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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2016
    Ygramul said:

    *** How do people prepare for the SCS-enhanced Sarevok fight? ***

    Here's how I do it (spoiler hidden in case others haven't done it or want to experiment)


    You need:
    * potions of invisibility
    * potions of haste
    * some kind of defense against magic. immunities to fire/ice/poison etc; shield amulet charges; negative saves -- or a protection from magic scroll
    * antidote potions if you don't have protection from poison up
    * a way to dispel haste. Dispel arrow, dispel magic (probably need more than one here), slow spell could all work.
    * a way to cause damage from a distance. Arrows, darts, bullets, wands, etc.
    * boots of speed make it more convenient
    * healing potions help 'cause Diarmid usually hits a lot

    I use my companions to buff but don't overdo it because as you noted, enemy spell casters open with remove magic (unless you have your PfM scroll up, and then they hide unless there are other targets available).

    Early on, dispel Sarevok's haste.

    I find this battle easier to solo, so I make my companions invisible with potions or spells and tell them to go hide. You can use them to draw problematic people out of the way and park them in corners this way too. Fortunately the mages don't have true sight or invisibility purge, as a typical rule. But extra potions of invisibility can be helpful if needed to duck out of the action. One character then does most of the work, using movement speed advantage through boots of speed and/or oil of speed, and causing damage from a distance.

    Summons can be temporarily helpful to get the enemies to stay in one place if you can get them to target the summons. But mostly they don't last long enough to matter.

    I usually kill Diarmid first because his arrows of biting are dangerous. The spell casters can be dangerous, but not if you have a PfM scroll up. Tazok and Sarevok can't hit you from a distance. Nor can the skellys that show up after you kill one of the lackeys. (If @DavidW made those into skelly archers with biting arrows... ouch).

    Sometimes you need to have one of your helpers break invisibility to draw out an invisible mage. Wait until Diarmid and Tazok are gone before doing this. True sight or invisibility purge also work. Or you can let your PfM scroll expire (although that's a bit more dangerous if you're not prepared for spell defense afterward).

    It takes a long time and lots of running, but you can wear them all down with poison arrows or wand charges or whatnot. Not glamorous. But effective.

    I'm sure there are other ways. Grond0 and other veterans probably have developed more. But this one is consistent and doable with many classes.

    Sorry to hear that your run ended in the temple! I'm sure you'll crush it next time...
    Post edited by Blind_Visionary on
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    @ussnorway Sorry to hear about Puk. Were you trying on Legacy mode? Sounds crazy.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203

    @Blind_Visionary You may be making slow progress, but you will probably succeed where I will probably fail.

    I like your optimism!! I wish I shared it ;)
  • ussnorwayussnorway Member Posts: 341

    @ussnorway Sorry to hear about Puk. Were you trying on Legacy mode? Sounds crazy.

    thanks Blind_Visionary,
    yes that was a Legacy run and yes it is nuts... all summoms are 10 levels bigger which overpowers any normal tactic.

    Puk will ride again soon.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2016
    Ygramul said:

    I was taken by surprise ...

    Next time that happens in the temple, step one is


    an invisibility potion so you can rebuff in peace
    Ygramul said:

    Love SCS. It bulldozed me fair and square!

    Agreed. I won't play without it, even if it flattens me way before I get to the temple on a typical run ;)
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2016
    This looks like bad SoD news. Cavan has encountered


    A lich. Two of them, it looks like.

    If there is a choice to avoid fighting here.... I'm going to take it.

    Edit: Cavan figured a way through without casualties. His run continues...
    Post edited by Blind_Visionary on
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited September 2016

    Next time that happens in the temple, step one is

    an invisibility potion so you can rebuff in peace

    .... gah! Of course!
    *slaps forehead on desk*

    I was sitting on a whole pile of invisibility potions.

