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[MOD] Golem Construction for Spellcasters



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited January 2017

    Are you considering modifying existing Golems in a similar manner to aTweak's PnP ... components? I do not recall any mod that does anything similar out there.

    Many golem types are already modified to some extent. The main component of the mod updates coloring and/or creature animations. And with the next release it also adds unique (spell) states to each golem type and variant, so they can be individually targeted by spells or scripts.
    The optional Tweaks component "Greater variety of enemy golem types" replaces most of them with golems from this mod and updates combat scripts, so they can make use of new special abilities.

    The aTweaks component "Distinctive creature coloring" recolors certain golem types as well. From what I've seen it includes code to remove any previously applied coloring, so you will probably see aTweak's version if you follow the BWS mod install order. In many cases it shouldn't make a difference, but it will probably cause some issues with flesh golems or iron golems since I replace their creature animations.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    congrats on the new release :)

    what does the nerfing component do, how does it work?

    i can tell you what i think would be the ideal nerfing component (i'm an arrogant prick i know :) ) - removing the 'perfect' tier and leaving the three other tiers untouched, but lifting requirements one tier up (so that the price for greater stone golem becomes the price of perfect stone golem), except for the level requirement.

    would you consider making the teleport feature optional because it's not immersive for me, and i like the fact that you can't move your golem into some areas and have to leave it behind
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited February 2017
    All tiers can be problematic, depending on golem type. Mainly because opponents are ill-prepared when it comes to dealing with higher weapon enchantment immunities. Regular spells that grant players certain immunities have usually a short duration. However, golems have permanent immunities of all kinds. Magic resistance is another issue, even though I have somewhat lowered it for constructed golems by default already. The Tweaks component nerfs it even further.

    There is no detailed list of what has been nerfed, but I can probably add a new section about it to the golem_information.txt. In general I have reduced weapon enchantment immunities by one (sometimes by two) and also reduced magical, elemental and physical resistances by quite a margin.
    bob_veng said:

    would you consider making the teleport feature optional because it's not immersive for me, and i like the fact that you can't move your golem into some areas and have to leave it behind

    That should be no problem. There are very few narrow passages in SoD or BG2EE. However, I found several instances in IWDEE where this ability was needed.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    thanks, that was all the info i wanted

    there's just one question, which might be a bit silly: does the nerf affect enemy golems too? :)

    you see, i'm a bit of a if enemy golems and constructed golems (2nd tier) are both named 'iron golem' but they are drastically different, it's like an itch that won't go away :/:D
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Enemy golems won't be nerfed by that component. It could be explained that proper golem construction takes weeks or months to do correctly. The party does it in several days by taking a few shortcuts.

    Or you can simply skip the nerfing component if you want allied and hostile golems to be of same power. It's not your party's fault that enemies are too lazy or poor to afford a good weapon. ;)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v3.1

    • Fixed incorrect path to IWDEE-specific lines of text from English to the selected language
    The previous release (v3.0) pointed to the wrong file for IWDEE-specific lines of text for French, German and Polish. English installations were not affected. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • GalactygonGalactygon Member, Developer Posts: 412
    Wow, that's impressive!
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    good job with the diablo ii sprites, they look perfect in these roles
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    argent77 said:

    I've been thinking of adding more features to make dealing with golems more interesting. For example, certain spells could change basic properties of golems.

    The spell "Flesh to Stone" could turn flesh golems into stone golems. And its counterpart "Stone to Flesh" could transform stone golems into flesh golems.

    The spell "Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting" is supposed to evaporate water from the victim's body, so it could theoretically transform clay golems into stone golems. This might help if you don't have an enchanted blunt weapon at hand.

    The Death Spell could auto-slay Maggot Golems as they primarily consist of low level vermin like maggots and worms.

    Will these all work correctly with Spell Revisions?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited February 2017
    @ineth Not in the current version.

    I've taken a quick look. Some spell require only minor changes (mostly filenames) while other spells have changed greatly (like Flesh to Stone). In these cases I have to decide on a case-by-case basis if it's possible to patch them.

    It doesn't look like too much work though. I should be able to add basic SR compatibility to the next release.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    That's impressive @argent77 , excellent job!
  • evildevil97evildevil97 Member Posts: 95
    I'm having problems installing this in the SoD folder. I've attached the debug as a txt file. Seems weird, as it's the first of only a few mods I was going to use for the SoD portion of the game.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @evildevil97 The error is caused by a missing script command and should never happen on SoD installations.

    What is the patch version of your game? You can find it on the main screen of the game.

