gets killed by enemies, the summons from them will also despawn.

    revisit oldhaunt which just adds an option for a wish to the genie of wish, if you want to make a wish to go to an area you have already been too.

    I only installed one quest mod that is totally skippable, but you probably can't tell it's not part of the base game (it's that good) , it adds some content with a character that appears for like a 5 min fight in TOB, making you interact with them in BG more.

    Some more scripts (Morpheus's EPGS) and Portraits, all which you don't have to use, plus PPE.

    Then last CLUE Console for mobile , just keep your hand on the skull back button at the top left to access the console.

    Everything is in the weidu.log in the folder, just extract it into the obb folder directly.

    Here's the file and if you want to contact me directly, you can on Signal at TheDraiken.01 as I know DMs don't work on here anymore.

    (BTW which country you in, kind of peculiar we have the same time?)
  • CrubrusCrubrus Member Posts: 15
    @DraikenWeAre Don't worry about it. Real life happens as they say. Hope things are back to normal now though?

    Thanks for adding stuff as well, they all sound great. I'm new to the mods of this game so dunno whats good or not except the ones I've heard about. Played it back in the day and just recently picked it up on android and ran through it.

    I'm downloading the file now and will try to get it working when i get a chance to.
    I'll add you on signal as well.

    I'm from Sweden, you?
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @Crubrus I live in Nigeria. (Though I wasn't born or raised here).
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