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BGII:EE Compatible Mod List



  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

    Hi to everyone.
    Where can I find info on BG:EE (part 1) compatibility with mods?
    Thank you!
  • SardorimSardorim Member Posts: 4
    Minsc's "Missing Boo" quest from Unfinished Business seems to be really buggy when I tried it out. A certain person never spawned in front of a certain Sea tavern place. New version may have fixed that, unsure, or I may have bugged it as I downloaded that after I already had started the game on that save.

    Anyway, I really like the Friendship Mods. Imoen Friendship seems essential to me as it helps detail a lot of stuff for her after certain plot stuff and builds a pretty strong family bond between the Player and Imoen if you choose to hear her out and stuff.

    Xan is someone I can't seem to kick out of my party either, he really has a lot to say throughout the game!
  • AcruxAcrux Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2014
    "That person" doesn't spawn initially, but the quest did continue as normal for me - Minsc made his discovery that Boo was nowhere to be found, and then the culprit did appear when I made my way down to the Sea's Bounty.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    That bug is not exclusive to the EE. I had the same happen to me in vanilla last time I played it. In the end I had to use the console to spawn the NPC.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Sardorim:Which version number of Unfinished Business have you installed when ecountering the "Missing Boo" quest bug?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Weird, I played through it just now with no trouble. The child wasn't standing there but the quest triggered like it should and is playing properly. The only bug I have is it seemed to switch Minsc's portrait to a smaller version. Easy fix in EEKeeper though. :)
  • SardorimSardorim Member Posts: 4
    My Minsc's portrait was ruined as well, didn't think of using EEKeeper to fix it. Though since I uninstalled it after the quest bugged out it means I don't have Boo anymore for him.
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    I always thought that was supposed to happen with Minsc portrait going smaller after losing Boo. That it was supposed to represent his loss of Boo and morale in a more physical way. It always went back to normal size after getting Boo back.
  • SiddhamSiddham Member Posts: 31
    I just got BG2EE and installed the Gibberliings Tweak pack v14...only to find multiple errors on the weapon descriptions right from the start. I went to Gibberlings forum and I was dismayed to discover that this error has been known for months and not been fixed....the faulty mod pack is still in place.
    I am wondering, can I trust the Tweaks mod at all? Are there other issues with it that I dont see at the start but that might break my game later on?
    I am wondering should I reinstall the game and forget about the Tweaks pack?
  • MicrochatonMicrochaton Member Posts: 5
    Edwin's portrait also becomes smaller during his NPC quest for me (fixed at the end)
  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    Can some one fix Sword and fist to work with EE version? If it all ready has been updated, where can I dl it?
  • DeltBunyanDeltBunyan Member Posts: 8
    Hey, I get gameplay issues when following your order of installation. I appreciate the vanilla version of the game, but I really enjoy super-modding things and was hoping that someone could tell me in which order I should install these mods (listed in alphabetical order):

    1Sylm (Sylmar Elves vs. Orcs)
    Adalons Blood
    A Tweaks
    BP Scripts
    Edwin Romance
    com Encounters
    Freedom’s Reign of Virtue
    Expanded Thief Stronghold
    Haerdalis Romance
    I Shall Never Forget
    IEP Banters
    Imoen Friendship
    Mazzy Friendship
    Gibberlings Three “Alternatives”
    Auren Aseph
    Back to Brynnlaw
    Banter Packs
    BG2 Tweaks
    BG2 Fix Pack
    de’Arnise Romance
    Dungeon Be Gone
    Dungeon Crawl
    Fading Promises
    G3 Anniversary Mod
    NPC Flirts
    Romantic Encounters
    Shards of Ice
    Song and Silence
    Stratagems (SCS)
    Sword and Fist
    Tyris Flare
    Unfinished Business
    Weimar Item Upgrade
    Wheels of Prophecy
    Rogue Rebalancing
    Sarevok Friendship
    Sarevok Romance
    Tales of the Deep Gardens
    The White Queen
    The Tortured Soul Quest
    Vampire Tales
    Viconia Friendship
    Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
    Yoshimo Friendship

