[mod] Hephernaan BG2 (SoD spoilers)

The very first version of Hephernaan BG2 is now available!
Welcome back Hephernaan, a devil known from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign. Are you ready to make a great risk and let the evil puppetmaster into your group? Can you be truly confident about his motives and plans? Perhaps, become even stronger... but can you learn how to see through his lies and promises? Or believe that he truly wants to help or does he feel amused by all the events you wade through every single day? It's your choice.
Hephernaan BG2 includes "friendship" talks, new areas, items, and encounters that may feel refreshing for players that are already fed up with the original BG2 content. As this mod uses Siege of Dragonspear references, it may help to glue together SoD Campaign and BG2EE, which itself lacks references to Hephernaan's and Caelar's story.
I would also like to tag @Raduziel here, as he is a great help with some items and spells I designed to be included in this mod. Thanks! Also thanks to my proofreader @jmaeq and people who are always ready to help with all kind of stuff: @AionZ and @Gwendolyne
Welcome back Hephernaan, a devil known from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign. Are you ready to make a great risk and let the evil puppetmaster into your group? Can you be truly confident about his motives and plans? Perhaps, become even stronger... but can you learn how to see through his lies and promises? Or believe that he truly wants to help or does he feel amused by all the events you wade through every single day? It's your choice.
Hephernaan BG2 includes "friendship" talks, new areas, items, and encounters that may feel refreshing for players that are already fed up with the original BG2 content. As this mod uses Siege of Dragonspear references, it may help to glue together SoD Campaign and BG2EE, which itself lacks references to Hephernaan's and Caelar's story.

I would also like to tag @Raduziel here, as he is a great help with some items and spells I designed to be included in this mod. Thanks! Also thanks to my proofreader @jmaeq and people who are always ready to help with all kind of stuff: @AionZ and @Gwendolyne
Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
...Wrong thread...?
Nvm didn't see the last bit in OP
@Raduziel - ...or people will know that there are more people behind my projects
@jastey - Hephernaan won't exactly share every bit of the story, he's a devil after all, but I surely player will get a chance to know him better, understand some things tha happened... well, there was a bit too little of him in the SoD.
@AWizardDidIt - thank you!
I guess SoDs story is more dynamic than I gave it credit for if there is a way for him to die before going to Avernus.
Aynway, looking forward to this one.
I am curious if there will be any cross mod with the calar mod @AionZ was working on. this is if that ever gets off the ground of course.
-In order to balance Hephernaan, he will receive his very own cleric kit: a False Priest. It will have VERY little to do with normal cleric class, he will only have few spells that will be more like a support for his arcane powers. But he will still be able to turn undead, summon undead and use some nice tricks. That includes summoning Hellcats. He won't be able to heal, though, use restoration etc. His powers will be more diabolical. He will still remain full arcane powers and he will gave some diabolical resistances. That is mostly why his cleric-oriented abilities were greatly limited.
-In the mod you will be able to meet his new master and deal with him. If you dare that is. He is a kind of a trader, but the currency he is interested in isn't gold. The price is really high, but the new items you may get are also quite powerful. One of the items you may get is quite interesting as it may allow you to corrupt some of the in-game holy items. Yes, even THAT powerful thing many paladins crave for. Remember that you may corrupt only one holy item or enhance one evil item per one playthrough.
-There are some NPCs that won't stay in the same group with a devil. But I suppose that's something many have guessed already.
I know some players may not like some stuff I have mentioned, but sorry, I can't offer a NPC that will be master of both arcane and divine magic, tranform into diabolical form, receive diabolical resistances... it was simply too much. I believe he will still remain quite powerful, though.
Thanks to @Raduziel and @subtledoctor who are helping with kit related stuff. Especially @Raduziel who coded most of it. Thanks, guys!
Just wanted to inform you that the Hephernaan animation will be installed by the incoming updated Infinity Animations mod (as well as the Will o wisp one) either in classic and EE games.
So, if you have some time now, are generally familiar with modding scene, Baldur's Gate, original BioWare characters, you are a native English speaker and you like working with text, let me know.
Only kidding! It's a pleasure to help!
Welcome back Hephernaan, a devil known from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign. Are you ready to make a great risk and let the evil puppetmaster into your group? Can you be truly confident about his motives and plans? Perhaps, become even stronger... but can you learn how to see through his lies and promises? Or believe that he truly wants to help or does he feel amused by all the events you wade through every single day? It's your choice.
Hephernaan BG2 includes "friendship" talks, new areas, items, and encounters that may feel refreshing for players that are already fed up with the original BG2 content. As this mod uses Siege of Dragonspear references, it may help to glue together SoD Campaign and BG2EE, which itself lacks references to Hephernaan's and Caelar's story.
Thanks to everyone that helped with this mod, especially: AionZ, Raduziel, Jmaeq and Gwendolyne.
Consider this an open beta, most things were checked at least a couple of times, but there is always a chance that some bugs were missed.