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Have you decided what character you will take first into the Seige?



  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    @Sids1188: No...there are too many NPCs i want to take with me already. In the End there can only be one to take the Throne :)
  • insanityv2insanityv2 Member Posts: 8
    Sarevok should be dead by my blackguard's sword in a few hours. Hopefully SoD will be up on steam by then.

    I'm rolling with the canon party btw. I kind of imagine him as Dexter Morgan with Imoen as his Deborah and Gorion as his Harry.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited March 2016
    Nah I haven't decided yet, I feel like doing a fresh run for SoD and all the way through to BG2. So no shortcuts for me!

    Also gives me time to get a feel for what possible other things the new patch has done for the base game.

    I might do a shaman if I feel like the summons are interesting enough, but I'll most likely end up with a warrior of some kind.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Markra will have to wait until I get home from work and writer's group tonight. :(

    But once I do... :smiley:
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    edited March 2016
    Chaotic good Berserker (he cannot control his anger due to his heritage but he isnt evil thanks to good old Gorion). To be dualled to mage (sadly not possible to dual to sorcerer :-( ) just as I get out of the cell at the start of SOA (Irenicus tempers with his soul and awakens it).

    Until now, I had to wait for a bit to reach level 9 which did not really fit the story. With SOD it is perfect :-) Will just have to RP the sorcerer bit, though.

    Not sure about the party. Want to try the new SOD NPCs so I will run through BG1 with whoever feels right during the run.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    @Envygames I like both characters, but favor the Cleric/Mage.
  • HeavylineHeavyline Member Posts: 108
    Iam going to be honest. Even when I've played BG & BG2 for over 15 years, I have never done a full playthrough as a female protagonist. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE female protagonists for many reasons (Mass Effect for example), but I never felt the urge to try female protagonist in Baldur's Gate. The main reason is probably because I wasn't huge fan of the voicesets in Baldur's Gate. With these new soundsets added in Siege of Dragonspear, Iam definitely going for my first female protagonist playthrough from Baldur's Gate-Seige of Dragonspear-Shadows of Amn-Throne of Bhaal.

    Iam going to enjoy this!
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Michael in Nashkel after rescuing Dynaheir. My first time through in 1998, I went with the canon party, even though I didn't know that's what it was. On to the mines.


  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    @Philhelm: the End i have chosen the Cleric/Mage too :) Not regretting it so far
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited April 2016
    Started with my DD, next up went with my Elven Stalker, finally settled on my Cavalier who is the only one to make it out of Baldur's Gate so far. He's only died once. Darn undead...
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    Well I went ahead and played through BGEE from the beginning with my PWRZ Cavalier (The highest stats I ever rolled 101/100) I changed his custom portrait. I went ahead and recruited Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana. The vanilla party is pretty beefy especially since I got Rasaad's belt and the gauntlets of ogre power.

    Kriegr, the son of murder, champion of the righteous and "The Hammer of Justice!" is ready to bring justice to the lands of Dragonspear.

    *All tomes have been applied and XP has reached BGEE Cap.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited April 2016
    Obviously not my first Bhaalspawn for SoD, but I wanted to share anyway.
    My first male Bhaalspawn and Glint's soon-to-be-boyfriend :heart:

    Portrait by Aegileif
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited April 2016
    MacHurto said:

    Chaotic good Berserker (he cannot control his anger due to his heritage but he isnt evil thanks to good old Gorion). To be dualled to mage (sadly not possible to dual to sorcerer :-( ) just as I get out of the cell at the start of SOA (Irenicus tempers with his soul and awakens it).

    Until now, I had to wait for a bit to reach level 9 which did not really fit the story. With SOD it is perfect :-) Will just have to RP the sorcerer bit, though.

    Could always use EEKeeper for this.

    I'm going with Mordai, a Lawful Evil Tiefling warlock. (Think of the 5E "bladelock" build: ) This is courtesy of @kjeron 's mod that adds warlocks as a "Shaman kit" in 2.x. (Really is a great mod; great job with the invocations.) It also uses my own Planetouched Races mod as well, to change his race from "Elf" to "Tiefling".

    So, Mordai has:
    14 STR
    16 DEX
    17 CON
    12 INT
    9 WIS
    17 CHA
    +Sword/Shield (uses a buckler)

    This is with no tomes yet, as I'm doing a playthrough of BG1 with Mordai atm. Mordai is making liberal use of the Eldritch Weapon invocation (think 3.5E's Hideous Blow: ) and acting roughly as a battlemage. Later on, he will learn a few AoE dmg invocations.
  • limalama45limalama45 Member Posts: 32
    I have kinda decided to make a bit of a mammoth task for myself taking quite a few different characters through the series!

    I first took my Half-Orc Evil Cleric of Talos, Nox through BG1 into Seige and currently playing in BG2, romancing Dorn. With Dorn, M'kilhn, Edwin, Viconia and Shar-Teel (as she bugged!) in Seige.


