The only flaw in BG EE is the lack of a friendly mod interface to make possible to people mod the game even without a good knowledge of programs. That would make roleplay astounting.
If by that you mean astoundingly flooded with badly written Mary Sue NPCs and romances, then yeah, I agree.
@Kilivitz, so we can only play the mods made by people that know how to code? Are you saying then that only people that know how to code is smart, inteligent or creative enough to make intelectual creation for contents?
What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
The only flaw in BG EE is the lack of a friendly mod interface to make possible to people mod the game even without a good knowledge of programs. That would make roleplay astounting.
If by that you mean astoundingly flooded with badly written Mary Sue NPCs and romances, then yeah, I agree.
@Kilivitz, so we can only play the mods made by people that know how to code? Are you saying then that only people that know how to code is smart, inteligent or creative enough to make intelectual creation for contents?
What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
Yeah, and no offense, even among people who know how to code, there are still quite a few badly written Mary Sue NPC's and romances. There are some good ones too. I'm not naming names, because I don't want to step on toes, and everyone is entitled to their own taste in mods. However, the point remains that storytelling and writing ability is completely independent of coding ability and there would likely be the same proportion of good mods to crappy mods among people who cannot code.
Are you saying then that only people that know how to code is smart, inteligent or creative enough to make intelectual creation for contents?
Please. Of course not.
The post of yours that I quoted seemed to imply that it would be good if it was easier to mod the game because then more people would be able to put out new content. You said that this would make roleplaying "astounting".
And I'm disagreeing with that by saying that the majority of mods with story/romance content are either badly written, fetish-ridden and/or sorely in need of revision, something that you and @LadyEibhilinRhett seem to agree with me on.
Why would I imply that only people who are able to code are "smart, intelligent or creative enough" to write good content? That wouldn't make sense. Also, you realize that most of these mods are done in collaboration between writers and coders, right?
My point was: the majority of mods will be cringe-inducing, no matter how accessible modding is. Nothing more. In other words...
storytelling and writing ability is completely independent of coding ability and there would likely be the same proportion of good mods to crappy mods among people who cannot code.
What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
I hope it's clear that you are overreacting, putting words in my mouth and attacking me for no reason whatsoever, making it increasingly difficult for me not to mock the utterly broken English in which you write. And before you defend it by saying that it's not your native language, let me state that not only I'm aware of that but we are posting from the same country.
But I suppose that with over a thousand posts, most folks can understand you well enough. And that's awersome.
@Kilivitz Actually, I was kind of disagreeing with your earlier statement in that post. I do think modding should be made more accessible. Maybe that means there will be more crap, true, but what I'm saying is it's still going to be the same proportion of crap to good stuff that it was before, most likely, which means there would also be a lot more good mods out there. Sure it would mean having to wade through a lot more bad stuff to get to the good stuff, but I for one think it'd be worth it.
@LadyEibhilinRhett I'm not against making modding more accessible, in fact, I completely agree with you. What I disagreed with was that it would make roleplaying astounding (at least in a positive way). There could be a few gems, of course, but those tend to be the exception rather than the rule.
@Son_of_Imoen:Yes, sorry, there is a mixing of terms and imprecision here, as is often the case....the common term to which I am refering is "developmental disability". "Mental disability" is not a term I hear much at work. But then a brain injury can resemble mental retardation, which is a brain injury itself, in the womb....and then any and all mental disorders such as you mention can effect people who also have a developmental disability or aquired brain injury...all humans.... And anyway, personal choice is why I'd allow Minsc in the party. He has a disability - I think its a IQ below 70 that is on par with mild retardation.... but he can still advocate for himself, and is a formidable warrior. And he's dedicated to fighting evil, with you or without you. The relationship question is thornier, but I think Minsc is probably capable of consent as well.
A brain injury doesn't necessarily reduce IQ. It all depends on what part of the brain was affected.
@Son_of_Imoen:Yes, sorry, there is a mixing of terms and imprecision here, as is often the case....the common term to which I am refering is "developmental disability". "Mental disability" is not a term I hear much at work. But then a brain injury can resemble mental retardation, which is a brain injury itself, in the womb....and then any and all mental disorders such as you mention can effect people who also have a developmental disability or aquired brain injury...all humans.... And anyway, personal choice is why I'd allow Minsc in the party. He has a disability - I think its a IQ below 70 that is on par with mild retardation.... but he can still advocate for himself, and is a formidable warrior. And he's dedicated to fighting evil, with you or without you. The relationship question is thornier, but I think Minsc is probably capable of consent as well.
A brain injury doesn't necessarily reduce IQ. It all depends on what part of the brain was affected.
^This. Depending on the injury and the part of the brain, a person can even lose his ability to speak while still knowing how to speak, or the other way around, lose his memory, and so on. The brain is a very powerful, but also very vulnerable organ.
