It bothers me when people compare the power of two characters by asking who would win if they fought each other. A level 1 character with a Protection from Petrification scroll could defeat a greater basilisk, but that doesn't mean the level 1 character is more powerful than the greater basilisk.
It bothers me when people compare the power of two characters by asking who would win if they fought each other. A level 1 character with a Protection from Petrification scroll could defeat a greater basilisk, but that doesn't mean the level 1 character is more powerful than the greater basilisk.
This happens with anything that can be compared... just visit a security forum and read the insanity that follows the results of an official test lab or the product A x product B threads...
It bothers me when people compare the power of two characters by asking who would win if they fought each other. A level 1 character with a Protection from Petrification scroll could defeat a greater basilisk, but that doesn't mean the level 1 character is more powerful than the greater basilisk.
I mean... Anything can happen if you judge based on things like gameplay mechanics. This is why the first and fore most thing that is judged in vs matches is feats done based on lore not gameplay.
A level 1 character with a scroll of protection "could" beat a greater basilisk, but there is no evidence that level 1 character "will" beat it even with the scroll. Why, nothing about that level 1 character gives any evidence that it's possible, we don't know of he's ever even faced a greater basilisk, we don't know of he's smarter enough to formulate a plan before hand or during the encounter to beat it, we don't know if he has any arcane or divine support/enhancements"
All you know is a level 1 character with a specific item. That literally tells you nothing about the character, what possible P.I.S that may come into play. @OlvynChuru
If you really want to see stupid, look for versus match up where people put tier 1 or even tier 0 characters against each other, or even worse, against lower their characters.
For those who don't know the whole tier system here is a description of those two specific tier systems;
Tier 0: Boundless
High Outerverse level
Characters that far exceed the requirements for Tier 1-A. Such characters will usually stand hierarchically above everything, including existence and nonexistence, possibility, causality, dualism, the concepts of life and death, etcetera.
Take note that being infinitely superior to a regular 1-A character does not automatically make another character qualify for a Tier 0 rating. The ones that do qualify should be so much higher than baseline 1-A characters that it can not be estimated or comprehended from their perspectives. That is, to even be considered for Tier 0, a character must at the very least transcend baseline 1-A characters in the same manner that they exceed ones who are bound by dimensions.
It is also important to note that such characters are not omnipotent, as such a concept isn't well suited for our tiering system (See the Omnipotence page for further explanations). High outerversal characters, although immeasurably powerful, can display minor weaknesses and limitations, and be rivaled or even surpassed by other beings within their respective verses.
Tier 1: Extradimensional
1-C: Complex Multiverse level
These are 6-11-dimensional characters. Even 6-dimensional characters can logically easily destroy a more than countably infinite number of 5-dimensional space-time continuums, and 7-dimensional characters exceed that scale a more than countably infinite number of times, and so onwards. However, these characters do not exceed the 11-dimensional scale of the complete totality of a full multiverse, as defined by M-Theory.
This category is separated in the following manner:
Complex Multiverse level: 7-dimensional, 8-dimensional and 9-dimensional characters. Alternatively ones that are positioned at an unknown/unspecified level within this category.
High Complex Multiverse level: 10-dimensional and 11-dimensional characters.
1-B: Hyperverse level
12-dimensional beings and above. These are characters that are beyond complex multiversal scale.
"Hyperverse" in this case comes from two words: "Hyper", which is used in mathematics to designate higher-dimensional space, and something extreme, above or beyond the usual level. As well as "verse" as a short for "universe". So it is intended as a description of a superior higher-dimensional existence, beyond conventional reality.
12-dimensional characters are a more than countably infinite number of times greater than a full complex M-Theory multiverse, 13-dimensional character are a more than countably infinite number of times greater than that and so onwards.
This category is separated in the following manner:
Hyperverse level: Characters with a finite number of dimensions greater than 11.
High Hyperverse level: Infinite-dimensional Hilbert space characters.
Take note that even if a character is a more than countably infinite number of times superior to an infinite-dimensional space, or similar, it would still usually only qualify for High 1-B, as long as the character does not transcend the concepts of time and space altogether.
1-A: Outerverse level
Characters that have no dimensional limitations.
Basically, a being or an object which is outside and beyond all dimensions of time and space. This is something completely formless, abstract, metaphysical and transcendental. The usual scale does not make sense against a beyond dimensional object. Such beings can not be affected by destruction within the dimensions of time and space, or physical matter and energy. This "space" in which there is no dimension can be the background for any dimensional space. Within such a beyond dimensional "space", a dimensional structure with any number of dimensions can be placed, because there are no restrictions regarding dimensions.
