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[Mod] Neverwinter for Baldur's Gate



  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited March 2024
    > all closed doors have black boxes

    I also had a few graphics glitches. In my last run the house with the secret entrance was half-black, meaning rather than the texture with rooms, desks and so forth, half of it was just painted in black. I am currently in another run-through, and haven't yet started it; will look as to why some of those graphics glitches occur. In my first run I had no glitch in this regard (except for that small greenish line in the starting banner).
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2024
    I am sorry if I break something. Now, since NWN is available as a standalone campaign it is easier to trouble shoot. Can you show me couple of screenshots, so I understand what kind of glitches you have?
    spacejaws wrote: »
    Finally had some time to jump in, really enjoying it explored all of the city core first and now starting with Blacklake. I think I need to reinstall the mod however I've been updating to the latest versions as they becamse available and launched the standalone campaign in the latest version but all closed doors have black boxes around them and some tiling issues with the water under the bridge. I'll let you know if this remains after a reinstall.

    There are a few minor text errors, Aribeths dialogue about the intelect devourer for me played what sounded like truncated dialogue about the Yaun-ti about how it can use magic and change it's shape.

    I take it the opening sequence with the academy from OG NWN is not in this it starts right after the academy attack? The journal was empty so perhaps it would be cool to have a journal entry detailing that if you don't get to play the sequence.
    Overall, it looks like your GPU doesn't process transparency properly. It is the only reason I can think of such glitches. I cannot reproduce it on my PC. It can be driver/GPU/game settings issue. If more people experience the same, I probably have to change back all my fixes for doors and water tiles (or support two versions).

    For minor text errors, it would be nice if you can provide particular lines that should be fixed.

    And I like the idea of adding something into journal about how it all started, I will probably do it for the next version, but not any time soon.
    Post edited by paladin84 on
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    edited March 2024
    paladin84 wrote: »
    I am sorry if I break something. Now, since NWN is available as a standalone campaign it is easier to trouble shoot. Can you show me couple of screenshots, so I understand what kind of glitches you have?
    spacejaws wrote: »
    Finally had some time to jump in, really enjoying it explored all of the city core first and now starting with Blacklake. I think I need to reinstall the mod however I've been updating to the latest versions as they becamse available and launched the standalone campaign in the latest version but all closed doors have black boxes around them and some tiling issues with the water under the bridge. I'll let you know if this remains after a reinstall.

    There are a few minor text errors, Aribeths dialogue about the intelect devourer for me played what sounded like truncated dialogue about the Yaun-ti about how it can use magic and change it's shape.

    I take it the opening sequence with the academy from OG NWN is not in this it starts right after the academy attack? The journal was empty so perhaps it would be cool to have a journal entry detailing that if you don't get to play the sequence.
    Overall, it looks like your GPU doesn't process transparency properly. It is the only reason I can think of such glitches. I cannot reproduce it on my PC. It can be driver/GPU/game settings issue. If more people experience the same, I probably have to change back all my fixes for doors and water tiles (or support two versions).

    For minor text errors, it would be nice if you can provide particular lines that should be fixed.

    And I like the idea of adding something into journal about how it all started, I will probably do it for the next version, but not any time soon.

    No worries, I try and take down some more specific notes and share them, can play over the intro again and start documenting it. Is it better to share that here or on Gibberlings?

    My cards an RTX2060 so I thought it should be able to handle it. I can't see any issues in the BGII campaign. Closed doors, water and some fires I think(?) appears to be affected. Uninstalled the mod and reinstalled but it looks the same. The only other mods I have installed is the Irenicus dungeon skip and a potrait pack on EE version via Steam. Happy to reinstall the game and try again to be sure, can do that later tonight. Below are the pics I'm seeing.




    I've also not tried accessing it via the courier in BGII, but I can't imagine that would change the visuals but again happy to try. If no one else is seeing this though then it does sounds like something wrong with my machine oh lucky me :D it's minor enough that I can still play and enjoy it though, my character mission is to open every door in Faerun. (also yes my character is the depressed Oompa Loompa from the Glasgow Willy's Chocolate Experience lol)
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2024
    It looks super bad. And yes, your GPU should be good enough. Try with the fresh install, please. You override folder should be empty before installing the latest version of NWN (for the test). It looks like tiles are at wrong positions, that might be the case if for some reasons WED files from older version of NWN mod are used.

    What I would do now with your current version: 1) copy everything from NWNForBG/wed and NWNForBG/map_ee folder into you override folder (with replacing files) for the 0.96 mod version and test the game. if it is still bad, do the same for version 0.95.
    You can also share your override folder with me somehow, but it is big.

    It doesn't look like GPU problem, rather like something wrong with the files.

