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  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    edited July 2018
    Balrog99 said:

    Matthieu said:

    The first case came from a farmer who helped migrants in Italy by taking them in his car and driving through his area in Southeast France.

    He was arrested for human smuggling, but since he did it apparently without taking any money he was released.

    Was he driving them to his farm?
    I don't think so but he has migrants living on his farm.

    The rationale of the French judicial power is that giving assistance to someone in need cannot be considered a crime unless it is demonstrated it is a cover for criminal activities. It is up to the police and judicial system to take actions against migrants if they are here illegally and not to hunt for people helping in good faith.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    This is about the 500th piece major newspapers have done that is posing as some sort of anthropological study of Trump voters since he was elected, but it's the most revealing. These people are literally losing or are likely to lose their job DIRECTLY as a result of a unilateral decision Trump made on tariffs, yet who is at fault?? Mexico of course. This was never about economic anxiety. And spare me the idea that if Democrats speak more about economic issues they can win these voters. They are unreachable: %1$s
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    Matthieu said:

    The rationale of the French judicial power is that giving assistance to someone in need cannot be considered a crime unless it is demonstrated it is a cover for criminal activities. It is up to the police and judicial system to take actions against migrants if they are here illegally and not to hunt for people helping in good faith.

    This is an interesting case. When I read your initial post I thought perhaps the rationale was that being an illegal migrant in France is not a crime - that's the case in the US, where it's only the illegal entry itself that's a criminal offense and not remaining. However, this farmer has helped a lot of migrants across the border, and giving such aid is a specific offense in France.

    What the French court has done is determine that the motto “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” is part of the constitution. Under the principle of fraternity helping others for humanitarian purposes (with no thought of reward) is permitted even if that is breaking a law - as the constitutional principle trumps the specific law.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited July 2018

    This is about the 500th piece major newspapers have done that is posing as some sort of anthropological study of Trump voters since he was elected, but it's the most revealing. These people are literally losing or are likely to lose their job DIRECTLY as a result of a unilateral decision Trump made on tariffs, yet who is at fault?? Mexico of course. This was never about economic anxiety. And spare me the idea that if Democrats speak more about economic issues they can win these voters. They are unreachable: %1$s

    So it's not 3D underwater mahjong. Shocking

    But they are reachable, it won't be easy they believe some crazy stuff have to wean them off the crazy news first. Get them to realize hey it's not Mexico, it's the voluntary Trump Tariffs.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited July 2018
    Becoming more and more difficult to believe they Administration didn't want to permanently separate these families ON PURPOSE:

    Not only are there almost a 1000 more children separated than was first admitted to, but this little nugget:

    Records linking children to their parents have disappeared, and in some cases have been destroyed, according to two officials of the Department of Homeland Security, leaving the authorities struggling to identify connections between family members.

    Moreover, here is the an actual excerpt of the court proceedings that took place today where the government is asking for an extension in the court-order reunification of parents with the children who are under 5-years old. This is not a parody:

    Judge: "Will counsel be here this weekend, or are you going back?"

    ACLU lawyer: "We will do whatever is needed..."

    US attorney: "I have dog-sitting responsibilities."

    I give up.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited July 2018
    *the crowd goes wild*

    wut the hell Montana?

    This is the guy selecting a Supreme Court Justice from a list given to him by the The Federalist Society?


  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    I'd be more concerned that his rallies continue to just fuel rabid hostility towards to media. Last night, less than a week after 5 journalists were gunned down in Maryland, he called the assembled press "very bad people". He then went on to make what I can only interpret as a sexual assault joke about Elizabeth Warren, a sitting US Senator.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited July 2018
    I'm more concerned about the secret July 4th meeting between the 8 GOP lawmakers and Russian leaders in Moscow meeting that happened. 0 Democrats. America celebrates independence while it's GOP lawmakers are in Moscow playing footsie with Putin.

    One of the GOP guys there said “we don’t necessarily need to be adversaries” another said "The Russians can earn a better relationship with the U.S. if they want to.”

    Yeah I guess you don't need to be adversaries when you are working on the same team.
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257

    Oh, I *love* this discussion. Define "fair", making certain to note the exact percentage or amount you think qualifies as "fair". Only concrete numbers will suffice--no pseudo-answers such as "more than they do now" or "as much as they can afford".