WTF? The closer is to the game release, the more awkward polls become...
People do *weird things* when they are denied preview gameplay videos and screenshots of a more finished product.
Only just now, I was standing on my head, creating cabbalistic symbols in the air with my right hand while saying peewop peewop peewop aloud and imagining I had a parakeet in a cage!
@Kilivitz, please, mock my utterly ugly english please, i challenge you to do that.
In english or portuguese if you're Brazilian as you say. By the way, in your 2° paragraph, "seemed" is semantically incorrect, "seems" would be the right verb in terms of semantic coherence, it's not a gramatical error, but still isn't the best wrote form of that phrase. However when a person start to criticize the wrote language of an opponent arguments, that's clearly show how weak are that person arguments, so this tease and a final prank on the end of this post, is everything that i will touch in this subject.
And even if you find something to mock, i have no duty in write an perfect english, yet i will accept any correct criticize without a reply if it's made in portuguese !
Now back to on-topic:
You told that i twisted your words, no? Lemme quote your 2 last posts then.
The only flaw in BG EE is the lack of a friendly mod interface to make possible to people mod the game even without a good knowledge of programs. That would make roleplay astounting.
If by that you mean astoundingly flooded with badly written Mary Sue NPCs and romances, then yeah, I agree.
@Kilivitz, so we can only play the mods made by people that know how to code? Are you saying then that only people that know how to code is smart, inteligent or creative enough to make intelectual creation for contents?
What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
Are you saying then that only people that know how to code is smart, inteligent or creative enough to make intelectual creation for contents?
Please. Of course not.
The post of yours that I quoted seemed to imply that it would be good if it was easier to mod the game because then more people would be able to put out new content. You said that this would make roleplaying "astounting".
And I'm disagreeing with that by saying that the majority of mods with story/romance content are either badly written, fetish-ridden and/or sorely in need of revision, something that you and @LadyEibhilinRhett seem to agree with me on.
Why would I imply that only people who are able to code are "smart, intelligent or creative enough" to write good content? That wouldn't make sense. Also, you realize that most of these mods are done in collaboration between writers and coders, right?
My point was: the majority of mods will be cringe-inducing, no matter how accessible modding is. Nothing more. In other words...
storytelling and writing ability is completely independent of coding ability and there would likely be the same proportion of good mods to crappy mods among people who cannot code.
You gave one single statement in a single line and now complain that my interpretation twisted your words, that i misunderstand what you mean, and then started to explain a single line with a bunch of paragraphs.
"deja vu": What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
If you really think my english is soo poor i have a proposal for you, let's trade classes, you teach me english and i teach you how to work an argument !
By the way, in your 2° paragraph, "seemed" is semantically incorrect, "seems" would be the right verb in terms of semantic coherence, it's not a gramatical error, but still isn't the best wrote form of that phrase.
You're right. I should have wrote "seems to imply". I wish you would apply the same level of scrutiny to the grammar of your own posts. Anyway, I stand corrected.
You gave one single statement in a single line and now complain that my interpretation twisted your words, that i misunderstand what you mean, and then started to explain a single line with a bunch of paragraphs.
That's called elaborating. You didn't understand what I said, so I had to explain it.
If this whole thread is the first thing that's going to be coming to my mind when I play BG:EE with Minsc in my party I'm gonna be soooooo angry....
...btw I just noticed that in the bottom of the page disclaimer "Baldur's" is misspelled "Balder's" ("...the Forgotten Realms, Balder's Gate, Wizards of the Coast and their logo..."). The things you notice when you're posting.
If you need to elaborate an previous statement in a following post, that means you didn't expose your idea well in the first place.
And that's why I took the time to explain it thoroughly the second time around, even though I could argue that it's you who can't properly interpret other people's posts.
...btw I just noticed that in the bottom of the page disclaimer "Baldur's" is misspelled "Balder's" ("...the Forgotten Realms, Balder's Gate, Wizards of the Coast and their logo..."). The things you notice when you're posting.
Their lawyer must not be a dragons & dungeons fan.
Ok dude, enough of that, this isn't going to get us nowhere.
Now lemme take advantage that this is only a joke thread but a lot of active people is here:
It's possible for Team BG (if they want of course) to make small mod content for the old games while the enhanced editions don't come? That could help to light a bit more the flame of the nostalgia on those games, maybe.
...btw I just noticed that in the bottom of the page disclaimer "Baldur's" is misspelled "Balder's" ("...the Forgotten Realms, Balder's Gate, Wizards of the Coast and their logo..."). The things you notice when you're posting.
Their lawyer must not be a dragons & dungeons fan.
No, "Baldur's Gate" is spelled correctly, but "Balder's Gate" is on the list later on. Apparently they have trademarked the name of the game as well as its most common mispelling, probably to prevent knockoffs?
