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EE Keeper, Updated to v1.0.4



  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    edited December 2013
    @red_midge The screenshot you provided clearly states "Quick Saves and Auto Saves will not show up....". ;-)
    As written in the window, save under another save slot.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @manyfist, do you have the Installation Directory settings set correctly?
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @Isaya, that message shows up regardless.

    But, just to be on the safe side, make sure the settings are set correctly in Settings->Miscellaneous. There's a check box in there that enables or disables the editing of quick saves and auto saves. I thought I had it default to allow.
  • manyfistmanyfist Member Posts: 6
    @Troodon80 Yes but I don't have BG1EE directory correctly. That one I have on steam.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @manyfist, to clarify, in the top-most text box there should be a directory path for BG:EE (either for the Beamdog version or the Steam version - or left blank). The second text box is for BG2:EE. Once you have entered the path into the specific text box, you can then load the resources.

    I just need to make sure you are not entering the locations in the wrong text boxes, as that can cause the issue you are having. Can you post a similar image to the one I did on the previous page, so that I can tell what buttons are active as well as the installation locations?

  • ray_midgeray_midge Member Posts: 4
    Troodon80 said:

    Regardless of the above question, the directory you want is the \save\ directory, then check the box that says "Use Custom Save Directory." In the screenshot you have attached, if you remove the 000000001-Quick-Save, then copy and paste from the address bar into where it says browse, then check the box to use that directory, it should detect any save games you have in there.

    To answer your first question, yes, the BGEE button on the top was select;
    The directory in the "Open Single Player Saved Game" directory is exactly the same as the save file directory, minus the "000001-Quick-Save"...
    I'm gonna re-post the same two screen shots from before, so your mind can rest that the correct directory was chosen, and I'm gonna include a 3rd picture showing the installation path (which points to a common folder in steam-apps, where all my Steam games are kept), and a 4th picture showing the "Indexing Resources" process at work, which I think suggests that the installation itself went correctly (I even got items, spells, and creatures resources loaded up, if that puts your mind at rest);

    again, thanks for all of your indefatigable concern
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @ray_midge, I have no idea right now. I'll send you a PM later, probably tomorrow, with a logging version of Keeper. All you will need to do is zip and upload the log file it creates so that I can better troubleshoot the issue. :)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @ray_midge - Do you have any other saves besides the Quick-Save? If not, the simplest explanation is that the "Enable editing of quick and auto saves" option under Settings -> Miscellaneous is switched off.

    I'm pretty sure that the setting is off by default. I created a new installation of EE Keeper and it was off.
  • ray_midgeray_midge Member Posts: 4

    @ray_midge - Do you have any other saves besides the Quick-Save? If not, the simplest explanation is that the "Enable editing of quick and auto saves" option under Settings -> Miscellaneous is switched off.

    I'm pretty sure that the setting is off by default. I created a new installation of EE Keeper and it was off.

    You're right, it was disabled; problem solved.

    thank you AstroBryGuy, and thank you Troodon80, you're beautiful people
  • manyfistmanyfist Member Posts: 6
    I've found the new NPCs, however they're "creatures" instead of Party NPCs. Also these two and Imoen showing up multiple times are the problem here.
  • kaldgordkaldgord Member Posts: 29
    I was wondering, if you use EE keeper to change the alignment of an npc, for example Viconia or Dorn, do they still flee the party if you gain more than 18 REP ?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    kaldgord said:

    I was wondering, if you use EE keeper to change the alignment of an npc, for example Viconia or Dorn, do they still flee the party if you gain more than 18 REP ?

    If you make them neutral or good, when the game checks their "happiness", they should be fine with rep > 18. Of course, if you make them good, their dialogs may be expressing satisfaction with how evil you are (since their "happy" dialogs are supposed to trigger when you have low rep).

    You can also unzip the attached HAPPY.2DA file and put it in your override folder. It lowers the happiness scores for high rep so that evil characters will be unhappy and complain, but they won't leave.

  • DeltharisDeltharis Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2013
    To confirm and expand what @manyfist is reporting - additional NPCs are not dependant on BGEE directory, I never had it. They seem to be coming from a separate list - duplicate Imoens are not the same characters, the additional one does not change with the game events. If I were to guess I'd say some debug list is added to the end of the correct one. Or maybe they are Tutorials versions which you can't meet ever again (or simply ever since tutorial is out).

    Defective NPCs for me are as follows: Xan, Branwen, Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc. They are all together at the end of the list (well, before Cernd whose correctness I can't confirm or deny, Pseudo Dragon who I assume is my familiar in backpack and Barney whoever that is). I have real Imoen and Jaheira in my party, and additional correct Minsc in out of party list somewhere before them.

