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Spell Trigger Bug?

I'm playing version 2.5 and my Spell Trigger disappears from the Special Ability bar after a certain point. The icon is still on my character portrait and when I try to cast a new Spell Trigger it says I already have one. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? Thanks.


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    i recall this being the scenario if you stored the spell trigger in SoA and then transferred over to ToB ( by completing SoA) the ability would disappear from your special abilities, but this was back in the vanilla days, so no idea if this has been fixed yet
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    I've encountered this problem before. It happens a lot when the character with an active spell trigger dies before using it and gets resurrected. The only fix that I've found is using CTRL+R on the character (with active debug mode), which will remove the spell trigger effect from the portrait, allowing you to recast it and get it working again.
  • MichelleMichelle Member Posts: 550
    There was a time that you could remove that in your spell book under Contingencies, I don’t know if it still works.
  • DelDel Member Posts: 44
    Thanks for the feedback. This is my main character so it has nothing to do with being resurrected. And I didn't cast until TOB so it's not a transfer issue. I also opened the Contingency window but there does not appear to be a way to remove it. How do I enter debug mode? I also have Shadow Keeper which might be easier. Thanks again.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    To enter debug mode:
    elminster said:

    If you are using version 1.3 then put this line into your baldur.ini file

    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',

    If you are using 2.0 or later then put this line in your baldur.lua file

    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @Del Have you used any form of Mass Raise Dead (spell or wish)?
    There was a change to Spell-Removal mechanics in the latest patch that will cause these spells to remove all sequencer activation abilities from party members.

    The other raise dead/resurrection spells will now remove them as well, but only on the target, so not unless you cast it on your PC while they were still alive.

    The obvious choice for casting on still-alive creatures, Rod of Resurrection, does not remove them.
  • DelDel Member Posts: 44
    I may have used Mass Raise Dead but if that's the cause, it removed the trigger but not the sequencer from my special ability menu.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    That might be possible if the sequencer had only "location-targeted" spells and the trigger did not.

    Putting only "location-targeted" spell in a sequencer/trigger generates a different activation ability (necessary to allow it to target a "location", instead of requiring a creature to target).
    The resurrection spells have never been setup to remove these variants, because they were only recently implemented/fixed.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Please zip and attach your save at for investigation. That is bug tracker. Thanks!
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Bug report filed: Resurrection spells should not remove temporary abilities from living targets.

    @Del If you are still in need of a work-around:
    Either through Keeper:
    Add one memorized copy of spell "SPWI809D" to your character.
    or in-game (debug console):
    This will re-give you the special ability to activate the trigger, removing it as normal when you activate it.
    Del said:

    I also opened the Contingency window but there does not appear to be a way to remove it.

    Only Contingencies can be removed this way, Sequencers can only be viewed, so this part is at least normal.
  • ShashakiroShashakiro Member Posts: 24
    Encountered this annoying bug myself just now. A temporary solution that doesn't require the console is to kill and raise the character in question, though this of course does not work on Charname.
  • AerethielAerethiel Member Posts: 17
    I got this issue on Charname... So it doesn't seem solved as of February 2019 :(
  • AerethielAerethiel Member Posts: 17
    Enuhal wrote: »
    To enter debug mode:

    If you are using version 1.3 then put this line into your baldur.ini file

    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',

    If you are using 2.0 or later then put this line in your baldur.lua file

    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

    This solution worked well for me.

    Thanks !
  • AerethielAerethiel Member Posts: 17
    Actually no. The problem comes back each time someone sleep a few times with a spell trigger/contingency prepared
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    Enuhal wrote: »
    To enter debug mode:

    so im on version 2.5.26498 but I have no baldur.lua, I have a baldur.ini
    but there it is bracketed :

    [Program Options]
    Install Type=3
    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', <--- looks extremely out of place there and it did not work in game either :P
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    Oh, you definitely have a baldur.lua file. It should be in the same parent directory as your save folder.

    As for the bug that this thread is actually about ... fixed in 2.6. I also have a hotfix here in 2.5, for until the final release of 2.6 is available. Edit the resurrection spells properly, and it's no longer a problem.

    The bug is triggered when a resurrection spell is used on a living character, improperly removing certain abilities. Or when a rod of resurrection is used on a dead character, improperly not removing certain abilities. Since cutscenes on entering/leaving hell at the end of SoA cast Resurrection on everybody, you can't avoid at least some instances of this. Add in Mass Raise Dead for another party-wide instance, and the automatic healing routine when you rest - it's inevitable.
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2021
    jmerry wrote: »
    Oh, you definitely have a baldur.lua file. It should be in the same parent directory as your save folder.

