Products of Madness.

Considering all the mages that have been locked up in Spellhold - what has happened to their research before they were arrested? Shouldn't the land be littered with spells and items of those not 'quite right in the head'?
Spells like: Protection from the Elephants?
or The Wand of Beer.
or The Shortcake of Backstabbing +3
or Protection from Norman Weapons.
We need a few more odd items.
Spells like: Protection from the Elephants?
or The Wand of Beer.
or The Shortcake of Backstabbing +3
or Protection from Norman Weapons.
We need a few more odd items.
Though, on reflection, you probably wouldn't need the curse.
Ring of Finger Regeneration: must be worn on the finger you wish to grow back in order to take affect.
Belt Buckle of Pant Levitation: place the clip-on buckle to the front of your pants and it levitates at the exact altitude you set it for. Warning: Running down hills may cause "Atomic" wedgies.
Power Word: Orgasm
i will leave the details to your imagination...
+69 staff of penetration.
edit: on second thought, I was wearing my goggles of wishful thinking. That Sea Lion in your avatar looks quite mature. BTW, I don't think it's a Sea Lion, but what's that cousin's name? Seal?
Bigby's Forceful Hand
Eyes of the Ogle- Makes you check out every member of the opposite sex you see, repeatedly.
Fun Sword- used mostly by Jesters, this sword is a normal sword until you try to hit someone with it, which is when it goes limp as a piece of silk. If actually used to hit someone, it makes farting noises, sets off bursts of confetti and/or glitter and makes a variety of other noises (the "you lost" noise from game shows, "Doink" and other such things.) For really good times, get the party's thief to replace your opponent's sword with this one...
Ring of the Ran- With its head formed in the shape of a horned antelope, this ring makes you run (at speed 36) away from any fights you find yourself in.
Wand of Fluffernutter- Produces platefuls of these sandwiches on command. There is a rumor of a more powerful wand that makes plates of Cream Cheese and Strawberry Jam sandwiches instead. And then there is the Wand of *Crunchy* Fluffernutter sandwiches....
Decanter of Endless Lemonade- Yep. That's all it produces... endlessly. Don't ever lose the cap!
Ring of Three Tishes- When used, it produces three very contrary, very argumentative women named Tish who will argue over everything you say, and if you keep quiet, will argue over which of them is the "Real" Tish, non-stop. They follow the user around no matter where he goes, no matter the attempts to teleport, travel to another plane, run and hide and so on. The inventor of this ring went insane (if he wasn't already). The only way to get rid of the three Tishes is to get them to agree on SOMETHING. They will then glare at the user and disappear.
With this helmet, if ambushed, you freeze in your footsteps like a deer caught in the headlights.
So your Helmet of the Deer might cast a short-duration Hold Person on the wearer at at the start of every fight.
The Ring of Wii- Makes the wearer run around at top speed with arms outstretched going, "Whee!" Alternatively, gives wearer the ability to fly along with severe Aerophobia and acrophobia, leading the wearer able to fly only an arm's length from the ground.
Can of Beans- Provides sustenance for the entire party for one meal, along with the most foul, horrendous gas anyone has ever produced or smelled for a full 12 hours afterwards.
Torc of Scottish Disguise- Allows the wearer to change his skin to any color to blend in to his surroundings... so long as it is plaid.
Instruments of the Byrds- Allows the Bard to expand his repertoire of music... but only allows you to play songs by obscure 1960's bands, and gets stuck on "Henry VIII" by Herman's Hermits.
Bands of Bizarro- Turns the character into an extremely strong imperfect duplicate of himself that talks just like DC Universe's Bizarro.
Alcohol Jug- Produces potions that happen to be 198 proof.
Fibber McGee's armor- Appears to be normal magical armor... until struck in combat, whereupon it comes apart and falls to the ground with horrible clattering noises.
Scroll of Troll Summoning- Reading this scroll summons between 2 and 40 fat, bespectacled men with patchy beards and threadbare clothes who proceed to insult the user, make slurs about his gender and sexual preferences, and say the nastiest possible things while deriding his intelligence and sexual prowess.