    90% taxation on income exceeding a million dollars per year, including property and share profits, applicable to persons and corporate persons

    Here you go, I solved your moral dilemma
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Also Wyoming in no way deserves equal representation as California, c'mon.

    Actually, that should apply to all the flyoverstates with more cattle than people.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited July 2018

    I'd be more concerned that his rallies continue to just fuel rabid hostility towards to media. Last night, less than a week after 5 journalists were gunned down in Maryland, he called the assembled press "very bad people". He then went on to make what I can only interpret as a sexual assault joke about Elizabeth Warren, a sitting US Senator.

    Considering that the shooting in question was done as revenge by a sexual harasser to a bad story about him and had absolutely nothing to do with any anti media political ideology, I don't think it's accurate to use it as an example of media hostility. At least, not the kind of media hostility we are referring to when we talk of Trump rallies chanting "tell the truth" or calling CNN fake news.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    says: "Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism."

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    chimaera said:

    I'd be more concerned that his rallies continue to just fuel rabid hostility towards to media. Last night, less than a week after 5 journalists were gunned down in Maryland, he called the assembled press "very bad people". He then went on to make what I can only interpret as a sexual assault joke about Elizabeth Warren, a sitting US Senator.

    Considering that the shooting in question was done as revenge by a sexual harasser to a bad story about him and had absolutely nothing to do with any anti media political ideology, I don't think it's accurate to use it as an example of media hostility. At least, not the kind of media hostility we are referring to when we talk of Trump rallies chanting "tell the truth" or calling CNN fake news.
    Depends who is the example here. The shooter attacked the newspaper not when they published the story, but only after he sued them for defamation and lost.

    The problematic question is not whether the killer was inspired by Trump (because he wasn't), but why does the president (someone who holds far more power than an armed shooter) use rhetoric so similar to the killer's reasoning.

    The two are not related in anyway.

    A person can disagree with how a story is being told, and with all his bravado, this is where Trump draws the line. IIRC, He has never called for violence against the media. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    The individual who did the shooting has been threatening both the paper and the journalist who wrote the story for years, almost daily, including the day of the attack.

    That said, when I first heard of the shooting I was thinking “please don’t have anything to do with Trump,” as he wouldn’t know how to handle that shit storm.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    It looks like Trump has only incited violence against protestors, and not against journalists necessarily.

    That's not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd hear about the President.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    In world news, Philippines dictator and guy Trump has a "great relationship with" Rodrigo Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists.

    In Thailand, 4 of 13 people (including boys and soccer coach) have been saved from the underwater cave. Rescue efforts are underway for the others as lack of oxygen in the cave and storm clouds threaten further difficulties ahead.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    It looks like Trump has only incited violence against protestors, and not against journalists necessarily.

    That's not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd hear about the President.

    Believe it or not, someone did a study about the effect of Trump rallies on the amount of assaults in the cities he visited on the campaign trail. The results are fairly stunning. Or maybe not so stunning:
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659

    It looks like Trump has only incited violence against protestors, and not against journalists necessarily.

    That's not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd hear about the President.

    You hear plenty of reports from journalists that were embedded in the Trump campaign claiming to feel threatened by very hostile crowds at the rallies. He may stop short of specifically suggesting violence, but when you foster a violent attitude towards a group, I dont think there's much of a difference.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235

    In world news, Philippines dictator and guy Trump has a "great relationship with" Rodrigo Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists.

    Why? What's the point? Does he care which god? Cause we have documentaiton on cult leaders there were technically worshipped...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    ThacoBell said:

    In world news, Philippines dictator and guy Trump has a "great relationship with" Rodrigo Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists.

    Why? What's the point? Does he care which god? Cause we have documentaiton on cult leaders there were technically worshipped...
    I think the point is to show the many Catholics in the Philippines that they are powerless to stop him.
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    ThacoBell said:

    In world news, Philippines dictator and guy Trump has a "great relationship with" Rodrigo Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists.