    As for the bug that this thread is actually about ... fixed in 2.6. I also have a hotfix here in 2.5, for until the final release of 2.6 is available. Edit the resurrection spells properly, and it's no longer a problem.

    The bug is triggered when a resurrection spell is used on a living character, improperly removing certain abilities. Or when a rod of resurrection is used on a dead character, improperly not removing certain abilities. Since cutscenes on entering/leaving hell at the end of SoA cast Resurrection on everybody, you can't avoid at least some instances of this. Add in Mass Raise Dead for another party-wide instance, and the automatic healing routine when you rest - it's inevitable.

    saves are in the save folder in game folder, and game folder does not contain a file named "baldur.lua"

    unless the "baldur.lua" for some reason is located in document and settings or in AppData?

    tried the files in the link, all they did was to remove the message that said I could not cast another contingencies while another is already active, now it just say [Character Name]: Spell Trigger

    still cant see the "active!" spell trigger and cant cast a new one either, tried resting as well

    edit: tried cast spell sequencer which works, but the "fix" files you linked to made it so that the charcter cant add any lvl 2 or lvl 4 spells in the sequencer lol, only lvl 1 and 3

    did those files break the game lol, got missing spells now when using various contingences
    I like to use 2 melfs acid arrow with minor spell sequencer, but now it only shows level 1 spells after i added those files to overwrite folder......if I click to level 2 it is empty....and my sorcerer got 12 spells there


    might found a solve, must remove all those "fix" files that ruined the spells first, but I did a quick test, I used Simulacrum who then had spell trigger scroll in inventory, had it cast it two times, which worked for some reason, my main character now have 2 spell triggers, said spell trigger and a 2 in the symbol....
    I used first one and spell flew out, used the second one and nothing happens, but after I could cast spell trigger with my main character again.....

    so Simulacrum might fix it, gonna remove all those files and reset the original that was over written and try this fix

    btw it sux because Savarok started to talk to my other character as soon as I added those files, but they broke the spells in the game so have to remove it, I guess I will never get convo with savarok :P

    It worked, Simulacrum fixed it, but Im missed every other spells...I have level 1, 3, 5, but level 2, 4 and 6 are blank in any spell trigger used....even contingency there are missing every other level of spell....

    I removed the "fix" files in overwrite folder and put back the 4 original they wanted to overwrite before

    why do I still have missing rows of spell?
    Post edited by Belnick on
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2021
    jmerry wrote: »
    Oh, you definitely have a baldur.lua file. It should be in the same parent directory as your save folder.

    As for the bug that this thread is actually about ... fixed in 2.6. I also have a hotfix here in 2.5, for until the final release of 2.6 is available. Edit the resurrection spells properly, and it's no longer a problem.

    The bug is triggered when a resurrection spell is used on a living character, improperly removing certain abilities. Or when a rod of resurrection is used on a dead character, improperly not removing certain abilities. Since cutscenes on entering/leaving hell at the end of SoA cast Resurrection on everybody, you can't avoid at least some instances of this. Add in Mass Raise Dead for another party-wide instance, and the automatic healing routine when you rest - it's inevitable.

    why did the forum delete my comment when I edit and saved???

    baldur.lua does not exists in the game folder, maybe in AppData or document and settings, never looked there

    the files you posted broke the game, I tried to remove them and I replaced the one that was over written with the original that i saved before paste....

    every other row of spells is now missing, minor spell sequencer only have lvl 1 spells, lvl 2 are blanks
    spell sequencer only have lvl 1 and lvl 3 spells and level 2 and level 4 are blank
    spell trigger only have level 1, 3 and 5 spells and level 2, 4 and 6 are now blank
    Contingency only have level 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8, level 2, 4 and 6 are blank...for some reason it broke with every other being blank on this and lvl 8 was not blank it is logically would be following the others

    the fix that now seem like nothing considering this "fix" broke the spells for sequencers in the game....was to use Simulacrum with spell trigger with scrolls ready, casted them once and added spells, casted it again and it worked. then went back to the real character who now have the spell trigger icon AND a 2 above it, fired off first one and spells went away....fired of second and nothing happened, but I then tried to cast spell trigger again with my real character and not the Simulacrum and it now works again

    so Simulacrum was the fix for this, just wish I knew that before I broke the game with bad patch file :(

    edit2, it seems if I alt tab the spells show up? the patch files "#¤"#¤ with the graphics it seems like, I cant select them when I dont see them, but if I alt tab and tab back into the game when im on the spells that were gone they are seen, I select one to add and they vanish again, alt tab and repeat seem to be the only fix lol
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited January 2021
    @Belnick you say your version number is 2.5.26498 and that you can't see a LUA file. I think that means that you're playing the vanilla game and not the Enhanced Edition. Regrettably that means the fix that you were provided with is totally incompatible with your game and you need to remove it.