    Added: you can post about bugs anywhere, I am trying to read all the forums.
    Post edited by paladin84 on
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks to everyone who helped to make this mod available!

    If playing this mod as part of the BG2EE campaign, am I correct in thinking that it involves (a) removing all current party members (when you travel to Neverwinter), and -- because of (a) -- ending any romantic relationship that the PC may have started?

  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    paladin84 wrote: »
    It looks super bad. And yes, your GPU should be good enough. Try with the fresh install, please. You override folder should be empty before installing the latest version of NWN (for the test). It looks like tiles are at wrong positions, that might be the case if for some reasons WED files from older version of NWN mod are used.

    What I would do now with your current version: 1) copy everything from NWNForBG/wed and NWNForBG/map_ee folder into you override folder (with replacing files) for the 0.96 mod version and test the game. if it is still bad, do the same for version 0.95.
    You can also share your override folder with me somehow, but it is big.

    It doesn't look like GPU problem, rather like something wrong with the files.

    Added: you can post about bugs anywhere, I am trying to read all the forums.

    Sorry for wasting your time complete reinstall of the game and mod and alls fine. I must have screwed up one of the version updates or something. I'll keep you posted on any bugs here on out. Thanks again!
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Thanks to everyone who helped to make this mod available!

    If playing this mod as part of the BG2EE campaign, am I correct in thinking that it involves (a) removing all current party members (when you travel to Neverwinter), and -- because of (a) -- ending any romantic relationship that the PC may have started?

    You can keep any of your party members when you go to NWN, their events should be properly blocked. Eg no one come for Jaheira, while you are doing NWN content. And you don't have "real" romances in NWN, so no conflicts, reactions, etc.
    However, it is more fun to play NWN content with NWN NPCs, at least they have something to tell you about what is going on.

    So, play however you want, it all should be fine.
    spacejaws wrote: »
    Sorry for wasting your time complete reinstall of the game and mod and alls fine. I must have screwed up one of the version updates or something. I'll keep you posted on any bugs here on out. Thanks again!

    No problem, I am glad you were able to fix everything.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks for your quick reply!

    My concern was that if a character has started a romance, that relationship ends automatically if the companion is removed from the party for more than a few days. But it looks like I can just keep that companion in the party, as necessary.

  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2024
    This mod is so great, it is in my mandatory install list now , great job :)

    But, please, tell me am wrong, any line as this one is bad :


    ADD_SPELL should not be used as is... Why? Because it forces Weidu to install (OVERWRITE) the spell without any warning.

    Worst case : if the symbolic_name already exists for another spell with another level, now it's redirected on your spell. To be clear, the old spell is not overrided, but it's symbolic name (WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5) is, and now IT REDIRECTS to your spell...

    Maybe you should use a warning in your readme , in your order of installation, or a guard before installing any spell (imagine the plethora of mods that install spells with this simple easy ADD_SPELL ...)

    Again, I wish I m wrong...

  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Thank you. For the ADD_SPELL, there is probably better way to add spells, but I am not very experienced in it. Do you know how to do it properly? I just need the resource name to patch my resources.

    I thought that I was adding spells the right way, but now, after reading documentation again I think you are right. If there are already spells of the same name (eg from IWDification) they are going to be overritten with the one from the mod. I guess, I can add "IF_EXISTING" to "ADD_SPELL", so existing spells are used in the NWN mod, but it doesn't solve the issue with "already existing spells of the same name, but different level". For now I will add the warning into the readme, but again, if you know the proper way to do it, please, let me know.
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2024
    Here a quick code if you absolutely want to overwrite any existing spell/symbolic_name:

    OUTER_SET spell_level = 8
    ACTION_IF code_4 > 0 BEGIN LAF SUBSTRING INT_VAR start = 1 length = 1 STR_VAR string = EVAL "%code_4%" RET spell_level = substring END END
    ADD_SPELL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/new_wi_spl/SPWI828.SPL~ 2 spell_level ~WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5~

    Another way, because your mod is big, you can use yr own unique symbolic name as:

    FYI, there are only these small things that I found, otherwise your code is perfect !

    // Missing bcs should not be filled with trash chars, run this at the end of the install :
    ACTION_BASH_FOR Override ".+.are$" BEGIN
    FOR(a = 0 actor_offset = LONG_AT 0x54 ACTORS_COUNT = SHORT_AT 0x58 ; a < ACTORS_COUNT ; ++a actor_offset = actor_offset + 0x110) BEGIN
    READ_ASCII actor_offset + 0xB0 bcs
    PATCH_IF NOT FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME "%bcs%.bcs" BEGIN WRITE_ASCII actor_offset + 0xB0 "" #8 END

    // NWSLAADD.cre has bad animation

    // NWHARBEN.cre has bad kit

    // NWROBE04.itm has a mismatched effect index, run this : COPY_EXISTING "NWROBE04.itm" Override WRITE_SHORT 0x92 7

    // Some spells and items use missing spells... => from other mod I supposed, u can let them (maybe better to delete any missing references)

    //31 creatures have phantom items (inventory mitmatched items index) => well my function is using my constants hidden behind my weidu lib => but there are only 31 to fix manually...