    Thank you SO MUCH!
  • DeltBunyanDeltBunyan Member Posts: 8

    Hey, I get gameplay issues when following your order of installation. I appreciate the vanilla version of the game, but I really enjoy super-modding things and was hoping that someone could tell me in which order I should install these mods (listed in alphabetical order):

    1Sylm (Sylmar Elves vs. Orcs)
    Adalons Blood
    A Tweaks
    BP Scripts
    Edwin Romance
    com Encounters
    Freedom’s Reign of Virtue
    Expanded Thief Stronghold
    Haerdalis Romance
    I Shall Never Forget
    IEP Banters
    Imoen Friendship
    Mazzy Friendship
    Gibberlings Three “Alternatives”
    Auren Aseph
    Back to Brynnlaw
    Banter Packs
    BG2 Tweaks
    BG2 Fix Pack
    de’Arnise Romance
    Dungeon Be Gone
    Dungeon Crawl
    Fading Promises
    G3 Anniversary Mod
    NPC Flirts
    Romantic Encounters
    Shards of Ice
    Song and Silence
    Stratagems (SCS)
    Sword and Fist
    Tyris Flare
    Unfinished Business
    Weimar Item Upgrade
    Wheels of Prophecy
    Rogue Rebalancing
    Sarevok Friendship
    Sarevok Romance
    Tales of the Deep Gardens
    The White Queen
    The Tortured Soul Quest
    Vampire Tales
    Viconia Friendship
    Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
    Yoshimo Friendship

    Thank you SO MUCH!

    So sorry, forgot to mention I also would like to install these:
    Longer Road

    And I'm on a MAC. =)

    Thanks again to the nice person that can help me!!
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @DeltBunyan You might have more success on SHS, G3 or PPG - this is a forum & thread for the Enhanced Editions of the game.
  • DeltBunyanDeltBunyan Member Posts: 8
    LiamEsler said:

    @DeltBunyan You might have more success on SHS, G3 or PPG - this is a forum & thread for the Enhanced Editions of the game.

    Yeah, I have the EE version. Downloaded from App Store.

  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    edited August 2014
    @DeltBunyan All of those mods work on the EE? Huh. Pretty cool. The install order in the first post is correct as far as it goes, so that might be worth taking a look at.

    What kind of gameplay issues are you encountering? The more specific you can be, the better.
  • DeltBunyanDeltBunyan Member Posts: 8
    LiamEsler said:

    @DeltBunyan All of those mods work on the EE? Huh. Pretty cool. The install order in the first post is correct as far as it goes, so that might be worth taking a look at.

    What kind of gameplay issues are you encountering? The more specific you can be, the better.

    Well I'm not sure that they ALL work, I've added a few in since I've decided to reload the entire program for the third time. So some of the issues I've faced include game crashing when trying to enter Abazigal's lair, occasional game crashes when crossing the bridge to enter Spellhold, and the Amber Mod completely gumming up once you follow "the map" - the screen streaks and freezes, the map is bizarre and has random comments for map markers, etc, making the game impossible to salvage or continue. I just know that some of the mods have compatibility issues, particularly if installed in the incorrect order, so if the topside list in this board can be expanded any more from its original, I would certainly appreciate it.

  • AcruxAcrux Member Posts: 11
    I don't think all of the mods you're installing are compatible with the EE version. Check the mods you're installing, and their install order against the list in the first post. If it's not there, assume at this point it won't work.

    Also, are you installing all of the components of each mod? Because many of them have incompatible components. Check the compatibility list in each mod's readme, and keep that readme open while you install!
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    @DeltBunyan Of all the mods you're planning to install, only those mentioned in the OP are compatible with EE. Azure, Chloe and Longer Road in particular will break your EE install causing errors specially in MAC. Follow the instructions and the install order in the first post and you will be fine, it's the best order optimized for both EE and vanilla game, incidentally used in BWP install for reference.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    So sorry, forgot to mention I also would like to install these:
    Longer Road

    And I'm on a MAC. =)

    Thanks again to the nice person that can help me!!

