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Swashbuckler APR & Specialization

BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
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So, it has been determined that it was NOT a Bug. Just that the description for weapon proficiencies needed an overhaul.

So now, I want to re-open an old topic as a new topic and really drive it home.

Allow any class, particularly the Swashbuckler, to receive the Attacks Per Round bonus from specialization.

The Why:
1. No class, save for Fighter-based classes (including Paladins, Rangers, et al) can naturally achieve anything beyond being Proficient (one star) in any weapon class. This change would not affect the actual game play of non-fighter-based classes, with the exception of the one Class/Kit capable of Specialization (the Swashbuckler).

2. It would add attraction to the Swashbuckler kit as a viable kit for play, especially in early on play. The Swashbuckler, after all, is intended to be a Fighter-Thief hybrid.

3. It would add a unique degree to the Swashbuckler kit that, presently, no other non-Fighter Kit can claim.

4. The added APR would offset the harsh loss of the ability to backstab, which becomes so powerful and helpful in the later stages of the game.

The idea of a Swashbuckler sounds fun, but the disadvantages seem to outweigh any advantages.


  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited July 2013
    I can't agree more.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    I'd go the other direction actually. Remove the extra 1/2 attack from rangers, paladin, and MC-FIghters, since they aren't supposed to have specialization anyway, just Expertise (still costs **). Which is basically what the swashy currently has (though Expertise is only supposed to add +1 hit/damage instead of +2 damage).

    Swashbucklers are a single class fighter thief, with no skill penalty and leveling on the rogue table, and yet gains large boosts to hit/ac/damage, as well as the opportunity to get an extra +1 hit, +2 damage. They are already well compensated. The only change I might recommend (since my original suggestion will never happen) is taking the RRB approach and give them *** two-weapon style at creation, to offset their thief proficiency progression (In BG1, you have to choose between specializing immediately and taking till end game to dual-wield in any affective manner, or wait until the end to specialize and be unable to DW effectively till lvl 4). In BG1, even fighters barely get 2 base attacks, and in BG2, dual-speed weapons eliminate the disadvantage...and since they level so fast, you'll stack bonuses very quickly, and once you hit 24+, can begin to take WWA, to remove reliance on speed weapons for +4 and above enemies (UAI allows the use of SN, which also has a rather nasty on hit poison attack, and since's normally monk only, it can't be used to BS anyway...though it's still a good back-up weapon vs BS immune stuff).
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  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited July 2013
    And they out damage F/T as well. While 1-hit kill BS are nice, opportunities to do so in late BG2 are rare, and the swashy's huge damage bonus (+5 more damage per hit then even GM can provide, and can attain 9 attacks per round under improved haste, without needing to resort to WWA at all, except for the handful of +4 enemies where speed weapons are useless) (by the end of the game they're just 3 less TOTAL thac0 (all equipment including) below what a plain fighter can achieve, which is already overkill...and if that wasn't enough can pop Tenser's or use the Shakti figurine to get a near Kensai level of to-hit bonus (since it sets their base thac0 to that of a fighter of equal level and their +8 to hit then stacks on top)), is truly ridiculous.

    Or you could go the other way.

    Remove all their damage and hit bonuses, but give them an extra +1/2 attack at level 7 and 13, and from specialization.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    Fighters can wear helmets. Swashbuckler's cannot. That's another thing.

    I'm only advocating the extra +1/2 attack from specialization, not from levels.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited July 2013
    Only a minor inconvenience (BG1 there's plenty of easily acquired Ioun stones in BG2), that gets wiped out the moment they get UAI (also allows them truly ridiculous PASSIVE AC amounts). (and they are a fighter/thief, not a rule saying you can't stealth in and unleash a flurry blows on an enemy to heavily wounding or outright them before they can strike...and if using a weapon such as Dagger of Venom or Gnasher in BG2, they're going to be stuck in hit-reactions, greatly reducing the number of actions they can take.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    Did the Ioun Stones get their "Protection from Critical Strikes" removed?
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Not that I'm aware of. Sticking any item in your head slot still seems to block crits.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Boaster said:

    Did the Ioun Stones get their "Protection from Critical Strikes" removed?