    Did you run modmerge if your game is from GOG or Steam?

    Have you made any manual changes or replaced any files before installing this mod? Can you find the file ACTION.IDS in the override folder of the game? If yes then remove or rename it and try installing the mod again.
  • evildevil97evildevil97 Member Posts: 95
    Thanks, I must've had an older version of SoD. I uninstalled and redownloaded it last night, and now it works. Thanks.
  • SharDundredSharDundred Member Posts: 6
    Is there any way to use this mod with the 1.3 Version of Baldur's Gate 2?
    I just don't want to play any later version and want to use this mod.
    Or can it be edited to make it work?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Unfortunately not. The mod makes heavy use of features that have been introduced by patch v1.4 (IWDEE) or v2.0 (BGEE and BG2EE). These features are required for the core functionality of the mod. Otherwise I would have made it available for original BG2 as well.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246

    I wanted to say thank you for this mod! It has been very stable and works great. I really enjoy the golems.

    Thank you very much for the great work!
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    Hi this mod looks awesome unfortunately I am having trouble installing :/ I am on windows vista. when I try to install it gets up to "Install golem construction ability for spellcasters?" and when I select "yes" it starts installing but then comes up with a mountain of errors saying stuff like "warning cannot verify trigger~!Kit etc do you have any idea what's going on? xD thanks in advance!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Hmm, the only Kit-related stuff is used in dialogs. But it is using standard script commands which should not cause any issues. My guess is that a another mod mixed up some important game files.

    You could uninstall one mod after another in reverse install order (i.e. last installed mod first) and try installing this Golem Construction mod afterwards. That way you can find out which mod is the culprit.

    If you used BWS to install mods you should try to get help in the this topic. I can't help you in this case.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    argent77 said:

    Hmm, the only Kit-related stuff is used in dialogs. But it is using standard script commands which should not cause any issues. My guess is that a another mod mixed up some important game files.

    You could uninstall one mod after another in reverse install order (i.e. last installed mod first) and try installing this Golem Construction mod afterwards. That way you can find out which mod is the culprit.

    If you used BWS to install mods you should try to get help in the this topic. I can't help you in this case.

    Ok thanks I will try un-installing some stuff. Cheers!
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    argent77 said:

    Hmm, the only Kit-related stuff is used in dialogs. But it is using standard script commands which should not cause any issues. My guess is that a another mod mixed up some important game files.

    You could uninstall one mod after another in reverse install order (i.e. last installed mod first) and try installing this Golem Construction mod afterwards. That way you can find out which mod is the culprit.

    If you used BWS to install mods you should try to get help in the this topic. I can't help you in this case.

    Ok I got it installed but its caused a mountain of other problems xD Basically I uninstalled everything and it turned out it was conflicting with a monk overhaul mod for some reason. it gives you the high level abilities that balthizar has instead of standard fighter hla. and I really liked them now I can't re-install it says "error this mod is too old or to new to do that" or words to that effect. I tried wiping everything and re installing the whole game but its still doing the same thing. happened with another too. do you have any idea what might be going on? I am sure its nothing to do with your mod but I have no idea how all this stuff works and the author of the monk mod isn't replying so I dunno what to do xD do you think it is just because its an old mod or its some issue I have on my system? thanks in advance
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    You could try to use the latest WeiDU version. Just extract the weidu.exe from the zip archive and rename it to "setup-xyz.exe" or whatever it's called for the mod you want to install. The auto-update feature of Weidu makes sure that all other setup-xyz.exe files in the folder will be updated as well when you install the first mod.

    Apart from that, I can't really help you in this case since I usually play games with only a few carefully selected mods installed. You could ask your question in the Mega Mod Help section of the Spellhold Studios Forums. They are more experienced with bigger mod installations.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    argent77 said:

    You could try to use the latest WeiDU version. Just extract the weidu.exe from the zip archive and rename it to "setup-xyz.exe" or whatever it's called for the mod you want to install. The auto-update feature of Weidu makes sure that all other setup-xyz.exe files in the folder will be updated as well when you install the first mod.

    Apart from that, I can't really help you in this case since I usually play games with only a few carefully selected mods installed. You could ask your question in the Mega Mod Help section of the Spellhold Studios Forums. They are more experienced with bigger mod installations.

    thanks for the advice. I tried that but when I run it it just isn't doing anything. it just says SETUP-XYZ.EXE.DEBUG Queried and then a flashing line like its waiting for me to type something :/ probably done something wrong xD
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    now all my other exe installers are saying the same thing :S
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