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The long-awaited SoD review by GameBanshee



  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147

    You seem to have missed my point. Which is, that anyone posting vitriol contrary to the vitriol you agree with, is not part of done organized bloc. They are just people (warts and all, sometimes spewing vitriol) who happen to have opinions.

    Those aligned with GamerGate are an organized group of trolls. The other "side," as you call it, is not a "side" at all, but just a bunch of regular people being trolled, and reacting predictably. You act as if there is some kind of war going on, with an army in each side. But it's just not the reality of the situation.

    Surely those who are actually aligned with GG and who are "an organised group of trolls" are a subset of those who disagree/agree with arguments put forward?

    So one has to ask why the implications that posters maybe associated with that subset are so readily used?
    And it doesn't matter how many times they say they are not, the accusations are repeated over and over.
    Seems to me to be self defeating, call out everybody who disagrees as possibly being a part of an organised group, people tend to say "well in for a penny, in for a pound".

    And we all know where that has led.

  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @subtledoctor "Those aligned with GamerGate are an organized group of trolls" As @Kilivitz noted statements such as this one require proof.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459

    @subtledoctor "Those aligned with GamerGate are an organized group of trolls" [...] statements such as this one require proof.

    Google Zöe Quinn, Brianna Wu, and Amber Scott for a start. I'm afraid I have no time to do anyone else's homework.
    Teo_live said:

    @Kilivitz So... who here is hate speeching? Even if for arguments sake we assume @Illydth 's logic of dismissal of opinions due to mere association of a group theory is valid, I still don't think it is possible to "hate speech" via association.

    Hate speech doesn't have to be aggressive, or even voluntary. It could come out of pure ignorance, and excuse me for saying so, but I'm starting to think that that's the case with you, because of things like...
    Teo_live said:

    Also what is wrong with Edwina being used as an example of a well written trans-charactor? Just because Edwina wasn't by choice, it is still a valid character with a hefty fan base?

    Edwina is not a transgender character any more than you would be a drag queen if you wore a dress and a wig to a Halloween party once. I don't think you understand what a transgender person actually is. And as I said before, I don't have time to do anyone else's homework. Please inform yourself before you try to pontificate on a subject, lest you embarrass yourself and annoy everyone else.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    So how long before I can say "Happy anniversary" to this argument?

    Nice review, by the way. :smiley:
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    @Nimran march 31
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    Ok, I have stayed out of these conversations, most times when I come to the forum I don't even bother to log in, but..

    Why do so many arguments against Mizhena suggest she needs to be altered so the player can fix her? There is no evidence she has a problem that needs to be fixed, perhaps she fixed it herself long ago, perhaps it was never a problem in the first place, the dialogue is simple and straight forward and people read way too much into it.

    Do I think she is the best presented character in SOD, not at all, could have been better, but shes such a minor npc I really don't care, I thought Ribald could have been more engaging too other then a few one liners of info that don't go anywhere but again, a minor npc of little importance overall.
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