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[MOD] EEUITweaks Mod Collection - All EE (v2.2+) Platforms



  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    edited March 2019
    OK, nevermind, I don't use those components myself, just thought that a bit of clarification might be helpful.

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    lefreut wrote: »
    Can a moderator update the first post to add the new github link:

    @semiticgod @Skatan @JuliusBorisov can one of you do this so people are aware of the newest version, please :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    I might be missing something, but all I can see in the updated link is the source code. Can't find any installer.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,449
    Alonso wrote: »
    I might be missing something, but all I can see in the updated link is the source code. Can't find any installer.

    The "Source Code" is what you need. Just be sure to extract the files at the proper location. You can use to extract all kinds of compressed files.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    It turns out that the "Source code" isn't really source code, it's actually an installer, complete with an executable and hundreds of binary files. But that worked, thanks.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    Alonso wrote: »
    It turns out that the "Source code" isn't really source code, it's actually an installer, complete with an executable and hundreds of binary files. But that worked, thanks.

    There is no distinction, the 'source code of the weidu mod' is the weidu mod itself.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Is there a quick way of updating a previous installation or is it necessary to manually select one by one each component you have already installed in order to update?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Alonso wrote: »
    Is there a quick way of updating a previous installation or is it necessary to manually select one by one each component you have already installed in order to update?

    Updating mod require uninstallation and installation:
    - save you weidu.log
    - uninstall mod entirety, remove mod folder from the game
    - extract new version of the mod
    - reinstall components according to you old weidu.log

    The 'quick updating' doesn't exist in weidu mods world.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited April 2019
    I've found a problem with my portrait picker on IWD 2.5. I tried installing with my hack of AncientCowboy's original WeiDU install and I got the following errors on startup:

    The game runs and seems OK, but I did see a problem of not being able to dismiss the quickloot bar.

    I then tried uninstalling my version and reinstalling using EEUItweaks. I get the same errors at startup and the same quickloot problem. I tested in between uninstalling my version and installing the tweaks version and the errors were gone.

    Removing from the override makes all three errors go away. Hand editing the file to replace the Chargen_Portrait menu with the text in chargenportIWD works fine.

    I'm pretty hopeless at WeiDU, so hopefully @lefreut can figure this out.

    Edit: one small thing. When I installed BYMultiPort, WeiDU reports that it's installing the BGEE configuration, but it actually installed the IWD version.
  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    @Pecca @lefreut Could amazing multi-party-member UI++ inventory screen be added into EEUITweaks please?
  • David77David77 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2019
    What does Bubb's Store Extension do in this MOD? I couldn't find it. Thanks :)
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    @Bubb: Shouldn't your mod be in some sort of FixPack? What it does is fixing a bug.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    v3.1.1 which should fix the installation problem on IWDEE.

    Update: EEUITweaks v3.1.1
  • WilsonRochWilsonRoch Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2019
    Does it work in older versions? I'm currently using the version v2.3.67.3, i don't want to update and risk lose my saves for incompatibility with the mods that i already have.
    Post edited by WilsonRoch on
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    UI mods don't touch anything with the game itself, so it won't affect your saves.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    WilsonRoch wrote: »
    Does it work in older versions? I'm currently using the version v2.3.67.3, i don't want to update and risk lose my saves for incompatibility with the mods that i already have.

    @WilsonRoch some components have been updated to work with 2.5 and may not work with 2.3.
  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    Thanks for the great mod
    I get an error with Leveling Progress Bar Tweaks. Please could you help?
    debug and weidu log:
  • smady3smady3 Member Posts: 48
    I would just like to take the time to say thank you Lefreut, for your time and dedication. This was going to be more verbose but life got in the way. Thank you.
  • rsw0xrsw0x Member Posts: 3
    Adul's Smooth Selling is out of date and doesn't work with the latest BGEE.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited May 2019
    rsw0x wrote: »
    Adul's Smooth Selling is out of date and doesn't work with the latest BGEE.

    I'm currently not quite sure which version of Smooth Selling is included in the EEUITweaks, but in its dedicated thread the mod is already 2.5-compatible.

    To be clear, Smooth Selling v1.3 is compatible with BG(2):EE v2.5. The earlier versions of the mod are not.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited May 2019
    @rsw0x @Adul EEUITweaks uses the latest version of Smooth Selling and it works with SoD and BG2EE.

    The problem is with BG1EE without SoD as the structure is not the same.

    For the step 4, this code is not present:
    			if store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].valid ~= 0 then
    				local selected = true
    				if(store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].highlight == 1) then selected = false end
    				storeScreen:SelectGroupItem( storeGroupItemsVar - 1,  selected)
    			showItemDescription(store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].item, 1)
    			if store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].valid ~= 0 then
    				local count = store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].item.count
    				local stock = store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].numInStock
    				if(count > 1) then
    					popupRequester(count, groupSplitStack, true)
    				elseif stock > 1 then
    					popupRequester(stock, groupSplitStack, true)

    The section is this instead:
    			if store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].valid ~= 0 then
    				local selected = true
    				if(store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].highlight == 1) then selected = false end
    				storeScreen:SelectGroupItem( storeGroupItemsVar - 1,  selected)
    			showItemDescription(store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].item, 1)
    		if(store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].item.isBag == 1) then
    			showItemDescription(store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].item, 1)
    			if store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].valid ~= 0 then
    				local count = store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].item.count
    				local stock = store.groupItems[storeGroupItemsVar].numInStock
    				if(count > 1) then
    					popupRequester(count, groupSplitStack, true)
    				elseif stock > 1 then
    					popupRequester(stock, groupSplitStack, true)
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @lefreut Oh, that makes sense. I've never tested it with with the original BG:EE UI and just assumed that the code looked the same. Well, that's unfortunate. I'd love it if Beamdog universalized the various UI codes, otherwise I suspect issues like this are going to be a nightmare to keep track of and deal with going forward.

    Thanks for the heads up! I guess in the meantime my mod component is going to require manual installation on SoD-free setups of BG:EE.
  • rsw0xrsw0x Member Posts: 3
    @lefreut My bad and thanks for the info. I'll pick up SoD, wasn't aware it had made any changes to the base game.
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  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
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