Voyager 2 Enters Interstellar Space, after 30 billion kilometers and 41 years in Space Forty-one years after its launch, NASA’s Voyager 2 probe has exited the heliosphere – the protective bubble of particles and magnetic fields created by the Sun, and entered Interstellar space. Its twin, Voyager 1, made a similar crossing in 2012. The crossing of the heliosphere took place around on Nov. 5 and was determined by comparing data from different instruments aboard the spacecraft. The Plasma Science Experiment (PLS) instrument observed a steep decline in the speed of the solar wind particles on Nov. 5. Further evidence was provided by three other instruments – the cosmic ray subsystem, the low energy charged particle instrument and the magnetometer – which showed an increase in inter-stellar cosmic particles.
Who Is The Monitor, And Why Are They One Of The Most Important Characters In The DC Universe? One of the most powerful DC Comics characters in the company’s entire history of publication is set to make their debut in the Arrowverse’s Elseworlds crossover in 2018: the Monitor. Those fans wondering “Where did DC’s Monitor come from?” may be distressed to learn that the character’s backstory is significantly more complicated than that of the average comic book hero, and comic book heroes are already well-known for their overly complicated backstories. In short, the Monitor is a veritable DC deity with nearly unlimited powers and an eternal mission to protect the Multiverse from destruction, as seen in the all-time classic crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths. However, whenever the Monitor appears, his dark counterpart the Anti-Monitor is never far behind, so his debut in the Arrowverse probably doesn’t bode well for the Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, or any of the other heroes of the CW.
@semiticgod It all just feels so fake, like a false achievement especially since nothing has changed. I'm still in the same place I was before I had it. I already know the direction I want to go just isn't going to happen and every other direction just makes it feel like I wasted a decade of my life if I'm forced to go in those directions.literally i could've stayed home and got a job in a factory if this is all my twenties are worth.
@DragonKing Having the degree will make some people that otherwise wouldn't have given you the time of, actually engage with you. Its proof of competence. It won't solve your problems on its own, but it should get your foot in more doors, so to speak.
Hung out with friends today. It was cold out, so instead of walking around the mall outside, we just hung out at target and cracked jokes about the merchandise.
Then my brother's girlfriend saw a unicorn. A gigantic white stuffed unicorn lying upside down in a bargain bin, like a corpse that had been thrown in a ditch. Then she pointed out that there was a discount. It was only $20, so...
In the last two days, a spark to draw again has been flaring.
Also, im the first male on my fathers said of the family to get a college degree. The women of the family basically seem to have a monopoly on that... It's kinda sad really.
Donated x2 Power Red Cells at the Red Cross today and won $500 right afterwards. Something to save up to 3 lives and something for the Winter Solstice for us.
Okay, so my first thought was, "Ultima's acting up? What the Avatar getting up to NOW?" Then my brain immediately switched tracks and thought, "Anyone can cast that these days."
Just got back from seeing Trans-Siberian Orchestra and my ears are still ringing. Christmas music with lasers, pyrotechnics and blistering guitar solos, who could ask for anything more.
My favorite wrestling promotion is leaving Japan and will be in America for a single event and tickets go on sale for Christmas.
This time last year I was wasting away in hospital. My body was consuming itself. I couldn't stand sometimes without assistance and I was walking very slowly with a cane (at only 36).
When things were at there worst, the only thing that put a smile on my face were the antics of the talented wrestler over at World Wonder Ring Stardom.
It was having that little bit of light that allowed me to keep my sense of humor and not be overwhelmed by the hopelessness of the situation.
Spending my brother's birthday at the ranch. My cousin's daughters (not my other cousin, who has only sons) are adorable, and the dog has finally come around and gotten comfortable around them. It's all very sweet.
I got my scores back for the teaching certificate test and I passed! I still have other stuff to do to get a teaching certificate (I'm doing the alternative route, since I already have the college credits and so forth), but this was the big obstacle.
I wasn't sure I would pass it, since I got a 69 on the practice test, and you need a 75 to pass. Turns out I got a 92. I did terribly at the Texas history section, but I did very well on the sections for U.S. history and economics, and I got a perfect score on the sections for American government.
I wasn't sure I would pass it, since I got a 69 on the practice test, and you need a 75 to pass. Turns out I got a 92. I did terribly at the Texas history section, but I did very well on the sections for U.S. history and economics, and I got a perfect score on the sections for American government.
I'll bet you missed that part where Jesus pummelled Santa Anna in a no-holds-barred cage match.
@semiticgod Nice one. What level are you thinking about teaching? That figures on the American Govt. section.