Note that all tier 1-A characters have qualitative superiority over dimensional structures and concepts. Also, mere capability to exist in a beyond dimensional domain does not qualify a character as a beyond dimensional being.
There are two options in order to qualify for this tier: There should either be a qualitative superiority over infinite dimensions; or the superiority over the concept of dimensions (in general) should be clearly explained.
the thing that irks me the most? fruits and vegetables
not the fact of taste ( although unfortunately for me vegetables still taste like utter garbage, so i have to force myself to eat them because i know they are good for me )
but the fact that they get bad SO damn fast
i bought some grapes the other day, and i forgot to eat them for like 4 days, came back to them in the fridge and a good 50% where browning or molding or whatever, and i could only eat perhaps 30% of the bag before i had to throw it out, such a waste
i never eat or buy bread for this reason as well, multi grain brain will literally last 2 days after it is opened, and then after that it will start becoming different colors of the rainbow
People who walk into buildings, don't know where they are going, and then just stop suddenly and gaze around at the wonder around them. can do this to the side.
Same goes with the subway. I get that you got onto the subway. But that doesn't mean you just suddenly stop the second you get into the door. Other people are probably right behind you. Move into the middle of the car away from the doors.
Also how we still have doors where you never know if you are supposed to pull or push. How is this still a thing in 2019?
Just ran into my other favorite. Sites and forums that insist I can't have a password without digits, letters, upper and lower case. Thanks for care, but if I decide that's fine, then that's ****ing fine and that's the end of it.
Honestly, I think they're just trying to protect people from themselves. Hacking your Beamdog password could grant somebody access to all of your accounts if it's the same password you use everywhere. It's certainly annoying I agree, but you have to idiot-proof everything these days...
Edit: As of now I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all my passwords in an obscure directory behind my work firewall. When I retire I'll probably keep a handwritten list hidden in a roll of toilet paper or something in my house. It's only paranoia if nobody's trying to find it...
You know there actually apps built specifically to handle that, like keepassx? I know you can make an excel file encrypted that requires a password, but are you really gonna trust excel's encryption?
Speaking of, it really irks me every time somebody sends a private key or password over email, slack or other non-encrypted means at work. Every time somebody does that I have to consider the password compromised and reset it and push the new value out to systems.
It bothers me when people compare the power of two characters by asking who would win if they fought each other. A level 1 character with a Protection from Petrification scroll could defeat a greater basilisk, but that doesn't mean the level 1 character is more powerful than the greater basilisk.
This is so silly and so common in nerdy/geek discussions. It annoys me even more when people do that using comi book characters.
It bothers me when people compare the power of two characters by asking who would win if they fought each other. A level 1 character with a Protection from Petrification scroll could defeat a greater basilisk, but that doesn't mean the level 1 character is more powerful than the greater basilisk.
This is so silly and so common in nerdy/geek discussions. It annoys me even more when people do that using comi book characters.
To be honest, I'm pretty tough to irk, even with some pretty unique pressure points in my nature. That said, after a long, harsh day of work I really don't like to see inconsiderate drivers on the road.
I also hate getting cement grit in my eyes. My life is a bit of a challenge sometimes.
Edit: Also, kinda dislike downer type music now. I like my music more up beat, though I still like it as diverse as I can reasonably get it.
People who sit down close to others and then start to smoke. Especially in parks or on playgrounds. And if you move away, then *you're* the weird one. Or if you know them, and say something, they're like "but we're outside!" As if that made the smoke disappear.
I wonder if I could expect the same level of acceptance if I started to go around burning chicken feathers in public.
People who walk into buildings, don't know where they are going, and then just stop suddenly and gaze around at the wonder around them. can do this to the side.
Same goes with the subway. I get that you got onto the subway. But that doesn't mean you just suddenly stop the second you get into the door. Other people are probably right behind you. Move into the middle of the car away from the doors.
Also how we still have doors where you never know if you are supposed to pull or push. How is this still a thing in 2019?
In the same vein; In my city we have trams and the utterly brainwashed zombies that live here (pretty much all of them) LOVE to stand in front of the doors to get on it before letting people off first. This leads to the strange situation that noone can get either on nor off until some "cool guy" or teenage idiot starts pushing their way in anways, through the ppl who are trying to exit and then gets pissed off and scream at them for being in the way. These same people never learn from this either and keep repeating this behaviour ad infinitum.
Visiting big cities with subways and seeing how smooth things can work when ppl entering and exiting trains/tram cooperate, ie in Singapore, make me want to emigrate.