    (Wait. Hold on. I thought SCS casters were adept at Detect Invisible stuff. No?)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Ygramul: SCS casters basically always have a divination attack of some sort, but they only have so many of them--usually one or two, I think. Memorize enough invisibility spells or carry enough invisibility potions, and they'll run out.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    @Grond0, do you run the EE game engine at an accelerated pace? Is there a tutorial around anywhere about how to set that up?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited September 2016
    I run at 60 fps in single player. The option to change that is in the LUA file in the BGEE (or BG2EE) root directory. That file is broadly equivalent to the old configuration settings file, but I'm afraid I haven't seen anything about making changes specific to the EE (but I haven't looked for that either). As I play multi-player at 30 fps with the same installation I do change that setting regularly - it only takes a few seconds to open the file, search for 30 (or 60) and overtype the result.

    Edit: @Blind_Visionary - just checking I do have a summary note of config options for vanilla BG2. I can't remember where I got that from, but can email it to you if you want.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2016
    @Wise_Grimwald nice work!

    I failed to take your advice about letting sleeping dragons lie. Cavan came very close to death - 10% of HP left. It is pure luck that his campaign continues.


    I'm not sure how I woke her up going for the treasure. Apparently she can see through invisibility. That was nearly the end.... but, after a terrifying experience with being a pincushion for greater wyverns... and getting wing buffeted across the cave... Cavan barely lives to fight another day.

    Retreating to spend the night with the Flaming Fist healer!
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2016
    Cavan has secured


    the old temple of Bhaal, freeing a priestess who witnessed Cyric kill his divine father... the closest he has ever come to learning about his real heritage. He couldn't help but let the woman free.

    (oops, no screenshots).

    This was the most dangerous area of the campaign so far. He nearly met his doom at the claws of a dragon... then used a substantial number of wand charges to get past some aerial servants and a crazed priest... then nearly got backstabbed to death by some kind of guardian who was protecting a sword in a hidden chest -- hasted backstabs, two criticals in a row, took him from 90 HP to less than 20 in a fraction of a second.

    I have to say, the mad priest kicking the bookshelf into submission was a nice touch.

    Cavan is now turning his attention towards Boresky Bridge. Number of reloads so far: 0....
    Post edited by Blind_Visionary on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    @Wise_Grimwald nice work!

    I failed to take your advice about letting sleeping dragons lie. Cavan came very close to death - 10% of HP left. It is pure luck that his campaign continues.


    I'm not sure how I woke her up going for the treasure. Apparently she can see through invisibility. That was nearly the end.... but, after a terrifying experience with being a pincushion for greater wyverns... and getting wing buffeted across the cave... Cavan barely lives to fight another day.

    I failed to follow my own advice, but like you survived. Probably not the best tactics for no reload, but there are significant rewards for taking the risk. :)
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    Cavan interfered with the plans of a servant of the god of undead. Worried that his growing fame would expose her to harm, Viconia abandoned the team in the dark of night.

    Cavan looked for her for a time, exploring the woods outside of Bridgefort. But she is gone. Her fate is now her own to determine. Cavan tried not to blame himself. Each must be true to his or her own nature, he thought.

    He retreated to the Flaming Fist camp to see if another healer might be persuaded to join him at the tip of the spear.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2016
    The next day, Viconia came wandering back into the Flaming Fist camp, reconsidering her rush to judgement. Cavan welcomed her back, despite her drow nature, and her dedication to a dark god. She is a skilled cleric, and he believes that deep down, she has a good heart.

    She returns with full knowledge that Cavan will continue to serve the cause of righteousness, and uphold the law, as is his duty as a paladin.

    An odd pairing to be sure, but one that Cavan is not willing to abandon. Viconia will be redeemed in time... assuming they all survive this crusade.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016
    Selûna battled her way through the nine hells and finally defeated Belhifet.
    Caelar proved herself at last to have a righteous streak.
    The battle against Belhifet was long and arduous.
    One thing that I didn't like was the fact that party members with mind shields got charmed. :(
    However despite that Belhifet fell.
    I was glad tat the party was well stocked with powerful healing potions.
    I discovered that I should have bought more potions of fire resistance.
    In the battle both Glint and Neera were killed but have been raised again. :)


    Every time that I think that the extension is over, I discover that it isn't. Selûna became a hero for a night but is now no longer a hero.


    Siege of Dragonspear finished. An enjoyable extension. Just realised that this is the first time that I have entered SoA with anything but a good character. It is also the first time that I have played a barbarian, and I quite like it.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
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