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[Utility] EE Autoroller



  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited November 2014
    Worked great the very first time I used it. Now, it only rolls one time and saves that result everytime. Probably something noobish I did... Any clues?

    Running in a window. Have 51 set as % STR minimum. Like I said, worked flawless the first time...
  • RamzaRamza Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2014
    I have that issue too. I managed to pre-generate two characters and started on a third when it just started recalling after every attempt. I closed out the game and the roller and everything. Same issue. Gonna try re-extracting the downloaded archive and starting over again to see if it's a local problem.

    something in the .ini file is causing it to do this, when it happens again I will try to track it down further, but redownloading or re-extracting it clears up the problem.
  • TRoarTRoar Member Posts: 50
    Works like a charm for me. Thanks for such a quick update, Freche!
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    edited November 2014
    Ramza said:

    something in the .ini file is causing it to do this, when it happens again I will try to track it down further, but redownloading or re-extracting it clears up the problem.

    Shouldn't be the ini file unless some strange value been stored.

    There is one problem with the party creation and that is when we create multiple characters the game needs to store the stat values in different locations. And this is probably what causes problem for users.

    When I was trying on my computer it was most of the time the same six locations, but it could sometime be somewhere else, especially if I imported characters or created a party then created another party.

    The solution was too look in many possible store locations (currently 50 places) maybe that wasn't enough. Having too many places to look at could however introduce other problems.

    I'll look into and add an option for users to increase the number of locations to check.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Freche said:

    Ramza said:

    something in the .ini file is causing it to do this, when it happens again I will try to track it down further, but redownloading or re-extracting it clears up the problem.

    Shouldn't be the ini file unless some strange value been stored.

    There is one problem with the party creation and that is when we create multiple characters the game needs to store the stat values in different locations. And this is probably what causes problem for users.

    When I was trying on my computer it was most of the time the same six locations, but it could sometime be somewhere else, especially if I imported characters or created a party then created another party.

    The solution was too look in many possible store locations (currently 50 places) maybe that wasn't enough. Having too many places to look at could however introduce other problems.

    I'll look into and add an option for users to increase the number of locations to check.
    Thanks. After re-extracting it twice it worked, now its rolling only once again. Weird.
  • giftigdegengiftigdegen Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2014
    I'm unable to get it to store rolls. Using 1.0.2014, win 7 x64 pro, and the correct str% thing: 0x00561734. Any ideas? I left it running for ~5 minutes and it came back with a roll total of 76....I saw at least a couple in the 88+ range. Trying to create a shadowdancer, so the strength bit doesn't really apply. As soon as I hit reroll it updates highest roll to 299. Stopping it it tells me my highest roll is 299. wut.
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    That implies that it's the wrong offset. So two possibilities come to mind:

    1) Your BGEE version isn't 1.0.2014. The version number should be on the main menu of the game. Potentially try the other offset numbers listed.

    2) You're using the latest version of the autoroller and it has some changes that are incompatible with v 1.0.2014 BGEE. Try to get an older version of the autoroller, or perhaps Freche can check into it? I don't have old versions of the autoroller script around for comparison unfortunately.
  • RamzaRamza Member Posts: 114
    Freche said:

    Ramza said:

    something in the .ini file is causing it to do this, when it happens again I will try to track it down further, but redownloading or re-extracting it clears up the problem.

    Shouldn't be the ini file unless some strange value been stored.
    I didn't experience the problem a second time, so I never got to see what was in the .ini file that was causing the problem. What I can tell you for sure though, is that I was only building characters using 'pre-generate character'. I was doing it this way out of habit, because the black pits party creation was never supported by EEroller.

    Specifically what happened to cause my third character to bug out was:

    Created char1 - a human blackguard
    created char2 - a dwarven defender

    no issues up to this point

    Started to create char3 - an elven fighter/thief
    rolled I think a 92/100
    got to skills screen and realized that I had accidentally made a half-elven fighter/thief.
    hit back a few times to race and properly selected elf
    began rolling new stats, but after one reroll it would recall

    After closing both programs to clear memory, the problem still happened, so I deleted the EERoller folder and re-extracted it. Issue did not persist after this.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    @giftigdegen‌ I'm running the latest version of BGEE so I can't check the previous offsets. It seems to work fine with bgee v1.3.x

    Just to make sure, if you open up the EEAutroller.ini in a text editor and change
    "BGEE_OFFSET = ..."
    to (for v1.0.2014)
    "BGEE_OFFSET = 0x00561734"
    (no quotes)

    save and close

    Start the program (you have to start now, after you made the change in the ini) and in the interface set all values to zero (1-50, 51-75, 76-90, 91-99, 100 and Min STR%)
  • GuboGubo Member Posts: 77
    Ramza said:

    I have that issue too. I managed to pre-generate two characters and started on a third when it just started recalling after every attempt. I closed out the game and the roller and everything. Same issue. Gonna try re-extracting the downloaded archive and starting over again to see if it's a local problem.


