What do you find most frustrating in IWDee ?

Hi everyone !!
Well personally i find most frustrating in IWDee is the need to rest/sleep very frequently from the very beginning of the game .. ah well it gets a little better when we are at higher levels but usually after every massive fight/ambush it still rather unavoidable ... PLUS a lack of safe zone for a nice cozy nap (they tend to be very very far away) which kind feels like "In a Galaxy far far away" ....
I really really miss that ring of regeneration I always pickpocketed from Ribald in BG2EE ...T_T ....
Well personally i find most frustrating in IWDee is the need to rest/sleep very frequently from the very beginning of the game .. ah well it gets a little better when we are at higher levels but usually after every massive fight/ambush it still rather unavoidable ... PLUS a lack of safe zone for a nice cozy nap (they tend to be very very far away) which kind feels like "In a Galaxy far far away" ....
I really really miss that ring of regeneration I always pickpocketed from Ribald in BG2EE ...T_T ....
However what I do not like is that the combat is so simplistic. Most enemies are simply hard-hitting hordes of whatever monster fits the current map. Special abilities and spell-casting are far and few between, and it's incredibly trivial to tank regular melees - doubly so because of the huge array of stackable combat buffs available in IWD:EE.
In essence, what this game is severely lacking is an SCS-equivalent. Until we get that, I'm afraid it won't keep my excitement nowhere near what BG2 still offers after over a decade.
That will be cool !
Personally I would have prefered that a sleep encounter started with the enemy getting one attack of on your chars, like a backstab. If you are lying there sleeping like a little baby in the middle of a dungeon, then you should be in for a rude awakening :P
Who ever scripted that must have a phobia for rush hour traffic jams
Do some traps require higher than 100 or are these just un-avoidable?
Well, as again this IWD has always been about putting us in the middle of a bunch of murdering whatever they could conjure up at that point of time i guess ....
You can always check using the Detect Traps spell.
So, if I want the enemies to NOT respawn, I have to keep reloading until they decide not to respawn. I don't see what the developers were intending when they made the enemies sometimes respawn upon reloading. If they thought it was a good idea for the enemies to respawn upon reloading, they should've made it so that the enemies ALWAYS respawn, not just sometimes. If they didn't think it was a good idea, it shouldn't be in the game.
I hate the fact that it takes for ever to actually accomplish anything in our ''investigation''. First investigate the Vale and learn it was a false lead, then we go look for the scrying stone, then it's stolen, then we look for it somewhere else, then we look for the guy who can use it.