    Now currently playing through my Half-Elf Shaman, Raven into Seige at the same time as Nox in BG2. She is currently romancing Voghiln after romancing Coran in BG1 (with NPC1 Project). Playing it more Neutral and sensible route.


    After I have got my Shaman into BG2, I will then carry on playing Steve The CG Half-Elf Enchanter and his sidekick Liam the Jester through BG1 and into Seige. When getting into Seige taking: Khaild, Jaheria, Safana (to romance) and Neera along. Playing it Goody Goody.


    Then I will be starting Miona, The Lawful Good Paladin thro BG1 and once I hit seige taking: Corwin (to romance), Rasaad, Voghiln, M'khiln and Safana. Taking the high and lawful route.


    And finally! Taking Luckyfoot the crazy CN Gnome Swashbuckler through BG1 and into seige. Playing it like a crazy little gnome. Taking with me: Glint (to romance), Baeloth, Safana, Dorn and Edwin!


  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    edited April 2016
    I'm going with a human mage, male because I want to romance Aerie but I'll be experimenting with gender belting it a) after the romance conversations begin, to see if they still continue and b) if the romance seems to stop after the belt I'll reload a save before that and wait until the romance conversations are exhausted to gender belt it and see if the post-ToB ending is the romance ending or not.

    edit: haven't decided if I'm gonna "save myself before marriage" in SoD or not, I might girdle up and check out my options! I wish we knew who was gonna end up in BG2 from SoD and/or when and if that's happening, but I have a feeling I'll clear a playthrough all the way to ToB before they bring anyone over
  • Sids1188Sids1188 Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2016
    My first character into the Siege just become my first to finish the Siege.

    The final boss fell to a critical from Neera's staff. Kinda anticlimactic, but I'll take it.
    Onwards to Amn!
  • ZilberZilber Member Posts: 253
    I started a new playthrough as a swashbuckler, was planning on staying that, but I am thinking of dualling to druid now (at lvl10, so I will have my thief back when I finish SoD). I use two daggers anyway at the moment, and have wis 14 with three wisdom tomes that I have not yet committed to a character.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Swashbucker can't dual to druid unless you are using a mod.
  • ZilberZilber Member Posts: 253
    Oh, thanks. I'll have to decide whether or or not to dual using EEkeeper. It's not really an overpowering option, so I may just do so.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited May 2016
    I don't think you could do it with eekeeper, unless you started from a fighter and assigned them swashbucker characteristics. There is no druid/thief multiclass in BG, so you can't dual either (even though it's permitted under 2nd edition rules). There may exist a mod that does druid/thieves somewhere out there.

    Dualing to cleric is possible though.
  • ZilberZilber Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2016
    You are entirely right, it does not work. Cleric does not work for this character, so I'll have to see what I'll do.

    EDIT: I think I'll edit a ranger, it does most of the things I wish to do, I will need to find a way need to add find traps, open locks, and remove/don't use the abilities gained by the ranger.

    EDIT2: That seems too hardcoded as well. Oh well, I'll think of something

    EDIT3: It's a stalker now
    Post edited by Zilber on
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    Im doing my plain old sorcerer again. I like the idea of bhaals heritage giving innate maguc powers. I did a berserker mage once but felt bad that he completely upstaged Minsc. I wish theyd let you dual sorcerers would very much like a thief sorcerer for some increased party flexibility.
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    edited May 2016
    Having read the forums and getting an idea of the NPCs available I'd probably go with:

    Probably not a warrior - parties can generally manage without them, although it can be tougher at times...there's always people like Dorn, Minsc and Jaheira to rely on.

    I'd choose a multi-class to cover most bases (there aren't many levels available anyway?)...and from what I've seen the are no decent pickpocketers or generalist mages (I like thieving and using all scrolls available)

    So probably, CG 1/2 elf Mage/Thief (wouldn't choose Elf because I'd like to romance Viconia if possible and I heard she's picky race wise). Would choose CG because it best reflects my own personality. Probably wouldn't choose a bard as his pickpocket skill wouldn't be good enough.

    or CG 1/2 Orc Cleric/Thief (despite what I said above, I'd aim for this "specialist class" for have 19 STR to make him as good a warrior as possible - not gnome because again I want him to try his luck with Viconia if possible). Would choose a good aligned Cleric to contrast with Vic for available spells.

    What do you think is better? If neither turns out well I'll stick with them anyway.

    Or I might just create 6 of my own characters from the start, so that I have all bases covered :D.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    If you are evil, don't be too certain of the availability of warriors early on!

    There are lots of mages, especially evil ones.

    Selection of thieves is rather limited, and clerics if you are good.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    edited May 2016
    I'm thinkin of playing through my second run of SoD as a 3-man team:

    Bondari - Thief (Likely to have quick hands)
    Nanoc - Barbarian (Feelin like he'd be unfettered by most peoples civilized ways)
    Tim - He's an elf, and a mage.


    Post edited by Mush_Mush on
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