    Why? What's the point? Does he care which god? Cause we have documentaiton on cult leaders there were technically worshipped...
    Duterte is like Trump, except actively unhinged, and actively murdering people, hope that helps
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited July 2018
    Almateria said:

    ThacoBell said:

    In world news, Philippines dictator and guy Trump has a "great relationship with" Rodrigo Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists.

    Why? What's the point? Does he care which god? Cause we have documentaiton on cult leaders there were technically worshipped...
    Duterte is like Trump, except actively unhinged, and actively murdering people, hope that helps
    There are similarities in that Duetere used scapegoating drug users and dealers. Once people supported the cause, Duetere used the opportunity to sieze power. Once that train started he condemned those who were opposed to his agenda. At a certain point there was no turning back and now journalists, regular people and political opponents can be murdered or otherwise silenced. Just plant some drugs if you have to, problem solved.

    Trump is attempting the same route to power through scapegoating others though in his case it is immigrants and Democrats.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited July 2018
    Trump has repeatedly praised Duterte for (and I quote) doing an “unbelievable job on the drug problem”. We know for a fact that this includes not only extrajudicial killings of drug dealers, but also drug users. An estimated 12,000 straight-up murders. He has turned police in the Philippines into roving death squads. Again, he has offered EXPLICIT praise of these tactics:
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Duetere also said this:
    "Who is this stupid God? This son of a bitch is then really stupid," he said last week. "You were not involved but now you're stained with an original sin ... What kind of a religion is that? That's what I can't accept, very stupid proposition."

    The 73-year-old leader said that if there's "one single witness" who can prove, perhaps with a picture or a selfie that a human was "able to talk and to see God," he will immediately resign.

    Trump likes this guy for some reason says he's very tough but he loves his people.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455

    In world news, Philippines dictator and guy Trump has a "great relationship with" Rodrigo Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists.

    In Thailand, 4 of 13 people (including boys and soccer coach) have been saved from the underwater cave. Rescue efforts are underway for the others as lack of oxygen in the cave and storm clouds threaten further difficulties ahead.

    I would take that bet lol
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I would criticize Duterte's comments as pointlessly insulting to Christians, but I feel it's more important to point out that this man is literally killing his own people, using drug crime as an excuse for a campaign of extrajudicial murder.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited July 2018

    I would criticize Duterte's comments as pointlessly insulting to Christians, but I feel it's more important to point out that this man is literally killing his own people, using drug crime as an excuse for a campaign of extrajudicial murder.

    Authoritarians will attack the church as readily as any other group of people if it is in their interests. Everyone thinks they are immune from their gaze and ire, right up until the moment that they aren't.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    I don't disagree. Once the fifth member becomes confirmed we might as well conclude "being a member of the Federalist Society is a prerequisite for being a Supreme Court justice".


    re: abolish ICE.... Congress cannot abolish ICE. It is a subset of the Department of Justice and therefore is subject only to the Executive Branch. Congress may try to starve that department of money when it sets its budget but they cannot pass a law that says "ICE is formally dissolved an a Federal agency". People running for Congress on a platform of "I will abolish ICE" are lying to their likely voters.

    Also, the "C" in "ICE" stands for customs. If ICE were to be abolished, then who would inspect ships coming in to port, looking to make certain that weapons, equipment/materials used to make weapons, or invasive species like kudzu are not present? Who would look for animal smuggling or, even worse, human smuggling?

    statutory authority is supreme and the executive branch is beholden to it. congress can literally draft up an "abolish ice act" and that agency is truly gone. the problem with that is that congress stopped practically dealing with executive organization and agencies don't realistically get abolished, ever, because of bureaucratic resillience. but they can't rid themselves of their originary power and can still "intervene".

    but it's a stupid idea. ice certainly seems better than the police, seeing how they don't ordinarily kill people they deal with in maniacal fits of sadism. they also didn't invent the family separation policy, that came from the top
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    The US threatened nations over breastfeeding resolution

    The Trump admin doesn't support breastfeeding for some reason.

    Of course, it's only the most natural thing in the world. For thousands of years of human history mothers have been breastfed their children and should be encouraged to breastfeed their child if they are able. It builds a bond between baby and mother, is good for the immune system and is just natural and healthy. What's the problem here?

    Why u hate women so much Trump admin? Or is this just a corporate sellout to big baby formula? Either way it stinks.

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