I would say its a mixed bag. Wizards certainly solidified that Abdel Adrian (the protagonist of the novel) is the canon character. But beyond that the games probably would be treated as the go-to for lore (as long as it doesn't conflict with other writings - like Lands of Intrigue).
Why was the druid kit Avenger named Avenger? What are they avenging? How does it relates to Druids at all? I get the Shapeshifter shapeshifts, The Totemic Druid chooses a Totem, but what does the Avenger avenge?
Why was the druid kit Avenger named Avenger? What are they avenging? How does it relates to Druids at all? I get the Shapeshifter shapeshifts, The Totemic Druid chooses a Totem, but what does the Avenger avenge?
@lnstructor_ This might help, from the original 2nd edition AD&D class (Complete Book of Druids):
"The avenger druid has seen Nature suffer great wrongs. Take the case of the druid Torrens, who had hoped to live as a normal druid. During his training as a druid, forces defiled the area under his protection and slew his mentor. Maybe he feels he was too gentle, too weak. It doesn’t matter. He won’t let it happen again. Torrens the Avenger no longer holds the defensive. Instead, he roams the world seeking wrongs to right and foes to fight. And whether his opponent is a brutal king cutting down an ancient forest to build a fleet of war galleys, or an evil vampire menacing a peaceful halfling village, the Avenger acts to stop him. Permanently. This druid is a grim, strong, and silent warrior of the wilds. Torrens has little time for anything but his mission, although he’s as patient as a spider when it serves his plans. A loner, he avoids love or friendship, fearing either could compromise his mission; if he associates with a party of adventurers, he treats them as allies, but not as friends. The Avenger rarely speaks more than absolutely necessary to humans and most demi-humans (although he may talk to animals or sylvan races like wood elves). He doesn’t bother to explain or justify his actions. The Avenger dislikes remaining in one place, and frequently moves on after finishing a particular job."
If anomen fails his test, do: 1) all his banters actually change with all the npcs? 2) do the banters change with only few selected npcs ? 3) do the banters with the main protagonist change?
You can open a thread with a request in the Site Resources section. Now, i don't know how the forum engine actually works, but i think it would need much editing by hand, and implementation can be hard and very unlikely because of that.
Is it legal for Viconia to remain a priest of Shar and be granted spells even after alignment change in ToB? Or does she quietly turn to Eilistraee? I think it would be cool if post-change she'd have some unique dialogues with Rasaad (Or maybe she does? Haven't played the second EE yet.) and turn to Selune.
Yeah it seems random, couldn't think a reason either. Even in ToB EE were they added another one in the Rasaad's guest, it's still semi mage restricted as it's behind 95 locked door, so only mage (or thief) can open it. Which is funny because it's Rasaad's guest, yet in the end he can't even get the nice monk gear as a reward.
Throughout my recent IWD adventures, I have noticed something about Hold Person (and probably other similar spells, like Chromatic Orb). Attackers will seemingly never critically miss or critically hit a held/paralyzed/stunned/etc target. So I thought, obviously the mechanic is that you simply always hit.
I turned on attack rolls, but they don't show for these attacks. I also have cosmetic attacks disabled, which means every visual representation of a swing should be an actual swing. And this brings me to my issue - some of these entirely non-cosmetic attacks [against held targets, for mega clarity] do miss. What is the mechanic at play here?
I turned on attack rolls, but they don't show for these attacks. I also have cosmetic attacks disabled, which means every visual representation of a swing should be an actual swing. And this brings me to my issue - some of these entirely non-cosmetic attacks [against held targets, for mega clarity] do miss. What is the mechanic at play here?
Disable cosmetic attacks isn't 100% accurate, there is still the occasionally false swing.
I suspect the false swing occurs when you have 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, or 9/2 APR, or an odd APR value while hasted - the round with one less attack has a false swing in it's place.
It is based on the sum of all XP or in the XP of each class separately?
It's based on the sum of all XP. Assuming you are playing BG2 with ToB installed where the XP cap is 8,000,000, if you take a character to 2,000,000 XP and then dual-class them, they can reach 6,000,000 XP in the new class.
I was just fighting Demogorgon, and it is spamming Implosion at me more than I remember, so I checked the script. Is this a bug?
RESPONSE #100SetGlobalTimer("firestorm","LOCALS",TWENTY_MINUTES)IncrementGlobal("demospell","LOCALS",1)ForceSpell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),CLERIC_IMPLOSION)// SPPR728.SPL (Implosion)END
It seems like the timer that gets set there should be implosion, right?
