Tenya Thermidor v1.5

Tenya for BG:Enhanced Edition
Tenya:- No! Bring her back! I want to kill her again!
I took a little break from working on my Aerie mod for BG2, to try something a little more fun. This is a mod that makes 12 year old Umberlant Tenya a joinable NPC, after you help her of course. Yes, if you like character like Arya Stark or Hit-Girl, but feel they don't talk about carnivorous sea snails or sing shanties enough, now you can become guardian of your own darling little tempestuous ball of fury.
Tenya has a low strength for a cleric, but makes up for it with some special abilities and unique items. She can cast Storm Shield once per day like a cleric of Talos. She also of course has the Bowl of Water Elemental Control... but her mother never even told her how to make it work, so she has to learn elsewhere.
She has at least one interaction with every Bioware and Beamdog NPC as well as several comments along your main quest and a few interjections elsewhere, (in particular around the temple of Umberlee, of course).
Otherwise, what is there is to say? Tenya is a twelve year old priestess wielding a lot of power for someone so young. Her earth-mother never treated her well, but a child's love for her mother is unconditional. After her mother's murder she, consumed by anger, turn to Umberlee. She wished for vengeange, but it was the bowl her mother had entrusted her to protect Tenya most wanted back. She had hoped she would be able to scare the fishermen who stole the artifact into returning it, but they were proving more stubborn than she had anticpated and she was starting to consider more desperate measures, when of course, you step in.
In addition to banters, small quest, and interjections, Tenya now has a small number of Player Initiated Dialogues... press on the speech button and then on Tenya while she's in the party to have a little chat.
Here is a big portrait. The actual in-game portrait has been redone a little by @Asthner, adding a bit more tecture to her scarf.

Some other notes:
Class: Cleric
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 16
CHA 13
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral ( I changed her alignment to CN, for several reasons. First, I don't really go along with the idea in a lot of other media that the field of child psychology is really just a diversion from the truth that all children are possessed by the spirits of evil aliens. Second, I feel it better reflects her personality anyway - she is quick to anger, abrasive, and like children do will sometimes try to test the limits of people around her to see how much she can get away with. But, she can actually be quite helpful and even nice, on occasion. Lastly I just wanted to leave it open so that maybe in some future expansion she can develop either way due to your influence.
Her stats are not magnificent, but she has a fair bit of stuff. Like a ring that gives an extra cleric spell each level and also functions as a ring of protection +2.
She has a bunch of mephit spells she can cast (steam and ice shards etc... basically all the ones that have any sort of connection to water. She's a waterbender). Not really very powerful, but can be useful on occassion.
She can also cast Storm Shield once per day like a Cleric of Talos.
Hi guys. I haven't been around for a long, long, time, but I'm glad people are still enjoying Tenya. Just a reminder that if you want to contact me for any reason, the best bet is probably using Tumblr - its the only platform I check semi-regularly. Although bear in mind I'm not modding this game anymore - I haven't even played it in years so wouldn't know how to begin. Might go back to it after playing Baldur's Gate 3 for a bit.
Tenya:- No! Bring her back! I want to kill her again!
I took a little break from working on my Aerie mod for BG2, to try something a little more fun. This is a mod that makes 12 year old Umberlant Tenya a joinable NPC, after you help her of course. Yes, if you like character like Arya Stark or Hit-Girl, but feel they don't talk about carnivorous sea snails or sing shanties enough, now you can become guardian of your own darling little tempestuous ball of fury.
Tenya has a low strength for a cleric, but makes up for it with some special abilities and unique items. She can cast Storm Shield once per day like a cleric of Talos. She also of course has the Bowl of Water Elemental Control... but her mother never even told her how to make it work, so she has to learn elsewhere.
She has at least one interaction with every Bioware and Beamdog NPC as well as several comments along your main quest and a few interjections elsewhere, (in particular around the temple of Umberlee, of course).
Otherwise, what is there is to say? Tenya is a twelve year old priestess wielding a lot of power for someone so young. Her earth-mother never treated her well, but a child's love for her mother is unconditional. After her mother's murder she, consumed by anger, turn to Umberlee. She wished for vengeange, but it was the bowl her mother had entrusted her to protect Tenya most wanted back. She had hoped she would be able to scare the fishermen who stole the artifact into returning it, but they were proving more stubborn than she had anticpated and she was starting to consider more desperate measures, when of course, you step in.
In addition to banters, small quest, and interjections, Tenya now has a small number of Player Initiated Dialogues... press on the speech button and then on Tenya while she's in the party to have a little chat.
Here is a big portrait. The actual in-game portrait has been redone a little by @Asthner, adding a bit more tecture to her scarf.

