Stop being apologists. Not happy with the delay of the release date.
Everyone is saying how great it is that there is a delay. In you heart you know it to be false and you create justifications for why this is okay. Stop being apologists for poor execution. A delay like this should have been seen for weeks now, NOT when release was a mere four days away. If I could I would get my money back; so if you know how I can get it, respond so that I might get my refund.
Post edited by Tanthalas on
When you consider that we've all seen games that would have benefitted from another one to three months of work but were pushed out the door it makes it easier to be patient.
Is everyone disappointed that the game was pushed back? Yeah. I know I am. I was so excited I've had a hard time sleeping the last few nights.
You have a right to be angry and upset. Please consider though that games and other assorted projects are pushed back all the time. Everyone needs to relax and cool their heels a bit.
I don't care if I have to start a new game two months from now.
But that's just me. :P I'm cuh-razy like that.
Do they have to do it? Whatever, sure. The way they have done it? Really unforgiveable.
I'd like to know realistically what people expect to happen given the situation that Beamdog found themselves in. What would you have preferred to happen?
I'm telling my mother on you, You namby pamby apologist!
Nor my first game delay.
0/10 would not recommend
Being pushy about release dates is what causes games which have a great concept to become travesties (although normally it is publishers not customers). No-one here is being an apologist, we are showing Beamdog that they are right to prefer a game released late but great, to one which comes earlier but stillborn. The former can be saved, the later cannot.
To be fair to you it does seem that your complaint is more about the late stage for announcing the delay rather than the delay itself. For that I actually agree with you, the decision should have been made earlier (but was hampered by requiring communication with the third party), Trent might well apologise for that. That said the timing of announcing the delay shouldn't really make any difference (unless you've taken time off work), otherwise it is highly improbable it would cause any loss or inconvenience beyond irritation.
However no apology should be made, or needs to be made about delaying the game to ensure it's of the quality it ought to be. Ultimately it is this which should be of far greater significance to us all than the timing of the announcement.
Do you want the game if it isn't finished?
However some do go too far, imo, in acting like it's a gift from Ao. While being understanding is fine, a 2.5 month delay announced 4 days before release isn't an act of courage nor is it something to be praised or applauded. At best it's a necessary evil and a minor embarrassment for those responsible.
If customers have no spine and don't value their time and money, the "salesmen" aren't going to value or take them seriously either. This, of course, isn't localized to any single incident but is a trend that is built up over time depending on the interactions between those who provide a service and those who pay for said service.
I couldn't agree more.
How do you know that there is a good reason? You are assuming there is. They never explained why they delayed it; perhaps because, frankly, its not a good reason. Second, what is exactly wrong with the alternative? You don't know and are assuming that there is something wrong with it.
However, I'm not getting mad at people who are okay with the delay. I think most people are pretty bummed but are choosing to not let it ruin their day. There's something to be said with having a healthy outlook.
I totally respect your desire to get a refund. Honestly I'm thinking I might try and get one myself simply because I don't like having money out there for something I'm not getting back. I only pre-ordered last Monday. Attacking people and calling them "apologists" for trying to view the delay in a healthy, positive way is as morally reprehensible (or more so) than anything Overhaul did or didn't do.
Now whether this hole exist for valid "benign" reasons or due to negligence/miscalculation is another matter but it's there and we're better off without it.
I don't think that people are really viewing this as a good thing, but rather that they're just accepting it for what it is.
For people looking into refunds, you should probably contact Beamdog directly by e-mail.
Now, as a consumer, you're right insofar as saying that by not meeting the deadline, Beamdog falls short of its initial objective and that can be perceived as unprofessional. But seeing as how the reason for the delay involves polishing the game further to avoid bugs and add content which - up until now - had been relegated to post-release patches... well, I can't say I'm too bothered, really.