    Again great job, great mod :)

  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Thanks you a lot for your help. I think the best way to handle spells is to use existing spells in NWN mod if there are any. Thus, if eg IWDification is already installed, no duplicate spells appears. I think I know, how to write scripts for this and will try to change it for the next release.

    For the other things:
    1) I fixed NWROBE04.itm and NWHARBEN.cre, thanks.
    2) Can you be more specific what is wrong with NWSLAADD? I believe it had a wrong animation couple of releases ago (it was some gnome or something like that), but now it is a greater feyr animaton. Or what do you mean?
    3) For the script of changing areas, can you please explain what does it do and why it is dangerous to leave areas as is. Based on your answers I can tell that you have higher qualification than me in modding, so I don't think something wrong with the script, I just want to understand better what does it do.
    4) The same question with spells and items, I can fix them if it is dangerous to leave them as is, but I am lazy to do it only to prevent NI complaining about them.
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2024
    2/ NWSLAADD animlation = 0xFFFFFFFF => ok, found it: its animation label should be "greater_feyr" not "greater feyr" -- my function normalized it automatically as the standard animation labels

    3/ Creature embeded in Area for the field actor_offset + 0x90:
    . says: UNKNOWN DATA
    . NearInifinty says: EEex: Area Script
    => maybe it is a script overrided used sometime ? Personnaly I clear this field in my install: the script search all yr areas, all their actors, then clear this unknown 0x90 field. ALL your hundred areas are fine but some few are bad; it feels weird...

    4/ Nothing is dangerous, but make u trouble in the futur.
    If a mod try to patch a resource and its effects are mis indexed, that could raise an error hard to find...
    Ex: some items target only female or male, and one or yr CRE as no sex => You 'll be contacted just for this // It's the case, I let you find this one cre by yourself
    Some mod difficulty wants to add items on your cre with misindexed item => error raised
    All this misindexed can raise error in game or in other tools as EEKeeper
    Why keep effect using missing resources? Are they copy/pasted, only for tests, for future use, deprececated, for compatibility, remainings of some tweaks, legacy? How mods can patch/fix/improved them later?

    I see all these complainings as easy TODO list otherwise after a mega install, one can have thounsands of "uninteresting" warnings. By having a clean install mod, that will facilitate your work as modder (and for other modders)

    One last thing, by overwriting a canon spell ( WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5 for example ), keep in mind that you overwrite any version that previous mods installed as you wished - fine. AND OF COURSE, next, any other mods can overwrite your WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5 the same way AS THEY WISH , welcome to the game of the last installed mod winner :)

    10 / moinesse_ninja_male_human.ini has no label, (missed it, no warning from NI), you should check if it s actually used as you expected

    This is my BG2EE install including NWN and EET worlmap

    Post edited by shadowlich on
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2024
    Ok, convincing enough, I will try to clean resources as much as I can (or at least add this to my todo list), thank you.

    For the map, I like EET map generally (the dedicated map for NWN was made in BG2 and EET maps style), but they removed too many cities out of it...

    Added: I fixed the areas, but still cannot understand what is wrong with NWSLAADD, it has animation feyr_greater and as far as I can tell it is ok. For the misindexed items and other issues, I haven't found these checks in NI, how can I find all this problem resources? Is there a weidu code to check and/or fix this?
    Post edited by paladin84 on
  • Dalmir_The_DarkDalmir_The_Dark Member Posts: 64
    Wow! I'm gone from the community for a year and come back to see this! Holy smokes! Makes me want to fire up another full playthrough from start to finish and try this out.
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    Agree for the beautiful EET map but with missing cities, I had to find empty spaces for NWN areas...

