Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition 2.5 Patch

in News
Squeaky wheel gets the kick! The much-anticipated 2.5 update for Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition is rolling out!
Enjoy new localizations and V/O, as well as over 500 bug fixes and new features as you journey through Amn to the Throne of Bhaal!
Check out the full patch notes (Jan Jansen himself would find the list big):
Enjoy new localizations and V/O, as well as over 500 bug fixes and new features as you journey through Amn to the Throne of Bhaal!
Check out the full patch notes (Jan Jansen himself would find the list big):
I had installed the whole Big World Setup. Yeah, three days installing. This means I have lost my saves? Also, is there any point on starting a new game (haven’t tried it) or even reinstalling the mods, if this is gonna happen again with 2.5 for SoD or BG:EE?
I really had hype on playing, man.
Mac on Beamdog - thanks, I'll pass it to the team.
Or did the paper dolls get stuck on green boxes like in the beta version?
Otherwise, yay new patch!
Our developers have just checked it. The EE uses regular BAMs for paperdolls, not the old PLTs. You'll have to convert them. PLT>PNG with the NearInfinity, then split it in half (it's a two-part BAM), then make those PNGs into BAMs.
Check if those PLTs in the pack by @lunar have transparency set up correctly.
That lime green is the internal color that gets filtered out for transparency in BAMs, just like a green screen for a movie.