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plebiscite for Joinable NPCs (this doesn't compels the devs)

kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
Well, based on the discussion we're having in the IWD:EE Joinable NPCs - A vital question, i'm making this pool to research the community opinion about Joinable NPCs in IWD:EE.

The intent of this pool is just for the vote (and explain the vote maybe), but it's not in my power to force anyone to post here or on the previous discussion.

The yes and DLC only answers should be added to form the positive opinion about Beamdog Joinable NPCs.
The No and Mod only answers should be added to form the negative opinion about Beamdog Joinable NPCs.

  1. plebiscite for Joinable NPCs (this doesn't compels the devs)205 votes
    1. Yes, i vote for Beamdog Core NPCs to be added on IWD:EE
    2. No, i vote for Beamdog Core NPCs to not be added on IWD:EE
    3. Yes, i vote for Beamdog Core NPCs as long they're added by DLC(s) only
    4. No, i vote for Beamdog Core NPCs to not be added on IWD:EE but i expect NPC mods
    5. I have no opinion in this matter


  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    I would totally incorporate a few core NPC's in my party, but realizing that not all feel the same way, I'd be comfortable downloading a separate packet for the privilege.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    I can't see why one would vote against NPCs as downloadable content. Now if there were technical or budgetary reasons not to add NPCs as DLC I could totally understand that, but otherwise it just feels a bit egoistic to me, like saying "I don't need Beamdog NPCs, so other people shouldn't have any access to them either." Really, I'd say that if you dont care for DLC NPCs don't download them.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Schneidend, I hear you. Those would be the technical/budegtary reasons I mentioned. I have no insight in them but like I said I'd understand it if limited resources were an issue.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    I wouldn't say it's a limited resources issue so much as just resource allocation. Even given unlimited resources, it's not something I want Overhaul to concern themselves with. It is, and should remain, purely within the domain of modding to add NPCs to the IWD games.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Disclaimer: I have never played IWD.

    But that aside, I don't think it's an intelligent use of resources. Add enough NPC's at a high enough quality to make it worthwhile would require to much time and effort. Beamdog already has adventure Y and Z lined up, and reading in between the lines when Mr. Foley talks I think that's where the bulk of the creative talent is going.
    I would rather they focus on just fixing and porting, instead of the complications and new bugs that come with the kind of new content they put into bg2(bg2 needed it though. Pure class thief and full evil party).

  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    No no no.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited September 2014

    I wouldn't say it's a limited resources issue so much as just resource allocation. Even given unlimited resources, it's not something I want Overhaul to concern themselves with. It is, and should remain, purely within the domain of modding to add NPCs to the IWD games.

    While to a degree this argument is highly valid, i'm seeing the "time of the devs" justify becoming a huge snow ball of excuse lately. It's not a criticize to you @Schneidend, cos that argument became alive a long time ago, even before the release of the BG/BG2:EE versions.

    While i don't agree with the argument, that sound as if the devs are made of crystal and any excess of work would exaust them, i can easly understand people feeling joinable NPCs as incompatible, and i also see this being an act of violation to nostalgia for some people. I voted pure yes because that's my opinion, my vote is more for argument than impose an individual will.

    However, for the point of DLC only NPCs i'm a bit curious to people resisting the idea.

    DLCs by nature will come after the game or at very least at the same time. The project of IWD:EE is already set in motion, so the devs already have the script of work they have to follow. DLCs are profitable, and selling an DLC for $10 buckets for example is 1/2 the price of a single full game sale.

    Trent already gave his opinion on this matter, so the debate is more theorical than pratical here until the game is released, but while i want the devs commited the fastest possible in the making of an Planescape: Torment EE, i hope they find a bit of time after the release of IWD:EE to release a bunch of Joinable NPCs DLCs.

  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    hehehehe "plebiscite"

    The congress is now in session! Representative Boo votes no NPCs, but instead work on new adventures, baller quests and bug fixes.

