Party rock is in the house tooonight... Grab Khalid 'n everythin'll be alright...

So what party will you start out with, on your epic quest to Dragonspear?
Choose your party and perhaps we will gain insights into your mental preparation, your choice of friends and even your sadomasochistic tendencies.
Only rules I have placed on myself... Because there is only 10 options... Is that there is some kind of link between the NPCs.
Also I will spell names wrong... Just saying...
Choose your party and perhaps we will gain insights into your mental preparation, your choice of friends and even your sadomasochistic tendencies.
Only rules I have placed on myself... Because there is only 10 options... Is that there is some kind of link between the NPCs.
Also I will spell names wrong... Just saying...
- Party rock is in the house tooonight... Grab Khalid 'n everythin'll be alright...22 votes
- A party of Elves: Xan, Coran, Kivan, Baeloth and Viconia. Yes... A team so superior to any of the other teams, you will love to watch them die as they in turn pity your short lifespan...18.18%
- Shortie Power Gamer Party of Amazingness: Glint Gardnersonson, Quayle, Tiax, (If good Yeslick, Alora or if evil Kagain and Montaron) This party allows a total of 4 gnomes to be under your control... Be careful your monitor does not shatter from the power radiating from such fabulousness...13.64%
- The dual heritage party: Neera, Dorn, Jaheira, Khalid, Imoen. Elves, Orcs and Gods are big fans of human booty...31.82%
- The "I fell out with my family and they died 'n' stuff" party: Safana, Imoen, Rassad, Yeslick, Dorn. This party went on to star in a theatrical production of Oliver Twast.  4.55%
- The Party of Naturists: Jaheira, Faldorn, Kivan, Minsc, Mkkhin Grubdoubler. This party would walk around naked if it could, but Jaheira shouting "I would plug it if I had the power!" puts everyone on edge...  4.55%
- Wizards Unite Party: Dynaheir, Edwin, Neera, Xan, Xzar. Would sleep a lot...  9.09%
- Might is Right Party: Rassad, Kagain, Yeslick, Shar-Teel, Montaron. Would never sleep...  0.00%
- Garrick and the Leather Vests: Garrick (Lead vocals), Eldoth (Lead Guitar), Voghiln (on drums), Alora and Skie (Backing vocals)  9.09%
- The "I will turn you into a pin cushion" party: Coran, Kivan, Corwin, Viconia, Imoen. Melee is so uncivilised...  4.55%
- A party of Dwarves: Kagain, Yeslick, Voghiln (honorary), Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey... *Sigh* You made me read drivel again Anduin... DRIVEL! DRIVEL! NOW THATS A DWARF NAME WITH A BEARD YOU CAN TUG ! ! !  4.55%
Right now in my present play through consists of
CHARNAME Human Male neutral good Bard Skald
Imoen/ Safana
A shorty group would be my second choice
The half mercenary, half psycho team? I'm bad with names
Garrick and the Leather Vests are a pure glam rock band after the likes of Queen and The Darkness...
PC (cleric)
Mums definitely going to do a shorty run though.
Usually, Khalid has an accident in the Friendly Arm Inn and gets stuck on the top floor in a room far from the stairs.
So of course, I have to replace him with someone.. who better than Minsc and Boo! (which technically counts as Dual, right? There are two in one!).
Dorn tags along when he feels like it, but he really doesn't get along well with the rest of us, so he tends to leave us often.
Tested and approved by M'khiin's wild dancing seal of approval.
... wait, why do I feel that that no one else here plans on partying with the poll's music groups...?
Charname (F/M/T)
Is my 'traditional party' kinda like your 'traditional' party?
However, certainly I ran one rather like your traditional party a while ago - led by a Good Half-Elf Cleric/Ranger, with Minsc & Dynaheir, and Coran, and Yeslick as "some healer" ... ... and I had Imoen as "stealer guy" (although I don't think Li'l Sis qualifies as a "novelty dude").