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[Mod] Neverwinter for Baldur's Gate



  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited December 2023
    Ok, I wasn't gonna post anymore until I finish the mod (I'm compiling a list of all the bugs I find to post all at once, to avoid making lots of posts), but since this is a major bug I thought I'd let y'all know: in area NW1040 (below the Helmite Hold), once the Queen Spider (NWSPID3.CRE) shows up the game crashes to desktop. So I can only continue by taking the other route.

    Oh, I was trying to fix the bug with this spider several times already. Tried again, fix will be in the the next release. For now just instant kill it before it casts any spells.
    Post edited by paladin84 on
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    So I am currently playing this through. The graphics look nicer than in BG2?

    Anyway. A tiny glitch: in the initial cut-scene introducing the story, on the
    bottom area there is an odd green bar, perhaps 8px in width or 5px, almost
    as if some part of it is tried to be rendered or blitted but not quite making
    it. Not sure if that is worth reporting yet alone fixing but I am reporting it
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2024
    I guess, some of the area images are more detailed as most in BG2, cause they were taken from Pillars of Eternity mostly. But generally it is a BG2EE mod, so the graphics is the same.

    Thank you for the bug report, do you mean the green line in a video showing? It is a small thing, cause the video is still showed properly. This movie was taken directly from NWNEE, and it plays ok with other players (and in NWNEE). I guess, it is a bug in BG2EE video showing. I am not sure I know what to do about it, other than decreasing resolution, trying other codecs, etc. I added this to my todo list, but idk how and when I can fix it.

    Let me know if you face other bugs, please.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited January 2024
    One of the new year's goal for my run-through was to test Neverwinter
    Nights, the lichdom mod as well as the detective mod. I kind of failed
    in all of them, in part due to not being very clever. Anyway - I actually
    played the Neverwinter mod, and I managed to complete two districts,
    then I struggled. One door I failed to figure out how to open (in a dungeon
    with undead). I had more issues with another district and ran out of steam
    aka I fatigued.

    So I aborted and skipped back to before where the guy arrives who says
    I should help him. On the second time I told him I will help him later - I
    wanted to get some more items and a higher level to make it easier.
    But now I can not find the guy anymore.

    If I recall correctly he said he will be in the government district - this is
    where I arrived at first when he came.

    Would it be possible to relocate him into the copper coronet perhaps?
    I kind of look there first for NPCs when I can not find them. I don't know
    why I can not find him anymore, but it would be super-convenient if
    he would go to the copper coronet rather than insist on staying in
    the area where he met my party (and then not show up - not sure if
    it is a bug or not).

    PS: I often struggle initially. For instance, the Trials of the Luremaster mod
    was quite difficult, until I realised how to complete it, and now I am fairly
    quick at running through. So I do learn through trial and errors, and there
    are helpful hints on the world wide web too, although specifically for
    the Neverwinter night, some of the instructions confuse me, as they
    seem to be for a slightly different map or setup? I sometimes can find
    the stuff I need, whereas sometimes I fail. I don't know how much time
    you guys want to invest further into smaller improvements, but specifically
    the door in the dungeon (where lots of skeletons are and I believe also a
    few vampires) - I am not sure if I missed any hint, but I have no idea how
    to open that door specifically. Would be nice if more hints could be deposited,
    perhaps a scroll or something with information.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Oh, I just published a new release. I will think about moving the messenger from Neverwinter to Copper Coronet for the next release (however, I should ask the permission for it from the original content author). He should wait for you at the same place where you first met him. Now, as a temporary solution, you can summon him using console: C:CreateCreature("NWMESS")

    For you other issue, yes, sometimes exits from the areas are not clear. I don't think you should try to open the door if it is locked (probably later you can do it). Try to find other exits from the area. Adding more map marks for non-obvious exits were already requested, I will try to do it for the next release. If you tell me the exact area name (hit "X" while you at that area during the games and send me the result or the area screenshot), I can help you with this particular one.

    For the release, here is new release:,
    Many small things were fixed (bugs, items, creatures for better balance, etc), Chinese language (fully proof-read) were added, the quality of Russian and English movies for EE were improved and French movies (along with some French texts) were added. More details about what was changed are in readme. I added the link to goolge drive to the first post.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    Any chance some of these fixes could be provided and dropped into the override folder for people who have not been to Neverwinter yet but are currently running the .94 version?
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Sour wrote: »
    Any chance some of these fixes could be provided and dropped into the override folder for people who have not been to Neverwinter yet but are currently running the .94 version?