    However, mods are always nice and I will try some of them. If Beamdog did make NPCs I would try them out for sure, but I don't think it is necessary in any way and I think there are better uses of their limited time and resources
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    kamuizin said:

    While to a degree this argument is highly valid, i'm seeing the "time of the devs" justify becoming a huge snow ball of excuse lately. It's not a criticize to you @Schneidend, cos that argument became alive a long time ago, even before the release of the BG/BG2:EE versions.

    While i don't agree with the argument, that sound as if the devs are made of crystal and any excess of work would exaust them, i can easly understand people feeling joinable NPCs as incompatible, and i also see this being an act of violation to nostalgia for some people. I voted pure yes because that's my opinion, my vote is more for argument than impose an individual will.

    However, for the point of DLC only NPCs i'm a bit curious to people resisting the idea.

    DLCs by nature will come after the game or at very least at the same time. The project of IWD:EE is already set in motion, so the devs already have the script of work they have to follow. DLCs are profitable, and selling an DLC for $10 buckets for example is 1/2 the price of a single full game sale.

    Trent already gave his opinion on this matter, so the debate is more theorical than pratical here until the game is released, but while i want the devs commited the fastest possible in the making of an Planescape: Torment EE, i hope they find a bit of time after the release of IWD:EE to release a bunch of Joinable NPCs DLCs.

    Like I said, it's not a matter of limited time, divided resources, or anything like that. I don't think it's impossible or would hinder other things for the devs to spend time to do Game Feature B. Believe me, as a Mass Effect, Borderlands, and Dragon Age fan, I constantly have to battle against the flawed "this will divide muh dev resources" argument. The difference is, Overhaul is a hell of a lot smaller than Bioware or GearBox, so their resources actually are limited. But, even given infinite resources, I simply never want to see any DLC in the form of party NPCs in IWDEE, ever. It's not in keeping with the spirit of the original game, and is something that the modding community can, and should, step up to the plate to do on their own initiative. If you want it so badly, either learn to mod yourself, or motivate others to do it for you. I'd probably try those NPCs on my second or third run, too.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,437

    But, even given infinite resources, I simply never want to see any DLC in the form of party NPCs in IWDEE, ever.

    I don't like cake, so nobody in the world should be allowed to eat cake...

    I'd love to see an NPC DLC, though I don't consider it very likely. But I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be against the existence of such a DLC.

    Say you like Realtime Strategy Games more than Turnbased Strategy Games, would you ban all Turnbased Strategy Games from existing because according to you Realtime Strategy Games are better?

    People have different likes and dislikes. Saying the game should more be like X than Y, because more people like X than Y I understand completely. Saying Z should not exist because you don't like Z so others shouldn't like Z either, is about the most selfish thing I ever herd.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2014

    If Overhaul were to make DLC content, I'd rather it be more items, or a new quest.

    That I can understand. "I'd rather have the devs work on X than on Y, because I like X more." I can totally agree with that.

    Your previous post however described a situation with infinite resources, where getting Y or not would have no effect whatsoever on getting X or not.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Thels said:

    That I can understand. "I'd rather have the devs work on X than on Y, because I like X more." I can totally agree with that.

    Your previous post however described a situation with infinite resources, where getting Y or not would have no effect whatsoever on getting X or not.

    I'd still rather not see NPC DLC, either way. Overhaul's job is to enhance the game, not go against the spirit of the original design team. In the same way that you would rather not see BG/BG2/IWD's stat rolling be replaced by point-buy even though you like point-buy, which I agree with, I don't want Overhaul to add NPCs by that same token.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,437

    I'd still rather not see NPC DLC, either way. Overhaul's job is to enhance the game, not go against the spirit of the original design team. In the same way that you would rather not see BG/BG2/IWD's stat rolling be replaced by point-buy even though you like point-buy, which I agree with, I don't want Overhaul to add NPCs by that same token.

    I personally wouldn't mind point buy, but it's not everyone's cake, so it shouldn't just replace the stat system in the game. If there was like a free patch replacing it with point buy, or an option in the settings, then yes, I'd enable it.

    A DLC is a totally different case, as people that like NPCs could buy it, and those that don't could ignore it. It would require quite a bit of work, though, which might be better spent elsewhere, but the same applies to a point buy patch.