Companies that introduce new looks and features to their software at the cost of quintuple performance load and loss of existing functionality. This time I'm looking at you, Valve
Companies that introduce new looks and features to their software at the cost of quintuple performance load and loss of existing functionality. This time I'm looking at you, Valve
..and iOS It irks especially hard when they deliberately does it to nudge to buy a new phone to handle this new "cool" features that are only there to demand higher processing power etc.
Companies that introduce new looks and features to their software at the cost of quintuple performance load and loss of existing functionality. This time I'm looking at you, Valve
The worst is when they change crap just to change crap. A new flat (which I find ugly as hell and often harder to tell what's what) UI with everything moved around. I'm looking at you Jira/Confluence.
MS products are the worst. It's like they weren't bad enough when they introduced that ribbon crap, which I guess is almost 15 years ago, now. Menus used to be easy to navigate and tell wtf things did, because they used words and not some vague hyroglyphics.
How about site's that have the worst ad experience that ask you to disabled your ad blocker? They load a bazillion scripts, some of which never stop loading crap. They track you across different sites. They slow everything else way down. Thank the internet gods for ublock origin. Worst part is, I work for a company whose site is like that. The fact that nobody can tell me what the hell gets loaded in the ads just proves the whole current advertising model is completely broken.
People who come to the ER with mild dizziness that has been persisting for 3 weeks (and could've gone to their freaking regular physician first), but get indignant if they have to wait for three hours. They *really* don't want to be the person that has been treated as priority during that time...
I'm glad I live in a country where health insurance covers all that and you don't pay extra to go to the ER, but man, it would keep some people out who really don't belong there!
This happens with anything that can be compared... just visit a security forum and read the insanity that follows the results of an official test lab or the product A x product B threads...
I mean... Anything can happen if you judge based on things like gameplay mechanics. This is why the first and fore most thing that is judged in vs matches is feats done based on lore not gameplay.
A level 1 character with a scroll of protection "could" beat a greater basilisk, but there is no evidence that level 1 character "will" beat it even with the scroll. Why, nothing about that level 1 character gives any evidence that it's possible, we don't know of he's ever even faced a greater basilisk, we don't know of he's smarter enough to formulate a plan before hand or during the encounter to beat it, we don't know if he has any arcane or divine support/enhancements"
All you know is a level 1 character with a specific item. That literally tells you nothing about the character, what possible P.I.S that may come into play.
For those who don't know the whole tier system here is a description of those two specific tier systems;
Tier 0: Boundless
High Outerverse level
Characters that far exceed the requirements for Tier 1-A. Such characters will usually stand hierarchically above everything, including existence and nonexistence, possibility, causality, dualism, the concepts of life and death, etcetera.
Take note that being infinitely superior to a regular 1-A character does not automatically make another character qualify for a Tier 0 rating. The ones that do qualify should be so much higher than baseline 1-A characters that it can not be estimated or comprehended from their perspectives. That is, to even be considered for Tier 0, a character must at the very least transcend baseline 1-A characters in the same manner that they exceed ones who are bound by dimensions.
It is also important to note that such characters are not omnipotent, as such a concept isn't well suited for our tiering system (See the Omnipotence page for further explanations). High outerversal characters, although immeasurably powerful, can display minor weaknesses and limitations, and be rivaled or even surpassed by other beings within their respective verses.
Tier 1: Extradimensional
1-C: Complex Multiverse level
These are 6-11-dimensional characters. Even 6-dimensional characters can logically easily destroy a more than countably infinite number of 5-dimensional space-time continuums, and 7-dimensional characters exceed that scale a more than countably infinite number of times, and so onwards. However, these characters do not exceed the 11-dimensional scale of the complete totality of a full multiverse, as defined by M-Theory.
This category is separated in the following manner:
Low Complex Multiverse level: 6-dimensional characters
Complex Multiverse level: 7-dimensional, 8-dimensional and 9-dimensional characters. Alternatively ones that are positioned at an unknown/unspecified level within this category.
High Complex Multiverse level: 10-dimensional and 11-dimensional characters.
1-B: Hyperverse level
12-dimensional beings and above. These are characters that are beyond complex multiversal scale.
"Hyperverse" in this case comes from two words: "Hyper", which is used in mathematics to designate higher-dimensional space, and something extreme, above or beyond the usual level. As well as "verse" as a short for "universe". So it is intended as a description of a superior higher-dimensional existence, beyond conventional reality.
12-dimensional characters are a more than countably infinite number of times greater than a full complex M-Theory multiverse, 13-dimensional character are a more than countably infinite number of times greater than that and so onwards.
This category is separated in the following manner:
Hyperverse level: Characters with a finite number of dimensions greater than 11.
High Hyperverse level: Infinite-dimensional Hilbert space characters.
