brunardo wrote:
> about to start me EET run, will bring back some good memories of NWN
If you manage to progress or even solve it, consider making some notes and then publishing it please. I used to play NWN and it is quite nice in general (the graphics seem better compared to vanilla BG2, although this may be debatable as both have their own unique charm). In my first attempt I progressed farther than in any later attempts; just simple things like never being able to get that NPC who tells about the artefacts to collect from crypts to ever tell me again about it. At some point I then gave up on the NWN mod, because if I am unable to solve it, I am perma-stuck and can not progress with BG2 anymore. That's a general problem with some mods; I also had that with the Dusk NPC mod where I could not solve Fall's quest (but rather lost interest due to the annoying issue of boss mobs scaling upwards and respawning; I dislike that kind of game design in general. IMO having bosses only live once, is much much better than respawning with even more power than before. I am aware of Irenicus also having that issue and I don't like it either.)
Will do @shevy123456 as concerned of getting stuck so have to save before starting NWN in case of that or bugs too so can reload back as doing over 50 mods the most I ever tried. Might take me awhile as usually a good year to get through BG1-BG2 part remember finishing NWN its a classic, be great if Hordes of underdark could be done as add on. Agreed bosses should only be fought once, except for ascension lol
Please, don't pay too much attention to shevy123456's complaints. I was answering his question about NWN mod multiple times in different places, but he keeps complaining. Many people already finished the mod, it is completely playable from start to finish unless you are very upset due to the fact that not all quests are available for all the classes in chapter 1.
> Please, don't pay too much attention to shevy123456's complaints..
I have objectively given feedback on the NWN mod ( before. Of course it is entirely up to you to take it into consideration or not.
The objective fact of the matter remains in regards to the mod that if you can not proceed (and subsequently finish the) mod then you are stuck, so this is a dead end. You have already explained that you will not make adjustments to allow continuation of the mod if one fails to progress. That's fine, it is your time after all.
However had I would kindly ask you to stop "recommending" to others about as to whether they may appreciate feedback (or requests for support) coming from others, or not. If they are helpful and wish to provide aid, tutorials or knowledge then this is up to them, not to you to try to discourage them.
_DD_ wrote:
> I suggest applying that to all his comments in all threads. I hope other modders learn that too.
I would recommend to not try to give "advice" as to how others choose for their own in regards to providing feedback or not. I don't do so in regards to you either, so I consider that targeted and unwanted discouragement from you.
I didn't want to be rude, sorry if this sounds such. But when you make comments like this it can make the wrong impression that the mod is not finished. It is finished and many people already played through it. I answered to all your questions and even added FAQ with mainly answers to your questions: .
Hi @paladin84 , does this mod have integration with the regular EET worldmap? If I don't want to use the BP worldmap or the separate one with the NWN areas?
Hi @paladin84 , does this mod have integration with the regular EET worldmap? If I don't want to use the BP worldmap or the separate one with the NWN areas?
Unfortunately, no. There is no space at all for Neverwinter city (and other mod's locations) on the standard EET map. The one, who created it, decided that IWD areas can start directly above SoD areas and there is no need for anything in between. Actually it was a motivation to develop a dedicated map component - for a people who wants to play without installing bp-bgt-worldpmap. I thinks somebody in this topic was able to locate NWN areas somewhere in the sea on the standard EET map by modifying the mod's code, so it is doable (and not that difficult), but it is not supported by me.
Just finished the NWN playthrough, love the mod. It was awesome to be able to take this little "detour" within BG2. I did have a small issue in Chp. 3. Coldwood wouldn't appear on my map. I assume that was because it was North of the starting zone, which was already at the top of the map, so I had to console my way there. I also wasn't able to complete the 3 challenges needed to open the vault in the Creator Ruins. I did them all correctly (I'm pretty sure) but the pool color test just wouldn't seem to work. So I ended up having to ItemCreate the 2nd word of power. After that it was smooth sailing, though.
I do have 1item for the wish list. Would there be any appetite to possibly add Aribeth as a joinable companion after the NWN mod is completed? I'm aware that this isn't a simple request, however, I feel that it could be a nice touch to allow her to follow you back to Amn. Her future up North is a bit tenuous, so rather than an execution, how about exile? Anyways, awesome job.
Just finished the NWN playthrough, love the mod. It was awesome to be able to take this little "detour" within BG2. I did have a small issue in Chp. 3. Coldwood wouldn't appear on my map. I assume that was because it was North of the starting zone, which was already at the top of the map, so I had to console my way there. I also wasn't able to complete the 3 challenges needed to open the vault in the Creator Ruins. I did them all correctly (I'm pretty sure) but the pool color test just wouldn't seem to work. So I ended up having to ItemCreate the 2nd word of power. After that it was smooth sailing, though.
I do have 1item for the wish list. Would there be any appetite to possibly add Aribeth as a joinable companion after the NWN mod is completed? I'm aware that this isn't a simple request, however, I feel that it could be a nice touch to allow her to follow you back to Amn. Her future up North is a bit tenuous, so rather than an execution, how about exile? Anyways, awesome job.
I am glad you liked the mod! Yes, if you install bp-bgt-worldmap prior v13, where the map was not extended to the north, Coldwood is outside of the map (it has negative Y coordinates). I think README says that bp-bgt-worldmap should be at least v13.
