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Torment: Tides of Numenera



  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited March 2017
    I like the weird kid and the ruthless assassin, but the other companions lack personality and charisma. I don't think it has much to do with banters or quarrels.

    I think they spent too much time on deconstructing archetypes, and not enough on making them fun.

    The "humour" tide is conspicuous by it's absence.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Fardragon said:

    I like the weird kid and the ruthless assassin, but the other companions lack personality and charisma. I don't think it has much to do with banters or quarrels.

    I think they spent too much time on deconstructing archetypes, and not enough on making them fun.

    I agree with this. I used all but two NPCs and I too think the kid and the assassin were the best. It's kinda funny also how they made a "viconia" in the game by stating clearly that the assassin is almost an albino but then choosing to make her look like anything but, just as viconia is not dark/black skinned in BG.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Viconia and Imoen.

    Thier Minsc was a complete fail though.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Can't see who you believe was similar to Minsc at all?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Erittis was an attempt to deconstruct the Minsc archetype.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited April 2017
    Aha, he's one of the guys I never used other than in his introduction quest. I thought they had more made him as a sorta paladin-esque joke character, like a charname within the game. I think I read that somewhere (maybe it was in this thread even hehe.. ) that he thinks that you are his NPC and he is the CHARNAME. I thought that was a really interresting take on creating a new NPC, though I have as said not really seen any of his dialogue except the very beginning.

    Edit: And btw, while we're still discussing; who did you think was "Imoen"? I didn't make any such connotation either.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    isnt Minsc already a deconstruction due to the fact most people don't take him him seriously and call him stupid in some bg2 banters.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited April 2017
    Not exactly. If you have mind reading you find out pretty quickly what's up with Erittis. I won't say any more because spoilers. He is not at all funny though, sad if anything.

    Rynn isn't that much like Imoen, apart from a few of her random comments that sound similar.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited May 2017
    tl;dr: Oom’s debut, Content Update, new bonus rewards from Monte Cook Games, and a check-in on backer rewards.

    Hey Exiles,

    Eric Daily here. Since last we spoke, we put all our focus on the content update for Torment. Over March, April, and the beginning of May, those new elements took great, albeit blobby, shape. As you will discover below, today is the perfect time to share a first look at the new Torment update with you. This one is all about Oom, our Servant of the Tides… and first introduced back in 2013 as “The Toy”.

    We have more details on Oom below, but you might be wondering when you get to play this update? Well...

    Servant of the Tides Update Out Now!

    That's right! The new update is live on Steam right now! Oom, the Voluminous Codex, and a host of improvements, tweaks, fixes, are out today on PC.

    • New Companion: Oom. Oom is a new stretch goal character who you will discover on your journey through the Ninth World. Oom features its own companion quest, "Servant of the Tides", its own unique abilities for use in combat and exploration, and interactions with various characters throughout the game.
    • Added the Voluminous Codex. This new stretch goal feature unlocks lore and character entries as you explore the game world.
    • Added a new user interface element to the Inventory Screen which makes it easier to view companion attitudes toward the Last Castoff.
    • Added a new user interface element to the Common Panel which better messages the Last Castoff's current Legacy.
    • Players can now advance to Tier 5 and Tier 6, allowing players to spend their Experience Points more in the later game. This also allows the Last Castoff to gain abilities from other character types.
    • Various balance improvements to Crisis gameplay throughout the game.
    • Various balance improvements to exploration gameplay, especially in the later stages of the game.
    • Added zoom in/out key binding to the Options Menu. This allows players without mouse wheels to remap the zoom functions.
    • Cypher Sickness initialization is now delayed until after Equipment initialization. This should prevent issues where loading a save file where equipment was preventing a cypher explosion would cause input to freeze up (fix may not be retroactive).
    • Remove all non-gameplay Fettles from companions when they're removed from the party. This should prevent certain freezes from occurring.
    • Numerous small UI fixes.
    • Numerous small quest fixes.
    For the full patch notes, please check this page.

