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****** SPOILERS ********* "The Stuff"



  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    aldain said:

    Except your PC will never be better than Edwin or Baeloth at magic, no matter what he does. This earth-shattering magical experience they gathered (in Edwin's case, apparently without even advancing past level 1...) is something your spellcasting PC can never hope to replicate. It's essentially a kick in the teeth for any mage or sorcerer PC.

    That's because as you develop and hone your skills, so do they. Progress in D&D is a linear process - if an NPC starts off with an advantage over you, it makes sense that you'll never quite be able to catch up with them. You level up, they level up. :)

    As for Edwin... even at level 1, I assume there's a substantial difference in the education and training a mage can receive in Thay versus Candlekeep...
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    Well to be fair, charname can have 18 wis and thus gain insane benefits of Wish spell which NPCs can't have (drinking too many potions of insights is cannot be healthy so it doesn't count).
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Pretty sure a lot of people are underestimating the glory that is Wild Mage at high levels. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer makes you more than a match for Edwin or Baeloth, especially with Evermemory. In fact, I'd wager that Neera will be just as good as Edwin in BG2. probably better.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Why does Wild Mage become so good? Forgive me, I have never played one.
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    AFAIK wild mage is only good because you can stack multiple chaos shields in spell trigger or cc and thus gain very close or over 100% chance of success with the dweomer. Therefor, you can cast huge amount of any spells from your spell book without spell per round restriction because dweomer doesn't count as a spell.
  • DarKelPDarKelP Member Posts: 183
    Yes, but I don't prefer to use exploits like that, I consider it cheating because it's a game bug,
  • Even without the exploit, a level 15 Wild Mage can get a +40 bonus to the wild surge roll with Nahal's and Improved Chaos Shield, which is enough to give you pretty good odds of some kind of beneficial effect (even if it's not the spell you were hoping to cast).
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    Well another way is to abuse quick save, when you try 100 times, you'll succeed. Other than that, wild mages are weak imo.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    Mine Baeloth didn't spawn. I knew I shouldn't have killed him in The Black Pits. What a shame, he wasn't even a threat...
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I agree with Eudaemonium - it is nice that NPCs are not "exactly like charname or inferior". Kagain comes with insane con, Coran with insane dex - without tomes, charname will never have that either. Or Dorn being a half-orc with a paladin kit... legally, a charname can never get at a powerful combo of 19 str and Blackguard abilities.
    Yet all people complain about are spell slots on the casters - which is something that can be achieved with rings and smart use of the quick slots. You know what else is insane, besides Edwin's extra spell slots? The amount of level 1 and 2 scroll drops on random encounters. With those, and a wand, my jester - non-specialized caster and not even an actual mage or sorcerer - keeps up nicely with the red wizard in regards to level 1 and 2 spells.

    Besides, it makes sense from a roleplay standpoint. Baeloth was so powerful, he could easily capture djinns, illithids and whatnot, not to mention your entire party (which could be 6 casters with significant combined spellpower). OF COURSE he is still more powerful than charname, even after being nerfed by his djinn slave.
    Edwin is a Red Wizard of Thay, which happens to be the ruling body of a magocracy. He was probably a better caster in 3rd grade of mage elementary than charname was when graduating. He went to a highly specialized private arcane school with other wizards - you went to public school and learned some spells while a berzerker-to-be was training with wooden clubs next to you.
    Both have more experience with magic than you when you meet them because they were either born with it or learned it from early age in what can be classified as an elite school. It makes perfect sense that they'll always have the edge in that regard.
    But they don't only carry their superior arcane skills around as baggage, they also carry their downsides. Baeloth learned spells that work for his purpose, and that doesn't neccessarily overlap with your needs. Edwin keeps his medicore stats - 18 INT and 16 CON is really the only upside about those; his lore isn't very good with the low wisdom; the strength isn't worth anything, dexterity needs to be boosted with gauntlets only to give him the faint resemblance of an AC... It's a massive difference between Baeloth with Quarterstaff +1 and Edwin with the same weapon and proficiency even against gibberlings. And really, if you were a somewhat clumsy, booksmart weakling with barely any street smarts/wisdom... would you not see that you excel at casting more than anyone, just to not die on the way to the outhouse?
  • KennycopterKennycopter Member Posts: 2

    I´m trying to get Baeloths spawning to work, I´ll drop the area fix file that was posted earlier in the override folder if only I knew where to create said folder.

    Where is the override folder supposed to be in? My copy of BGEE is downloaded from BeamDog, and the BGEE folder is in users/username/files/BGEE

    The actual game seems to be located in program files/BeamDog/games/00766. The data folder is located here.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    @Kennycopter Put it here: 00766/override
  • KennycopterKennycopter Member Posts: 2
  • jscohenjscohen Member Posts: 117
    Is it considered unconstructive if I post something like "Baeloth as a joinable NPC sounds unimaginably epic"?

    Sorry if so.

    I haven't updated recently, but I'm definitely doing so tomorrow.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I'm waiting for the iPad patch, which should hopefully come before Wednesday, then I will be Baelothing it up. But yes, it does sound unimaginably epic.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199

    Baeloth' potions of health make him drunk and are stolen, which is funny, because he has them when he appears. So he stole them from... his own enslaved merchant?

    A friend of mine said that they should be renamed to 'Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salves'. I'm thinking of making a feature request.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Sounds logical, you have my vote.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    A friend of mine said that they should be renamed to 'Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salves'.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Bhaaldog said:

    I am still awating the Mac Version, but will a full biography of the New NPC be placed on the main website? I thought it would be an additional selling point to the game.

    I doubt it - he really seems more like an easter egg than an NPC on the level of Dorn, Rasaad and Neera... :)
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013
    I wonder if he will eventually get a page at like Rasaad, Neera, and Dorn. He is sort of an easter egg, it's true.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited January 2013
    I've got it! They look so alike!

    Baeloth and Rutger Hauer;))


  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
    Nice scarf, Hauer.
  • BlueSorceressBlueSorceress Member Posts: 84
    I made my first ever evil(ish) party specifically to pick up Baeloth and am having a blast. So many of my dialogue choices and actions have become habit over the years that playing an evil party is pretty refreshing (although before I did have a twinge of guilt when my reputation dropped to 4 or 5 and Khalid told me to change my course of he would be forced to "s-stop me."

    SO! I ditched him, Jaheira and Imoen at the Friendly Arms and went on to wend my (mostly) wicked way along the Sword Coast.

    My current line-up is:

    PC: TN female human thief Dorn

    Baeloth Edwin

    Viconia ????

    I may swap out Edwin for Neera and drop Rasaad in the 6-slot so I can have all four new characters together in one party. Or I may just play with a 5-man party and leave the 6-slot free to rotate in other NPCs I've never tried. In any case, Baeloth has opened up a delightfully wicked new world for me, and the opening dialogue with him is hysterical.

  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    Anyone got any Let's play/youtube footage of him yet? (Not from Black Pits, obviously.)
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I searched yesterday; haven't seen any, but would appreciate that, too.
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    I just went looking for him for the first time with a level 6 character who had never been to Larswood before; no dice. How's that patch to make him available to all coming along?
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    This one does the trick while you wait for the official patch:
  • StraylightStraylight Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2013
    I apologize if that sounds like a stupid question but do you have to finish the black pits in order to recruit him? I'm asking because I was under the impression that the black pits are a stand-alone adventure not tied into the mainstory. I was hoping to save the black pits for last (after the sarevok fight) but if its completion is necessary to recruit baeloth into my group I'm afraid I have to do it before lvl 5.
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