"Run!" Imoen screams as she raises the sword. "Mara, Kivan, RUN!" Imoen charges the lich, avoiding eye contact and attempting to bring the sword down right between Acerak's beady little eyes.
Imoen feels the devil tug at her soul, but not this time. Not. This. Time. Not after so much. She doesn't care any more. One blind, crazed, desperate attempt to help her remaining companions and avenge the fallen.
Imoen hits the skull just as it starts to steal her soul... but instead of her soul getting drawn out, something horrid and demonic is drawn out instead.... and the skull breaks into multiple pieces, sending the gems scattering... Imoen must now try to resist the foul berserking magic... and she manages to do so... for now.
Sadly, the gem that once held Minsc's life force is empty when they go to retrieve it. Apparently, his soul was devoured by Acererak before it/he was killed.
Imoen laughs, long, loud, and more than a little crazy sounding. She gathers the gems carefully and gives them to Kivan. "We haven't won yet. Not till we're away from here. Not until this cursed sword is out of my hands. If I succumb to the sword's power, run. Run. Take the gems, their souls, our friends, and get out. If I stumble and you have a shot, take it." She looks directly into Kivan's eyes, letting him see the terrible pain and grief in her eyes.
Imoen smiles at Kivan and goes to Mara. "Are you okay?" she asks softly. "Acerak is gone. You're free now." Imoen begins looking at the pile of gear, belongings, and treasure. Didn't Coran have a bag of holding?
Well, aerie died without a save twice......hmmm, we need a total body count to figure out if it lived up to the hype. if less then 20 people died, i want to play it again with difficulty turned up to maximum.
edit: and it could just have well have been called the naked party planner rather the the party killer, pk just sounds cooler.
Yes, he did. The final treasure total: Everyone who died's items. 97 10 gp gems, 1 10,000 gp peridot, a 50,000 gp emerald, 100,000 gp black opal, 3 swords, 1 spear, 12 potions, 6 scrolls, 1 ring, 1 rod, 1 staff, 3 miscellaneous magic items. Each gem is worth an additional 25,000 gp.
Yeah, I figure if we waltz in with a bag of holding full of treasure, they'll have to help Imoen with her sword issues and hopefully restore Aerie, Viconia, Alora, and Coran.
What happened to Boo?
This rp was brought to you by Depends, adult diapers. When taking on the tomb of horrors, you need depends.
As a bonus feature, it now absorbs you when you get turned to goo. Makes cleaning up a snap.
Edit: i love the romance going on around this convo.
Except I didn't ...
edit: and it could just have well have been called the naked party planner rather the the party killer, pk just sounds cooler.
well, what happened to boo?
It was great fun. And thank you so much for DM-ing. You did a wonderful job.
Just out of interest, was Alora dead forever or could she have been retrieved from the diamond?