What is EET good for?
I don't often see any comments on it, but it tends to be negative when I do. Talk about instability and incompatible mods etc. I am getting near the end of a playthrough right now, and things ran smoothly until the last chapters, but how should I know that EET is at fault? I'm just going through a few stronghold quests and completing a few things in and around Athkatla that didn't seem appropriate at the time before I kill Mel
Consider it to be similar to the old BGT (Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod) that aimed to do the same thing and provide a seamless transition between the games. It largely seems to be a modding platform and opens up the potential for future mods to add content back to the BG1 areas during the events of BG2.
The EET installer tool, hosted at Baldursextendedworld is a separate thing and uses unauthorized/potentially older or modified versions of mods. It's goal is to try to simplify the mod installation process (good idea), but the creator has seemingly cut a lot of interactions with the wider modding community and so if you use it and run into problems you may be on your own. A lot of the versions of mods there have been adjusted to integrate more closely with the author's Sardrah Saga (sp?), including adding new dialogue and other things.
I agree that it would be great if the mod installation tools had progressed further than they have. @ALIEN Project Infinity is a step in that direction, but is still somewhat complex to set up and not every mod is compatible with it, even if they'd be compatible in a normal manual Weidu install.
EDIT: and it's not true EET is usually mentioned negatively. This is a rumor that keeps on spinning and is mainly caused by Roxanne - the maintainer of the mentioned EE Setup Tool - pretending that her controversially discussed mod(s) are part of the official EET.
That, and it would be nice if could run on a tablet, but I get the permissions system prevents it.
If you have problems to play EET on a tablet, then it's because you can't install mods in general, not because EET is special in any way. It's just a (huge, very impressive) mod, technically speaking.
The main draw of EET is being able to play the entire saga from start to finish without having to mess around with character importing. Original BGT also brought BG2 Kits and Modability to BG1, but since BG:EE and BG2:EE run on essentially the same engine that's no longer an important point.
The biggest advantage for EET right now is it lets you create a consistent experience - essentially you get to apply a whole host of BG2 mods to BG1 (BG1-specific mods should be installed to BG:EE ahead of time in order to get them into an EET install) and play through the entire story with the same suite of mods.
The installation process is a pain in the butt though, and if you're not looking to use the megamod to apply the same suite of mods to all four stories (BG1, SoD, SoA, ToB) then you might actually be better off just playing the games separately.
I don't see the appeal of EET personally, since the games already HAVE continuity, and being able to travel back to BG1 areas in BG2 or ToB breaks in game logic spectacularly. EET certainly isn't garbage, but its not as simple as its die-hard fans make it either. You're trading some extra mod compatibility considerations for the benefit of saving a few clicks to import characters.
I was under the impression EET in particular wouldn't work on Android because it needs to see both your BG1 and BG2 installs. I run with a pretty heavy mod setup already, but they are all BG2 mods only.
Interesting... I would *love* to get this setup, as I have always liked the idea of everything being on one giant map. Now I'm going to have to go and do some research.
Does this mean you literally start from Candlekeep at the beginning of an EET game, even though you are technically playing BG2?
Yes, it's the same concept as in BGT - or Tutu, for that matter. (Only that for the classic engine, you also did it to get the better BGII engine).
EET - the game folder - is the former, modded BGII:EE game, and it offers all campaigns and/or a continuous game from Candlekeep to ToB.
(I feel like a salesman praising a product. "EET special offer! Grab it while you can! Only as long as stocks last!")
I'm thinking it *should* be possible to pull off an EET install in Android, though I would have to uninstall the first two games to make room.
The ressources of BG:SoD is then copied into the BGII:EE game that becomes the EET game, yes. EET is a modded BGII:EE game, and the mod contents is the contents of BG:SoD.
I really hope this is possible, as I love the idea of a single campaign from Candlekeep to TOB without changing apps, and I've really come to love playing on my tablet. I actually prefer it to the desktop now.
I will miss Aura, though. I noticed she isn't on the list of EET compatible mods. Fortunately, Isra and Sirene are listed, and have content every game.
a. Recorder NPC
b. Recorder's Music
Helga NPC v1.47 https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/76460/v1-46-helga-a-dwarven-priestess-of-haela-brightaxe-for-bg-ee-and-sod
a. Main Component
b. Music Soundtrack
Vienxay NPC v1.56 https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/74701/v1-55-vienxay-a-elven-shadowmage-npc-for-bg-ee-sod
a. Main Component
b. Music Soundtrack
Kale NPC v1.57 https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/74630/v1-55-kale-a-halfling-barbarian-for-bg-ee-sod
a. Main Component
b. Warden kit
c. Music Soundtrack
Artisan's Kitpack v1.92 https://artisans-corner.com/the-artisans-kitpack/
a. Fighter - Arcane Archer
Emily NPC v1.59 https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/74672/v1-33-emily-a-half-elf-archer-for-bg-ee-sod
a. Main Component
b. Arcane Archer
c. Music Soundtrack
Aura NPC v3.2 https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/65891/v2-7-aura-a-gnome-artificer-npc-for-bg-ee-sod/
a. Aura NPC
b. Artificer Kit
c. BG1 Default by Artemius_I/AionZ
Sir Ajantis v20 https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/npcs/ajantis-bg2/
a. Main Component
b. EE Shield Graphic
c. Cavalier kit for ajantis
d. Mature Romance
Arath v4.0 http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/1001-arath/
Adrian NPC v5.0 https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Adrian_NPC/releases
a. Main Component - Sorcerer
b. Phaelin's Soundset
c. Crossmod Content
Isra NPC v3.2 https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Isra_NPC/releases
a. Main component
b. Valerie/Isra Crossmod
c. Gavin/Isra Crossmod
Isra NPC for BG2 v3.1 https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Isra_NPC_BG2/releases
a. Main component
b. Crossmod content
Kelsey NPC v6 https://github.com/Pocket-Plane-Group/Kelsey/releases
a. Kelsey NPC
b. Ascension specific dialogue
Crossmod Banter Pack for BG2 v19 https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/npcs/crossmod/
a. SoA
b. ToB
c. Romance Conflicts
Grey the Dog v4 https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/npcs/grey-the-dog/
NPC Flirtpacks v1.07 https://github.com/Pocket-Plane-Group/NPC_Flirt_Packs/releases
a. Aerie
b. Jaheira
c. Viconia
d. Anomen
I want to try EET one day. I play with very few mods (Usually only NPC mods and Banter adding mods.)