    This update is now out on Steam, and we’ll be getting it to GOG and other stores as soon as possible. Our strong recommendation is to start a brand-new playthrough to experience these improvements, as the new content is best experienced from the start of the game (and Oom must be added to the party during Sagus Cliffs).

    Of course, those of you who have chosen to play Torment on consoles won’t be left out - this update will be coming free to you in the near future as well!

    We hope you enjoy Oom and the new features, and we’ll be keeping an eye out for your feedback. In the meantime, we thought we’d give you a bit of insight into the Oom’s creation...

    Good to see that Oom finally made it in.
    My only complain is that I have to wait (again) until the GOG update goes live. :confused:
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    Wow, some really great improvements there! - especially the zoom in/out hotkeys.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    I just read on their forums that the "mouse cursor as a perpetual red cross in all saves" bug have finally been fixed. Maybe it's time to go back and finish that game.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    What Is the best build and companions for a beginner/noob?
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2017


    Really? Double posting after 45 minutes?

    What Is the best build and companions for a beginner/noob?

    I would say to pick Nano or Jack, they will give you most conversation options and fights are not too difficult. As for companions, pick whoever you like best.

    There is item, Bronze Sphere, that will allow you to switch companions at will, so you will be able to switch them if need/want arises
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376

    Glaive if you want to fight through it. Nano if you want to talk, but you could also do a jack-talk focus.

    I made a non-fight, non-talk character (speed, lore, some random skills) which definitely hurt me at the start.


    I counted ~20 fights in the game. I talked by half of them.

    I would recommend against combat focus character on first playthrough as combat is repetitive and you supposedly you can make it through whole game without killing anyone (by either avoiding fights altogether or talking your way out of them).

    My first character was also a loremaster! Though I went with Intellect, so I didn't have too much problems even in the beginning.

    A good tip:
    Take Anamnesis! Only Last-Castoff can have it and checks using it are one of most common.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Yes, the fighting isn't very interesting, although it wouldn't be hard to make a protagonist glaive who was far more butt-kicking than any of the companions.

    I would take the kid and the assassin, they where far the most interesting and likable characters (even if they are Imoen and Viconia clones). Load the kid up with cyphers to make her non-useless in a fight. Haven't tried the new blob.

    No, it's not up to the standard of the original, and it takes itself way too seriously.
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  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    What Is the best build and companions for a beginner/noob?

    Haven't played enough to comment on build, but as far as companions go, Matkina is a must.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited August 2017
    I built a Jack on my first and only playthrough and just went along with what felt decent. I don't think I failed a single skill check in the entire game and I often could talk my way out of fights but reloaded and took the fight anyways since there are so few and even though they are repetative, it's still interresting to test your skills in battle every now and then. Since I had a strenght NPC my guy had high speed and int and took most skill checks himself. Choosing on levelup to increase the level of "free" points to be invested felt really good to me, but since I have only played once I don't know if it's the powergamey option.

    Nanos do insane dmg with their core skills (read further up in this thread), better then glaives and jacks if I understand it correctly, but battles are so easy it doesn't really matter.

    NPCs doesn't really matter. I got the child as my last NPC and still kept her to the end doing nothing other than holding items (she was way, way behind in levels at that time) which I never even used since the rest of the team could take out anything and solve all skill checks.

    My game bugged out at the very end of the game (all saves corrupted) so I never did finish it. I doubt the final moments of the game change much of my comments above though.

    Edit: one newbie advice: wait until you have wasted all 'energy' until resting since that moves time forward and can affect ongoing quests. So use potions to restore points as much as possible instead of resting at the few inns in the game whenever you can.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited October 2018
    almost 5 million dollars and you couldn't even get a decent game out of it, with a shittons of cut features, bland npcs, and uninspired scenaries.

    Luckily I didn't donate any euro so I lost nothing

    According to how I feel I may buy a key from g2a, so when they will reclaim the cost, they will actually get it from the developers that did such a bad game and developers will pay for making me so disappointed.
    Post edited by Arthas on
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited December 2017
    This game had an amazing potential and start of the story was also amazing.
    Changing God? Castoffs? A mysterious creature named Sorrow?
    Hell yeah !!!

    Unfortunately, this was only true positives of the game.

