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  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Confession: playing DA2 right after Origins shocks the system with the completely different combat. I had played and finished DA2 twice, but never after just play in Origins.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    Confession: made an attempt to play through DAO, DA2 and DAI in one go. I managed to get to Skyhold and then had to take a week pause, bcs I was completely burned out.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @ChorazyGlus, wow, that's quite an accomplishment. I've thought about trying to do something like that sometime in the future. Did you have a stretch of time off where you could play all day over a couple of weeks, or were you playing after work/school every day and weekends? I'm curious how much real time in days/weeks you spent on the project before you got tired of it.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2015
    @BelgarathMTH‌ I was playing nearly every day after work and it took me slightly over a month. Tried to go full at weekends, but I've not always managed to do so.

    DA2 took most of the time, DAO over 50 hrs (I didn't do all DLCs, only Shale, Ostagar and Warden's Keep) Still, I am sad that save games don't work like in Mass Effect in regards of importing to DAI, but the Keep is a handy tool anyway.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    Confession: As years go by, I like DA2 more than DAO. Only things worse in DA2 are recycled environments and meh final battle. Still, DAO is way more polished than DA2, but the story itself is inferior to DA2.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    made an attempt to play through DAO, DA2 and DAI in one go. I managed to get to Skyhold and then had to take a week pause, bcs I was completely burned out.
    I am doing the same thing.

    Played through Origins, Witches wake, Awakening and have now started DA2.

    I like DA2's pace better than Origins everything else though I prefer the first game. I am almost done ACT 1 and can now look past the reused areas. I am (and did) enjoy the story DA2 told though and cant wait to play through its DLCs for the first time.

    I hope I am not going to get burnt out when I hit Inquistion as I haven't experienced it yet, but it did happen when I tried it with Mass Effect series. Third game in I had to stop after hitting the Citadel for the first time.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2015
    @deltago‌ Heh, done it with Mass Effect too; though it wasn't as exhausting as this, Maybe bcs ME series is shooter first, rpg second. Also, ME2 is really fast paced and I hit level cap like 5 missions before the final. I hate that in games. So for this trilogy run I didn't install all DLC's for ME2 and thus I gained the final level up at the collector's base.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    deltago‌ Heh, done it with Mass Effect too; though it wasn't as exhausting as this, Maybe bcs ME series is shooter first, rpg second. Also, ME2 is really fast paced and I hit level cap like 5 missions before the final. I hate that in games. So for this trilogy run I didn't install all DLC's for ME2 and thus I gained the final level up at the collector's base.

    Confession: I am not a competionist and tend to skip different quests with each playthrough. Never have to worry about hitting the cap.

    Confession: I wish Bethany wasn't your sister so you could romance her instead of Arie, Jaheria and Vic... I mean Merrill, Aveline and Isabelle.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    @deltago‌ You and me both. Still, romances in DA2 are weird... I mean I rivaled Merril (refused to help her with the mirror, supported templars, u name it) and she still hit the sack with me.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015
    Confession: 155 hours into my first Inquisition game (and many more if counting Origins and DA2) I have seen my first pair of dwarven boobies...

    Edit: not counting Broodmothers...
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    confession: games with weird environments in character creation always tend to release a habit with me to take pictures all over the game at different angles, lighting, expressions, etc. so far I have taken 30 pictures of my current Inquisition alone, who is in skyhold and done hinterlands, sword coast, and crestwood. i don't get this when CC is done where there isn't weird lighting and so I can get a really good idea of what the character will turn out like when I am playing...

    confession: i am actually cheating now, but not really. i am just adjusting the stats of the Inquisition armors because I got tired of the constant trench coats for armor and I think the inquisition stuff look really cool, however I am always keeping them below the armors at the time so as to not feel like I am really cheating and to present more challenge than I would playing normally, because Inquisition is way too easy after you've had a bit of time to figure it out. and yes, I'm playing on nightmare and played on nightmare the first playthrough as well.

    confession: i actually took a month off just because I couldn't do Dorian's quest due to a bug, and if the recent patch didn't fix it I was going to have had this break so I would feel alright redoing about 10 hours. luckily the next patch indeed fixed it

    confession: this is my first Bioware female protagonist, and likely my canon protagonist. i felt like Solas would be the best romance choice for the future of the games and I needed an elf female so I could achieve that.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Sjerrie said:

    Confession: some of my Dog's names are Spot, Diesel, and Bacon. Bacon is still my favorite.

    In my first few playthroughs of DA:O my Dog was named Baldr.

  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    whenever I get a dog in a game I always name it after my childhood dog, Chase. even after Chase died in 2013 I still use that name

    confession: it is upsetting that I can't have a dog in Inquisition...
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Confession: I always name my dog after someone my character knows, like Fergus for a human noble, Irving for a mage, and so on.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    confessioin: my unfinished male human noble I was going to play before inquisition I modeled as a twin brother of Fergus. although unfinished, I did make him the hero of ferelden in keep. now I wonder if we will ever see him again for that to matter...
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Confession: I can't leave the Hinterlands.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    deltago said:

    Confession: I can't leave the Hinterlands.

    Because it's so pretty..?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Sjerrie said:

    deltago said:

    Confession: I can't leave the Hinterlands.

    Because it's so pretty..?
    Because of the map icons glowing pale yellow.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Confession: I've kind of lost interest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

    Confession: I think the reason why I lost interest is because its got too much of an open world, and way too many boring side-quests, and side things that aren't any fun at all.

