I could definitely go back to the original, black-and-white Link's Awakening from the 20th century and use the screen warp glitch to nab the 8th dungeon Wand at the start of the game. Doing the dungeons in reverse order was very fun.
I actually did a speedrun of Link's Awakening, an "All Instruments" run to distinguish it from other glitched runs (those ones just warped directly to the final boss). I got it down to under 30 minutes with minimal practice, and I was quite proud of myself.
Years later I would find even shorter speedruns in the same category, which previously didn't exist. Some of the routes I devised show up in those speedruns, but they have some clever improvements that surprised me. I still don't know if my speedrun actually inspired anyone to expand and improve on that category of LA runs, or if people got the idea separately, but I like to think the former. I've never actually asked around to check.
The next poster thinks it's hilarious that there was actually such a thing as black-and-white video games during the previous millennium.
i remember when i saw the first video game, Pong, at some science exposition, and it was something very new as at that time in the collective imaginary computers was still very big and mysterious machines, large at least as a large wardrobe, that only few scientists was able to use.
and talking of the last century of the previous millennium my grand aunt used to tell me how she remembered the first gas lamppost in her town, the first electric lamppost, the first light bulb in her house, the first airplane, the first car and a lot of first things that now we give for granted.
and she also told "and now i see a man walking on the moon".
she made it to the first pocket calculators, and as she was a mathematician she was able to multiply two 3 digit numbers in her mind in a couple of seconds, but not to witness the personal computer age.
and she was only 2 generations before mine (and i have now 2 generations after me being grandpa ), but only very few generations before, before the age of the steam power and the machines, the world was completely different, or at least it was so from an human perspective.
so no, i don't find it hilarious at all as i see it in a longer perspective as something very new and very old at the same time.
the next poster has lived at least an year without some of the things that make the modern civilized life so comfortable, i am not talking of soft armchairs, i am talking of pipes of drinking water directly into your house without having to go to a fountain to gather it or electric current.
No not anymore. In RL I've never been one but I used to play evil in games but not anymore. Not sure why, but with age I've almost completely lost interest of playing evil in any shape or form. I even DL'ed the free GTA5 from Epic and played maybe an hour or two but since I despised all characters I stopped. Couldn't find myself having any inclination at all to bother with any of the characters, I ended up making one guy get suicide by cops and quit.
The next person will write a very short reply and not go on a long rant to a short question.
The next poster looks forward to going to the grocery store every few days as it is their main non-family social activity during their Covid19 lock-down.
False. I find the vibe out there unsettling and the whole thing exacerbates my already anxious mind. If I'm not anxious when I'm out, I'm irritated by the idiots who aren't following the rules and who are making things difficult for everyone else.
The next poster is using this lock-down to transform themselves. This transformation could take the form of exercise, learning a new language, mastering an instrument, finally writing that novel, etc..
True, I am learning music theory in the spare time and getting more time to practice on my synthesizer piano, so I can get better at playing and writing music. Though I have to do my regular medical school studies most of the time, I now have more time on hand for other stuff.
The next poster did not know about Terraria: Journey's End being released, but now absolutely wants to try it out!
Games on the go atm are:
Civilization 6
Zero Horizon Dawn
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Slay the Spire
Goblins Inc
Mortal Kombat 11
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Sims 4
I’m back at work as of today (yay), so that list is going to have to be trimmed.
The next poster didn’t get a COVID quarantine time off.
The next poster has never tried banana peel bacon before.
True, color me intrigued.
The next poster is diving into a game they were previously underwhelmed by to give it another chance.
True! Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Got a new laptop so I am attempting another play through from the beginning. I also attempted to replay Andromeda but I scrapped that fairly quickly to do something more entertaining such as scrub the mildew out of my shower.
The next poster cleans their shower weekly and doesn't get mildew buildup because of it.
*Blush* yeah, sure, of course.... (that was a lie...)
The next poster has recently played BG or any other game because their kids have *not* hijacked all suitable devices for lockdown- induced homeschooling *sigh*.
True! Am running a new assassin through BG as I write this.
Devices are not our issue, as we have enough notebooks, ipad minis and phones, but what we are lacking is chargers! Those little cords keep breaking and there are no open malls yet to go and find new cords. I am fighting every few hours for a working charger and cable.
The next poster has used the lock-down to grow a luxuriant full beard, including sideburns and mustache.
True! Am running a new assassin through BG as I write this.
Devices are not our issue, as we have enough notebooks, ipad minis and phones, but what we are lacking is chargers! Those little cords keep breaking and there are no open malls yet to go and find new cords. I am fighting every few hours for a working charger and cable.
The next poster has used the lock-down to grow a luxuriant full beard, including sideburns and mustache.
True until a few days ago. It got way to hot to keep that thing. But my hair is growing in nicely. I kinda look like a chubbier Chesare Borgia now.
The next poster also looks like the relative of a Pope.
Trueish. I googled pics of popes and found this guy who I look kinda similar to (from a list of controversial popes).
Pope Clement VII, 1523-1534: Grew A Beard (<-- The controversy)
Via wikipaintings.org
Pope Clement VII grew a full beard in mourning after Rome got sacked in 1527, which was kind of his fault. (He aligned with the king of France instead of Charles V, the contemporary Holy Roman Emperor.) At the time popes were required to be clean shaven, but Pope Clement VII started a papal facial hair trend, as a bunch of the next popes sported beards.
