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Ausar the Riven (Fighter/Mage Playthrough)



  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2020

    A statement responding to the above comments about the caravan scene is below. If you posted, go ahead and read it, but for others: Be forewarned, it includes story spoilers.

    To those who posted and/or liked, thank you - I love the interest in this scene! With respect, @jmerry, I do not think that the EE has introduced such an identifying item. I did not see it in my own game, and I did not find any documentation of it on the wiki, or any references to handing in such an item to Entar Silvershield. It seems likely to me that these additions are exclusively NPC Project or Unfinished Business content. Because I have not played these mods, I do not consider myself constrained by their content. That having been said, it is possible that I am mistaken, and that I just carelessly overlooked it. In that case, we can imagine that the identifying item was tucked away deep under his clothing, which - let us suppose - Ausar was too overwhelmed and Jaheira not sufficiently interested to search his body thoroughly enough to discover it.

    So, as @BelgarathMTH aptly put it, what is going on here? This incident is the origin point of a little subplot / backstory that is largely incidental to the main story, and will probably not resurface for a long while. The facts are meant to be a little mysterious and to not quite “add up,” given what the characters currently know. In a land as violent and magically-charged as Faerun, I imagine this is not an uncommon experience, especially for adventurers.

    In the EE, if you help Kagain complete his quest on time, your journal will update to read “Entar Silvershield’s son was killed.” To me, this cements the identity of the body. However, it leaves many, many other things wide open, including the condition of the body and its accoutrements (unlike other games, I do not think there is even the pretence in BG that the lootable array includes *everything* on a given body). What I am aiming to do is to step into this opening and, by filling it with some detail that is unconventional but (as far as I can tell) entirely consistent with what appears in-game, sow a few seeds to be harvested later in the narrative.

    I don’t want to say just yet exactly *why* Entar’s son may have been found wearing armor marked with the Blacktalon sigil. There are many possible explanations, some humdrum and mundane, others sensational and scarce-to-be-believed.

    I would kindly request that posts identifying the body be revised to include spoiler boxes. Unlike architectonic plot events, like Sarevok being the one who murdered Gorion or Gorion’s Ward discovering he/she is Bhaalspawn, I think that this random body actually being the son of Entar Silvershield is a detail even readers who have played through a few times are liable to miss. I think it would be nice for those readers to be able to experience this revelation in the context of the narrative.

    @monico - yes, I do very much like my symbols. I think they serve an especially important function in societies, like many in Faerun, where even basic literacy is uncommon. Where I can find a symbol in the pre-existing lore, I will use it. Where I cannot, I will devise one that seems plausible. As it so happens, both of the sigils I have described up to this point have some official or semi-official status. For Elminster’s sigil, see: For the Blacktalon sigil, see:

  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2020

    With the Friendly Arms Inn behind our adventurers (for now, at least) and Beregost looming before them, now seems like an opportune moment to open the thread for another week or so of free discussion. Happy to hear larger comments that might have seemed out of place at any given time, smaller comments on old sections or recent sections, hopes/theories about what might come next, updated estimates of Ausar’s current alignment or projections about where it might end up, characters you like, characters you don’t like, etc. - really anything at all you might want to discuss.

    I also want to thank some of my readers by name:

    @BelgarathMTH , @energisedcamel , @Adam_en_tium , @Aerakar - many thanks to you, my rock-solid core of four who seem to have read every posting for the last few months within a day or two of them being posted (and often on the same day!). Your constant presence has always been very much appreciated.

    @monico - many thanks to you, for providing the necessary support to me and this thread when it was still in its infancy, and for having caught up remarkably in such a short time. Your place of honor in the story of this thread will always be a unique one.

    @dukdukgoos - many thanks to you, one of the newest readers who also accomplished a truly incredible binge - I hope you are still enjoying the story here at the cutting edge.

    @jmerry - many thanks to you, our resident number-cruncher, for being there to leap in with your incredibly deep knowledge of the game and its mechanics.

    @JuliusBorisov and @Gusinda - many thanks to you, true veterans of these forums, for stopping by from time to time to show your support.

    My thanks extend, of course, to all the anonymous readers of this thread as well! If you ever decide to pick up an account, I will be happy to thank you by name and even happier to hear what you think.

    And that’s all, folks - next new installment will be Friday, July 10.
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    edited July 2020
    Oh, silly me, blacktalons of course !! the emblem was self-explanatory indeed !

    I'll make sure to hide spoilers from now on, it might break immersion to readers indeed.

    Post edited by monico on
  • dukdukgoosdukdukgoos Member Posts: 22
    I'm definitely still following! I love emergent roleplay content like this, very imaginative and entertaining.

