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Game Update: 1.0.2011



  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    JDR13 said:

    Great work guys!

    Are you still fixing the zoom so it doesn't reset everytime I change screens?

    I'm not really going to play a whole lot until after this bug is addressed
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @smeagolheart, after playing a bit tonight in v. 2011, it does seem that your exterior zoom setting is being saved from map to map. However, it is still resetting upon entering an interior area, or upon exiting and reentering the game. I am basing this upon going in and out of the wyvern cave in the Cloakwood. When I went in to fight wyverns, the zoom reset, but when I exited the cave, the zoom control went back in where I had it set before entering.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    Love your work guys.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited December 2012
    I'm surprised Kagain's quest has not been fixed yet. Seems an easy fix... When u walk north of Beregost, move his quest to "Done Quests". It would be really really nice if the next patch fixes the quest logs so that when a quest is done it shows as done. I know this is affecting several quests.

    I also hope that the characters not doing anything when u first command them bug is high priority.

    Thanks for your continued work to correct these and other issues.
    Post edited by HaHaCharade on
  • samronsamron Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2012
    I dont normally spend much time on forums..but for some reason i've been atleast reading alot in here..must be something special eh:P anyway thanks for another great patch.

    Although would really love to see playable multiplayer, i myself am on my 3rd playthrough with 4,5th slowly starting to gather their teams,planning their journey and some of them would really like to play with their friends instead of the npcs in the game :P thanks again, keep up the good work:)

    !scroll case! Woohoo

    didnt know they were actually adding elven chain mail, its just the +0 though right? and if its dropped by tazok that would be ok with me, other valid drops would be tamoko/anywhere in totsc these things dont even drop early in bg2 unless u kill the big bad thief boss..i could be wrong..has been a long time.
  • TheBlackThroneTheBlackThrone Member Posts: 42
    edited December 2012
    samron said:

    didnt know they were actually adding elven chain mail, its just the +0 though right? and if its dropped by tazok that would be ok with me, other valid drops would be tamoko/anywhere in totsc these things dont even drop early in bg2 unless u kill the big bad thief boss..i could be wrong..has been a long time.

    It being dropped by Tazok wouldn't make any sense, either from a balance perspective or from a roleplaying perspective (unless we're talking about the bandit camp fight, but that would still be somewhat awkward).

    Also, whether or not it drops early in the original BG2 doesn't matter. What matters is whether or not key items for all classes are available when they should be, and whether or not any of them disrupt the game's internal balance. In this case, the answer is "no," on both counts.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    samron said:

    didnt know they were actually adding elven chain mail, its just the +0 though right? and if its dropped by tazok that would be ok with me, other valid drops would be tamoko/anywhere in totsc these things dont even drop early in bg2 unless u kill the big bad thief boss..i could be wrong..has been a long time.

    It being dropped by Tazok wouldn't make any sense, either from a balance perspective or from a roleplaying perspective (unless we're talking about the bandit camp fight, but that would still be somewhat awkward).

    Also, whether or not it drops early in the original BG2 doesn't matter. What matters is whether or not key items for all classes are available when they should be, and whether or not any of them disrupt the game's internal balance. In this case, the answer is "no," on both counts.
    Exactly, so it ought to therefore drop when it should, it's only AC5, though very useful for some classes, but not at all game unbalancing
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2012
    Just tested the wild mage casting level increase/decrease still wrong. Neera with 4th level and increased level just casted two magic missiles. I do believe that it is a text problem because the number of magic missiles do change.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    Thank you!
  • wednesdaywednesday Member Posts: 61
    Unfortunately this patch broke the game for me. I can't update, it stalls out while checking files.
  • JeverJever Member Posts: 1

    JDR13 said:

    Great work guys!

    Are you still fixing the zoom so it doesn't reset everytime I change screens?

    I'm not really going to play a whole lot until after this bug is addressed
    This is a major issue for me too
  • darrenkuodarrenkuo Member Posts: 366
    Give us , more features , less bugs, Tks, let i can pay the money , otherwise lots of people will keep waiting..
  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
    edited December 2012
    The bugs such as Reverted door's animation of a house in Friendly Arm Inn, Flickering of weapon/spell/etc icons on character icon when you changed it to use after stopping game by Space key, and "ITEM COST" still remain.

    I captured the screenshot, but I don't know how to attach it here.

  • notkingnotking Member Posts: 134
    When itemcost bug can be fixed?
  • hansolohansolo Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2012
    The new scroll case shouldn't be this hard to find.

    It is a quest reward in Beregost from the Elf that's also in the Prologue area, for giving him the book he requests

    elminster said:

    If you have 1 profiency point in two-handed weapon style in game you will get critical hits if you roll a 19 or 20 (not counting the bonuses you get from other things). So with 1 proficiency point in it if a roll says in game "attack roll 19+4 = 23" that counts as a critical hit, but 18+4 = 22 wouldn't. Point is the current description is correct, at least in terms of how the game operates.

    In the description of my BG2 installation, it says '+1 damage and -2 speed factor' for 1 point and 'another -2 speed factor and double crit chance' for 2 points.
    I don't know, the old description could be wrong though. But in this case putting more than one point in
    this style is pointless, if it is but for the meager -2 speed factor as sole improvement.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited December 2012
    How about leaving the Nietzsche quote up maybe a second or two longer. It fades away pretty fast. Sorry not trying to be critical! I love it anyway.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012
    hansolo said:

    The new scroll case shouldn't be this hard to find.

