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An Idiot's guide to modding Baldur's Gate (and other IF Games) on Android Alone.



  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194

    Try these commands again:

    apt-get update

    pkg install unzip zip p7zip iconv

    pkg install lua53

    pkg install ffmpeg

    pkg install perl

    Additionally what's your android version and did you get termux of playstore or Fdroid?
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    My version is Android 14. I had already downloaded those files to be sure; I will download them again.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2024
    @DarthNihilus530 okay two things, one is an idea and one a question.

    Try Install the Termux from Fdroid instead, that one has more updates and is better maintained.

    Second you set up the material files app environment to termux right?

    Because looking back at your screenshot, it said folders were inaccessible.


  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59
    @DraikenWeAre The most up-to-date version of Termux is Version 0.118.1?


  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    I should have mentioned that it's not just about Updated Version, Google at times doesn't allow certain plugins on certain apps when they are installed from the playstore, when the developer has them installed initially if you download them directly.

    I learnt about this recently when I installed Grayjay, which had none of it's plugins if it's installed from playstore.
    I haven't used Termux from playstore in a year now and your on Android 14, so I don't know if the one offered to your device is wonky somehow due to googles policies.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    He's trying to access the folders of PC Usr/bin/pearl but can't find them.

    But even if that were the case, I still can't see much sense in it because he had already installed SCS once before, and it didn't give this error. I've tried various ways to solve this problem, and so far there are no clues.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59
    @DraikenWeAre What do you recommend I do? I was thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2024
    @DarthNihilus530 Uninstall everything, Termux and co, download Termux from Fdroid install all the packages, then mod directly from the OBB of Baldurs gate.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    Hi @DraikenWeAre I uninstalled Termux and reinstalled it, but the same issue persists. I don’t know what to do anymore. Even after uninstalling, the problem remains. Could this be related to SCS and not to Termux or Android?

  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 The Issue is the fact it's not reading the perl package (inaccessible or not found) so it can't install SCS, as to why it's not reading it I don't know.

    Can you type the command to install perl and screenshot what comes up.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 It's not installing and you don't install perl in the BG folder, you install it from the initial folder home of termux.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 Something is wrong if your perl is on the latest version but it's not being read .

    The only other Explanation (assuming you've allowed Termux in permissions to access storage) is that it's a Android 14 Issue and google did some nonsense that prevents Termux from reading where it installed perl which explains the "inaccesible", that's the last thing off my head.

    I'm on android 13 atm and my phone doesn't have a 14 update, so I can't test this to be true. If you have another persons phone handy that has android 13, see what happens is what I would say.

    In the mean time give me a list of the mods you want to install and I'll install em for you and send you the override and lang files.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    Actually, the problem goes much further because I am a Brazilian mod translator, and I was translating the SCS mod on PC/Android. However, my PC broke down, so I was trying to at least test my SCS translation (something I had already done before in BG1). I had also talked to DavidW, and I had translated other mods like Crucible and The Long Road, so I needed to solve this problem to test my translation. I have been facing this problem for months.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 So what you going to do now?
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59
    @DraikenWeAre I have no idea because this problem wasn't in my plans and I don't know how to fix it. I've contacted many people, and none of them knew what this problem was either.

    I don't know why it’s trying to read this symbolic link; maybe the only chance would be if I downloaded Winlator and tried to download SCS there, who knows.

  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 well I hope you figure somthing out.

    When I have time, I'm going to check what I suspect thats it's due to Android 14, hate that google keeps making it more and more like IOS.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    What makes me angriest is that this problem didn’t occur before. I was able to download SCS normally before, but now it’s like this.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 on this same device on this same android version, you installed SCS prior?
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    In the same version of Android, I don’t remember. I suppose I did, but on the same device, I had already installed SCS before.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    Using my method correct?

    Also when did you ladt update your device?
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    Hello, sorry for the lack of response; it was because I was away. Yes, I downloaded it using your method, and it worked on the same device, but I don’t remember when I updated the phone—it was on some day, but I don't recall.

    Could Shizuku solve this problem?
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    Is there a way to revert to Android 13 using an application or some method?
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 I remember back in the day I tried installing a ROM into an old phone without a Laptop, and it didn't end well.

    The most practical and reliable way to install an android rom is to connect to a PC and run software from the manufacturer's site that allows such, like Samsung has on one of thier websites.

    Unfortunately your laptop is busted, so you can't do this

    As for shizuku, I Don’t know, never had it in my phone while installing mods.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59


    I asked, copied the error, and pasted it into ChatGPT, and this is what it said:

    The error message indicates that the installation script is unable to find or access the Perl interpreter at `/usr/bin/perl`. Since you're using Termux on Android, Perl is located at `/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/perl`. The installation script likely has a hardcoded path to `/usr/bin/perl`, which doesn't exist in your Termux environment.

    To resolve this, you can create a symbolic link to point `/usr/bin/perl` to the location of Perl in Termux. Here's how to do it:

    1. **Create the required directory**:
    mkdir -p /usr/bin

    2. **Create the symbolic link**:
    ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl

    After creating the symbolic link, try running the mod installation again. This should allow the script to find Perl at the expected location and proceed with the installation.

    If the issue persists, let me know, and we can explore other troubleshooting steps.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 I definatly think its android 14 Now with all this, and knowing how google for some reason tries to lock up the data files, I look around and saw others having issues with Android 14 on Termux accessing other stuff they need data files for.

    When you type termux-setup-storage what happens?

    Additionally try to start from beginning, but type Termux-am first then termux-setup-storage, then everything else.
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    Now I really believe that the problem is really this (Android 14) because when I used the command termux-setup-storage, that screen asking for user permission did not appear. So I came to the conclusion that Android is hiding its files, and that is causing this error.

    If I can't resolve this error, which is quite possible, I will try to download the SCS using Winlator, at least to see if it is possible to do that.


  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59

    If there were a solution to this problem, how do you think it would be? With Shizuku's help, I can get Root on Termux. Do you think this would help to solve the problem?
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @DarthNihilus530 sorry about being slow to reply, been looking after someones kids for em, so not had free time like that to reply.

    I typed the command wrongly btw , its supposed to be ;

    Pkg install termux-am
    Then on termux-setup-storage , just say yes.

    See if the Permission appears. (Still say yes regardless)

    But even so, you can set permissions by entering the app settings.
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