    Oh, and @manyfist - I think that new NPCs appear there only after you add them to the group and kick them out . After that they work perfectly.
    It probably would be worth to check how that list looks with a save at the beggining of the game (I'm at chapter 6). I'd guess that it gets more accurate as the gameplay goes on, for example spare Imoens get switched out by genuine characters which would explain why manyfist sees 3-4 while I have only 2.
    Post edited by Deltharis on
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @manyfist, those two appear due to the tutorial. :)
  • manyfistmanyfist Member Posts: 6
    @Deltharis Thanks that would explain a lot, I wasn't very far into the game and didn't recruit any the new NPCs.

    @Troodon80 Duly noted.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited December 2013
    @Deltharis, a save game at the very beginning has:

    TTBRAN - Branwen
    TTIMOEN - Imoen
    TTJAHIER - Jaheira
    TTMINSC - Minsc
    TTXAN - Xan

    The 'TT' prefix denotes that they are part of the tutorial. As far as I know, these characters will always show up in the Out of Party list. The new characters only show up once they have been recruited (although they can be edited prior to that by editing their selected CRE file from the Creature Browser. This method will affect future playthroughs, however), and will only be added to the Out of Party list once removed from the party (similar to the familiar).

    If I were to hazard a guess at the reason for this, it is probably due to those characters being optional add-ons for the iPad. If they wanted to keep the coding as similar as they could cross-platform, then hard-coding them to write to a save game would be unnecessary and may cause bugs if the CRE file didn't exist for the iPad installation. That same coding probably extends to the other platforms.

    This, unfortunately, is not something I can 'fix' in EE Keeper as the CRE ResRef simply does not exist in the save game from the start.
  • kaldgordkaldgord Member Posts: 29

    If you make them neutral or good, when the game checks their "happiness", they should be fine with rep > 18. Of course, if you make them good, their dialogs may be expressing satisfaction with how evil you are (since their "happy" dialogs are supposed to trigger when you have low rep).

    You can also unzip the attached HAPPY.2DA file and put it in your override folder. It lowers the happiness scores for high rep so that evil characters will be unhappy and complain, but they won't leave.

    Thanks a lot :)
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    edited December 2013
    Thanks for this cool tool :)
    Post edited by deratiseur on
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @deratiseur, did you get the problem with the override directory sorted out? Is it still an issue?
  • oskargargasoskargargas Member Posts: 14
    Hey, Where can I find latest source code? Repo at Sourceforge has been last updated in April. Has the project been closed sourced? Or maybe I'm missing something there as I'm used to Github and Bitbucket interface...

    I'm asking because in the past I've been using custom compiled version on my Mac (working native, without Wineskin or so) and wanted to get updates.
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    First of all, thanks for bringing Keeper to EE! =D

    Secondly, in one of my playthroughs I plan to use unusual race/class combinations (how many times can you play Human Paladin? =P). I already figured that it would be easier to change race than class, but still have questions about small races bonus saving throws and thieving skills.
    Will I need to update values in Saving Throws tab manually if I change to/from small race? Or are those bonus throws not included in this tab?
    What about thieving skills? Will I have to adjust race bonuses manually?
  • @Shikao Thieving skills update automatically and immediately (as will adjustments from changing Dex). Shorty saving throws will kick into effect at your next level up. Other racial bonuses (such as THAC0 bonuses with weapons) appear to kick in automatically and immediately. Changing into a Gnome will not automatically apply the Illusionist kit if you are a Mage. You'll have to change your character avatar manually.
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    @Kaigen, thank you very much for detailed answer. Changing race will be way easier than changing class =D
  • @Shikao Also, you'll need to adjust your ability scores of course.
  • FafnirFafnir Member Posts: 232
    Or you can unzip this into the override, enabling all possible class/race combinations.

    (Except Dwarven Paladins, those will crash the game on ability generation. Blackguards are fine though.)
  • That'll work too, although in some cases you'll still need EEKeeper to change your appearance, as the game defaults to the human male fighter avatar for any combination that doesn't have an existing avatar (e.g. Halfling Mages, non-Human Monks, etc.).
  • kyudoshakyudosha Member Posts: 10
    is there a way to add more ranged attacks to character via ee keeper?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    kyudosha said:

    is there a way to add more ranged attacks to character via ee keeper?

    Yes, but not just ranged attacks. You can add an affect to a character to increase their number of attacks per round, but it would apply to both ranged and melee.

    The affect you want is "Attack Number" with the Modifer Type set to '0' (which tells the game to add to the character's current number of attacks). The number of attacks added depends on the number you enter for "value" as given below:

    Value Attacks Per Round
    0 0
    1 1
    2 2
    3 3
    4 4
    5 5
    6 0.5
    7 1.5
    8 2.5
    9 3.5
    10 4.5

  • kyudoshakyudosha Member Posts: 10
    thanks ;D
  • sirwhsirwh Member Posts: 20
    I have a problem with using EEkeeper. It cannot recognize some special ablities (including HLAs) of my characters, and if I save the file, I will lose these abilities.

    Anyone can help?
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