    Same here. I prefer to use the auto roller as I feel its not completely cheesey. However I made a lot of characters (either to actually play them or just cause I can) and simply decided the easiest way would just be to ctrl-8 and leave off 12-16 points until it is more reliable.
  • NassauNassau Member Posts: 4
    Mine won't store any rolls at all. This started after using the autoroller on IWDEE (succesfully I might add). Didn't have any problems with bgee before that at all.
  • armoredgorillaarmoredgorilla Member Posts: 3
    I'm having a similar issue. I'm able to get it started and rolling in BGEE, but it won't store rolls. Also, once I end the program by holding X, if I try to start it back up, it will roll once, abort and show my stored rolls as 0/0.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    I don't know when I will be able to check things, I have limited time and I'm not playing any IE game atm. So until I have time and this one doesn't work well with BG(2)EE then try the older one:

    remember to keep the offset value in the ini file updated.
  • armoredgorillaarmoredgorilla Member Posts: 3
    Thanks, @freche! I was able to get the Autoroller you posted above working while using the offset 0x00670E5C that was posted by @Redcoatkevin last page. It now stores the rolls properly.

    I did have a weird hitch with it. Once I stop rolling, it stops working. In order to get it working again, I have to do the following:

    1. Close Baldur's Gate and Autoroller
    2. Rename the folder that Autroller.exe is stored in.
    3. Restart Baldur's Gate, get to Attributes portion of character creation.
    4. Execute Autoroller.

    Not sure why this works, but that's the workaround that helped. I have tried restarting the programs WITHOUT renaming the Autoroller's folder, but it does not work until I do. Also, this only worked with the Autoroller posted above, it did not work with the Autoroller linked in the OP.
  • NassauNassau Member Posts: 4
    That did it for me, thanks Freche
  • ProteusProteus Member Posts: 40
    I created an account just to reply. Thank you sir for your awesome program.
  • benfinkelbenfinkel Member Posts: 11
    Can't find a way to search just this thread, is there a Mac version of this utility?

  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    @benfinkel It looks like AutoHotkey is Windows only (the software that the script is compiled with). Searching around the net, it appears there may be some software that can run the ahk script on Mac, you could look into that.
  • TheCLZTheCLZ Member Posts: 1

    I'm unable to get it to store rolls. Using 1.0.2014, win 7 x64 pro, and the correct str% thing: 0x00561734. Any ideas? I left it running for ~5 minutes and it came back with a roll total of 76....I saw at least a couple in the 88+ range. Trying to create a shadowdancer, so the strength bit doesn't really apply. As soon as I hit reroll it updates highest roll to 299. Stopping it it tells me my highest roll is 299. wut.

    I'm having the same problem. Tried the old version of autoroller, still doesn't work. Creating a Fighter/Mage/Thief
  • benfinkelbenfinkel Member Posts: 11

    Thanks Faydark.
  • StubstarStubstar Member Posts: 2
    Can you teach us how to find the new offset value when it gets updated? BG2 just got an update, and the EE roller isn't working. :(
  • StubstarStubstar Member Posts: 2
    Freche said:

    (Requires you to know how to search for memory addresses)

    For BGEE:
    1. Find the memory address for the STR attribute (value type: byte)
    2. Make a pointer scan for that address (max level 1 is enough)
    3. You should find a pointer where Offset0 = 610
    4. Look at the base address "baldur.exe"+________
    5. New OFFSET = 0x________

    For IWD:
    ! Do this with Pre-Generate Character !
    1. Find the memory address for the STR attribute (value type: byte)
    2. Make a pointer scan for that address (max level 1 is enough)
    3. You should find a pointer where Offset0 = 614
    4. Look at the base address "icewind.exe"+________
    5. New OFFSET = 0x________

    Oh. You did explain how. Unfortunately, I don't know how to "pointer scan"and stuff.

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I'd guess you halfta download the uncompiled AHK version that he has linked in the first post and run the compiler and use some kinda tool to see what it's doing to get the offsets
  • DarkchayDarkchay Member Posts: 60
    This program excite for a MAC ?!?!?
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    @stubstar @smeagolheart‌ You need some software that can do memory scans of a running application. There's one that is commonly used, but I am not sure it's appropriate to link to it on the forums. Should be easy enough to find it with a search for pointer scan on your search engine of choice.

    Be aware that using this software while running some games could get you banned from that game/service, even if you are not using it on the game in question.

    It's not too complicated once you get the hang of it, but it will help if you have some knowledge of programming and memory management.

    @Darkchay AutoHotkey is Windows only, however there are some mac programs that can read the ahk script and run it on the mac. I've never used them, but you can find them with a search like "autohotkey for mac" etc.

  • benfinkelbenfinkel Member Posts: 11
    Anyone got an offset for BG2 EE 1.3.x?

    The 1.2 offset doesn't appear to work.
  • Malachi1971Malachi1971 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2014
    My autoroller (BGEE) won't store values either, and I tried v4. Do I need a new offset for v1.3.2053? If so, I'm afraid I'm way too incompetent to figure out the new offset myself.
    Post edited by Malachi1971 on
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @Malachi1971‌ Yes you need a new offset for the v1.3 new version unfortunately no one has yet post new one and I'm afraid I don't know how to do it as well, so we will have to wait for someone that do know to post it.
    @Freche‌ Maybe you had the time to look for a new offset for us ?
  • newydavenewydave Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2014
    The new offset is 0x0069AEF4, but unfortunately that alone won't work. The Offset0 has also moved from 0x610 to 0x63C (thats where the start of the stats is stored).

    I've modified it from the ahk source but my mod won't work with BGEE (I can fix this but as its @Freche work I don't want to step on any toes)

    Hope that helps
    Post edited by newydave on
  • Malachi1971Malachi1971 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the info, kaguana and newydave. Unfortunately, I still have no working autoroller for BGEE.
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