    It is a quest reward in Beregost from the Elf that's also in the Prologue area, for giving him the book he requests

    elminster said:

    If you have 1 profiency point in two-handed weapon style in game you will get critical hits if you roll a 19 or 20 (not counting the bonuses you get from other things). So with 1 proficiency point in it if a roll says in game "attack roll 19+4 = 23" that counts as a critical hit, but 18+4 = 22 wouldn't. Point is the current description is correct, at least in terms of how the game operates.

    In the description of my BG2 installation, it says '+1 damage and -2 speed factor' for 1 point and 'another -2 speed factor and double crit chance' for 2 points.
    I don't know, the old description could be wrong though. But in this case putting more than one point in
    this style is pointless, if it is but for the meager -2 speed factor as sole improvement.
    I tested it today in BGEE and that BG2 description is wrong. I think we are both in agreement then on this one, because I agree with you as a -2 reduction to speed factor is useless. That should be like -1 or -2 to AC, which would at least give it a purpose.

    To be honest though you aren't likely to see this problem resolved anything soon I suspect. You might be better off editing it in Near Infinity to be something that you can agree with.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    The speed factor does matter. If your speed factor is faster than an enemies you attack first, if that attack hits and kills the enemy, you don't get touched.

    The only time speed factor enhancements do not matter is if you are using a speed factor 1 item. With 2 handed weapon style you are reducing your 2 hander down to the speed of 1 handers.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012

    The speed factor does matter. If your speed factor is faster than an enemies you attack first, if that attack hits and kills the enemy, you don't get touched.

    The only time speed factor enhancements do not matter is if you are using a speed factor 1 item. With 2 handed weapon style you are reducing your 2 hander down to the speed of 1 handers.

    You are correct in stating that it does matter, I was a little excessive when I wrote it was useless, but its usefulness is very dependent upon the item you are using for your weapon. Since enchanted weapons get better speed factors depending upon their level of enchantment, its benefit is for quarterstaffs for instance is much, much less than it is for two handed swords and halberds. Not so much in BG1EE because I think there is only 1 quarterstaff in the game that has an enchantment above +1, but certainly in BG2.
  • john_boyjohn_boy Member Posts: 18
    Still having probs with Obe, not attacking
  • Capac_AmaruCapac_Amaru Member Posts: 21
    Custom sounds still broken. Nietzsche quote cut off on either side of the screen...
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    Nietzsche quote cut off on either side of the screen...

    I have this problem as well - it's odd, because the rest of the movie isn't cut off at all...
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited December 2012
    At last, the blur spell with quasit has been corrected !! :)
    I never seen it working, even in my BGT playthrough, with a lot of mods on... Thanks !

    Now the chaotic evil mages are back with a revenge :)

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Regarding the new scroll case in the latest patch, there seem to be 4 scroll cases listed in Shadowkeeper, I've done some tests - the first two scroll cases listed in Shadowkeeper causes the game the crash if you add either of them to a character, the last 2 seem to work okay, though for both they seem to be limited to 9 slots - you can't put more than 9 different scrolls in the case, though can put multiple version of the same scroll in one slot. I presume this is for balance reasons.

    I've already gone past the point where you could aquire the case in the game, but did the relevant actions at the time, so feel it's legitimate for me to add it into my inventory.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Palanthis said:

    At last, the blur spell with quasit has been corrected !! :)
    I never seen it working, even in my BGT playthrough, with a lot of mods on... Thanks !

    Now the chaotic evil mages are back with a revenge :)

    If they make the elven chaim drop properly, then evil fighter/mages become much more viable (and bards of course), as the evil Robes of Archmagi can't be obtained until very late. I've CLUA-ed it in anyway, but it would be nice if it dropped properly.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Regarding the new scroll case in the latest patch, there seem to be 4 scroll cases listed in Shadowkeeper, I've done some tests - the first two scroll cases listed in Shadowkeeper causes the game the crash if you add either of them to a character, the last 2 seem to work okay, though for both they seem to be limited to 9 slots - you can't put more than 9 different scrolls in the case, though can put multiple version of the same scroll in one slot. I presume this is for balance reasons.

    I've already gone past the point where you could aquire the case in the game, but did the relevant actions at the time, so feel it's legitimate for me to add it into my inventory.

    Also, although you can put a stack of the same scroll into the case with one click, to take them out you have to do one click per scroll, not stack, though I guess this is probably intended (would be annoying if it works this way if they add any ammo belts, though).

  • barisakbaybarisakbay Member Posts: 5
    I am really happy to see patches coming through, because I am waiting to start a serious game after some more patches come and the game is well-polished and compatible with my favorite mods.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited December 2012

    I am really happy to see patches coming through, because I am waiting to start a serious game after some more patches come and the game is well-polished and compatible with my favorite mods.

    Yes, depsite a rather buggy initial release, the rate of patches being produced so far is awesome, please keep-up it the good work guys, it is *really* appreciated and am sure is generating alot of goodwill amongst those who've been supporting the game since pre-ordering days.

    I was initially concerned at the number of initial bugs and worried about the future for BG2EE, but am now *much* more confident about the latter.
  • BanexBanex Member Posts: 127
    I think once all the bugs are ironed out BG2EE will be a walk in the park.Okay on release,in a way we were paying beta testers but lets be honest the speed the patches have come out and the support has been fantastic and after two or three patches the game was very much playable for most of us.Cutscenes aside,my sound stutters,i'm having a ball with the game.
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