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BGII:EE Compatible Mod List



  • SirVoytekSirVoytek Member Posts: 6
    Thanks Astro!
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    I don't know where exactly I should report it or if it even a known issue or not but in the Unfinished Business in Minsc quest when Eleanya casting the spell on Minsc it in the voice of male and not female prob need to change it like Erg said about something else that had the same problem, that it set to male and not female something like that.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited August 2014
    @kaguana, yes it is the same problem. "SEX" for Eleanya is set to "UNKNOWN" instead of "FEMALE". Fixing her is a little bit easier than Tashia, because she is not a party member, so you don't have to edit a savegame, but just her CRE file (WWELLE.CRE).

    The mod authors and/or maintainers can also simply patch the .CRE file in WeiDU using
    WRITE_BYTE 0x237 2 // set SEX to female
    I will post on the PPG Forum to report this bug.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @Erg thank you :)
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Belegur01 said:

    With BP-Ascension, you can't turn into the Slayer, since you just keep taking exponential damage, even if you change back quickly. Which can present problems in the Illithid lair, since you sometimes don't get plot-critical creatures respawning.

    @horredtheplague: Is this something that can be fixed/resolved?
  • ZyxstZyxst Member Posts: 9
    Apologies if this has been answered here before. I'm at the end of my tether trying to install mods and am too frustrated to read through 25 pages.

    Where do the mods go?

    I put the WINRARs in my BG2EE folder - Program File x86>BG2EE - then run the .exe from the zipped file. I get the "This must be installed in the game directory" message. If where I'm putting them isn't the game directory, then where is it? I have the game through Beamdog, not Steam.

    Mods I'm trying to install and their order:
    Dungeon Be Gone
    NPC Flirt Packs
  • NemuroNemuro Member Posts: 1
    It seems that Romantic Encounters and Wheels of Profecy have some kind of problem together. I have to uninstall RE because with both mods installed, after defeating Sendai and Abazigal (in that order), Balthasar and Mellisand appear in Abazigal's Lair, and begin a combat that can become unwinable if you choose helping Baltazhar against Mellisand.
  • ZyxstZyxst Member Posts: 9
    Thanks to dreambled for his help in another thread ( which told me where the game directory is.

    I was able to install DBG and NPC Flirt Packs, but not Kelsey or Adrian. The latter 2 kept giving me the "not found in game directory" run around. I can live without them, but it's a shame they don't work.
  • yastruxyastrux Member Posts: 5
    i want to install bp-ascension, but as it isnt named here as compatible, does anyone have any advice in what order should i install it.
    i noticed author says it is best to install BP after SCS I & II, and seeing as SCS is last here and on my BG2ee game, could i just install it and play without doing full reinstall.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Unless I'm reading it wrong, the list in the first post hasn't been updated since December? I'm wondering where the latest releases fit in with all of this and such.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Will the install order be updated? I don't mean to nag, but I do want the most optimal install possible.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Does IWDification work on this game or no?
  • GraoumfGraoumf Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 312
    Sarah for BG2EE is ready since february 2014:
    Please note that Isaya's patch (the post after) should be donwloaded too to enhanced BG2EE compatibility.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    what about FinnJO's Subrace mod? Anyone know if it's compatible? Also wondering about the stand-alone Samurai Kit mod by Mauralava and wondering about Sheena (aka Half-Dragon Tale)

    I would have thought that it isn't as it is an old mod. I suppose that it will depend on which Weidu version was used when it was changed.

    If somebody is adapting it for EE, I found that it was incompatible with Check the Bodies. Any mod that changed Imoen causes it to freeze at the start. :( I suppose that is something that the CTB people ought to know, so that when they make it compatible with EE, they sort that problem out at the same time.
  • FonzFonz Member Posts: 5
    Fade NPC works with BG2:EE SoA and ToB:
  • FuineFuine Member Posts: 40
    How about an updated list?
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Danrilor said:

    Here is the directory: Local Disc(c:) Program Files(86)/Beamdog/Games/00783

    If you're using Vista or above, this is most likely the problem. Any game that allows mods should be installed outside of the Program Files folders. The security systems that are in place can interfere with the game's ability to recognize them as they are being sent to a virtual folder, not the actual game directory.

  • FuineFuine Member Posts: 40
    Is there a mod or method that allows us to switch between dual wielding and two handers?
    For now from dual wielding to switching to bow I have to manually go to inventory which is not very convenient.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @Fuine‌ There is no mod that I know of that can do it for now :( but maybe I'm wrong.
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    I was curious, does anyone know which NPC mods include banter with the EE NPCs?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Well, go ahead and add Kivan & Deheriana, Song & Silence, and NPC Kitpack to the list. BG2 Tweak Pack v15 is also available and is fully good to go for non-English versions.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    @Dawglicious These are the mods I played that have interactions and banters with EE NPCs: Kulyok's Xan, Coran and Branwen on PPG. Adrian and Isra on Spellhold Studios.
  • FuineFuine Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2014
    We are currently playing a Modded Multiplayer game.
    Installed mods are: (in order)

    Adalon's Blood
    BG2 Tweak Pack
    Rogue Rebalancing
    Sword Coast Stratagems

    Of course there are some compenent that I did not pick when installing and want to change some components of SCS. Is just opening the execuatable of the mod and changing only option I want do the trick or should I remove all mods and install everything from scratch?

    Detailed list is here:

    The compoents I want to change are at the moment is:
    SCS - Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate abilities rather than memorisable spells (BG2, BG2EE, BGT)
    SCS - Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility
    And aTweaks - PNP Fiends component which I installed as not to affect mod added Fiends but I want mod added Fiends to be affected as well.
    Post edited by Fuine on
  • wuthering20wuthering20 Member Posts: 39

    I was curious, does anyone know which NPC mods include banter with the EE NPCs?

    I know Fade and Xan mod have.

  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859

    So I'm setting aside some time to update this last later this week. If somebody could compile a list of basic changes that would be ace, as I want to make sure I don't miss anything!
  • FuineFuine Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2014
    Hi mate. Happy to see to return for an update of the list :D
    I compiled a copy of your list on Google Spreadsheets.
    It has the ability to be updated fast, and you can arrange to give specific people or everyone with the link to view/comment/edit whatnot.
    It has the current mods and your notes in it:

    Edit: Under File --> Make a copy you can make a copy of the file to your own Google drive.
  • MBerlMBerl Member Posts: 25
    The Imoen Romance mod is being updated for EE too now, afaik.
  • FuineFuine Member Posts: 40
    With the help of two hacks The Imp at SHS forums described in the Mod Forum topic I have been able to run "Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod"

    The few problems at the moment is that although the multikits works as far as I have been able to see (class skills and restrictions apply to the character) the name of the Kit in the Character record page stays as the true class eg Fighter/Mage/Thief. The class names near Experience Point numbers are not changed too. But aside from these cosmetic problems everything works. Curiously when I opened the savegame file with EEKeeper I see the changed kit name "Kensai / Mage / Thief" in my instance.

This discussion has been closed.