Social Studies, 7-12. My primary interest is history, but the social studies certification opens up a few more possibilities than a history certification alone. Since I have a master's degree, I would also be able to teach AP classes, which I thought would be especially interesting, since I'd be working with more advanced students who could tackle higher-difficulty material.
Trump's Tunnel has already failed. No matter how deep you make it, no matter how high it's built, the Smugglers and Coyotes will find a way to go under it. They only found it because of the Mexican Police. Walls are static, Human ingenuity is wide and vast.
Voyager 2 Enters Interstellar Space, after 30 billion kilometers and 41 years in Space years after its launch, NASA’s Voyager 2 probe has exited the heliosphere – the protective bubble of particles and magnetic fields created by the Sun, and entered Interstellar space. Its twin, Voyager 1, made a similar crossing in 2012.
The crossing of the heliosphere took place around on Nov. 5 and was determined by comparing data from different instruments aboard the spacecraft. The Plasma Science Experiment (PLS) instrument observed a steep decline in the speed of the solar wind particles on Nov. 5. Further evidence was provided by three other instruments – the cosmic ray subsystem, the low energy charged particle instrument and the magnetometer – which showed an increase in inter-stellar cosmic particles.
Who Is The Monitor, And Why Are They One Of The Most Important Characters In The DC Universe? of the most powerful DC Comics characters in the company’s entire history of publication is set to make their debut in the Arrowverse’s Elseworlds crossover in 2018: the Monitor. Those fans wondering “Where did DC’s Monitor come from?” may be distressed to learn that the character’s backstory is significantly more complicated than that of the average comic book hero, and comic book heroes are already well-known for their overly complicated backstories.
In short, the Monitor is a veritable DC deity with nearly unlimited powers and an eternal mission to protect the Multiverse from destruction, as seen in the all-time classic crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths. However, whenever the Monitor appears, his dark counterpart the Anti-Monitor is never far behind, so his debut in the Arrowverse probably doesn’t bode well for the Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, or any of the other heroes of the CW.
::Imagine a line of rats doing the conga...::
It all just feels so fake, like a false achievement especially since nothing has changed. I'm still in the same place I was before I had it. I already know the direction I want to go just isn't going to happen and every other direction just makes it feel like I wasted a decade of my life if I'm forced to go in those directions.literally i could've stayed home and got a job in a factory if this is all my twenties are worth.
Then my brother's girlfriend saw a unicorn. A gigantic white stuffed unicorn lying upside down in a bargain bin, like a corpse that had been thrown in a ditch. Then she pointed out that there was a discount. It was only $20, so...
...I have a giant unicorn on my bed now.
I have no idea what to do with it just yet.
A feat I have not accomplished since my first semester of university 17 years ago, and that had me drop a course from 20 to 17 hours.
Also, im the first male on my fathers said of the family to get a college degree. The women of the family basically seem to have a monopoly on that... It's kinda sad really.
OK, so Ultima Thule is acting kinda weird
Ultima Thule is a Kuiper Belt object
This time last year I was wasting away in hospital. My body was consuming itself. I couldn't stand sometimes without assistance and I was walking very slowly with a cane (at only 36).
When things were at there worst, the only thing that put a smile on my face were the antics of the talented wrestler over at World Wonder Ring Stardom.
It was having that little bit of light that allowed me to keep my sense of humor and not be overwhelmed by the hopelessness of the situation.
I'm hoping they have a meet and greet so I can shake Rossy's hand.
Im gunna see all the best spots!
We have no idea how we are getting to new york on wrestlemania weekend but we have the tickets and thats the hard part!
New Picture Reveals Ultima Thule Is Made of Two Asteroids That Got Stuck Together kind of looks like 2 round crackers stuck together on one edge or a dumbbell with no bar.
All The DC Comics Movies Scheduled To Be Released In The Next Two Years wasn't sure I would pass it, since I got a 69 on the practice test, and you need a 75 to pass. Turns out I got a 92. I did terribly at the Texas history section, but I did very well on the sections for U.S. history and economics, and I got a perfect score on the sections for American government.
Actor Joe Manganiello brings his love of Dungeons and Dragons to kids at Pittsburgh hospital
Police found 33ft tunnel in Nogales - a city divided by the US-Mexico border
Drug traffickers regularly try to build tunnels between the two halves of the city
This is the third tunnel to be found in the city of Nogales in the last month
Trump's Tunnel has already failed. No matter how deep you make it, no matter how high it's built, the Smugglers and Coyotes will find a way to go under it. They only found it because of the Mexican Police. Walls are static, Human ingenuity is wide and vast.