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Custom PC & NPC Portraits



  • CatoblepasCatoblepas Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2014
    Oh wow, that's a great portrait - wouldn't have expected to see a werefox portrait! I haven't seen that Isander one before, is he/she still active? I haven't seen them post in this thread for a while...which is a shame, because I had a portrait concept I wanted to float by them at some point...

    Alas, my own skills with image manipulation are no where near good enough to do that portrait justice. I can make some passable Jagged Alliance 2 portraits....but that's beyond my ability.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Isandir comes and goes with how he works for us. Sometimes he's around and will do up to five portraits, other times he's nowhere to be seen. Not that I blame him, of course. He's a busy man, or so it seems. And it is no mere were-fox! This is a Fox Folk! A fine race hailing from edition 3.5!
  • j3cwillj3cwill Member Posts: 51
    I just finished the television series Angel, and I think Illyria could be an awesome God touched portrait if done right
  • OudynOudyn Member Posts: 74
    I have a picture I would very much like Baldurized. Maybe a change of background too? Whatever suits you. This is a picture of me, in my brief stint as Mad Hatter. Perhaps I can be made into a Jester or a Thief? Thanks so much,
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    Honestly the short hair and armor combo reminds me of Cassandra Pentaghast in the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition game.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited November 2014
    bengoshi said:

    I've just come across this Coran portrait by Ilnere (

    One of the best Coran's portraits I've seen.



    THATS AMAZING. Thank you so much.
  • OudynOudyn Member Posts: 74
    bengoshi said:

    I've just come across this Coran portrait by Ilnere (

    One of the best Coran's portraits I've seen.



    Awesome! Snagging this in case I ever run Amras (From my IWD run) in Baldur's Gate. Great Find!
  • DragonOfShadesDragonOfShades Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2014
    Hello everyone! I believe I can ask: could somebody, please, find or make a picture for my character - half-elf, female, archer, Neutral Good, grey eyes, long light-brown(or dark blond?) hair, green color of clothes? Here is the screenshot of her: image
    Maybe edit this image picture, like, bow instead of sword and everything?
  • DullSkullTheSecondDullSkullTheSecond Member Posts: 243
    This is probably my favorite favorite thread <3

    Will dig though my portrait folder later today and see what I manage to find.
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    edited December 2014
    Found another monk-worthy portrait by an artist named nj365:


    EDIT: Oh yeah, I should link his art page too:
  • FallenAasimonFallenAasimon Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2015
    Thank you @lolien! Thank you for answering so FAST and thank you for the consideration! It looks better then I hoped! The hood, the hair color, you nailed, good sir!

    Can I make one last request? I loved the metalic orange/crimson for the first one, but for icing on the cake, could you give the two last portraits cloud sky backgrounds so they match the BG2 style?



    Post edited by FallenAasimon on
  • FallenAasimonFallenAasimon Member Posts: 29
    Thank you very VERY much, man! That's my boy right there!


    You're right, the backgrounds could be a little bit darker, but I've already tried them in game and they blend awesomely with the other NPCs.

    Again, thanks for the attention
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