    (Also, since point buy WAS added in IWD2, I don't consider it really against the spirit of the game. Finally, 2nd edition doesn't lend itself to point buy very well, due to the nonlinear bonuses.)
  • ThunderThunder Member Posts: 157
    I'd rather see them make other content.
  • CheOffshoreCheOffshore Member Posts: 27
    I would like to see joinable NPCs, not necessarily fleshed out, romancable or with unique quests, just maybe a pool of 10 or 12 dotted around the early sections of the game between Easthaven and Kuldahar with a pre generated background and a couple of lines of initial dialogue... mercenaries, local fighters or someone youve saved from a goblin who just want to help out... possibly a handful of high level ones later on ("thanks for letting me out of prison, let me come along, im a wizard" etc) to offer a swap... I don't think this would go against the spirit of the game, more help out people who don't have the imagination or patience to set up 6 characters at the start
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692

    I can't see why one would vote against NPCs as downloadable content. Now if there were technical or budgetary reasons not to add NPCs as DLC I could totally understand that, but otherwise it just feels a bit egoistic to me, like saying "I don't need Beamdog NPCs, so other people shouldn't have any access to them either." Really, I'd say that if you dont care for DLC NPCs don't download them.

    While respecting and understanding what you're saying, fan created mods for NPCs will hopefully be available. I don't necessarily agree that what you are suggesting is the mentality of those of us that vote 'no'. Merely, it would be tasking and not necessarily beneficial to see Beamdog/Overhaul stretching out their resources to create NPCs that only part of the community will download, when they could expand their activity to creating new opportunities and gaming prospects that appease a larger market.
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    edited September 2014
    I've personally never played IWD, I did play through IWD2 however and one of my biggest gripes about that game is that you had a party full of silent characters. I'm a big fan of BG and BG2, As well as Dragon Age Origins because of the party interaction (I use the NPC Project mod for BG1.) It makes the games more immersive and fun for me to play, so I wouldn't be against there being new social NPC's added to the game.

    Now, I've never played the first game so I'm not really sure to what degree people consider the experience ruined or changed too much from adding recruitable NPC's but as an outsider looking in, that argument doesn't really make that much sense to me. IWD is a roleplaying game, while it might have more focus on tactics and strategy than some, at its core it is a roleplaying game, no? Why would anyone be against the addition of something that makes the game, typically, feel more immersive and alive in a role playing game? I'm genuinely asking because, like I said, I've never played IWD. I can't really seem to wrap my head around the NPC's ruining the concept of the game... Would it require less strategy or tactics if you didn't create all of your party members? Will you not play multiplayer because of this?
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    edited September 2014
    i voted for beamdog NPCs, not because i urgently *want* them, but if they are included, they are a guarantee that mod NPCs actually *can* be added flawlessly (BG:EE-engine will do lots of the work of course, eliminating some compromises that had to be made in the IWD-NPC-mod-project so far).
    In very general, i just prefer NPCs with scripted personality over those who just walk with you ... IWD original characters were so colorless to me i never even remembered the names i gave them, while in comparison i can call every single name of every official or inofficial npc i ever played in BG series.

    For all who don't want NPCs, nothing will change with their inclusion, they'll definitely be optional and can be ignored.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I have no problem at all with joinable NPC's as long as no new content (eg new areas) is tied to them.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Actually, if @kulyok can get her IWD NPC Project mod compatible with IWD:EE, then that's the guarantee that mod npcs can be added. For instance, just because Pillars of Eternity has NPCs, doesn't necessarily guarantee that modded ones can be added in there flawlessly. It just means that Obsidian made NPCs, and since there is an option in PoE to basically make your own party, it's a kind of valid point.

    Another problem is the lack of spots for character development. I mean, if I were to make a pie chart of where your party is going to spend most of its time at, dungeons would probably have most of the pie. Followed by hub cities, talking to quest givers, talking to the innkeeper, and the shopkeeper combined. I admire @kulyok for making her own character development spots. Even if they weren't the ideal place.
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