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All you wanted to know about Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear ("Adventure Y" previously)



  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Zarugal said:

    I know you guys at Beamdog are very proud of the new UI, and a lot of people (new and old alike) are also impressed, but for us luddites who like the BG:EE and BG2:EE UI will there be the option to run using the current (old) UI, or is it going to be a forced update?


    If you watch the video, you will see how easy it is to mod the UI that someone will have a mod for the current UI in no time.
  • ZarugalZarugal Member Posts: 51
    deltago said:

    Zarugal said:

    I know you guys at Beamdog are very proud of the new UI, and a lot of people (new and old alike) are also impressed, but for us luddites who like the BG:EE and BG2:EE UI will there be the option to run using the current (old) UI, or is it going to be a forced update?


    If you watch the video, you will see how easy it is to mod the UI that someone will have a mod for the current UI in no time.
    I'm certain there will be a mod for it, I was just wondering as to whether there will be native support.
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  • AntaraReisAntaraReis Member Posts: 26
    Originally SoA had an experience cap below 3 million. With the introduction of ToB that cap was increased to 8 million INCLUDING during SoA.

    Does that mean that merely installing SoD will increase the experience cap on vanilla BGEE? To be honest, I hope it doesn't.
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    I see there are cyclops and likely giants. That warhammer from Hurgan Stoneblade will have some use.
  • wojtekwojtek Member Posts: 311
    i am really glad Chris Avellone contributed ( probably only at the end) in this game - it's a good sign :)
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    What's up next after SoD? Will it be Ver 1.4 for BGIIEE?
    New game looks great - roll on release date!!! :D
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Vallmyr said:

    Skellybros and Zombabes

    Haha, great names! :)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    kcwise said:

    Vallmyr said:

    Skellybros and Zombabes

    Haha, great names! :)
    Those got me giggling as well
  • SamuelVargSamuelVarg Member Posts: 598
    Will this be released on Steam or just Beamdog?
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605

    Will this be released on Steam or just Beamdog?

    Both. Answer based on this quote from

    "Q: If I buy on will I get a Steam key?
    Yes. After the release of the game you can contact to request a Steam key."
  • JaceJace Member Posts: 193
    Anduin said:

    It is the enhanced edition. It has been enhanced. Expect it to be enhanced.

    You're talking as if all enhancements made in this game are inherently and by definition good enhancements.

    But really, the only Dragonspear GUI enhancement that I would deem worthy of its good connotation is the ability is rearrange various GUI objects to create a customized look, and that's great.

    But the rest is an attempt to make the game more approachable, but it also ended up being either slightly intrusive or annoying, or ugly (subjective opinion), or a subtle mockery of my intelligence as a knowledgeable player.

    Anything that changes core aesthetics of the game is bound to create some controversy, big or small. That's why it's better to introduce such things as optional, rather than throwing it at our faces and say that it's enhanced, so it's better, so deal with it old-fashioned geezer!

    In comparison, Vanilla BG to BG:EE interface was the perfect GUI enhancement for me. It loosely retained the architecture of the old GUI while providing additional condensed information and statistical breakdowns in a single screen that even I found extremely useful. The end result was something informative, approachable and aesthetically pleasing.

  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    Seriously, though, as someone else pointed out, the target is the end of the year, but the target will move if Beamdog isn't absolutely comfortable the game is ready. There are some bridges the company needs to rebuild; that process started with Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, it will continue with Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear and beyond.

    As on some previous occasions, that's an interesting but cryptic teaser.

    Maybe @AndrewFoley merely means that the company needs to rebuild the bridge at Boareskyr, so that Our Hero can get back across the river to go to Athkatla!

    But saying that company needs to rebuild bridges, in the context of potential delays in releasing the product, suggests that there are some corporate hostilities in the background which could potentially become obstacles. Naturally it reminds me of when the production of BG2ee was suspended for a while because of a legal dispute over something-or-other (what was that about, I forget ... was it the licence terms?) Whatever it is, I hope that Beamdog can resolve it without major disruption!
  • ZarugalZarugal Member Posts: 51
    What saddened me during the livestream is that I heard one of the devs say something along the lines of "I found the interface confusing, particularly the spellbook, so I went about improving it"

    1. How can you improve something you don't understand?
    2. For those of us who have played the game for the time we have, we have no issues with the UI and it's never been raised. Why change it?
    3. Why did Beamdog feel the need to wait until they produced their own content to change the UI? If it's an enhanced UI why didn't it ship with the original EE games?

    I just want the ability to keep the current UI from BG2 and BG:EE/BG2:EE. I like it and don't see anything wrong with it - if it ain't broke don't fix it. Don't make us have to mod the game to get bring back original content.

    I can understand that there are others that like the new UI, and for new players it will be great. But I think players should at least have the option instead of being forced into a newer system that actually takes some of the knowledge about the game, it's lore, it's characters, and it's mechanics away from it.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited July 2015

    Quartz said:

    On a scale of Hexxat (sucks really bad) to Jaheira (really good writing), how is their dialogue?

    It's different.

    Good and bad are largely (but not entirely) subjective judgments; I can't make them for you, much as I'd wish otherwise. Every character has their fans and their detractors, Glint and M'Khiin will be no different. I happen to be a fan, but I would be, wouldn't I?
    Right, except most of the new Enhanced Edition dialogues are witty one-liners, while the original Baldur's Gate II had actual deep dialogue. You can't honestly tell me that series of witty one-liners could be considered superior to, or even on par with dialogue with emotional significance and sometimes even philosophical depth.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    But saying that company needs to rebuild bridges, in the context of potential delays in releasing the product, suggests that there are some corporate hostilities in the background which could potentially become obstacles.

    Nah. There's no corporate drama in the background that I'm aware of this time around. And no pressure to release before the expansion is ready, which is a good thing.
    That's a relief, then ... but in that case, I can't make head nor tail of what you meant in your previous comment!
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    I'm really really really looking forward to this! What I saw in the stream looked great in terms of changes to the GUI and all the little additions and modifications to the game (in addition to the brand new content and returning friends from the old games) just puts me over the moon.

    I'm especially glad to hear it's coming out so soon... though knowing me, I probably won't be able to play it until all these awesome additions get ported over to BG:EE and BG:EE2 so I can get the experience of one continuous playthrough. I wish you all the best of luck on wrapping up development smoothly and having a successful release.
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