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Things that irk you

DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
What are some little things in life or that people do that Irks you?

Here's one of mine...

Ok, I get that people are trying to be nice or helpful when they do this but it irks me so much even when it not being done to me, telling someone to "keep practicing."

Maybe it's just me but that phrase is the most unhelpful thing I've heard over my years. Like what, you think I was no longer going to practice anymore after this moment? It neither tells you what you need to improve how or how to improve its just a statement that's basically saying, "keep doing what your are more than likely already doing."

Now of you'll excuse me I need to work up the courage to email David finch.


  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Bad b8 m8. Keep practicing :trollface:

    Seriously though, they are likely speaking from personal experiences and assume you probably find yourself in a similar situation. There've been things I just couldn't get done right no matter what and was about to throw it outta window in a fit of rage mixed with despair, then after one more try it would suddenly click with excellent result. Took me more than one such example to figure out that wasn't coincident but consistent.

    Me, I hate salesmen bombarding me with questions what I'd like and what I'd want the moment I step into store. Thanks, but if I'll need help, I'll ask for it.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited July 2019
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Whenever people say "I'm not biased/racist/predjudiced/etc. buuut....."

    Just stop right there. Whatever you were about to say, after needing to state those qualifiers, is not good and will not reflect well on you.

    I'm not racist, 'but' I voted for Trump. I made up for it by voting for Jennifer Granholm twice though in the past (in my mind anyway)... ;)
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited July 2019
    Probably the way most people(including myself sometimes) use ''no offense meant'' then followed by something that will offend you. I mean if it's followed by something constructive then ok.. it's fair game, but very few people use it that way :p
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    I get irked by thinking about irksome things.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    No offense meant but @ElysianEchoes needs more irksome things.

    Another thing that irks me, when I'm talking about one thing and some jumps in with something that is of a similar nature but has nothing to do with it.

    Example, few years ago I was in the game design lab and was actually talking Greek and Roman mythology with one of my peers. (More I was doing some general explaining of different gods), and another part who basically had a bone...i mean obsession for the God of war franchise loved jumping in adding *facts* from the games story.
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    That does sound irksome, @DragonKing ! Now I'm irked, for your sake! Grr!
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    It irks me that I have too many things that irk me. No, really!

    Cases in point:
    - it irks me to see folks dumbing their garbage wherever they want
    - it irks me that not a single day goes by where public transports are actually on time
    - it's beyond irksome listening to people that firmly believe only their world view is valid
    - and dogs irk me out for even existing! *grr*
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited July 2019
    DragonKing wrote: »
    . . .telling someone to "keep practicing."

    Along the same lines, telling somebody to "git gud." If somebody is frustrated with a game, give them some tips. If they ask for some tips, give them some tips.

    I can see why people do this when somebody goes on a rant about a game being too hard, but even then, almost anything is a more productive response than "git gud." Being dismissive and condescending isn't helpful.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    More often than not such somebody would also be an arrogant and entitled jerk, not someone with an open mind. Trying to help them is a waste of time, but they can still be trolled for laughs.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    DragonKing wrote: »
    . . .telling someone to "keep practicing."

    Along the same lines, telling somebody to "git gud." If somebody is frustrated with a game, give them some tips. If they ask for some tips, give them some tips.

    I can see why people do this when somebody goes on a rant about a game being too hard, but even then, almost anything is a more productive response than "git gud." Being dismissive and condescending isn't helpful.

    To me the git gud doesn't really fall on the same lines.
    Most the time when you hear "keep practicing" people don't think you're any good at what you do, but want to remain nice about it to the point it gets condescending. It's the equivalent of giving someone a fake smile. It can also fall under the ideas that they really do want you to improve but know nothing about what you're doing so they say the most general safe thing they can think of.

    Telling someone to git gud, is the Literal definition of bantering and sh*t talking. You don't tell someone to git gud because you want them to improve, you do it the banter with them or trash talk them.

    To be anecdotal, when I use to play league of legends like everyday...i wish y was 2010 again :(... I would do 2 things

    1 gauge how good my opponent in my lane was.

    2. Toss out some bait to see if my opponent was going to banter with me.

    If my opponent was someone who was both good and would banter those we're he best games because we kept the all chat filled with quibs at each other.
    I still remember one match as ziggs I forgot the champion I was going against though.i was solo top lane.
    I came out of the jungle on my over extended enemy, did a short ranged ult, flashed behind them hit them with a bouncing bomb, chased while tearing them up with my AA, tossed down my remote mine with. Their tower zone, chased them past their tower which was now shooting me. Secured the kill with another bouncing bomb, ran into my remote mine and detonated it using it to blast me out of the enemy towers blast radius with only 10 hp.

    My bantering after was well deserved, " I think I just proved myself on the field of battle, boom shake laka!" I spent the entire match making bomb jokes at my teammates and enemies.