    In terms of the caravan, I'm pretty sure older EE builds required UB or BG1NPC mods to flesh out the scene, but the latest EE build (2.5) has integrated the UB fixes into the main game, so it doesn't require mods any more.
  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    @dukdukgoos - that's great! so glad you are enjoying it! Sometimes when I am playing/writing I remember that one could play/write a hundred different characters in this way, all of which would be totally unique. It's dizzying and exciting at the same time.

    More regarding the caravan (story spoilers):

    If you and @jmerry both settle on the same answer, I am very much inclined to agree, but for whatever reason my game will simply not reproduce your experience. I am currently running v2.5.17, and just to make sure I did not miss anything with Ausar, I started up a new game and made a beeline for the caravan. No identifying object was at the site. So, I made a beeline for Kagain's, picked him up, and then sprinted straight back to the caravan. Unlike in past versions of the game, this quest is no longer "broken" - Kagain does recognize the body as belonging to Entar's son (completing the quest), whereas he did not in older versions of the game. However, even during this second visit to the site, there is no identifying item for turning in later down the road.

    This made me very curious, so I pulled up the Unfinished Business and NPC project readme's. The UB readme discusses fixing the Kagain caravan quest so that it completes, but provides no detail on adding an identifying item for Entar's son. The NPC Project does, however, purport to add it.

    So, if EE 2.5+ merely incorporated UB, and not, for example, NPC Project, then I don't think any identifying item would have been added to the game, which is consistent with my experience. If either of you have actually found this item in an unmodded EE playthrough, though, then I suppose I am at a loss - perhaps my installation is just idiosyncratic.

    Anyway, as mentioned before, not a huge issue for the story. If Kagain was in the party, he almost certainly would have found it (already recognizing Entar's son), but Ausar and Jaheira have colorable excuses for overlooking it.

    Thanks for your patience! This is definitely more of a molehill than a mountain ;)
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Relating to what Rao just said:
    In my hundreds of recent runs in BG1, I've never once stumbled upon any symbol or mark identifying the victim of the raid, apart once doing Kagain's quest where he recognizes the body but that's it.

    Provided, I play solo 99% of the time, and go rapidly through the scene, so I might have just missed it, but if walking through the scene alone, there is no way to interact with the caravan or the bodies that I can remember.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,878
    edited July 2020
    It's definitely my memory playing tricks on me. That identifying trinket has a X# item code, indicating that it's part of the NPC project. More recent EE builds have added a few things to Kagain's quest, but not that.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I like this interpretation of the scene, having Ausar almost give the "wrong" answer to make the encounter end badly, then having Ajantis with his superior wisdom and moral development give the "right" answer instead. It's also a good chance to have some character development for Ausar in your narrative structure.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Rolling two 16's in a row is definitely not something that happens very often. You might want to get a little more careful with your gameplay unless you decide you want to divorce your story from what actually happens in your game.
  • dukdukgoosdukdukgoos Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2020
    I wonder what the back story of Silke's plan was. What was the truth behind the deception? Simple robbery, or something more sinister? How much did Gerrick know?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,878
    Rolling two 16s... you don't need a 16 to hit Silke's AC of 9 (No armor, Dex 15). Ausar hits on a 7 (off-hand 11), Ajantis on an 8; this pair's four combined attacks per round translate to about 2.5 hits per round. The timing luck to interrupt her spells ... that's more difficult.

    Incidentally, for battle screenshot purposes, the greyscale effect while paused is one of the graphics options (on by default). I've disabled it in my own games, so I can move the screen around and scroll the combat log to frame the pictures just right, while still getting them in full color.
  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    @BelgarathMTH - for reasons @jmerry mentions, taking on Silke wasn't quite a death wish, but I do agree it was very risky. I suppose that I, like Ausar, have yet to really be burned by these risky plays. Maybe that's what it's going to take ;) haha

    @dukdukgoos - all excellent questions...perhaps Garrick will reveal more (if, indeed, he knows more) the longer he stays with the party, or perhaps not...public murder for the simple robbery of a few townsfolk does seem a little extreme, doesn't it? Especially for someone who, as a public performer, presumably needed to maintain at least a decent reputation with the public.

    @jmerry - thank you again for your expertise! The timing was definitely what I was most concerned about, because even one lightning bolt would (almost certainly) have meant death. Also, I am so thrilled about being able to turn off greyscale! I had no idea that was even an option. Unfortunately, because of the buffer, there are many greyscale pictures in the bank. But, in the long-run, you have done this thread a great service!
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    edited August 2020
    What a beautiful chapter !

    Don't worry about the pace, take your time : as long as you enjoy your walkthrough, noone would complain about a slow pace (to me, a slow pace would be once a month or even less, once a week is quite fast honestly).

    About this chapter, I saw two small typos:
    - "Garrick interposed himself between Ajanatis and I" (should be Ajantis, obviously)
    - "To kill a women? Surely there must have been some other way." (should either be "to kill women" or "to kill a woman", slight preference for the former as it would be more generic than just refering to Silke ?)
  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    Corrected - many thanks, @monico!
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