Take note that even if a character is a more than countably infinite number of times superior to an infinite-dimensional space, or similar, it would still usually only qualify for High 1-B, as long as the character does not transcend the concepts of time and space altogether.
1-A: Outerverse level
Characters that have no dimensional limitations.
Basically, a being or an object which is outside and beyond all dimensions of time and space. This is something completely formless, abstract, metaphysical and transcendental. The usual scale does not make sense against a beyond dimensional object. Such beings can not be affected by destruction within the dimensions of time and space, or physical matter and energy. This "space" in which there is no dimension can be the background for any dimensional space. Within such a beyond dimensional "space", a dimensional structure with any number of dimensions can be placed, because there are no restrictions regarding dimensions.
Note that all tier 1-A characters have qualitative superiority over dimensional structures and concepts. Also, mere capability to exist in a beyond dimensional domain does not qualify a character as a beyond dimensional being.
There are two options in order to qualify for this tier: There should either be a qualitative superiority over infinite dimensions; or the superiority over the concept of dimensions (in general) should be clearly explained.
not the fact of taste ( although unfortunately for me vegetables still taste like utter garbage, so i have to force myself to eat them because i know they are good for me )
but the fact that they get bad SO damn fast
i bought some grapes the other day, and i forgot to eat them for like 4 days, came back to them in the fridge and a good 50% where browning or molding or whatever, and i could only eat perhaps 30% of the bag before i had to throw it out, such a waste
i never eat or buy bread for this reason as well, multi grain brain will literally last 2 days after it is opened, and then after that it will start becoming different colors of the rainbow
hahahahahahahaha oh man, my secret is out, oh well, now everyone knows
Wait so you're an Illithid that deals with real life magical itens? Amazing!
I knew it. You're Zhiir from NWN2 Storm of Zehir!
Wait, didn't I kill you already?
you may have defeated the avatar of me, but you will never defeat the true me, mwha ha he hi ho hu
Ahhh villain speech
Same goes with the subway. I get that you got onto the subway. But that doesn't mean you just suddenly stop the second you get into the door. Other people are probably right behind you. Move into the middle of the car away from the doors.
Also how we still have doors where you never know if you are supposed to pull or push. How is this still a thing in 2019?
You know there actually apps built specifically to handle that, like keepassx? I know you can make an excel file encrypted that requires a password, but are you really gonna trust excel's encryption?
Speaking of, it really irks me every time somebody sends a private key or password over email, slack or other non-encrypted means at work. Every time somebody does that I have to consider the password compromised and reset it and push the new value out to systems.
This is so silly and so common in nerdy/geek discussions. It annoys me even more when people do that using comi book characters.
I know, right!? Squirrel Girl wins every time!
I also hate getting cement grit in my eyes. My life is a bit of a challenge sometimes.
Edit: Also, kinda dislike downer type music now. I like my music more up beat, though I still like it as diverse as I can reasonably get it.
Don't you effing dare!
<insert mad evil laughter here>
You've never been on Venus I see...
I wonder if I could expect the same level of acceptance if I started to go around burning chicken feathers in public.
In the same vein; In my city we have trams and the utterly brainwashed zombies that live here (pretty much all of them) LOVE to stand in front of the doors to get on it before letting people off first. This leads to the strange situation that noone can get either on nor off until some "cool guy" or teenage idiot starts pushing their way in anways, through the ppl who are trying to exit and then gets pissed off and scream at them for being in the way. These same people never learn from this either and keep repeating this behaviour ad infinitum.
Visiting big cities with subways and seeing how smooth things can work when ppl entering and exiting trains/tram cooperate, ie in Singapore, make me want to emigrate.
..and iOS
I just look d back at my comic thread and re read it and so the massive typos that never appeared the first THIRTY TIMES I reread it...
The worst is when they change crap just to change crap. A new flat (which I find ugly as hell and often harder to tell what's what) UI with everything moved around. I'm looking at you Jira/Confluence.
MS products are the worst. It's like they weren't bad enough when they introduced that ribbon crap, which I guess is almost 15 years ago, now. Menus used to be easy to navigate and tell wtf things did, because they used words and not some vague hyroglyphics.
How about site's that have the worst ad experience that ask you to disabled your ad blocker? They load a bazillion scripts, some of which never stop loading crap. They track you across different sites. They slow everything else way down. Thank the internet gods for ublock origin. Worst part is, I work for a company whose site is like that. The fact that nobody can tell me what the hell gets loaded in the ads just proves the whole current advertising model is completely broken.
I'm glad I live in a country where health insurance covers all that and you don't pay extra to go to the ER, but man, it would keep some people out who really don't belong there!