[Mod] Neverwinter for Baldur's Gate

author: AGKanevchev
weidu adaptaion: paladin84
The mod repeats, with some minor modifications, the plot of Neverwinter Nights game. Once Gorion's Ward reaches the experience of 1350000 XP, he/she can start Neverwinter Nights. At this moment, a messenger from Neverwinter will approach him/her in any of the Athkatla's Districts and ask for help. However, recommended amount of XP to start NWN content is 1750000. It is a huge mod with hundreds of new areas, 6 (obvious) joinable NPCs, lots of dialogs and... Lady Aribeth.

Alternative download from google disk
All the useful information (how to install, mods order, languages, etc) is in readme
weidu adaptaion: paladin84
The mod repeats, with some minor modifications, the plot of Neverwinter Nights game. Once Gorion's Ward reaches the experience of 1350000 XP, he/she can start Neverwinter Nights. At this moment, a messenger from Neverwinter will approach him/her in any of the Athkatla's Districts and ask for help. However, recommended amount of XP to start NWN content is 1750000. It is a huge mod with hundreds of new areas, 6 (obvious) joinable NPCs, lots of dialogs and... Lady Aribeth.

Alternative download from google disk
All the useful information (how to install, mods order, languages, etc) is in readme
Post edited by paladin84 on
e. g. BG2, I kind of like that players get an option to choose what to explore (and re-use).
For instance, in Trials of the Luremaster, while I don't think it fits that well into the BG2
atmosphere, I think it is a very nice mod - lots of fighting, some puzzles and things to
find. I may get to test this one next year, after the current holidays in late year are over.
worldmap mod can be a bit troublesome sometimes.
For worldmap it is pretty stable based on my experience and this is the only way I know to add the new map areas outside of bg1/bg2/eet maps.
Does this mod require BGT world map or can I use the one that comes with EET?
Also, if you start this mod with 1.5 million XP, how much XP do you have when you finish this mod?
If you reintall all your mods (with exactly the same versions) while you are still in BG1 and install NWN mod with them, everything should mostly work, but my biggest concern is bp-bgt-worldmap. Generally, it is not compatible with old saves. All the maps location names might be broken for the old saves and/or the map itself might be broken. It might be fixed during a "game transition" (when you go from BG1 to SoD or from SoD to BG2), but I am not sure. You can have another eet installation (without deleting the current one), try to load any of your current saves and see the result.
There is lots of XP in NWN mod. The content was designed to be a single big mod for BG2. I don't remember exact numbers, but I think by the end of NWN content my party members had at least 3.5M each. Thus, I would recommend to install some mods that decrease amount of XP given to the party if there are other mods.
thanks for your work.
The pictures look beautiful.
From what I understand, this was started by another modder and was released after over 5 years of development. So I'm just curious if this modder has subsequently released some information about his/her work process? I think such knowledge could help the community.
Thank you. Yes, you understood it right. He started it and finished it but it was a bgt-based assembly. I extracted all NWN specific resources from this assembly, converted for EE, added more languages and created this weidu mod. However, he was the one who created all the content, and he never published anything (at least I am not aware) until it was done. I would probably lost all the motivation working on something secretly for five years... So, everything we have now is this mod and original bgt-based assembly in Russian.
Thanks paladin84. I tried it out and the names were messed up on the BP-BGT-Worldmap. Everything else works fine. I used the console to teleport to some of the locations and everything seems to be working great. I'll probably have to wait until I want to start a new game if I want the map locations to be correct. I plan to use EET Tweaks to lower the XP by about 40% since I have multiple other mods and TOB to continue on with.
I may just start over as this project looks pretty cool and there are multiple other mods that I have installed that are new or beta so this should make things even more wild. Thanks for your time and your effort to translate it to English. A few years ago I thought the Baldur's Gate mod scene might die out after 20+ years and I never could have imagined I'd be able to go to Neverwinter, Luskan, and the spine of the world during a BG playthrough. It's really cool how the technology and the mod scene has evolved in the last 5 years or so.
I'm gonna have to give this a try (will write a review if I finish it, though it sounds massive), but I'll probably do what I always do with mods and ignore the recommendations to go in with 89k xp on a solo Mage/Thief with little gear instead lol (oh, I just noticed the xp is a requirement for the quest to start duh, so I guess I'll roll with a Jester, cause the jester song starts popping around that level).