    Unfortunately, it is not possible for almost all the binary files (eg ITM, CRE files) cause you have your own list of mods and the references in binary files to dlg replicas are unique for your list of mods. But honestly, it doesn't make much sense. All the small bugs that were fixed are really small and I doubt you will notice them (unless you're very picky and attentive). As I mentined, the biggest change is a Chinese language, but you are probably doesn't need it. So, sorry, you can always reinstall the mods and start the game from the beginning (cause bp-bgt-worldmap doesn't work with old saves), but I would not. 0.94 version is pretty stable, all the quests should work, etc. If you have some particular troubles with 0.94, I will be glad to help you.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    Ok, no problem. I started a new game with Neverwinter Nights in Baldur's Gate installed and I'm still progressing through BG1 at the moment. Looking forward to experiencing this. Thanks for your efforts. One thing I wanted to ask. When I teleported to the Neverwinter areas, I noticed that the water was missing from the rivers and moats. I saw a video of this mod on youtube that had water effects. Do you know why they are not working?
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Sour wrote: »
    Ok, no problem. I started a new game with Neverwinter Nights in Baldur's Gate installed and I'm still progressing through BG1 at the moment. Looking forward to experiencing this. Thanks for your efforts. One thing I wanted to ask. When I teleported to the Neverwinter areas, I noticed that the water was missing from the rivers and moats. I saw a video of this mod on youtube that had water effects. Do you know why they are not working?

    It is a good observation. Honestly, I never payed attention to the water. I will check it, thank you.
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 63
    Hi, a couple of questions: How much of the mod content is self-contained? Basically, how much original bg2 areas are affected (beyond the initial script of the messenger appearing) or if is just kinda like trials of the luremaster and you meet the messenger, get transported/travel to the new areas, and everything happens there? Also, once finished, you got back to Athkatla and can finish the game normally, right? Sorry for all the questions but I'm planning a BG2 game and wanted to know if I can add the mod alongside others or need to be extra cautious about which areas are affected and could cause conflicts with other mods affecting those areas.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2024
    Hi, the mod is very "independent". It has its own areas with its own everythiing (creatures, items, etc). That is why it is compatible with almost any other mod. You are basically "teleported" there and then "teleported" back once the NWN plot is finished (yes, you continue BG2 as usual after finishing NWN plot). There are basically two modifications for the original BG2 resources: 1) The messenger from Neverwinter (as you mentioned) and 2) New recepie for Cromwell for one item from NWN. These changes are done with patching, not replacing the original resources, so everything should be compatible with other mods.
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 63
    Thank you!
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    So in other words, this mod finally fulfills the promise that BG2 loading screens made to me twenty years ago that I could import my character into NWN?

  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Wow, just wow! Went back to see what’s going on with the EE modding nowadays, and I immediately found at least 2 amazing mods — crafting and this one.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    So in other words, this mod finally fulfills the promise that BG2 loading screens made to me twenty years ago that I could import my character into NWN?
    Yes, kinda!
    Illustair wrote: »
    Wow, just wow! Went back to see what’s going on with the EE modding nowadays, and I immediately found at least 2 amazing mods — crafting and this one.

    Thanks, I hope you like the mod if you try it.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    It's a very large mod too, probably one of the top 5 biggest ones or so. Or, at the least play-wise. I think I have not yet explored ~50% of it so far. I can't think of another mod as large as this I think; Trials of the Luremaster was quite large too but rather linear (e. g. just fight your way through, kind of) and definitely shorter than the NW mod.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited February 2024
    So in my current play through, this is my second attempt of NN for BG2.

    I may give a more comprehensive overview lateron, but here are a few
    minor things:

    1) Some dialogue options are written awkwardly, such as "Me go bash
    now", or something like that. In most of these cases the leading
    "Me" can probably be replaced with a "I" or "We". The "Me" makes it
    sound as if a goblin is talking. I assume a non-native english speaker
    wrote that or perhaps adapted it, so it may help to have some native
    english speaker go through the english translations and do a few
    corrections. This is only valid for some NPCs; also I found one
    NPC that is called "Female". I guess this is a placeholder; if the
    NPC is unidentified it may be better to write "Woman" or so.

    2) I have one scene that freezes the game, in the brothel. There
    are two female NPCs I seem to be able to interact; one of them
    gives a task to find some guy in the Docks. This part works. The
    other, though, after asking for some ... action, leads to a freezing
    scene and the game stalls and does not progress. This is interesting
    because the other scene with ... action, proceeds (and then I get
    that quest to find the guy in the Docks), so I think something must
    be wrong with that mini-scene; it's the left-bottom female NPC.

    3) I had one house that was half-black (its top-left area was totally
    black), that is, some sprite or however the game engine renders things,
    was not shown. I think it was the house in the prison district, top-right.

    Oddly enough I don't recall this being an issue in the first run-through I
    tried, but I installed other mods, so who knows what the difference was.
    Either way that house is the only house I found so far that does not show
    the layer correctly; the other estates are mostly fine. I also like the
    NN graphics - they are a bit better than the default BG2 for the
    most part, IMO. (Though I wonder if NN was originally just confined
    to a single city? Being able to explore different cities is, IMO,
    what makes computer RPGs more interesting.)

