Should the 10-bandit ambush from BG1 be removed from the game?

One of the rare ambushes in BG1 is a group of 10 bow-wielding bandits. There's a very old thread debating the issue here, and I thought we could get a feel for how people felt about the prospect of removing it.
- Should the 10-bandit ambush from BG1 be removed from the game?57 votes
- I like the ambush; it should stay in the game.54.39%
- I don't like the ambush; it should be removed.  7.02%
- Meh. I don't care either way.  7.02%
- What 10-bandit ambush? I've never seen it.  5.26%
- Add a nonviolent way to avoid the fight.  7.02%
- Only let the ambush happen on harder difficulties.  0.00%
- Make the ambush happen 95% of the time instead of 5% of the time.  1.75%
- Make the 10 bandits into 10 red dragons.  5.26%
- All of the above.  1.75%
- Other (please specify)10.53%
Beamdog should not be removing content just because a handful of forum users aren't a fan of it. That is not how you enhance a game.
"Oh, but now I can't do my no-reload run"
Even on a reloading run players can get stuck in situations that may get suicidal and game breaking for some random reason.
I don't think anybody in this discussion has been against modders just doing as they please.
Curious to read that thread as to the reason for the dislike. I think a healthy bit of terror is appropriate for a low level party when traveling to new areas.
So 6 fighters decked out in splint mail = 65%
1 wizard walking alone = 5%
It also speaks to a design philosophy that isn't used anywhere else in the game. If a group has no healer, should all encounters be altered to accommodate that you have no healer? If you don't recruit a thief should the traps disappear? So on and so forth.
On the other hand, I do believe the encounter has its place. You are told time and time again that the roads are very, very dangerous. It would make no sense if the player never encountered what all the NPCs were whining about...
So uh, I'm split 50/50? At this point, writing it out has made me more conflicted than I originally was.
I usually just run away from it though. With helmet, tower shield and splint mail / ankheg armor, and playing a 18 con fighter type (playing solo off course), I have never been in real danger.
A good DM could very well throw a 10 bandit ambush at the table - but would give a peacefull solution as well as Zaghoul pointed out.
I am well aware that the ambush penalizes mages the most, but the game gives the mage so much more in other circumstances: for instance the unlimited rest option at inns. Mages and sorcerors can rest spam their way into epic levels, and get the monty haul of spells to boot.
No DM in their right would let a sleeping beauty sorceror travel invisible through an entire game and sleep 100 times - AD&D is meant for balanced parties, not for no-realoading sorcerors who spend more time in their beds than awake.
Imo mages/sorcerors are stupid broken in comparison with the ambushes in BG1 - but thats just me.
I don't like it because it's clumsy, but it's not a road block and D&D isn't supposed to be a walk in the park.
Chaotic Commands/Free Action (depending on game version)/rage/low saves (Potions of Invulnerability/Stone Form/Magic Shielding, various items and spells from Rings of Protection to Blur and Protection from Evil)/Sword of Arvoreen/Arbane's Sword (depending on game version), (...) or spell disruption (Insect Plague, Wizard Slayer spell failure, or damage)
can all block those things. And you probably have most of them by the time you run into these effects. For BG1, avoiding arrows is basically just wearing armor and a shield until you get more options later in the game.
Incidentally, I was not pointing out that players don't like dying (that much is obvious)--I was pointing out that this encounter just isn't very interesting to fight.
That's true, but I would say that arrows are less dangerous than Imprisonment or mind flayer's abilities, so it evens out - you have less options, but you face lesser threats. Regardless - this is different to say that this encounter should be removed because it's hard, and to say than it should be removed because it's not interesting.
I do agree with the latter, but it can be said about most fights with critters and bandits in the game. So why single out this one? If anything, I think that it's *more* interesting than other normal fights with bandits, because it's an ambush. Point of an ambush is to caught enemies unprepared. It's not the best ambush, but at least it adds little flavour, because you are forced to fight and survive outside your normal "comfort zone" - you can't scout, or even cast Armour, or pick enemies one by one, or whatever.
Hence my vote for "no".
That said, I thought this ambush HAD been removed, I don't think I've seen it once in switching to the EE games, although it could be my routine explorations no longer take me in a path that would trigger it?