For colors test, this works not as it worked in the original NWN. There were the description from the original NWN that was confusing, now the description is the proper one (it is fixed in the latest version of the mod), but the quest should be solved differently than in the original game anyway. Thus, if you used any walk-through (or your memory) to finish this quest, they would not help you.
For the Aribeth, I like her and indeed it would be very nice to make her a joinable NPC for BG2-TOB. It is not that difficult to do, what is difficult is to write proper banters, dialogs, interjections, etc for BG2-TOB content. It also would be cool to add all of that things to other joinable NPCs from NWN (they would say nothing after NWN). Unfortunately, I don't have time to do this and I am not a very creative person to create that many dialogs anyway. Thus, unless somebody is ready to create such dialogs, it won't happen any time soon (probably never).
Please, don't pay too much attention to shevy123456's complaints. I was answering his question about NWN mod multiple times in different places, but he keeps complaining. Many people already finished the mod, it is completely playable from start to finish unless you are very upset due to the fact that not all quests are available for all the classes in chapter 1.
Please, don't pay too much attention to shevy123456's complaints. I was answering his question about NWN mod multiple times in different places, but he keeps complaining. Many people already finished the mod, it is completely playable from start to finish unless you are very upset due to the fact that not all quests are available for all the classes in chapter 1.
Lol Thanks I will still try but if it never happens I wont lose sleep now
> about to start me EET run, will bring back some good memories of NWN
If you manage to progress or even solve it, consider making some notes and then publishing it please. I used to play NWN and it is quite nice in general (the graphics seem better compared to vanilla BG2, although this may be debatable as both have their own unique charm). In my first attempt I progressed farther than in any later attempts; just simple things like never being able to get that NPC who tells about the artefacts to collect from crypts to ever tell me again about it. At some point I then gave up on the NWN mod, because if I am unable to solve it, I am perma-stuck and can not progress with BG2 anymore. That's a general problem with some mods; I also had that with the Dusk NPC mod where I could not solve Fall's quest (but rather lost interest due to the annoying issue of boss mobs scaling upwards and respawning; I dislike that kind of game design in general. IMO having bosses only live once, is much much better than respawning with even more power than before. I am aware of Irenicus also having that issue and I don't like it either.)
I suggest applying that to all his comments in all threads. I hope other modders learn that too.
> Please, don't pay too much attention to shevy123456's complaints..
I have objectively given feedback on the NWN mod ( before. Of course it is entirely up to you to take it into consideration or not.
The objective fact of the matter remains in regards to the mod that if you can not proceed (and subsequently finish the) mod then you are stuck, so this is a dead end. You have already explained that you will not make adjustments to allow continuation of the mod if one fails to progress. That's fine, it is your time after all.
However had I would kindly ask you to stop "recommending" to others about as to whether they may appreciate feedback (or requests for support) coming from others, or not. If they are helpful and wish to provide aid, tutorials or knowledge then this is up to them, not to you to try to discourage them.
_DD_ wrote:
> I suggest applying that to all his comments in all threads. I hope other modders learn that too.
I would recommend to not try to give "advice" as to how others choose for their own in regards to providing feedback or not. I don't do so in regards to you either, so I consider that targeted and unwanted discouragement from you.
There is also one known bug that can be easily avoided: , but that is it.
Unfortunately, no. There is no space at all for Neverwinter city (and other mod's locations) on the standard EET map. The one, who created it, decided that IWD areas can start directly above SoD areas and there is no need for anything in between. Actually it was a motivation to develop a dedicated map component - for a people who wants to play without installing bp-bgt-worldpmap. I thinks somebody in this topic was able to locate NWN areas somewhere in the sea on the standard EET map by modifying the mod's code, so it is doable (and not that difficult), but it is not supported by me.
I do have 1item for the wish list. Would there be any appetite to possibly add Aribeth as a joinable companion after the NWN mod is completed? I'm aware that this isn't a simple request, however, I feel that it could be a nice touch to allow her to follow you back to Amn. Her future up North is a bit tenuous, so rather than an execution, how about exile? Anyways, awesome job.
I am glad you liked the mod! Yes, if you install bp-bgt-worldmap prior v13, where the map was not extended to the north, Coldwood is outside of the map (it has negative Y coordinates). I think README says that bp-bgt-worldmap should be at least v13.
For colors test, this works not as it worked in the original NWN. There were the description from the original NWN that was confusing, now the description is the proper one (it is fixed in the latest version of the mod), but the quest should be solved differently than in the original game anyway. Thus, if you used any walk-through (or your memory) to finish this quest, they would not help you.
For the Aribeth, I like her and indeed it would be very nice to make her a joinable NPC for BG2-TOB. It is not that difficult to do, what is difficult is to write proper banters, dialogs, interjections, etc for BG2-TOB content. It also would be cool to add all of that things to other joinable NPCs from NWN (they would say nothing after NWN). Unfortunately, I don't have time to do this and I am not a very creative person to create that many dialogs anyway. Thus, unless somebody is ready to create such dialogs, it won't happen any time soon (probably never).
kirk, did you find a solution to your problem? I am also stuck outside of Luskan.
"Try to visit NW2100 (North Road) again and find Vardoc there. He should have an item, that after returning to Lady Aribeth should advance the plot."
this solved the problem for me, hopefully it should you too!
such a relef to be able to move forward in the story. good luck
Lol Thanks I will still try but if it never happens I wont lose sleep now