    BP-Ascension is BG2EE compatible.

    DLTCEP is a Windows program, and there's no native OSX version. You'll need to use Wine to run it. See this thread:

    I suggest using Near Infinity instead. It is Java-based and works great on OSX.
  • DeltBunyanDeltBunyan Member Posts: 8
    Foggy said:

    @DeltBunyan Of all the mods you're planning to install, only those mentioned in the OP are compatible with EE. Azure, Chloe and Longer Road in particular will break your EE install causing errors specially in MAC. Follow the instructions and the install order in the first post and you will be fine, it's the best order optimized for both EE and vanilla game, incidentally used in BWP install for reference.

    Thanks! In previous incarnations I have followed the OP order and it still resulted in those massive errors, maybe because I didn't install ALL the listed mods? I'm not sure...
  • DeltBunyanDeltBunyan Member Posts: 8

    So sorry, forgot to mention I also would like to install these:
    Longer Road

    And I'm on a MAC. =)

    Thanks again to the nice person that can help me!!

    BP-Ascension is BG2EE compatible.

    DLTCEP is a Windows program, and there's no native OSX version. You'll need to use Wine to run it. See this thread:

    I suggest using Near Infinity instead. It is Java-based and works great on OSX.
    Thank you!
  • ioannismanioannisman Member Posts: 43
    What about Weimer's Solaufein, Valen, The Tactics mods, many thanks!
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @ioannisman‌ As far as I'm aware, none of those are yet compatible.
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    edited August 2014
    solaufein works i have him installed no prolbems also crossmod banters work too and ember of ashes does except the kits
  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2014
    I want to ask: Does anybody know, how many evil NPC mods are already compatible with BG2EE ? Like Alassa from Pocket Plane or Kido and Ariena from Spellhold ? I can't really finish the game with my evil blackguard with 2 missing members.

    Me: Blackguard

    Dorn and Hexxat sucks. That is why, I do not want them in my party. So I need a thief and some hybrid class character ( like F/M or something ). :(
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Rylorn23 said:

    I want to ask: Does anybody know, how many evil NPC mods are already compatible with BG2EE ? Like Alassa from Pocket Plane or Kido and Ariena from Spellhold ? I can't really finish the game with my evil blackguard with 2 missing members.

    Me: Blackguard

    Dorn and Hexxat sucks. That is why, I do not want them in my party. So I need a thief and some hybrid class character ( like F/M or something ). :(

    As F/M I recommend Angelo. He's not really evil, but he's chaotic neutral, so he should be fine in an evil party. Besides, he is hilarious.

    As a thief maybe Dace or Fade, but they are both chaotic neutral too and not evil.
  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    @Erg - As F/M I recommend Angelo. He's not really evil, but he's chaotic neutral, so he should be fine in an evil party. Besides, he is hilarious.

    As a thief maybe Dace or Fade, but they are both chaotic neutral too and not evil.

    Well, I know Angelo mod. He is also Sarevok's former henchman from BG1, so I know who he is. I was thinking that I will try him. But I was worried if I will be much evil, he will leave my group. Unless I'll install components like "Happy Patch" from G3 Tweak pack to stop NPC leaving.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Rylorn23 said:

    Well, I know Angelo mod. He is also Sarevok's former henchman from BG1, so I know who he is. I was thinking that I will try him. But I was worried if I will be much evil, he will leave my group. Unless I'll install components like "Happy Patch" from G3 Tweak pack to stop NPC leaving.

    Yes, I would recommend installing the "Happy Patch" in that case. The version of WeiDU currently shipped with the BG2 Tweak Pack is bugged, but that's a problem only if you install it as your first mod. If you follow the installation order recommended here, there will be no problems.
  • jmkarlssonjmkarlsson Member Posts: 33
    Do you have any idea as to when the ascension is BG2EE compatible?
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