    1) This game is not an RPG !
    It's just an adventure with a few RPG elements.

    There are maybe 3 really inevitable battles in whole game.
    And even if you're a total asshole (which is definitely not beneficial) and you do all side Quests and try to kill everyone you'll have only little over a dozen battles.

    2) Story starts very well, but then goes down and down, almost to the bottom.
    Unfortunately, the authors failed to keep pace with their ambitions.
    A few bright spots will not save a miserable scenario.

    3) Music is not bad, but is forgettable.
    No really good pieces (like in Planescame or Baldurs Gate 2) that you would like to download as soundtrack.

    4) Grafic is... sufficient.
    Nothing great, but it's enough.
    Although the model of the main hero is ugly.

    5) Companions are even more forgettable (and you dont even need them, all fights are VERY easy).
    The only little interesting companion (child) is at the same time the least useful. And she is interesting ONLY if you accomplish all of her tasks in a certain way and you are able to see her story as a whole.

    6) The world is incredibly small !
    We have like 2 city and 2 (sort of) villages.
    And once you leave one area, you can never go back... (WTF?!)

    7) The portraits of the characters look absolutely horrible.
    I feel that even my little cousin would be able to draw something better than these ugly and poorly photoshopped monstrosity.

    8) The end of the game was... disappointment.
    I was hoping for an epic battle or some surprising twist.
    Instead I got a couple of boring conversations, half of the things were not explained, and the other half made little sense. Its reminds me end of Mass Effect 3. You have a few options and no matter what you choose, you will be dissatisfied.

    So, for me:


    And I'm VERY generous because I have a weak spot in the heart for isometric RPG (even sort of RPG).
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    This game is a complete piece of ****. I'm delicate because I want to be polite.

    It's a game where people have issues reading the text because they didn't solve the blurry text after how many years it got out?
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    It had so much potential... all of it wasted. A tragedy, really.

    I really had wished they would priorize P:ToN instead of Wasteland 2+3... but they decided to drop the ball. Hard.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Yeah I've posted on the inXile forum for a T:ToN2 done right, with MS money. I honestly really liked the game despite its problems, and found its shortness and lack of replayability to be my main gripes.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    edited July 2019
    I gave it a try last year on a free weekend, dropped after two hours. If I wanted to read a visual novel, I'd at least pick one with prettier character art style and better dialogue.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Ardanis wrote: »
    I gave it a try last year on a free weekend, dropped after two hours. If I wanted to read a visual novel, I'd at least pick one with prettier character art style and better dialogue.

    That's similar to how I felt about my free weekend with it. I love Planescape: Torment, but the writing in this was too nebulous for me. Besides, what I loved about Torment was the characters. Nothing really was drawing me to this. I felt like using the name Torment was just an attempt to say "look, a successor!" without really living up to that.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    To each their own. I didn't care for the original Torment very much. And I have never understood why people thing the characters in that game were great. I found them trite, superficial, and boring. Morte was especially annoying and silly.

    By contrast, while it certainly had some problems, I found T:ToN to be a pretty decent game, and feel it mainly suffered due to a lack of a decent budget.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Well, I did like the character development system. But they really should've hired people with some experience of writing for a video game. Ones who understand that excessive purple prose doesn't belong there.
  • PsicoVicPsicoVic Member Posts: 868
    edited July 2019
    Well I´ve read worse, but it is not fantastic....but the problem is the lack of cohesion.
    Every time you enter a zone with plenty of characters, you see that some are interesting, all of them are particular or out-of-the-ordinary. That is not the problem.
    I know it happens in videogames, but I´ve never felt in a videogame the fact that It always seems that the zone is full of npc just there, waiting for you to tell you their piece. I do not feel a living world, a crowded city. The npc are not related to the story, not related to the world, disconnected from each other. It feels like you are in a library, going from book to book. some are interesting, some are not, but they have nothing in common besides the fact that they are in the same place, just waiting for you to tell you his script.
    The plot seems interesting, but they manage to make the world subpar.

    I agree with more time and a decent budget they could have made a more interesting journey in the planes. The plot of the god looked good.
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