So the compensation for their delay of CE box....

I don't know with anyone else, but I'm very displeased with how Beamdog has treated us so far, and their compensation for us who's been waiting this long makes me furious!
Not only did they use a cheap trick to take our money from us who payed for the CE, but they give us a badge forum and a their "new game", which I think was payed for in development by the money from us who bought the CE.
I think the least they could do for compensation is to pay the shipping fee and give something else than a badge. Because I know when I get my CE box, I will only look at it with hatred and regret, I'll never trust Beamdog ever again.
Not only did they use a cheap trick to take our money from us who payed for the CE, but they give us a badge forum and a their "new game", which I think was payed for in development by the money from us who bought the CE.
I think the least they could do for compensation is to pay the shipping fee and give something else than a badge. Because I know when I get my CE box, I will only look at it with hatred and regret, I'll never trust Beamdog ever again.
>knee-jerk reaction, Beamdog hate, flame-baiting
>reasonable person interjects their voice to try and moderate the situation
>2-4 individuals disregard reasonable person, ad hominem and strawmen for days, now both sides are flame-baiting
>somebody gets a touch too personal and the mods drop a "friendly reminder to read the rules, lest ye be a victim of le banhammer"
>more flame-baiting anyway
>mod finally locks thread, the rest of the forum AKA Judea, Samaria, and the outermost parts of the earth rejoice
We're sorry it has taken so long for your Siege of Dragonspear Collector’s Edition to arrive. The money collected for pre-orders went straight to the production and delivery of Collector’s Editions.
Again, we apologize for the fulfillment time, and hope you enjoy your SoD:CE when it arrives.
Preheat the oven to 180C (no idea what this is in old money). While the oven is warming up line a baking tray with baking parchment, or if you don't have baking parchment, grease it. Mix 225g of self raising flour with 75g of sugar and a smidgeon of baking powder in a bowl and when thourougly mixed rub in 125g of butter. Then add 150 g of currants (others might say dried fruit, but I don't like sultanas, so I stick with currants). In another bowl, beat an egg (that dastardly egg, who dare they!) and add a smidgeon of milk, then add al lthis to the dry mixture and stir hard until it all comes together in a gloopy lumpy dough. Then place little balls of the mixture (about the size of a golf-ball) onto the baking tray, remembering to leave enough space in between each one, and bake for 15-20 minutes.
Ha, you didn't mention a recipe for rock cakes, did you?
Time line continuum changed. Job done.
Beamdog promised you the CE Box. It's coming. That's what you're owed, and it's coming. You are NOT owed anything else.
Don't forget that.
I am not saying they are perfect, but we got what we paid for. In my eyes, they earned a bit of trust, considering all the bad critics they endure and in general considering the situation of RPGs industry.
Now, in order not to revive old arguments, I leave here an old parable. Enjoy.
A MAN and his Son were once driving their Donkey along a country road, to sell him at the fair. They soon passed some girls, who were drawing water at a well.
"Look," said one of the girls; "see those silly people trudging along in the dust, while their Donkey walks at his ease."
The Man heard what they said, and put his boy on the Donkey’s back. They had not gone far before they came to some old men.
"See here, now," said one of them to the others, "this shows that what I said is true. Nowadays the young take no care of the old. See this boy riding while his poor old father has to walk by his side."
Hearing this, the Man told his Son to get down, and he mounted the Donkey himself. In a little while they met three women with children in their arms.
"For shame!" said the women. "How can you let that poor boy walk when he looks so tired, and you ride like a king?"
The Man then took the boy up behind him on the saddle, and they rode on to the town. Just before they got there, some young men stopped them and said:
"Is that Donkey yours?"
"Yes," said the Man.
"One would not think so," said they, "by the way you load him. You look more fit to carry him than he to carry you."
So the Man and the boy got off, tied the Donkey’s legs with a rope, fastened him to a pole, and, each taking one end of the pole, carried him along, while everyone they met laughed outright.
By and by they came to a bridge. Then the Donkey began to kick, and breaking the rope, fell into the water and was drowned.
The old Man and his Son made their way home as best they could, thinking to themselves, "When we try to please everybody, we please nobody."
I did enjoy it very much.
Well done boys, you guys sure showed him! Now continue patting yourselves on the back with the [like] button for scratching off yet another potential future customer...
As for the OP free shipping + "something else" for compensation seems bit much for a late delivery IMO. I would also suggest being more descriptive if you actually want support and/or your feedback to be acknowledged. For example:
- How long is "too long" for you? What was your expected time for a pre-order
- Cheap trick? How were you mislead
Regardless sorry you had a bad experience in both purchasing and here in forums @mrkingkake. I hope the wait is worth it.
It is also the same as fabliau/fabliaux, a more generic "metrical tale."
/nitpick the nitpick I blame Cursor Mundi and the writings of Richard Rolle.
Oh, and I blame the French.
And the brothers Grimm.
Finally, Peter Molyneux. :P
They had to delay BG:EE by several months, they had to give themselves an indefinite amount of time to complete IWD:EE (which I publicly defended), multiplayer was unreliable as all hell for over a year, it's still far more difficult to implement voice sets than it was in the original game...
Overall, I am quite satisfied with Beamdog, but acting like they've never been unreliable is revisionist history.
A customer is NEVER wrong in expecting both a quality product AND quality service. In what manner a customer gets the product can be just as important as the product itself, as it determines whether or not the customer will be returning to purchase from the company again in the future.
As for whether Beamdog is reliable, I believe they try their hardest to be, though they occasionally fall short of the mark. They are still a small company, however, and they've done some things very well, so I don't judge them very harshly for it.
That is still within the established bounds though. It took 15 months to get the critical patch for BG2EE that shipped in under a week to other stores, that dealt with the saved games corrupting and resetting themselves - not a problem as long as you complete BG2EE in a single gameplay, and don't hit any other crashes... So I have another 4 months before I start worrying about unreasonable expectations.
And yes, it does gall a little to see successive patch released to those other platforms/stores while waiting my turn, but at least the game is now in a largely playable state, so I can live with the wait. I will not pretend that this is the customer service I would be happy to invest in as quickly again - and I suspect BeamDog is happy with that too, as they are clearly prioritizing other customers that I suspect bring a larger revenue stream.
And yes, one of the more irksome aspects of waiting is never having any acknowledgement of how much longer we should expect to wait. Simple customer relations of saying "check back in three months, and we'll have an update on progress" would give me one point of pain every three months, rather than continuously checking back to re-inforce the concerns.
Guess that's the definition of reliability.
I can and do already play icewind dale 2 and planescape on tablets via gemrb and have been for ages.