    NearInfinity / Tools / Check for Cre items not in inventory => mix index items
    NearInfinity / Tools / Check for mix index effects => mix index items/spells effects

    For NWSLAADD.cre, did not dig much, I quick fixed it by setting its animation at the end, so I can go on my next rewriting/debugging mod: TDD
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    I published a new release (, There are no big changes, but lots of small fixes, resource clearing, etc, details can be seen in the README:
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    @paladin84 if I leave for neverwinter will it pause my thieves guild or will I lose it?
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2024
    Sorry for late answer.
    I don't remember events for thieves guild. No people should come to you from Athkatla while you are doing NWN content, but if you there are some timings, they might expire.
    Post edited by paladin84 on
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    Holy crap. i've been searching for new mods for my next playthrough... for weeks. Have a hundred of them on my list and I was running out of ideas. Then out of nowhere this mod appears on the list and I am extremely surprised people sleep on this gem. You converted the whole Neverwinter Night into BG and it looks amazing. Honestly, the fact that this mod doesn't get much recognition bothers me. It is really hard to find.

    Really, congratulations for that project. Cannot wait to play it, brov.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Thank you for your kind words. I am not sure how to make this mod more recognizable. I posted the information about it here, and on, what else can I do?
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    paladin84 wrote: »
    Thank you for your kind words. I am not sure how to make this mod more recognizable. I posted the information about it here, and on, what else can I do?

    Try Spellhold Studio if it isn't there already.
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    paladin84 wrote: »
    Thank you for your kind words. I am not sure how to make this mod more recognizable. I posted the information about it here, and on, what else can I do?

    May I ask about compatibility though? I didn't see any Readme in files. Are there any mods that aren't working well with it? Any mods that should be installed before, any after?
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited July 2024
    > Any mods that should be installed before, any after?

    I am not the author nor can I ascertain that this mod works with every other mod, but I
    do install quite many mods (over 50 at this point in time usually) and NVN has not caused
    any problems at all with other mods, as far as I can tell. The only things I would improve in
    NVN are some polishing of the dialogue options, as well as making it easier to progress in
    the main story (I had confusing results not being able to get some key NPCs into their
    continuation-dialogue) as well as means to return to Amn (e. g. against a fee), even if
    not having finished the mod. But compatibility wise, I think there is none or next to
    none issue with any other mods - after all it takes place in another area completely
    detached from the primary storyline.

    As for installation order: I think it should not matter, but I personally tend to group larger
    mods as late installation, whereas smaller mods I tend to install first usually. This may
    depend on other factors though, e. g. what the mod modifies. For instance, I recently
    tested installation of Tactics remix prior to installation of the Bridge Block, and already
    tested that this seems to work better - I was able to solve the quest in Bridge Block
    that required 3 items to be found. (One enemy usually had the third item, but
    sometimes that enemy was not spawning, and I think installation order can solve or
    influence that problem; at the least it was working for me when I flipped the installation
    order. I never had any issue with NVN in regards to installation order though.)
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2024
    Overall, NWN mod is quite "isolated". It add its own areas with its own creatures, etc and the transition character to send you to Neverwinter city. So, it should be compatible with almost any other mod. If it is not (you find some particular issues), let me know, I will try to fix it. And yes, install it somewhere with other quest mods, before BG-BGT-Worldmap. And the readme is here: , it has compatibility section.
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    paladin84 wrote: »
    Overall, NWN mod is quite "isolated". It add its own areas with its own creatures, etc and the transition character to send you to Neverwinter city. So, it should be compatible with almost any other mod. If it is not (you find some particular issues), let me know, I will try to fix it. And yes, install it somewhere with other quest mods, before BG-BGT-Worldmap. And the readme is here: , it has compatibility section.

    Thank you so much! :)
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    I pusblished the new release (

    There are no significant changes, mainly small bugs/typo fixes, mainly thanks to lynx and sese_ser. The details can be seen in readme. If you already playing, I would not reinstalled the mod for these changes.

    I also added FAQ with questions (if I asked more than one time from different people), there are not much for now, but still:

    First message is changed with the new release information.
  • roshanroshan Member Posts: 29
    Congratulations on the new release! Will definitely include this in a future install!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    This mod is pretty great.

    The area backgrounds use beautiful art from Pillars of Eternity and other sources, but in many cases rearranged or stitched together to form new map layouts - and they succeed in making the NWN world come alive in isometric form.

    The balance is a bit wonky - based on initial enemy difficulty it seems to be designed for a late-game (chapter 6) BG2:SoA party, but even then the XP and gold rewards are excessive, while item rewards are initially underwhelming (but they start to pick up after a while). I guess this is a side-effect of transforming a campaign that was meant to be started at level 1, into a BG2 quest.

    Since I went into it with an already well-balanced and equipped BG2:SoA party, I didn't take any of the NWN henchmen with me, which in retrospect I regret as I probably missed out on extra content that way.
    I did the main story and all the side-quests I could find (except henchmen-related ones), and they all worked fine. No bugs except some cosmetic dialog inconsistencies and the like, which for such a large amount of content is really impressive.

    This mod definitely deserves more attention from players!
    Here are some screenshots to showcase how nice it looks:

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