I can tell you what file to change if you want to start NWN content earlier, but no complains about the balance. The review and the bug reports (if any) are very welcome.
and extracted it.
In the extracted directory I see these three entries:
So you possibly downloaded the wrong file; that happened to me some days ago in regards
to another mod as well. Note that, I believe. the .exe file is just weidu.exe renamed to fit
the directory here. I often found it best to look at the "/releases" URL of github - usually
maintainers on github take extra care to ensure that these releases work.
I already went with my Jester, thanks. I also already found quite a few bugs (none gamebreaking, it's mostly NPCs telling you directions that are completely wrong and audio problems), so where/how should I report them?
As for balance, oh boy, I was having a lot of fun and little issues with the mod (explored like 99% of Beggar's Nest so far, killed Darwyl etc.) until I happened upon a *nameless/generic* Cult Mage (NWCULT1.CRE) in Beggar's Nest that:
-Is level 35 (for comparison: Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons, is level 25, and Amelyssan, empowered with the essence of Bhaal, is level 30, so yes, this nameless dude in some slums is higher level than godlike beings)
-Ignores invisibility (why? Who knows)
-Requires +4 weapons to hit for some reason (but he still casts and re-casts Improved Mantle on himself constantly... Why...?). I don't even have +4 weapons to begin with (didn't think I'd need them this early, since it's supposed to be the vanilla NWN campaign!) and all the stuff I found is +1 or +2 at best... (so I'm instead using what I brought from Athkatla, cause everything here is crap)
-Has 208hp (for comparison: Firkraag has 184hp)
-Has saves of 1/0/1/0/1 (for comparison: Amelyssan has 2/3/5/7/4, Demogorgon has 3/5/4/4/6)
-Is 100% immune to Fire/Cold/Electricity, 80% resistant to acid and 20% resistant to all physical damage (why?)
-Has 50% resistance to Magic (as if the above resistances weren't enough)
-Has -12 AC
-Has 3 attacks per round, despite being a Mage
-Has a *base* THAC0 of -2 (a level 21 Fighter has 0 and that's as good as it gets)
-Has seemingly unlimited "spell triggers" (well, I assume that was the intent, the log just shows a ton of spells being cast at once)
So I did what any sane person would do and said "fuck that garbage" and cheesed him with a ton of Cloudkills from a wand. But then I went downstairs and there's another two... That's just annoying.
I'll keep playing, ofc (cause everything else has been high quality so far), but I gotta say that doesn't give me high hopes for the future of combat design, especially fights with named creatures that are supposed to be hard (as opposed to this random god mob).
- PC, Windows 10, Mozilla Firefox
- PC, Windows 10, Google Chrome and
- Handy, Google Chrome
and there is always the same no setup.exe and by extract about by WinRaR
Diagnostic Messages: Unexpected end of archive + The archive is corrupt
I have also to say i haven't a Github-Account.
Any help or idea?
Looks like you cannot download big files from github. I know people with the same issue and I would blame your internet provider. Anyway, can you try to download from google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z7cMaxky2v7JfnLg-umWkjatB0431Zmf/view, please?
I didn't have many troubles with them, but I had +4 weapons and didn't play solo. Please note, it is considered that PC is experienced enough and have some gear (as far as I remember, you should have this level of XP after underdark and you should have some +4 weapons). All the enemies were designed to match this level and some of them are might be too strong. You should not expect level 1 enemies from original NWN content in this mod. I am not trying to say he is not overpowered, though. He is, and again I will try to fix it.
Good news is there not many nameless guys who are too strong. There might be more of them, but not many. Also, you should be able to craft some good gear, at the blacksmith at the city core.
Thank you for your feedback. Let me know if there more of too strong enemies.
I feel ya, your position is kinda hard not being the original modder and all. Maybe you could ask him if you can publish a separate branch of his mod (with full credit, of course) with a few balance adjustments, if he doesn't wanna change it? That way folks will have access to both versions (cause the rest of the mod is pretty good so far).