Some other notes:
Class: Cleric
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 16
CHA 13
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral ( I changed her alignment to CN, for several reasons. First, I don't really go along with the idea in a lot of other media that the field of child psychology is really just a diversion from the truth that all children are possessed by the spirits of evil aliens. Second, I feel it better reflects her personality anyway - she is quick to anger, abrasive, and like children do will sometimes try to test the limits of people around her to see how much she can get away with. But, she can actually be quite helpful and even nice, on occasion. Lastly I just wanted to leave it open so that maybe in some future expansion she can develop either way due to your influence.
Her stats are not magnificent, but she has a fair bit of stuff. Like a ring that gives an extra cleric spell each level and also functions as a ring of protection +2.
She has a bunch of mephit spells she can cast (steam and ice shards etc... basically all the ones that have any sort of connection to water. She's a waterbender). Not really very powerful, but can be useful on occassion.
She can also cast Storm Shield once per day like a Cleric of Talos.
At the end of her 'quest', she'll be able to use the bowl. It allows her to summon a Water Elemental once per day, which gets stronger as she levels up (Lesser, norm, Greater). It improves every five levels, so since she caps at level 9 I think in BG1, you won't get the first upgrade without removing the XP cap first. Since I couldn't find any water elemental creature in BG1, I had to make up my own, just taking the fire elementals and swapping around damage/resistances to fire and ice.
Hi guys. I haven't been around for a long, long, time, but I'm glad people are still enjoying Tenya. Just a reminder that if you want to contact me for any reason, the best bet is probably using Tumblr - its the only platform I check semi-regularly. Although bear in mind I'm not modding this game anymore - I haven't even played it in years so wouldn't know how to begin. Might go back to it after playing Baldur's Gate 3 for a bit.
Post edited by Coutelier on
/added to list for next playthrough
As for her stats, IIRC they're:
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 16
CHA 13
If it's interesting to anyone at all, the stats for the original in-game creature file for Tenya were:
DEX 11
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 14
CHA 13
Given her low STR for a cleric and her being unable to wear heavy armor, I decided to increase her DEX a bit, and tweaked her INT and WIS to favor the cleric side. She's a bright girl really, even though her education was a bit different to the norm. None of her stats are maxed, but like I mentioned she has a few unique items and abilities.
But how does the mod handle the fact that Tenya would normally (re)appear and assist you during the quest where you retrieve the boy's body from Umberlee's temple?
Also, if I also intend to install the NPC Project mod (pre-release version), does the order in which I install each of them matter?
I'm afraid I don't know about other mods, but it should only be mods that affect Tenya there might be issues with. Otherwise it shouldn't matter too much about the order, but I guess I'll figure it out as I try more different mods with it.
Notice that the original CRE file doesn't have any weapon proficiencies.
Be warned that if you give, or already gave, the modded version of Tenya weapon proficiencies, she won't be able to equip certain weapons (like flails, even though they're her starting equipment) due to her low strength.
See the below screenshot - the flail in her hand is "redded," meaning that if I were to unequip it, I wouldn't be able to equip it again.
I already changed the modded version from flail to a quarterstaff. She'll come with a staff +1 as it does the same damage, and has proficiencies in staff and sling.
I tried again using a saved game from before entering that area, and it appears to work fine now. Fantastic job!
Even her bio is great! - though I should point out that there does appear to be a small typo where it says "Her mother allowed, nor Tenya to venture..."
Does everything else remain, such as the option to side with the farmers and take her out??
Also, how does the situation play out if Tenya is already in the party? I'm mainly curious as to whether the game would mistakenly spawn a second Tenya to bring the boy's body to you.
If you go to the temple to get the body with Tenya already in your party, you'll have to deal with Jalantha Mistmyr instead. Tenya will interject some dialogue, but you'll likely have to pay the high priestess for it.
Cause: in B2#NAIDA.dlg file the following lines cause an infinite loop.
SAY ~.....~
SAY ~Grrr! If... If the priestesses catch you out here, they will likely punish you for losing. Run.~
The last part should be: IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~B2#RAN~ 9
Edit: Actually after fixing this myself I've found another problem: the following cutscene never ends. I have no idea what causes this, I'm bad with cutscenes
Here I listed them in a screenshot (since I am too lazy to actually read and the write here the files' names):
Nice mod BTW! I don't usually play with a party (unless I am testing something that requires to use a party), but if I do play with a party someday (WARNING: that might never happen) I'll surely consider this mod
My old dog had to be taken to the vet to be put down.
I am also now officially a Mac user. That is I have a Mac in my home. I still have my old PC for working on stuff like this, because it's better, but that won't stop me from hanging out at the Apple Stare drinking small cups of coffee and scoffing and turning my nose up at you poor, poor people stuck with your Windows PC's.
Anyway, when I haven't been snooty, I have done a bit of work on my mods. I've fixed all the things mentioned above, I think, added a couple of interjections, and also some Player Initiated Dialogues with Ten. Even though she hasn't any voice acting, I wrote out some different lines in her creature file anyway. Don't know if they show up in the game or not.
I can't imagine doing much more with this Mod. She already has a lot more than a vanilla BG1 NPC. I may bring her back for BG2 some time with a lot more in depth banter, quests, etc. But in the meantime I'm back to working on the Aerie mod for BG2.
And your mac. ;-)
Will there be any problems if I install this mod update with a game already in progress? I have an older version of the mod installed, but I haven't yet entered Tenya's area, or even the ankheg area.
But if you haven't even been to the bridge area you first meet her in yet, there should be no problems at all.