    Anyway that's it for now. There are a few minor things one could perhaps
    improve; for instance, one NPC tells me to go to Olaf, in the temple, or
    whatever was his name, but then going to Olaf does not seem to change the
    dialogue option. In my first run-through attempt, I remember getting some
    items from Olaf eventually - now I don't remember how and I wonder if I
    missed something. So perhaps the code responsible for getting Olaf to
    give these items could be simplified or so. I'll try to find out when
    I resume gameplay; I can only play after work, so my time is very limited.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I just noticed that on there is a more recent release, so I was using the older one linked in the first post. Haven't yet been to the big spider. I'll file github issues for any more problems found. Overall the mod is pretty neat though, a bit like a "detective" scenario.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    I just noticed that on there is a more recent release, so I was using the older one linked in the first post. Haven't yet been to the big spider. I'll file github issues for any more problems found. Overall the mod is pretty neat though, a bit like a "detective" scenario.

    are you talking about a 0.96 version?
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Thanks for the bugs reporting, I will try to reproduce and fix them in the new release (hopefully in a couple of weeks).

    There already lots of changes for the coming release (Among the big ones: 1. All the tile glitches (at dynamic objects: doors, fireplaces and water tiles) were fixed and 2. The dedicated map was added as a second component of the mod, you can play the mod without bp-bgt-worldmap) and it should be more.

    PS I am not sure I can fix "low-intellectual" lines, as "Me go bash now". The story behind such lines is: originally the mod was done in Russian with lots of text added and changed. I tried to find matching English texts from the original NWN texts automatically (using python script), but since the original NWN texts had such "low-intellectual lines", some of them happen to be in the mod. If you can create a list of such phrases (what is wrong->how it should be fixed), I will be happy to fix them, but I am not a native speaker and it is too time consuming for me to read through all the mod texts, find such lines and fix them.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    So in my current play through, this is my second attempt of NN for BG2.

    I may give a more comprehensive overview lateron, but here are a few
    minor things:

    1) Some dialogue options are written awkwardly, such as "Me go bash
    now", or something like that. In most of these cases the leading
    "Me" can probably be replaced with a "I" or "We". The "Me" makes it
    sound as if a goblin is talking. I assume a non-native english speaker
    wrote that or perhaps adapted it, so it may help to have some native
    english speaker go through the english translations and do a few
    corrections. This is only valid for some NPCs; also I found one
    NPC that is called "Female". I guess this is a placeholder; if the
    NPC is unidentified it may be better to write "Woman" or so.

    2) I have one scene that freezes the game, in the brothel. There
    are two female NPCs I seem to be able to interact; one of them
    gives a task to find some guy in the Docks. This part works. The
    other, though, after asking for some ... action, leads to a freezing
    scene and the game stalls and does not progress. This is interesting
    because the other scene with ... action, proceeds (and then I get
    that quest to find the guy in the Docks), so I think something must
    be wrong with that mini-scene; it's the left-bottom female NPC.

    3) I had one house that was half-black (its top-left area was totally
    black), that is, some sprite or however the game engine renders things,
    was not shown. I think it was the house in the prison district, top-right.

    Oddly enough I don't recall this being an issue in the first run-through I
    tried, but I installed other mods, so who knows what the difference was.
    Either way that house is the only house I found so far that does not show
    the layer correctly; the other estates are mostly fine. I also like the
    NN graphics - they are a bit better than the default BG2 for the
    most part, IMO. (Though I wonder if NN was originally just confined
    to a single city? Being able to explore different cities is, IMO,
    what makes computer RPGs more interesting.)

    Anyway that's it for now. There are a few minor things one could perhaps
    improve; for instance, one NPC tells me to go to Olaf, in the temple, or
    whatever was his name, but then going to Olaf does not seem to change the
    dialogue option. In my first run-through attempt, I remember getting some
    items from Olaf eventually - now I don't remember how and I wonder if I
    missed something. So perhaps the code responsible for getting Olaf to
    give these items could be simplified or so. I'll try to find out when
    I resume gameplay; I can only play after work, so my time is very limited.

    I already answered about bug 1) and I also was not able to reproduce bugs 2) and 3). For 2) the scene with Tamora (I think it is what you were referencing) works just fine for me, there are still might be the bug, but it is not that easy to reproduce. Bug 3) is very weird, idk how it is possible at all. Something might be seriously broken. However, I hope you can still finish the mod and the game.
    About Olaf, he is not giving quests to everyone, I think you need to be a cleric or a paladin to have a quest from him. This might be the reason, why you cannot get the quest from him.
  • dzyngisdzyngis Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2024
    paladin84 wrote: »
    Hi, yes, you need to install bp-bgt-worldmap after NWN mod. Unfortunately, there is no place for NWN content in EET map (as you can see here: there are should be at least two big cities (Neverwinter and Luskan) and many other areas around it. They made EET map by removing everything from SoD to IWD (where Neverwinter, Waterdeep and Luskan should be located).