    That's a limitation in the engine's code, as Zanath said.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited July 2013
    Truth be told, I'd remove helm crit immunity completely. Wearing a helm is just part of your body armor's AC (armors are assumed to include a cap or helm as part of the set, in addition to gauntlets and boots, which can be swapped out if you have a special version of a piece to use), and unless the helm has extra special abilities, shouldn't have any additional effect at all. Just make an item property that specifically blocks crit that can be added for creatures that should be immune.

    Crit resistance is a high level magical property and shouldn't be readily available as it is now.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    That's another thread then, Zanath.

    Extra APR for Swashies via proficiency here!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    The description for the swashbuckler should be updated but it does actually say in the manual (under weapon proficiencies) that non-warrior classes don't benefit from the APR bonus for specialisation (page 52).
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    elminster said:

    The description for the swashbuckler should be updated but it does actually say in the manual (under weapon proficiencies) that non-warrior classes don't benefit from the APR bonus for specialisation (page 52).

    In the game, under proficiencies:
    Specialized (2 slots): The character receives +1 to hit, +2 to damage, and (for warriors only) an extra 1/2 attack per round with the selected weapon.
    The underlined bit was added specifically to clear up this confusion.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Dee said:

    elminster said:

    The description for the swashbuckler should be updated but it does actually say in the manual (under weapon proficiencies) that non-warrior classes don't benefit from the APR bonus for specialisation (page 52).

    In the game, under proficiencies:
    Specialized (2 slots): The character receives +1 to hit, +2 to damage, and (for warriors only) an extra 1/2 attack per round with the selected weapon.
    The underlined bit was added specifically to clear up this confusion.

    I hadn't checked in-game but you are right. I normally blow past that area during character creation so I hadn't really thought about it.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    I loved playing swashbucklers, used to play them all the time ( this was back in the days way before bgee's time) and even without that extra 1/2 attack per round, they are ferocious just like how others were saying, and even in bg1 they can have 3 attacks per round with haste, give them 2 points in scimitar and 2 points in 2 weapon fighting and start with 18 ( or 19) str at character creation and give him the gauntlets of weapon specialization and at higher levels he will be great, part of the drawbacks of some classes are that at lower levels, they are poop, and once they get higher they are much better ( much like monk and blade classes) and remember in SoA where this class was started you started at level 8, and hit level 10 pretty quick in SoA so that is why it seemed much better in SoA, just like how in bg1 monks are probally going to be relatively awful, but its nice to know that you can have a monk in bg1 so then you can boost his str to 19 (just like you can with gnome swashbucklers and the such) so when you import to SoA he wont need to wear the belt of str and you can give him something like girdle of crushing or belt of interior barrier
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    elminster said:

    The description for the swashbuckler should be updated but it does actually say in the manual (under weapon proficiencies) that non-warrior classes don't benefit from the APR bonus for specialisation (page 52).

    So? Technically "the Swash" isn't a Warrior Class, but he is the Warrior-equivalent in under the Rogue class.

    Another option would be is to just remove any idea of Specialization in proficiencies for "the Swash" and replace it with something else... such as a passive +1/2 APR that is gained at level 9? :)
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Or take the RRB approach and give them fighter thac0 progression when using melee weapons. In place of the ability to specialize/+hit bonuses.

    Maybe knock their skill points down to 20.

    Fighter thac0 progression when using melee weapons.

    +1 AC at creation
    +1 melee damage/AC every 5 levels.

    20 thief skill points per level. Cannot backstab.


