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The bad news finally hit

tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
So, I haven't been here for a while because I've been busy. My new scans in April confirmed lesions in my liver. A biopsy confirmed that my ocular melanoma has gone metastatic. That means I have less than a year. It sucks royally, but it's been just shy of seven years since first detection, and for Class 2 OM, the median time before metastasis is three years. I've been playing with house money for quite a while.

So if I don't see you again, thanks for everything, and give Boo a pinch on the cheek for me.



  • Sar_YehudahSar_Yehudah Member Posts: 135
    I'll pray for you!
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    tbone1 wrote: »
    Well, I'm back home. On the 20th I had laparoscopic surgery to extract cancer cells and harvest the T cells. They made four incisions in my abdomen, including one where the surgeon had to insert her hand to move the gall bladder. (Thankfully, the surgeon was a small asian woman, not a large nordic man descended from village blacksmiths.) And this was lucky; they had to prepare me for seven incision, one of which would have laid me open like a sturgeon in a caviar factory.

    It was rough, but so far the recovery hasn't been too bad. My wife got us an AirBnB near Galveston Bay for a few days after I was checked out and before I was cleared to fly. My brother flew in for four days to help out my wife and to just spend time together. He went with us to the hospital for my follow up and wheeled me back to the phlebotomist. When she pulled out thirteen vials, he was shocked. I said "Have I mentioned that I sometimes look borderline anemic? And have dreams of being a strawberry milkshake?"

    So we're back, I can't lift anything heavy, and I have to take more pills than Jimmy Page's stunt double. But now I recover and wait for news from the lab. (They are above 90% on growing the T cells, but not 100%.)

    And now, The Bridge District.

    Best of luck and tell Xzar 'hi' for me!
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    edited August 2019
    Best oft luck to you.
    A friend of mine died of cancer not too long ago. I wish you little pain and a lot of happiness for the time that is left for you.
    Post edited by jastey on
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    That's great news and bodes well for the future (fingers crossed)!
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