The next person can trace their lineage to an actual pope.
Yeano? I've written inside a train. I was bedridden inside a sleeping train. And I even have ridden a bike inside a train before. But I never sat on top of a train and rode it towards the sunset.
The next poster is abolutely not a train maniac. And would defenitely never willingly be a passenger on a galactic train heading towards the center of the Milky Way.
Yes, I have my own private cosmic car, so I don't bother taking the galactic train. I'd rather go where I please and when I please and with whom I please.
The next poster also wants to play an epic isometric RTwP CRPG set in the Lovecraftian Universe, but realises that sadly there aren't any games like that at present.
The next person hates me.
The next person has completed a video game recently due to being quarantined.
The next poster has un-completed a game since quarantine.
The next poster now wants to play a game backwards.
I actually did a speedrun of Link's Awakening, an "All Instruments" run to distinguish it from other glitched runs (those ones just warped directly to the final boss). I got it down to under 30 minutes with minimal practice, and I was quite proud of myself.
Years later I would find even shorter speedruns in the same category, which previously didn't exist. Some of the routes I devised show up in those speedruns, but they have some clever improvements that surprised me. I still don't know if my speedrun actually inspired anyone to expand and improve on that category of LA runs, or if people got the idea separately, but I like to think the former. I've never actually asked around to check.
The next poster thinks it's hilarious that there was actually such a thing as black-and-white video games during the previous millennium.
and talking of the last century of the previous millennium my grand aunt used to tell me how she remembered the first gas lamppost in her town, the first electric lamppost, the first light bulb in her house, the first airplane, the first car and a lot of first things that now we give for granted.
and she also told "and now i see a man walking on the moon".
she made it to the first pocket calculators, and as she was a mathematician she was able to multiply two 3 digit numbers in her mind in a couple of seconds, but not to witness the personal computer age.
and she was only 2 generations before mine (and i have now 2 generations after me being grandpa
so no, i don't find it hilarious at all as i see it in a longer perspective as something very new and very old at the same time.
the next poster has lived at least an year without some of the things that make the modern civilized life so comfortable, i am not talking of soft armchairs, i am talking of pipes of drinking water directly into your house without having to go to a fountain to gather it or electric current.
The next poster is an evildoer.
The next person will write a very short reply and not go on a long rant to a short question.
The next poster looks forward to going to the grocery store every few days as it is their main non-family social activity during their Covid19 lock-down.
The next poster is using this lock-down to transform themselves. This transformation could take the form of exercise, learning a new language, mastering an instrument, finally writing that novel, etc..
The next poster did not know about Terraria: Journey's End being released, but now absolutely wants to try it out!
The next poster is playing Bannerlord.
Games on the go atm are:
Civilization 6
Zero Horizon Dawn
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Slay the Spire
Goblins Inc
Mortal Kombat 11
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Sims 4
I’m back at work as of today (yay), so that list is going to have to be trimmed.
The next poster didn’t get a COVID quarantine time off.
The next poster now feels better about their life.
The next poster has never tried banana peel bacon before.
True, color me intrigued.
The next poster is diving into a game they were previously underwhelmed by to give it another chance.
True! Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Got a new laptop so I am attempting another play through from the beginning. I also attempted to replay Andromeda but I scrapped that fairly quickly to do something more entertaining such as scrub the mildew out of my shower.
The next poster cleans their shower weekly and doesn't get mildew buildup because of it.
The next poster has recently played BG or any other game because their kids have *not* hijacked all suitable devices for lockdown- induced homeschooling *sigh*.
Devices are not our issue, as we have enough notebooks, ipad minis and phones, but what we are lacking is chargers! Those little cords keep breaking and there are no open malls yet to go and find new cords. I am fighting every few hours for a working charger and cable.
The next poster has used the lock-down to grow a luxuriant full beard, including sideburns and mustache.
True until a few days ago. It got way to hot to keep that thing. But my hair is growing in nicely. I kinda look like a chubbier Chesare Borgia now.
The next poster also looks like the relative of a Pope.
Pope Clement VII, 1523-1534: Grew A Beard (<-- The controversy)
Via wikipaintings.org
Pope Clement VII grew a full beard in mourning after Rome got sacked in 1527, which was kind of his fault. (He aligned with the king of France instead of Charles V, the contemporary Holy Roman Emperor.) At the time popes were required to be clean shaven, but Pope Clement VII started a papal facial hair trend, as a bunch of the next popes sported beards.
The next person can trace their lineage to an actual pope.
The next poster comes up with a more plausible background story.
The next poster didn't know about Twine, but is absolutely excited to have found it out now.
The poster wish they had more time to write.
I do wish I had made more time to write, so that I could start my own Quayle hate thread! Owwh, that'll show him.
The next poster, shares the same intense hatred for Quayle.
I avoid Quayle as much as possible.
The next poster shares my strong dislike of Jan Jansen.
The next poster has never ridden on a train.
The next poster is abolutely not a train maniac. And would defenitely never willingly be a passenger on a galactic train heading towards the center of the Milky Way.
The next poster also wants to play an epic isometric RTwP CRPG set in the Lovecraftian Universe, but realises that sadly there aren't any games like that at present.