    Nearly all of the content on these forums relates to the Enhanced Edition as that's the game Beamdog are responsible for. If you do want to post about the vanilla game, someone might be able to help you, but you should make it very clear that your question does not relate to the Enhanced Edition.
    Post edited by Grond0 on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    The possibility that you were playing a non-EE version didn't even occur to me. Sorry.

    That said ... the fix I provided shouldn't be able to break things that way, unless you were doing something very wrong.
    - It's a "drop in override" fix. That shouldn't overwrite anything. Instead, it just provides some altered versions of spells to cast instead of the original versions.
    - The fix does not, and cannot, fix things for a character that already has a broken sequencer ability. Only save-editing, debug tools, or killing and raising that character can clear up the broken ability.
    - Only resurrection spells are modified. The sequencer creation spells, and the sequencer abilities themselves, are untouched.

    The modified spells I provided are based on the BG2EE spells, and include details not present in the pre-EE game. That might create text errors and the like, but removing abilities that don't exist in the first place and adding spells that can never be cast shouldn't cause problems. It's possible - I don't have the non-EE game to test it - that the opcode at the core of the fix (used to cast a spell conditionally) doesn't work in a non-EE game, but that would just give you the opposite bug, with empty sequencers sticking around whenever a character died and was raised.
    So - not tested for anything other than BG2EE version 2.5. Use in older versions at your own risk.
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2021
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Belnick you say your version number is 2.5.26498 and that you can't see a LUA file. I think that means that you're playing the vanilla game and not the Enhanced Edition. Regrettably that means the fix that you were provided with is totally incompatible with your game and you need to remove it.

    Nearly all of the content on these forums relates to the Enhanced Edition as that's the game Beamdog are responsible for. If you do want to post about the vanilla game, someone might be able to help you, but you should make it very clear that your question does not relate to the Enhanced Edition.
    jmerry wrote: »
    The possibility that you were playing a non-EE version didn't even occur to me. Sorry.

    That said ... the fix I provided shouldn't be able to break things that way, unless you were doing something very wrong.
    - It's a "drop in override" fix. That shouldn't overwrite anything. Instead, it just provides some altered versions of spells to cast instead of the original versions.
    - The fix does not, and cannot, fix things for a character that already has a broken sequencer ability. Only save-editing, debug tools, or killing and raising that character can clear up the broken ability.
    - Only resurrection spells are modified. The sequencer creation spells, and the sequencer abilities themselves, are untouched.

    The modified spells I provided are based on the BG2EE spells, and include details not present in the pre-EE game. That might create text errors and the like, but removing abilities that don't exist in the first place and adding spells that can never be cast shouldn't cause problems. It's possible - I don't have the non-EE game to test it - that the opcode at the core of the fix (used to cast a spell conditionally) doesn't work in a non-EE game, but that would just give you the opposite bug, with empty sequencers sticking around whenever a character died and was raised.
    So - not tested for anything other than BG2EE version 2.5. Use in older versions at your own risk.

    I thought Baldur's Gate 2: Complete Edition was a version of the enhanced edition ?
    I guess it is not then? lol

    but as mention Simulacrum fixed the spell trigger bug, but the grafical glitch I got after I added those files dont know, but alt tab worked to see them again, so to add 3 spells I had to alt tab, alt tab, add, alt tab, alt tab, add, alt tab, alt tab add, alt tab and alt tab to finish the trigger :P little more work, but nothing that is too annoying and is an oki work around

    thx both for trying to help, finally beat the final ToB boss and got a black screen instead of the ending lol
    happens 4 times so i think im giving up on bg2 for a while as there were 0 solution provided by google that that particular bug

    edit:: my old message that got deleted is not back so it looks like i double posted.....sorry, never tried to vanished after I clicked saved comment so I had to re write everything

    btw the weird thing with those fix files, first time i added them Sarevok suddenly started to talk to my companions....been silent since i got him, removed the files, loaded the save and he did not speak, tested to re add them and loaded the save, but he never spoke again clue what triggered it
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