@joluv: Yup. That's definitely a typo. Probably just a simple omission from copying over a block of code. Change the "firestorm" to "implosion" and the script should work as intended by whoever it is wrote that script.
seeing as the new tales from baldur's gate comics are canon, and the comics mention Neera from the EE games, why is Larian studios making baldurs gate 3 and not beamdog?
seeing as the new tales from baldur's gate comics are canon, and the comics mention Neera from the EE games, why is Larian studios making baldurs gate 3 and not beamdog?
I don't see what the comics have to do with the choice of game studios. The most likely reason is that Beamdog is a small studio that's never produced a full game from scratch and Larian is a large studio with a proven track record.
I don't see what the comics have to do with the choice of game studios. The most likely reason is that Beamdog is a small studio that's never produced a full game from scratch and Larian is a large studio with a proven track record.
True, but it occurred to me about intellectual property and the rise in baldur's gate's popularity. the games got enhanced were successful, beamdog created their own canon expansion in the baldur's gate series, their own characters have been featured in official comics that are canon, the success of these games preceded wizards to write a lot of D&D 5th edition modules set in baldur's gate and the sword coast....
and then beamdog have nothing to do with anything further? as happy as i am to FINALLY be getting baldur's gate three, I feel a bit betrayed that beamdog didn't get the chance to make the third game in the series.
of course if the Dev's weren't up to the challenge of making an entirely new game with a new engine (let's face it the infinity and aurora engines are old and tired) then that's completely understandable, but beamdog deserve input damnit!!
I sincerely doubt that Beamdog owns the rights to the characters. WOTC is pretty strict about that. I posted a quote from R.A. Salvatore here a couple of years back where he said he was surprised when Drizzt showed up in BG1. WOTC hadn't bothered to tell him the character had a cameo in the game.
This druid is a grim, strong, and silent warrior of the wilds. Torrens has little time for anything but his mission, although he’s as patient as a spider when it serves his plans. A loner, he avoids love or friendship, fearing either could compromise his mission; if he associates with a party of adventurers, he treats them as allies, but not as friends. The Avenger rarely speaks more than absolutely necessary to humans and most demi-humans (although he may talk to animals or sylvan races like wood elves). He doesn’t bother to explain or justify his actions. The Avenger dislikes remaining in one place, and frequently moves on after finishing a particular job."
1) all his banters actually change with all the npcs?
2) do the banters change with only few selected npcs ?
3) do the banters with the main protagonist change?
Now, i don't know how the forum engine actually works, but i think it would need much editing by hand, and implementation can be hard and very unlikely because of that.
I turned on attack rolls, but they don't show for these attacks. I also have cosmetic attacks disabled, which means every visual representation of a swing should be an actual swing. And this brings me to my issue - some of these entirely non-cosmetic attacks [against held targets, for mega clarity] do miss. What is the mechanic at play here?
I suspect the false swing occurs when you have 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, or 9/2 APR, or an odd APR value while hasted - the round with one less attack has a false swing in it's place.
Core BGEE.
It is based on the sum of all XP or in the XP of each class separately?
It's based on the sum of all XP. Assuming you are playing BG2 with ToB installed where the XP cap is 8,000,000, if you take a character to 2,000,000 XP and then dual-class them, they can reach 6,000,000 XP in the new class.
ShowBox Tutuapp Mobdro
It seems like the timer that gets set there should be implosion, right?
I don't see what the comics have to do with the choice of game studios. The most likely reason is that Beamdog is a small studio that's never produced a full game from scratch and Larian is a large studio with a proven track record.
True, but it occurred to me about intellectual property and the rise in baldur's gate's popularity. the games got enhanced were successful, beamdog created their own canon expansion in the baldur's gate series, their own characters have been featured in official comics that are canon, the success of these games preceded wizards to write a lot of D&D 5th edition modules set in baldur's gate and the sword coast....
and then beamdog have nothing to do with anything further? as happy as i am to FINALLY be getting baldur's gate three, I feel a bit betrayed that beamdog didn't get the chance to make the third game in the series.
of course if the Dev's weren't up to the challenge of making an entirely new game with a new engine (let's face it the infinity and aurora engines are old and tired) then that's completely understandable, but beamdog deserve input damnit!!