    Although EET map looks like not covering most of NWN action taking places, haven't you considered to put Neverwinter ... Gate location's icon into Bam Resizer, and then placing its onto map.? There seems to be only 11 icons near the coast, 6 further into continent, and rest is in Neverwinter and Luskan, which is probably the only esthetic problem, placing its on the sea(lack of this 2 towns on EET map.)
    Btw. Great mod in many aspects.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    paladin84 wrote: »
    Hi, yes, you need to install bp-bgt-worldmap after NWN mod. Unfortunately, there is no place for NWN content in EET map (as you can see here: there are should be at least two big cities (Neverwinter and Luskan) and many other areas around it. They made EET map by removing everything from SoD to IWD (where Neverwinter, Waterdeep and Luskan should be located).

    It is not true any more for the upcoming mod release. For the current in development version, that can be taken from the branch "main" in the repo, there is a second component that you can select one of the two options:

    1) add the location coordinates for installing NWNForBG with bp-bgt-worldmap. In this case, you have to install bp-bgt-worldmap after this mod.

    2) install the dedicated map for NWN areas. Since all NWN plot is happening at once, the world map is changed to this dedicated map once you start doing NWN plot and changed back to whatever the original world map was (eg EET worldmap for EET) after finishing NWN plot . You can see the dedicated map image with all NWN locations here:
    dzyngis wrote: »
    Btw. Great mod in many aspects.
    Thank you.

    PS Daulmakan from G3 is reporting about particular phrases that have bad English, so hopefully many of them will be fixed for the next release as well.
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Whats the recomended fastest way to jump into this without playing through a sizeable chunk of the game?
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    spacejaws wrote: »
    Whats the recomended fastest way to jump into this without playing through a sizeable chunk of the game?

    Are you asking what is the best way to reach required amount of XP fairly or how to add some XP using cheats/where to teleport, etc?
    If you want to go through NWN content only, you can take the mod from "main" branch ( and install it on BG2EE or EET. It should add NWN campaign and you can go though it only. It is still in beta, but should generally work and you can be my beta tester.

    Fast way to go to NWN using "normal installation" is to add necessary amout of XP (~1.5M) using console and the messanger from Neverwinter city should come to you in Athkatla.
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    paladin84 wrote: »
    spacejaws wrote: »
    Whats the recomended fastest way to jump into this without playing through a sizeable chunk of the game?

    Are you asking what is the best way to reach required amount of XP fairly or how to add some XP using cheats/where to teleport, etc?
    If you want to go through NWN content only, you can take the mod from "main" branch ( and install it on BG2EE or EET. It should add NWN campaign and you can go though it only. It is still in beta, but should generally work and you can be my beta tester.

    Fast way to go to NWN using "normal installation" is to add necessary amout of XP (~1.5M) using console and the messanger from Neverwinter city should come to you in Athkatla.

    Cool ty I'll give it a try!

    I was more concerned with what kind of gear I should have at that XP level, dumping the XP is easy enough but didn't want to just spawn end game gear on me if it wasn't balanced for that. I'll let you know how I get on.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    I am not sure about the ballance if you add some XP using console, but NWN has it is own good gear, so if you can survive through couple of first areas, you should be good to go. However, usually people have this much XP after underdark, and the gear you should have is close to the end-game of SoA.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Here is new the release:

    It turned out to be quite big, most important changes are:

    1) Fixed graphical "glitches" for EE version.
    2) Added a component (EE only), so that NWN has a separate map (thanks to Apxu and p_zombie).
    3) Added component (EE only) to make it possible to play NWN as a separate campaign (thanks to tipun)
    4) Icons on the map moved to match bp-bgt-worldmap v13

    More detailed changelog, new component limitations, etc. can be found in the README.
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 63
    Thank you for continuing to update the mod!
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Finally had some time to jump in, really enjoying it explored all of the city core first and now starting with Blacklake. I think I need to reinstall the mod however I've been updating to the latest versions as they becamse available and launched the standalone campaign in the latest version but all closed doors have black boxes around them and some tiling issues with the water under the bridge. I'll let you know if this remains after a reinstall.

    There are a few minor text errors, Aribeths dialogue about the intelect devourer for me played what sounded like truncated dialogue about the Yaun-ti about how it can use magic and change it's shape.

    I take it the opening sequence with the academy from OG NWN is not in this it starts right after the academy attack? The journal was empty so perhaps it would be cool to have a journal entry detailing that if you don't get to play the sequence.

    So far this is looking really cool.
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