I'm not gonna hammer on how poorly designed of an enemy it is, cause you didn't make it, but just to highlight how the +4 weapons thing alone is already absurd... Even after the Underdark that's an extremely rare thing to have. Just think about it, most weapon classes only have access to ONE +4 weapon in the entire trilogy and these weapon classes have NO access to +4 weapons in SoA at all (so if you're proficient/specialized in them... Tough luck):
-Bastard swords (unless you're a paladin)
-Maces (cause the Cult Mage ain't undead, so the Mace of Disruption +2 doesn't count)
And the only non-missable +4 Dagger (cause you only get the Boneblade +4 if you do the Aboleth's bidding in Ust Natha) is near the end of Watcher's Keep, so you'd need to fight some ToB-level fights to get there (unless you know some good cheese, ofc, but I'm thinking about the average player who can't solo the whole thing coming straight out of Irenicus' Dungeon).
Hell, talking to folks over the years, I often hear about problems with the Ravager, at the end of ToB, cause some folks don't have +4 weapons for all of their characters even then!
That's very encouraging then. I did go to the Peninsula District for now and haven't found anything ridiculous so far (though it's pretty funny that, despite how powerful the enemies are, they only have +1 weapons, which means they can't touch my elementals). And I didn't notice you could craft gear, I thought I explored everything at the city core? Guess I missed it, good to know!
Once again, I don't wanna be completely negative cause the rest of the mod has been pretty fun so far and I *love* the new areas. It's great to see folks putting the Pillars of Eternity assets to good use finally (and it blends surprisingly well with the infinity engine stuff they used, despite being much more detailed).
When I go back to Beggar's Nest, I think I'll just run past the Cult Mage gods for now, cause it doesn't seem like you're required to kill them (idk, it's been decades since I last played the NWN vanilla campaign, I don't remember anything) and their xp is not worth the effort of performing the cloudkill cheese. I'm already almost level 20 (when the Jester song will let me cheese the hell outta things), so I don't need the xp.
Also, you didn't mention a good place to report bugs, so I'll just leave the ones I found so far here (like I said, nothing gamebreaking so far):
-Aribeth's dialogue at the start doesn't always match what she's saying (sometimes it's very different). And in some dialogue choices she repeats the "second, ..." part, which makes no sense unless it's right after the line that starts with "first,...".
-Bethany, who you meet right outside of the academy, tells you that the Peninsula District is to the southwest, but it's actually to the east.
-Invisibility Hat description doesn't mention the actual (improved) invisibility charge ability, how often it can be used etc.
-Failing a steal attempt in a shop has no penalties whatsoever (at least in Eltoora's shop). It just boots you out of the menu, but the shopkeeper doesn't turn hostile.
-Don't know if this is a bug, but it's weird, so I'm mentioning it: the mod starts with you at 1.35 million xp, but most of the companions you can hire only come with ~660k (except Daelan and Linu who start with ~1 million and Boddyknock starts with 784k).
-Grimgnaw is referred to as a Monk in dialogue, but he's a Cleric (I'm aware that there's no animation for dwarven monks, but then the dialogue should be changed, no? Or maybe he should be turned into a human so he can be a Monk?).
-The audio in the cutscene with Drawl is messed up, it lags behind the subtitles a lot and is waaaaaaay to quiet/distorted.
-The Helmite priest in the Beggar's Nest offers a blessing, but when he casts it, it doesn't actually bless the party, only the priest himself and the guy next to him (Bertrand).
-Drake in the Serpent place in Beggar's Nest gives wrong directions to Krestal (he says he's north of the Helmite shrine to the west, but the Helmite shrine is to the east).
-Jemaine talks about his brother going to a house north of there, but Jemaine's house is already at the northernmost part of the map. The house is actually right next door, to the east.
-When fighting the aforementioned god Cult Mages, sometimes a random invincible creature (with no animation) named "target" shows up.
-Kipp in the Peninsula district says the prison is to the southwest, but you're already at the southwest part of the area where you find him and the prison is to the north.
You can bug report here or on g3 (https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/37267-neverwinter-night-for-baldurs-gate-mod/).
I will also fix the bugs you mentioned (they are mainly in directions, cause directions were changed (originally in Russian) to match new maps, and then I found appropriate English lines automatically using original NWN texts with old directions... I fixed some of them, but probably not all) in a new mod version. Thank you for the bugs in dialogs, people often don't pay attention to this (there are already people who finished the mod in English).