No, "Baldur's Gate" is spelled correctly, but "Balder's Gate" is on the list later on. Apparently they have trademarked the name of the game as well as its most common mispelling, probably to prevent knockoffs?
When I first heard talk about the game, I thought it would be spelled Baldr's gate, after the Norse god.
I have picked the name Baldr for one of my coming playthroughs (my first dwarven charname).
For me as of now it is easier to accept a joke as a joke when it comes from a person I already know a little bit. You know the same joke told by a person I don't know may be offensive to me, while if it was told by a friend it could be funny.
And I already know some of your posts so I can evaluate your joke better and put it in context with your other posts and see that you don't mean harm.
This point is completely legitimate ... and actually, when I think about it I'm a bit this way too. Like when my Christian friends call someone a religious bigot, I know they are saying that said person is specifically a bigot. If an atheist friend calls someone a religious bigot, I automatically assume they are probably trying to hop on the "all religious folks are hypocritical douches" bandwagon.
So I catch your drift now. Thanks for the explanation.
Like when my Christian friends call someone a religious bigot, I know they are saying that said person is specifically a bigot. If an atheist friend calls someone a religious bigot, I automatically assume they are probably trying to hop on the "all religious folks are hypocritical douches" bandwagon.
Not to derail things further or anything but.... Have you considered that you just live nearby to a lot of religious bigots?
What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
The post of yours that I quoted seemed to imply that it would be good if it was easier to mod the game because then more people would be able to put out new content. You said that this would make roleplaying "astounting".
And I'm disagreeing with that by saying that the majority of mods with story/romance content are either badly written, fetish-ridden and/or sorely in need of revision, something that you and @LadyEibhilinRhett seem to agree with me on.
Why would I imply that only people who are able to code are "smart, intelligent or creative enough" to write good content? That wouldn't make sense. Also, you realize that most of these mods are done in collaboration between writers and coders, right?
My point was: the majority of mods will be cringe-inducing, no matter how accessible modding is. Nothing more. In other words... ...this. I hope it's clear that you are overreacting, putting words in my mouth and attacking me for no reason whatsoever, making it increasingly difficult for me not to mock the utterly broken English in which you write. And before you defend it by saying that it's not your native language, let me state that not only I'm aware of that but we are posting from the same country.
But I suppose that with over a thousand posts, most folks can understand you well enough. And that's awersome.
Actually, I was kind of disagreeing with your earlier statement in that post. I do think modding should be made more accessible. Maybe that means there will be more crap, true, but what I'm saying is it's still going to be the same proportion of crap to good stuff that it was before, most likely, which means there would also be a lot more good mods out there. Sure it would mean having to wade through a lot more bad stuff to get to the good stuff, but I for one think it'd be worth it.
And who's to say those few gems wouldn't be enough to make roleplaying "astounding", hmm?
Only just now, I was standing on my head, creating cabbalistic symbols in the air with my right hand while saying peewop peewop peewop aloud and imagining I had a parakeet in a cage!
In english or portuguese if you're Brazilian as you say. By the way, in your 2° paragraph, "seemed" is semantically incorrect, "seems" would be the right verb in terms of semantic coherence, it's not a gramatical error, but still isn't the best wrote form of that phrase. However when a person start to criticize the wrote language of an opponent arguments, that's clearly show how weak are that person arguments, so this tease and a final prank on the end of this post, is everything that i will touch in this subject.
And even if you find something to mock, i have no duty in write an perfect english, yet i will accept any correct criticize without a reply if it's made in portuguese
Now back to on-topic:
You told that i twisted your words, no? Lemme quote your 2 last posts then.
You gave one single statement in a single line and now complain that my interpretation twisted your words, that i misunderstand what you mean, and then started to explain a single line with a bunch of paragraphs.
"deja vu": What an awersome statement! What an astounting logic! I would never thought something like that.
If you really think my english is soo poor i have a proposal for you, let's trade classes, you teach me english and i teach you how to work an argument
- Mince
- Gayrick
- Jaqueera
- Jizzt Do'Urden
- Faerie
The list could go on but it would start to be far to rude ;-)
Opinion self-criticize -> loading...
If you need to elaborate an previous statement in a following post, that means you didn't expose your idea well in the first place.
...btw I just noticed that in the bottom of the page disclaimer "Baldur's" is misspelled "Balder's" ("...the Forgotten Realms, Balder's Gate, Wizards of the Coast and their logo..."). The things you notice when you're posting.
Now lemme take advantage that this is only a joke thread but a lot of active people is here:
It's possible for Team BG (if they want of course) to make small mod content for the old games while the enhanced editions don't come? That could help to light a bit more the flame of the nostalgia on those games, maybe.
I love being a person who doesn't get offended by 99% of things. Sure makes my life a lot happier. I'll never understand I guess, but that's okay.
I have picked the name Baldr for one of my coming playthroughs (my first dwarven charname).
So I catch your drift now. Thanks for the explanation.