    To be can't my team wanted everyone to report me because I called top and went AP top instead of following the meta, but as a lot of people here probably realized about me, I say ef the meta! Just that one play though had the enemy team asking why in the world would they report me, especially when our duo lane fed and I did the carrying in that match.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    dunbar wrote: »
    People who prioritize what's happening on their smartphones over the people they're interacting with in real life - especially those who insist on having their phone on the table in front of them when you're out for a meal together.

    I do this because I fear the damn thing will break if I keep it in my pocket when I sit down :)

    People who go out of their way to justify what they are doing or saying finding the most absurd excuses to justify it. Flat Earthers, antivaxxers and mos conspiracy theorists come to my mind in this case...
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    edited July 2019
    Just ran into my other favorite. Sites and forums that insist I can't have a password without digits, letters, upper and lower case. Thanks for care, but if I decide that's fine, then that's damn sure fine and that's the end of it.

    On a somewhat related note, users who cheerfully welcome such enforcement and suggest everybody should learn to use password managers. Yeah, instead of compromising several accounts, let's instead compromise every damn single one of them. Jesus, what's wrong with some people...
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Don't forget the "Scientists are trying to summon demons with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" conspiracy theory. Wouldnt want to leave that one out. Damned scientists are always trying to start Armageddon...
    Wasn't it on Mars... oh wait, wrong game :p
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited July 2019
    Ardanis wrote: »
    Just ran into my other favorite. Sites and forums that insist I can't have a password without digits, letters, upper and lower case. Thanks for care, but if I decide that's fine, then that's ****ing fine and that's the end of it.

    Honestly, I think they're just trying to protect people from themselves. Hacking your Beamdog password could grant somebody access to all of your accounts if it's the same password you use everywhere. It's certainly annoying I agree, but you have to idiot-proof everything these days...

    Edit: As of now I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all my passwords in an obscure directory behind my work firewall. When I retire I'll probably keep a handwritten list hidden in a roll of toilet paper or something in my house. It's only paranoia if nobody's trying to find it...
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    edited July 2019
    Yeah, I get it. But all it really does is lead to password fatigue, and then to password manager, which is an even worse option to keep your data secure.
    Edit: As of now I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all my passwords in an obscure directory behind my work firewall. When I retire I'll probably keep a handwritten list hidden in a roll of toilet paper or somwthing in my house. It's only paranoia if nobody's trying to find it...
    I keep my important ones (money, services etc.) on paper. Don't exactly trust HDD for that :D
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Actually that's why I have been using a password manager for a few years... between personal and work passwords I have over 200 to remember. With the manager I only have to remember my master password. Generating, storing and reminding me when a password is too old is all automatic.And good luck trying to break the encryption of the password database.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Mlnevese irks me also. See above for why :D
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Ardanis wrote: »
    Mlnevese irks me also. See above for why :D

    Too 'alien' of a thought process?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited July 2019
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Ardanis wrote: »
    Mlnevese irks me also. See above for why :D

    Too 'alien' of a thought process?

    He clearly doesn't like prescient shape-shifting aliens...

    Doom is Venusian propaganda do not believe it! :frowning:
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    mlnevese wrote: »
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Ardanis wrote: »
    Mlnevese irks me also. See above for why :D

    Too 'alien' of a thought process?

    He clearly doesn't like prescient shape-shifting aliens...

    Doom is Venusian propaganda do not believe it! :frowning:

    Well that will certainly be cleared up in BG3 when the Ilithids are revealed as being 'fake news' brain eaters when clearly they're just a misunderstood alien underclass...
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    DragonKing wrote: »

    Telling someone to git gud, is the Literal definition of bantering and sh*t talking. You don't tell someone to git gud because you want them to improve, you do it the banter with them or trash talk them.

    Good point, and in the context of bantering that makes total sense, especially in PvP communities (and more especially in e-sports). But I can't tell you how many times I've seen somebody ask for tips or express frustration with a game's balance and just get condescending remarks instead.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Speaking of things that irks, I have one question.

    What kind of flat renovations require nearly constant use of drill every day minus weekends for few weeks? Because I slowly start to think that crew my "neighbour" hired this partiuclar renovation crew just to piss me off.

    I am working and making money from home, so that renovation is really getting on my nerves.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    O_Bruce wrote: »
    Speaking of things that irks, I have one question.

    What kind of flat renovations require nearly constant use of drill every day minus weekends for few weeks? Because I slowly start to think that crew my "neighbour" hired this partiuclar renovation crew just to piss me off.

    I am working and making money from home, so that renovation is really getting on my nerves.

    Maybe they're drilling for oil?
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Maybe they're drilling for oil?

    Nah. 'Murica doesn't try to "implement democracy" here so I assume there's no oil.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    edited July 2019
    When I go into a grocery store, and there is a crowd of people and carts, and in the middle of it is a man trying to drag his wheeled basket through the crowd instead of picking it up and carrying in his hand.
    I can understand if it's too heavy or bulky for a woman or elderly. I can understand if it's loaded with potatoes to the brim. But when a perfectly healthy man one and half my own weight can't pick his nearly empty basket and carry it overhead to quickly pass through instead of blocking the way - I get irky. Like seriously irky.
    I mean, how hard can it be to lift this thing up?
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