(IE) Console versions released

Oh, hello there Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 & Xbox One!
Quick links for everyone!
Nintendo Switch
- BG pack
- PST & IWD pack
- BG pack
- PST & IWD pack
- BG pack
- PST & IWD pack
Details on the blog.
Quick links for everyone!
Nintendo Switch
- BG pack
- PST & IWD pack
- BG pack
- PST & IWD pack
- BG pack
- PST & IWD pack
Details on the blog.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
I got Polish language as a text language, but voice is in english
I thought it was supposed to have those different language dubbing
Someone even asked publisher on facebook and he confirmed:
It was highly unlikely, but we had small hope you ordered polish translation for console release (and maybe will release it in patch 2.6). But now we see it was a lie. I guess some people bought it, thinking all 3 games will be translated.
basic games was supposed to have full Polish dubbing
and cdp in a message above (fb) answered that the rest (bg1 & bg2) of course will have a polish dubbing
so waiting for investigation
Two questions:
1. How well does multiplayer work, and is it cross platform?
2. Will we be able to import custom portraits and/or other override custom content?
Also I'm on PS4 and prefer the tactical mode to the direct control but whats going on sometimes it just randomly drifts into the middle of the map and I can't make it stop.
but after some download (probably day one patch) still without polish dubbing,
so maybe it is not yet available ?
1. MP is not available. There are very had challenges to implement it, and we aimed for the ideal 1st playthrough when we developed the games for the launch.
2. No, it is not possible on console.
I will ask around.
I will follow up on that.
We are working on resolving the issue with Sony.
Looks like the console/patch size limitations are to blame, this is why audio is different if compared to the PC version.
Also, how do I delete an exported character? Accidentally exported the same character 3 times and want to delete the two obsolete ones.
These languages are available:
English, French, and German in all games.
Polish and Korean in BG:EE, BGII:EE, IWD:EE, and PST:EE.
Italian in BG:EE, BGII:EE, SoD, and IWD:EE.
Spanish and Russian in BG:EE, BGII:EE, and IWD:EE.
Czech in BG:EE, IWD:EE, and PST:EE.
Simplified Chinese in BG:EE and BGII:EE.
Brazilian Portuguese and Ukrainian in BG:EE and SoD.
Turkish in BG:EE and IWD:EE.
Japanese and Hungarian in BG:EE.
After a thorough investigation, we found that Baldur's Gate I & II on consoles contain Polish text translation, with Polish voice-over coming soon (for BG1, BG2, IWD & PST)! Siege of Dragonspear does not include Polish localization. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Other VO will be added in an upcoming free DLC:
French VO for:
- BG I
Italian VO for:
German VO for:
Russian VO for:
- BG I
Ukrainian VO for:
- BG I
@Tolek113 @Etamin @Hurricane
There is a little red diamond icon you can click which will turn highlights/character names off (press X or square and press left to hover over it).
Will follow up about the exported characters.
We're a small studio and QA resources are not vast. We'll get to 2.6 soon-ish after the first "hot" issues of the console version are fixed (like VO).
Torment Switch - there is no Journal in Polish localization. Only blank box! I know the game by heart but Journal is crucial for new players !
Also there are many glitches with Polish fonts on switch.
As voice over is coming I have only one additional question
How to change the visualization of HP to numbers not colors?
From the main menu, select "Characters" > From the "Manage Characters" page, select the character you wish to remove and hit the square button.
Did you really check your product before pricing it for 50€?
I need some explanation about BG 2 EE on console and pc. I see that the game one console is avaible in french ( text and voice or just text for now ?) but the pc version don't support french. So i'm a little confused, if i buy a ps4 version, can i play in full french or not ? And if french is avaible on console why isn't it on pc ? ( i see there is a mode to have a partial french translation but not finish at this time)
The French translation was finished for the console port. We're figuring out about making it available on PC as well.