    Confession: I think Corypheus is suffering from "I want to be Jon Irenicus" Syndrome.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Confession: I think Corypheus is suffering from "I want to be Jon Irenicus" Syndrome.

    Well, he wasn't alone in wanting to usurp the Golden City.

    Confession: I'm having trouble getting used to the dracolisk as a mount.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    confession: I am still only using horse mounts. I should get a halla for my elf...

    confession: I barely use my mount because I want to hear companion conversations. I only use it in the desert areas or if I am in a rush
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015
    Confession: I have confronted The Elder One's dragon at the end of the game, and...
    I found its death animation a little dissapointing. Sticking 2 tiny daggers in a huge magically enhanced dragon instantly kills it? Ok, it was in the neck, but still...

    Confession: I have 3 more Inquisitors lined up to be played, 2 different style mages and a sword'n'board warrior, I don't know which one to choose.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Confession: I have never before let my Warden get rescued from Fort Drakon, I always sought my own escape, but just now I found out it's quite fun to have Morrigan and Leliane come to your rescue.

    Confession: I am quirked by a bug: they arrived at my Warden, but he's just sitting there with a quest mark, unclickable and unresponding.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Sjerrie said:

    Confession: I have confronted The Elder One's dragon at the end of the game, and...

    I found its death animation a little dissapointing. Sticking 2 tiny daggers in a huge magically enhanced dragon instantly kills it? Ok, it was in the neck, but still...

    i find that whole final fight disappointing. it was much too easy for the final, epic fight it is supposed to be. still, the ending in general didn't disappoint me, but it didn't blow me away like DAO and many others and just acted like an ending to me. i left without feeling super good, but at least I didn't feel bad about it like with ME3. also I am not talking about the tone there, just how well it is put together. i still leave DAO feeling good if I allow the warden to die and have to watch the funeral scene.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    Confession: I can easily spend an evening gaming session crafting stuff in Inquisition to fine-tune all of my companions' gear. Doing so now, actually...

    Confession: I love Iron Bull. My last Inquisitor *loved* Iron Bull. I think he's a great romance and an all-around cool dude.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Confession: I just made a bow out of cheese that gives me 2 guard per hit. I might as well tank with my archer now and leave Cassandra at home.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2015
    Andaran atish’an

    confession: I really enjoyed DA2 to the point i think ive probably finished it at least 4 or 5 times. I think i probably enjoy it more that DA1, it had a more mass effecty style to the story telling and general feel to the game and for some reason i really liked that.

    confession: I can only play elves "unless im playing Hawk", i try other races and have finished most of the starting backstories in DA 1, but a few hours in I just end up scrapping the character and restarting as a elf.

    confession: I mostly play Dalish, because flat ears are dirty things with no self respect, almost as bad as shemlin really.

    confession: I hate the chantry and try to undermine them at every turn. I really wish there where proper opportunities to kill a few chantry sisters. Killing templars is fun and all, but just doesn't really cut it.When a certain someone slit that chantry sisters throat i shouted my approval from my chair and when Anders blow up their Holy little prison i stood by him and then when on to kill a few more templars, with a smile on my face.

    confession: Whenever I play DA 1, I cant not romance Morrigan.

    confession: As a Dalish I kill a shem any time I get an opportunity too, also I never help a shem for free. To elves, dwarves and qunari I am a paragon of virtue.

    confession: I think Varric is the best character in the series, bar none.

    confession: I think inquisition is a really solid game, if a bit overly simplified in the combat department.

    confession: In my first playthrough of inquisition I had to put down my difficulty settings to get out of Haven. Nightmare was too much, had to play on hard. I felt like a giant wimp.

    confession: I try to play these games differently each playthrough, but constantly find himself building roughly the same story as l the last few times I played this series. Breaking my own personal head canon is nigh impossible for me.

    confession: I will probably replay this series in its entirety before the year is out.

    confession: I replayed DA1 and DA2 to create the perfect endsave for inquisition about a month before it came out, not knowing i didn't need too.

    confession: I end up playing rogues more than any other class. Never finished the any of the games as a mage or warrior. Gotten really far as both then lost interest and stopped.

    confession: Cassandra's blatant disrespect for my gods almost made me stop my romance with her.

    confession: I cant stand Sera and Vivienne, having the option to tell Sera to bugger off was a gods send, not having the same option for Vivienne was extremely vexing.

    confession: I adore Merril and was kinda sad she didn't make an appearance in inquisition.

    confession: I felt as previously stated DA inquisition was a solid game, but it could of been great. If there where more racial dialogue options and a some none human romance options for straight male characters, even female characters only get Sera and she is a dirty flat ear. Also a more in-depth combat system with proper tatics would of helped.

    Dareth shiral, may the Dread Wolf never find you.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    Confession: my second Inquisitor is, again, female.

    Confession: She's pretty into the whole uniform army kinda thing, and it saddens me (and her) that of the mages only Solas wears the Inquisition Battlemage Armor with its right colors.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    Confession: Playing with my third Inquisitor now, and again female.

    Confession: I feel the American female voice is just... bland. I'm still at Haven, so maybe I need to wait a while till the truly epic emotional speeches and such. The British accent just doesn't fit with my female Qunari.

    Confession: while I didn't feel it as bland as some have called it, the Jaws of Hakkon expansion did feel heavily influenced by GoT's Wildlings, and at times maybe too much so.

    Confession addendum: that said, I would not have minded if one of the characters at one point would say something like "you know nothing, Inquisitor..."
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Confession: I just want Inquisition so I can play as a Qunari. What? They're cool...
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