    Fighter thac0 progression using melee weapons

    +1 AC at creation
    +1 HP per level
    +1 melee damage/AC per 3 levels

    15 thief points per level. Cannot backstab.
  • FrozenDervishFrozenDervish Member Posts: 295
    Another option while not baseline could be the opening up of the ability to give extra attacks per round to other classes via mods as there is no reason why it should not be available as on option for modders without effecting the base game for those that don't want it changed like myself.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I'm just not seeing why they need the 1/2 APR when regular fighters don't get a lot of the abilities that the swashbucklers get (-3 AC, +2 damage/+2 Thac0 by end of game, thieving abilities). Its a perfectly viable thief kit and melee fighter as it stands now (and in fact my only ever evil playthrough through BG2 was with a swashbuckler).
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622

    Another option while not baseline could be the opening up of the ability to give extra attacks per round to other classes via mods as there is no reason why it should not be available as on option for modders without effecting the base game for those that don't want it changed like myself.

    That was another part of the suggestion I made.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited August 2013
    Boaster said:

    Another option would be is to just remove any idea of Specialization in proficiencies for "the Swash" and replace it with something else... such as a passive +1/2 APR that is gained at level 9? :)

    I agree with this one.
    Really simple solution and won't take much time.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Is the reverse also true? Can rangers and paladin have their extra 1/2 attack removed?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    Is the reverse also true? Can rangers and paladin have their extra 1/2 attack removed?


  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited August 2013

    how editing what proficiency points do? Like bringing TWS down to 2 points? or is that a different part? Or even customize what each point of a proficiency does for each class (be nice to be able restrict M/C fighters to expertise as well).
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Customizing it such that, say, a paladin with two stars in long swords gets radically different bonuses than a fighter? Probably not.

    Below are the relevant 2da files for weapons and proficiencies. Some of these 2das were already in BG2's engine, some are in the current EE build, and some in the next patch. weapprof and clswpbon are per kit, profs and profsmax are per class, and wspatck and wspecial are universal (though wspatck may or may not apply based on the per-kit clswpbon):

    weapprof lets you set how many stars a given kit/class can put into each weapon or weapon style.

    clswpbon lets you set the non-proficiency penalties (i.e. mages are -5, fighters -2) and whether a class/kit gets the extra attacks from proficiencies.

    profs let you set how many stars a class starts with, and when they get new ones.

    profsmax lets you cap how many of those initial stars can be spent in one proficiency at character creation (i.e. a level 1 fighter starts with four stars, but can't sink all four of them into one weapon due to profsmax being set to two).

    wspatck determines the APR bonuses for weapon proficiencies based on level and stars. This is applied or not based on clswpbon--by default, only warriors use it.

    wspecial determines the thac0, damage, and weapon speed bonuses for varying levels of proficiency.

  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    @CamDawg Weapon specialization is garbage for Swash, if it has not APR bonus.

    It's like handing over to a Mage Kit the ability to Specialize in weapons, but you lose ability to use any and all level 1-2 spells... or even lose 1 memorization for each spell level. Either way, totally not worth it.

    Well, I guess the Swash buckler will have to be an unusable class. No backstab, and no benefit to losing it.


    Swash Specialization = Garbage. END-A STORY-O!
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Boaster said:

    @CamDawg Weapon specialization is garbage for Swash, if it has not APR bonus.

    Then it's always been garbage, and will continue to be.

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I never really thought it was garbage, personally. The Swashbuckler has a lot of other things going for it that make it worthwhile, even without an extra half attack per round.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited August 2013
    You're WAY too obsessed with specialization to apparently realize they don't NEED it (AT ALL)...they're already more powerful then a GM fighter at higher levels (aside from a Kensai), and to be completely honest, they really need to be knocked down to 20 or 15 skill points per level or have their bonuses reduced further (capping at +5 (+6 for AC) maybe, but speed the acquisition up to every 3 levels instead of 5), as they are currently almost berserker levels of brokenness with practically no penalty.

    A thief needs BS because they're worthless in straight melee...Swashies don't because, while they suffer a little early on, by BG2, they're out-damaging fighters, and are ridiculously powerful in ToB where damn near everything is immune to backstab, and they're pushing near full progression of their abilities. (Hence why I suggest weaker, but faster ability acquisition to help pad their early game strength while keeping their end-game strength slightly less then a straight fighter, but able to bring additional benefits to compensate, where as all the fighter can do is hit things).
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