The list is - as everything else in the IE community - a community project. You miss EET compatible mods on the list? Make a pull request or post them here.
The other EET-compatible mod list you are referring to is probably from Roxanne. If you want a list that really links to the original mods, stick to k4thos' list.
This is neither an endorsement nor indictment of EET.
you need to have some mods installed before eet is even on
alot of mods are not compatible with eet and the ones that are may give you issues and if you having them in bg 2 then you gotta start the whole game again from bg 1.
none of the exclusive megamods from eet are worth it imo.
i never saw a benefit from playing the saga as one game compared to just doing bg1/sod and bg2/tob stand alone.
1. You need to have only BGEE, BG2EE and SoD installed. There are no mod requirements. The only requirement is to install DLC Merger before any other mod if you use GoG or Steam version of SoD, but this is still valid for non-EET games.
2. Currently a very few mods are *not* compatible with EET, mostly old and abandoned ones. @Gwendolyne and @jastey are doing immensly great job to keep more and more old mods updated, adding EET compatibility in the process.
3. Which EET exclusive megamods you have in mind? The only EET exclusive megamod that I know of is The Sandrah Saga. There are also couple of smaller mods (mostly made by Roxanne) that are strictly EET exclusive. And there is also The Cowled Menace, which is (currently) also EET exclusive, which I deeply recommended to play.
4. There is a great benefit, in my opinion, to be able to play the whole saga with one character, without the need to import it with each game, where variables, romances, stats are preserved between games. I also like the EET feature that allows to visit back BG1 areas anytime, even when you are for instance in ToB. It's a shame that not many mods benefit from this feature, but it's there, ready to be used by modders.
A main problem EET seems to have is that there are a lot of rumors about it and that people who apparently do not know how EET works and what it offers (and most importantly, what it doesn't) formed a (negative) opinion on those and repost them time and again. It's like fighting windmills.
Really? Like what? You still have the same character when importing, there are no romance variables that remember previous states and the game wouldn't react to them being there anyway with the way its designed.
"1. You need to have only BGEE, BG2EE and SoD installed. There are no mod requirements. The only requirement is to install DLC Merger before any other mod if you use GoG or Steam version of SoD, but this is still valid for non-EET games."
Actually no. I've seen troubleshooting in various mod threads indicating that some mods need to be installed before EET to fix compatibility issues.
"I also like the fact that it means that if I decide against dualling Imoen into a mage in BG1 she will still be a pure thief when I wake up in Chateau Irenicus (at least I think it means that)."
" I also like the EET feature that allows to visit back BG1 areas anytime, even when you are for instance in ToB."
These are actually part of my reasons for not being a fan of EET myself. Both of these points break HARD from established story of the game. Imoen TRAINED as a mage in Sod. Charname was BANISHED from Baldur's Gate. Not to mention the logistics nightmare of travel times to OTHER COUNTRIES while dealing with the crises in BG2 and, especially, ToB.
Not going to answer until you lower your agression level. Not worth my nerves.
You have clearly established view on EET and nothing any of us write here will change it. It's exactly like @jastey described it: tilting with windmills.
And the BG1 City areas are closed after SoD. @Cahir was referring to all other areas. Because, yes, @swit actually spent a thought or two when he designed the continuity in EET. So of course you cannot visit BG1 areas in plain EET in the BGII part because you are banned there.
You don't appreciate what EET offers, that's totally ok. But please stop posting things about EET that are not true.
Uh, screw you too? I guess? I wasn't aware not seeing the appeal of EET myself and asking for clarification was "aggressive". I guess I shouldn't ask you any questions.
"There are mods that continue storywise. My Ajantis BGII for exmaple continues the BG1NPC Romance in the BGII part, without a 4th wall breaking incident like a ring you find somewhere where you have to chose whether it's an engagement ring (for continuation of romance) or a ring you never saw (no romance) via reply options, because EET /BGT can just use the variables that are there."
But that continuation is still there. Its not added by EET. I guess clicking an extra line of dialogue is problematic for some people?
"Not for the plain EET Cahir was referring to. What are you referring to, plain EET or a modded EET (with additional mods)? And, frankly, where did you see this info? At Roxanne's place maybe?..."
I do not visit Roxanne's place. I saw those discussions pop up on this forum.
"And the BG1 City areas are closed after SoD. @Cahir was referring to all other areas. Because, yes, @swit actually spent a thought or two when he designed the continuity in EET. So of course you cannot visit BG1 areas in plain EET in the BGII part because you are banned there."
But that doesn't solve the issue of travelling to an entire other country either when trying to get to Imoen or during a war. There is some very important things going on in BG2 and ToB, and charname just decides to travel hundreds of miles for a walk or something?
"But please stop posting things about EET that are not true."
You have not demonstrated how anything I"ve said is false.